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Research Methodology


It is a way to systematically solve a research problem. It may be understood as a

science of studying how a research is scientifically done, how we find out about things,
and how knowledge is gained.


A research is valid when a conclusion is accurate or true and research design is the
conceptual blueprint within which research is conducted. A scholar for his research,
prepare an action plan, it constitutes the outline of collection, measurement and
analysis of data. Research design is not associated to any particular technique of data
collection or any particular type of data. When designing research it is necessary that
we recognize the type of evidence required to answer the research question in a
reasonable way. 1 This chapter has sketched the purpose, its importance and types of
research design.


A distinction should be made between subjects and respondents of the study.

Subjects are personsinvestigated in the study. When learning abilities of pre-school
pupils are being assessed in the study, the pre-school pupils are the subjects. The
pupils’ teachers and mothers who will be interviewed and asked to fill out
aquestionnaire are the respondents of the study. Respondents, therefore, are providers
of information needed inthe study, elicited orally or in writing

Research Participants

The relationship between an action researcher and their research participant(s) or

informants is integral to the quality of the research output. Identification of appropriate
informants and securing their agreement to be part of the research project is one of the
first steps in establishing a working relationship. To sustain this relationship a deep level
of trust needs to be established and carefully nurtured so it is retained throughout the
life of the research project to enable quality results


Convenience sampling was used in this study; this type of sampling is used in
exploratory research where the researcher is interested in getting an in expensive
approximation of the truth. As the name implies, the sample is selected because they
are convenient. This non probability method is often used during preliminary research
efforts to get a gross estimate of the results, without incurring the cost or time required
to select a random sample. In this study, the respondents are the student teachers who
are readily available to answer the survey questionnaire. Research Instrument The
researcher – made instrument was utilized to determine the problems encountered by
the third year of RTU-CED. It contained two main two parts: Part I wasused to elicit the
respondent’ profile such as name, sex, gender, and age and Part IIcontains the five
categories of problems namely: Lesson Planning, InstructionalMaterials, art of
Questioning, Cooperating Teacher, and Students. Description of the Respondent A total
of student of CED in all majors were the respondent of the study.They are described
according to their demographic profile such as sex (male andfemale), and major
(Computer Education, Social Studies, Filipino, Math, English andPhysical Science).

2. Validation of Instrument Consultation with the expert was sought. Their comments
and suggestionsfurther helped the researcher in polishing the questionnaire. Before the
distribution ofthe instruments, the questionnaire was checked by experts for revision
andadministering it to student of CED who were not part of the respondents. Data
Gathering Procedure The first step used was to ask permission from the Dean to
conduct the survey.The questionnaire was distributed to the respondents after securing
the permit. Copiesof the approved questionnaire were distributed in order to gather the
relevant data. Theinstruments were retrieved after they were finished answering.

Research Instrument

Research Instrument The instrument used was a researcher-made questionnaire

checklist to gather theneeded data for the student’s profile. The draft of the
questionnaire was drawn out basedon the researcher’s readings, previous studies,
professional literature, published andunpublished thesis relevant to the study. In the
preparation of the instrument, therequirements in the designing of good data collection
instrument were considered.For instance, statement describing the situations or issues
pertaining was toned downto accommodate the knowledge preparedness of the
respondents. Open-ended optionswere provided to accommodate to free formatted
views related to the topics or issues. Inthis way, the instrument is authorized to obtain
valid responses of the students.Preference for the use of the structured questionnaire is
premised on severalresearch assumptions such as a) cost of being a least expensive
means of gathering data,b) avoidance of personal bias, c) less pressure for immediate
response, and givingthe respondents a greater feeling of anonymity. In the end, it
encouraged open responsesto sensitive issues at hand. In addition the instrument was
validated by few consultant andformer professors before it laid on to the study.

Research Procedure

Data Gathering Procedure

Data Gathering Procedure The first step used was to ask permission from the Dean to
conduct the survey.The questionnaire was distributed to the respondents after securing
the permit. Copiesof the approved questionnaire were distributed in order to gather the
relevant data. Theinstruments were retrieved after they were finished answering.

Administration of the Questionnaire

Introduce yourself by informing your name, research institution name and issue/subject
on which views are to be taken

Now, inform about the anticipated time required for the interview/survey and directions
to be followed

Present the questionnaire to the respondent, along with a pen or a pencil (even if you
are recording the views in a recorder)

Provide’s clarification of the question along with the instructions, only if the respondents
face any difficulty understanding
If there arev questions about particular items ,simply respond:’Just answer the question
as you interpret it’. However , in case more guidance is required, clarifications of all the
items within questions is necessary

Note on back of this sheet any questions respondents had about items, or any
comments or remarks concerning the questionnaire (for example;too long hard
understanding ,too difficult)

Express your gratitude to the respondent when he/she completes the question

Statistical Treatment of Data

Treatment of Data The responses made by students describing their socio-demographic

profile,Preference of choosing their career, and anticipated problems were presented.
Forinstance, sex, age, parent’s educational attainment, parent’s occupation. This was
alsoapplied for top three career choice and students preference in making his career
choice. Inproviding overall picture of the socio-demographic profile and career
preference, as wellas anticipated problems in pursuing their studies and its effect on
students, summarypresentations will also presented. Sex 1 – male 2 – female Age 1 –
14 – 15 2 – 16 – 17 3 – 18 and above Educational Attainment 1 – Elementary 2 –

4. 3 – College Graduate 4 – Graduate DegreesParents’ occupation 1 – White collar 2 –

Blue collar 3 – noneIncome 1 - 6,000 - Below 2 - 6,001 - 8,000 3 - 8,001 – 10,000 4 -
10,001 – 12,000 5 - 12,001 – 14,000 6 - 14,001 and aboveCareer preferences 1 – HRM
2 – Engineering 3 – Education 4 – Tourism 5 – Vocation 6 - Arts and sciences 7 - none

5. Statistical Treatment for Data Responses to the questionnaire by senior high school
students were statisticallyanalyzed with the data requirements of the study. Students
were statistically analyzedwith the data instruments of the study. Descriptive statistics
such as frequency count,mean, percent and rank are considered. To know if there is a
correlation between the independent and dependent variablesPearson Product Moment
of Correlation Coefficient was utilized with 0.05 level ofsignificance.

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