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Mohammad Razaul karim
Associate Professor

Submitted by

Alhamdulillah .First of all thanks to almighty ALLAH for keeping me well for this

I would like to express my special thanks to my teacher Mohammad Razaul karim

who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic
, which also helped me in learning and I came to know about so many new things
I am really thankful to HIM.
Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot
in finalizing this TARM PAPER.


Here we will know the training of civil servants and the development process of
public servants. Here included the training policy, training institution, the way of
training and their courses. Knowledge makes us strong and perfect. By this
knowledge we can develop ourselves and in rise our mind. There is some problem
in training and human resources development we will know it and the way to solve
it. The backdrop of our country training and human development.



1 Acknowledgements 1



4 Definition of Training 4

5 Objectives of Training program 5

6 Bangladesh: National Skills Development Policy 2011 5-6


8 Training Courses of BPATC 8

9 The description of the 3 core courses are as follows 8-14


10 Limitations 14-15

11 suggestions for improvement 15




Training brings the positive change to everything and everyone. It means the positive
change of human. Training is essential to everyone for development and to be a good

Training is an activity leading to skilled behavior, the process of teaching employees

the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. The heart of a continuous effort
designed to improve employee competency and organizational performance.

Training typically focuses on providing employees with specific skills or helping those
correct deficiencies in their performance.

It is a short-term learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge,

sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance
the performance of employees.

After an employee is selected, placed and introduced in an organization he must be

provided with training facilities so that he can perform his job efficiently and

So, Training is a social and continuous process of increasing skills, knowledge,

attitudes and efficiency of employees for getting better performance in the
organization. In general. Training refers to a planned effort by an organization 'To
facilitate the learning of job-related knowledge. skill and behavior by employees" l
1996) 'The cadre-based recruits join service without any prior L:nowledge about their
assignment The Provincial government in East Pakistan used 'o run the following three
major training institutions:

COTA (Civil Officers Training Academy) for recruits to provincial Civil Service MPA
(National institute of Public Admimstration)for mid-level officer

PARD (Pakistan Academy for Rural Development) for training of civil servants from
nation-building departments. After independence, BPATC established for all cadres
At least twenty new training institutions have been established for training of BCS

Definition of Training

Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for
performing the job assigned to him. Training has been defined by different scholars
of management. Some important definitions of training are as under.

According to Garry Dessler, “Training is the process of teaching new employees the
basic skills they need to perform their jobs”.

According to Jack Halloran, “Training is the process of transmitting and receiving

information related to problem-solving”.

Edwin B. Flippo Said, “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an
employee for doing a particular job”.

In the words of Dale S. Beach, “Training is the organized procedure by which people
learn knowledge and improve skill for a definite purpose.”

In the words of Michael J. Jucius, “Training is a process by which the aptitudes, skills,
and abilities of employees perform specific jobs are increasing.”

According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and
skill of an employee for doing a particular job.”

In simple words, to provide the ability for the employee to perform a specific job is
called training. Thus, the art, knowledge, and skill to accomplish a specific job in a
specific way are called training. In simple words, to provide the ability for the
employee to perform a specific job is called training.

Thus, the art, knowledge, and skill to accomplish a specific job in a specific way are
called training. At all levels of organization training and development programs are
needed in order to make qualitative improvement in the work of the employees.

Objectives of Training program

The chief aim of formal education for the manager is to increase his ability to learn
from experience. The second aim is to increase his ability to help his subordinates to

learn from experience.

According to McGregor, there are three different purposes for training.

1. Acquiring Intellectual Knowledge.

2. Acquiring Manual Skills.
3. Acquiring Problem Solving Skills.

Bangladesh: National Skills Development Policy 2011

The National Skills Development Policy is aimed to improve coordination and
delivery of skills in Bangladesh. It extends and builds on other major government
policies such as the Education Policy of 2009, the Non-Formal Education Policy of
2006 and the Youth Policy of 2003. The document provides the vision and
direction for skills development over coming years, setting out reforms that

government will implement in partnership with industry, workers and civil

The major objectives of the policy are:

1. To provide a clear statement of the reform agenda and strategy for skills
development in Bangladesh;
2. To improve the quality and relevance of skills development in Bangladesh;
3. To establish more flexible and responsive delivery mechanisms;
4. To improve access to skills development for disadvantaged groups of citizens
and encourage active participation of industry organizations, employers and
workers in skills development;
5. To enable more effective planning, coordination and monitoring of skill
development activities by different ministries, donors, industry, and public and
private providers.
Ministry of Education Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh,2011


Main two type

1. Pre-entry
2. post entry /In service training

other type of training

3. On the job and

4. the service training
5. process of training
6. need assessment
7. formulation
8. implementation
9. evolution
10. Feedback

POST-ENTRY TRAINING ..There are three components of Post-entry training. They are

1. common training for all cadres

2. Training in the specialized training institute for the cadre

3. On the job training.

IN-SERVICE TRAINING:-There are three main types of in-service training for BCS officer in

1. Regular mid-Level training

2. Regular senior staff course. and
3. Occasional short courses for mid-level and senior officers.

Most regular in-service training courses are offered by the BI'ATC through in some cases such
training is offered by departmental training academics such as Police Staff College. :-Most
occasional in-service training programs is conducted by departmental training institutes.

Civil Service Training : After the independence of Bangladesh in1971, training of

civil servants received seminal attention of the government. First five-year plan
(1973-78) emphasis-zed the need for training for the officers and staff of all levels

(Ali, 2098 p3).To unify the training facilities of different levels/categories of public
servants of the country, by amalgamating NIPA (National Institute of Public
Administration) and GOTA(Gazetted Officers Training Academy),the Civil Service
Training Academy(CSTA) was established in 1973. But, in1976, CSTA was again
split into two separate training institutions. GOTA was renamed as Civil Officers’
Training Academy (COTA), while NIPA continued with the same name and
clientele. To cater to the training needs of the senior administrators, another
training institute, Bangladesh Administrative Staff College (BASC),was established
in 1977 as an apex institute. Each of these institutes tended to carry out training
activities in isolation, often leading to overlaps and duplications in their programs.
With the passage of time, the necessity of streamlining the training arrangements
was keenly felt. In order to rationalize the training system and also to ensure
economy and efficiency, in 1984 the government merged NIPA, COTA, STI and
BASC to form BPATC under the Presidential Ordinance (Ordinance No.XXVI of
1984). BPATC started its activities by an Order (Order No- SRO1051-L/84MR (II)/
PATC-8/83 Part-1)on 28thApril, 1984.

Training Courses of BPATC

Present training endeavor of BPATC can be divided into three levels. They are: a)
International Level, b) National Level and c) Joint venture.

International Level

This area involves the training of the foreign nationals in BPATC

BPATC is one of the largest training institutes of South Asia in the field of Public
Administration and Management. The Government of Bangladesh is keen to make

it a “Center of Excellence” and a regional hub for the development of competent
and innovative public servants. So, under the 3rd phase project, BPATC established
the “International Training Complex (ITC)” to provide training to foreign nationals.
The objectives of the ITC are to arrange training courses for foreigners and to
acquire international reputation. The complex is yet to launch any training
program for the foreigners. It only arranged a seminar.

National Level:

This area involves the training of the Bangladeshi officials. At the national level,
BPATC’s training programs are broadly classified into two categories:

(i) core courses and

(ii) short specialized courses.

Core courses are usually 10–16weeks duration and are linked to career
development, while short specialized courses range 1-4 weeks. The focus of the
core courses is the development of the conceptual and technical base while
short specialized courses focus on the development of skills of specific clientele
groups. The courses organized by BPATC in 2005-2006 are listed below:

Core Courses

1)Senior Staff Course (SSC)Advanced Course on Administration and Development

(ACAD),Foundation Training Course (FTC)

Short Courses

Training of Trainers Course; Project Management Course; Course on Trade and

Aid: Planning Negotiations Techniques; Human Resource Planning Course;
Financial Management Course; Environmental Management and Sustainable
Development Course; Modern Office Management Course; Course on Information
Technology and E-Governance; Foundation Refresher Program; Course on
Communicative English and Gender and Development Course.

The description of the 3 core courses are as follows:

Foundation Training Courses (FTC)

FTC is the basic training course on Administration and Development. Bangladesh

Civil Service Recruitment Rules 1981 makes Foundation Training Course
compulsory for all the new entrants to the Bangladesh Civil Service. The desired
number of participant’s is200, but in special cases the number may vary from 50
at the minimum to250 at the maximum. The duration of regular FTC is four
months (120 days).Earlier, the Center also conducted 18two-month duration
Special Foundation Courses between 1987 and 1992 as an interim arrangement to
clear off the backlog of training in pursuance of the decision of the National
Training Council (NTC) and the directive of the Ministry of Establishment (MoE).To
meet the training needs of the officers, the contents of the course have been
segmented into the following major five areas: Bangladesh Studies; Public
Administration; Management Process; Development Economics and Skill
Development. Each is divided into several independent modules consisting of a
number of topics. There were 27modules in the 37th FTC and the participants were

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evaluated on 1500marks in total (BPATC, 2006a p5). Advanced Course on
Administration and Development

ACAD is organized for mid-level

administrators of the rank of deputy
secretary of the government and their
equivalents. The prime purpose of the
course is to enable the mid-level
government officials to acquire a set of
new skills and to internalize a cluster of
new values in tune with the needs of
democratic administration, free market
economy and globalization. The
duration of the course is 75 days. The
desired number of participants is 25.But,
in special cases the number may vary
from 15 at the minimum to 40 at the
maximum. The 55th ACAD course
consists of 16modules. The contents of
the course have been segmented into the following major three areas: Public
Administration; Development Economics and Skill Development. According to the
Evaluation Principle of BPATC, each participant is evaluated on1000 marks
(BPATC, 2006c p4).

Senior Staff Course (SSC)

The Senior Staff Course, a policy level course, is designed and organized for the
senior officers of the rank of joint secretary of the government and their
equivalents drawn from public enterprises, sector corporations and the armed

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forces. The core objective of the course
is to provide the senior government
officials the opportunity to appreciate
the complex and dynamic socio-
cultural and politico-economic
environment of Bangladesh so that they
can contribute more effectively to
formulate pragmatic policies of the
government. The duration of the course
is two and a half months (75 days). The
desired number of participants is 25, but in special cases the number may vary
from 15 at the minimum to 30 at the maximum. The 45th SSC course consists of

The contents of the course have been segmented into the following three major

1. Public Administration,
2. Development Economics and
3. Special Modules

.According to the Evaluation Principle of BPATC, each participant is evaluated

on700 marks (BPATC, 2006d p5).

Joint Venture

This area involves the training of the Bangladeshi civil servants in collaboration
with other development partners/donor countries. At present, a7-year MATT 2
(Managing At The Top2)

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Vi program-started on June 11, 2006and will end in 2013-is running which is a
joint initiative of the GoB and DFID to develop reformed human resource
management systems within the Bangladesh Civil Service as an important building
block for incremental administrative reform (MATT2 website, accessed October
28, 07). For this program, BPATC is providing logistic supports-classroom facilities,
accommodations etc. Its faculty members are also working as facilitators. The main
objectives of MATT 2 are:1)

To develop a critical mass of component, reform-minded and gender-sensitive civil

servant with improved performance and capacity to meet millennium development
goals. 2)

To develop reformed human resource management systems within the Bangladesh

Civil Service through the development of the Career Planning Wing.3)

To strengthen civil service training capacity through the development of faculty

and training staff at BPATC.4)

To raise skills and confidence within the administrative cadre to support public
sector account ability and responsiveness to the needs and interest of poor

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To raise public and internal civil service expectations about the capacity of the
senior civil service, in order to generate demand for improved public sector
performance(BPATC website, accessed March25, 07).

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are to analyze the organizational effectiveness of BPATC;
to explore the factors affecting the effectiveness of the organization and to suggest
some possible steps for further enhancing its effectiveness.


The study design mainly concentrates on the core courses organized by BPATC.
Only the opinions of the participants of the 37th Foundation Training Course (FTC)
(held in 2006) are taken through questionnaire

No person shall be confirmed in the concerned Service unless he has successfully

completed the training under sub-rule (1). has passed such departmental
examination as may be prescribed by order by the Government and has served the
period of probation under rule 6 and unless his conduct and work have been found

.There are two major questions about the foundation training.

 Is it feasible on the part of the government to provide uniform fountain

training for all cadres?
 Is the common foundation program equally beneficial for all cadres?

Impossible, due to two factors. First, recruitment to BCS cadres was very enatic. As
recruitment was unplanned. total number of recruits to BCS cadres varied between
901 and 5224 Providing foundation training to 5224 trainees involved 20896
man mouths of training 84% foundation trainees experience backlog in training

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1. Reducing lifetime earnings
2. Delay in promotion
3. Loss of confidence in the government
4. Assignment of responsibility to total beginners :-
 Same training of all cadres does not imply uniformity of work
 It is impossible to promote corps de spirits to 3 to 5 thousand employees.
Most technical cadres at the initial stages do not need any foundation
training. ':'The unrealistic goal overproviding same training for all
technical cadres created the problem of backlog ':'The curriculum of
foundation training lacks focus. :'Intensify inter-cadre rivalry :'Changing

WEAKNESS OF IN SERVICE TRAINING: .Most in-service training demand is very

limited. Trainees try to avoid. Training is not fully integrated with career
planning. In-service training in the BCS is much less rigorous than comparable
training in the defense services in Bangladesh. Lack of Motivation of Trainees.
Lack of incentives for trainers .Wastage of training

suggestions for improvement:

• A large scale and coordination program should be organized in service.

• Supporting the creation of decentralized Training infrastructure (at the

division, district or sub district levels) concomitant with the development of
trainers of those levels

• Utilization of Training capacity.

• Quality of Training conducted.

• Adequacy of the physical and training infrastructure, faculty finances and

delegation of power for carrying out the institutions mandate.

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At last it can be said that training is a basic element for enhance our skill and
develop us from that we can learn our fault and adjust it and can be a good
person. Every employee need training develop people is a asset and more success
than other .Practice makes a man perfect training is the practicing of skill.


1. Ministry of Education Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

2. Lasna KabirUniversity of DhakaHasan Muhammad Baniamin North South University “Train, Not to Miss the “Train” of
Development: A Critical Overview on the Role of Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC)”June 2010
3. Syeda Lasna Kabir; Hasan Muhammad Baniamin “Civil Service Training in Bangladesh: An Institutional Analysis of BPATC
Role, Rhetoric and Reality”
4. BPATC, course guideline for training
5. Arthur, J .2009. Recognition of prior learning. A Sub-component of component. Increased Access of Underprivileged Groups
to TVET.(Unpublished). Dhaka,. International Labour Organisation
6. Ahmed,S.G.1986, Public Administration in Bangladesh, Dhaka:The City Press.


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