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Q1. What is the difference between nature and nurture?

A1. Nature refers to the genes of a person and nurture means the impact of the external factors
on a person. With respect to behavior how a person interprets and reacts to a particular situation
can be determined on the basis of either nature or nurture or both. This debate has been going on
forever as to what affects an individual is it the genetics of the person or the environment in
which the person lives. As per modern day findings and debates it is the contribution of both
nature and nurture in molding the behavior of a person. Similarly in an organization the behavior
of a person is dependents not only on his/her genetics but also the type of environment in which
the person works.
Q2. Give two definitions of personality?
A2. Personality is the product of social interaction in group life. In society every person has
different traits such as skin, color, height and weight. They have different types of personalities
because individuals are not alike. It refers to the habits, attitudes as well as physical traits of a
person which are not same but have vary from group to group and society to society, everyone
has personality, which may be good or bad, impressive or unimpressive.  It develops during the
process of socialization in a culture of a specific group or society. One cannot determine it of an
individual exactly because it varies from culture to culture and time to time. For example, a killer
is considered criminal in peace time and hero in war. The feeling and actions of an individual
during interaction molds the personality. It is the sum of total behaviors of the individual and
covers both overt and covert behaviors, interests, mentality and intelligence. It is the sum of
physical and mental abilities and capabilities.

Q3. Explain two important personalities you are aware of?

1. Extrovert Personality
This type has the tendency to live mostly outside the like to live with others. Those individuals
are highly socialized and have contact with outside people in the society. They want to join other
groups who are more in number

2. Introvert Personality
Introvert is opposite to extrovert. Those people are always live alone in their rooms and do not
want to go outside. They have their own imaginary world.
Q4. Discuss the importance of the concept of personality?
Personality of a person helps him to get recognition in the society, hence, personality is the
superficial social image that we adopt. Further, we can also view personality as a reflection of
the most dominant characteristics in the behavior of an individual that are observable (namely,
aggressiveness or shyness). It is the personality of a person that makes impression on others.
Individual personality is important because the employees’ individual personalities refer to their
dynamic mental build and coordinated working of the mind, which determine their emotional
and behavioral adjustments to the organization. In a changing business environment, to get the
right fit, employers make use of personality tests in selection and recruitment decisions. This
apart, interest in personality assessment is also important for cultural transformation in an

Q5. Write a note on subjects which have contributed to the disciplines of OB?
OB is an applied behavioral science that is built by the contributions from a number of
behavioral related subjects.
Psychology is the science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of
humans and other animals. Psychologists concern themselves with studying and attempting to
understand individual behavior. Early, industrial/organizational psychologists concerned
themselves with the problems of fatigue, boredom, and other factors relevant to working
conditions that could impede efficient work performance.

While psychology focuses on the individual, sociology studies people in relation to their fellow
human beings. Specifically, sociologists have made their greatest contribution to OB through
their study of group behavior in organizations, particularly formal and complex organizations.
Some of the areas within OB that have received valuable input from sociologists are group
dynamics, design of work teams, organizational culture, formal organization theory and
structure, organizational technology, communications, power, and conflict.

Social Psychology
Social psychology blends concepts from both psychology and sociology. It focuses on the
influence of the people on one another. One of the major areas under considerable investigation
by social psychologists has been change— how to implement it and how to reduce barriers to its

Anthropology is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. For
instance, anthropologists work on cultures and environments has helped us understand
differences in fundamental values, attitudes, and behavior between people in different countries
and within different organizations. Much of our current understanding of organizational culture,
organizational environments, and differences between national cultures is the result of the work
of anthropologists or those using their methods.

Political Science
Although frequently overlooked, the contributions of political scientists are significantly to the
understanding of behavior in organizations. Political science studies the behavior of individuals
and groups within a political environment. Specific topics of concern here include the structuring
of conflict, allocation of power, and how people manipulate power for individual self-interest.

Q6. Discuss the significance of OB in ensuring competitive advantage in today’s world?

OB is concerned with understanding, applying and controlling of behavioral and structural
knowledge of an organization for organization’s effectiveness. Management function includes
Planning, organizing, leading and controlling where people are involved in different roles.
Therefore, for an organization to succeed it is very important for it to understand its
organization’s culture, people by way of understanding their perception, attitudes, motivation,
personality characteristics suiting to workplace, learning, job satisfaction, etc. through theories of
motivation, learning, and reinforcement. And mold their dissatisfaction to satisfaction, motivate
them to achieve desired results, provide them appropriate work culture, growth opportunities,
punish their inappropriate behavior, and infusing learning environment and leadership.
This would definitely help the organisations get a competitive advantage over their competitors
as the employees are the pillars of the organization and the existence of the organization depends
on the effective and efficient working of the employees, in order to do that it is necessary for the
employer to understand the employees not only when recruiting them but also when they have
been inducted in the organization. A happy employee will lead to honest working, and ultimately
Q7. Explain what we study in OB?
OB is simply the study of behavior of people in different types of organizations, cause of that
behavior, and effect of that behavior. It helps the organization work more efficiently as the
employer knows the exact reason for the individual behavior, they can correct the behavior so
that people work in harmony. OB mainly focuses on individual and group behavior, Individual
behavior includes topics such as attitudes, personality, perception, learning, and motivation.
Group behavior includes norms, roles, team building, leadership, and conflict. The goals of
organizational behavior are to explain, predict, and influence behavior. Managers need to be able
to explain why employees engage in some behaviors rather than others, predict how employees
will respond to various actions the manager might take, and influence how employees behave.

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