Seminar-I Report - Ankit Raj - Seminar-I Directed Energy Weapons

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Ankit Raj
Exam Seat No.: 1032200017

M. Tech. (ECE-VLSI and Embedded System)

Dr. Suchitra Khoje

Academic Year 2020-2021

July 2021

This is to certify that

Ankit Raj
Exam Seat No.:1032200017

of M.Tech (ECE – VLSI and Embedded System) has successfully completed her
Seminar I in
to our satisfaction and submitted the same during the academic year 2020-2021 towards the
partial fulfilment of degree of Master of Technology in Electronics and Communication
Engineering – VLSI and Embedded System of MIT World Peace University under the School
of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Pune.

Dr. S.A Khoje Dr.Vinaya Gohokar

(Guide) Head,School of ECE

I would sincerely like to thank my guide Dr. Suchitra Khoje, for her guidance, timely help
and valuable suggestions without which this seminar report would not have been possible.

I would also like to thank School of Electronics and Communication and the staff for their
co-operation and help in completion of the seminar report.

Also, I thank all my friends for their appraisal and criticism, which has helped me to make
my seminar a success.

Ankit Raj
Roll No-1032200017
M-Tech (VLSI and Embedded System)
MITWPU, Pune-411043

















Figure No. Title of Figure Page. No.

1 Microwave Weapon System 14
2 Marx bank power supply 15
3 Marx Generator APELC 16
4 Virtual cathode oscillator as 17
linear beam source
5 Conical Horn Antenna 17
6 Boeing YAL - 1 20
7 Active Denial System 22
8 PHAsR Gun 23
9 ZM -87 Portable Laser 23

Following quite a while of innovative work, directed energy weapon are become a
functional reality. Such weapons produce floods of electromagnetic energy that can
definitely pointed over significant distance to incapacitate or annihilate target. Two sorts
of gadgets is presently weaponized: high energy lasers and RF weapons most ordinarily
alluded as microwave weapons. Laser energizes molecules to deliver the photons in
amazing eruption of lucid light and that can be engaged and pointed with mirrors. With
adequate force, laser can rapidly penetrate or overheat a wide scope of scope of target
including rocket, airplane and cannons round. RF weapons in lower recurrence, longer
frequency part of electromagnetic range to create burst or pillars fit for handicapping
electronic framework.
The Electromagnetic range is basic empowering influence of for present day militaries, on
the double wellspring of combat zone advantage. In 1956, from the get-go in the virus war
and in the setting of developing radar, route and correspondence innovations, Soviet
Admiral Sergei Gorchakov strikingly announced that "the following conflict will be won
by whichever side best endeavors the electromagnetic range." Coordinated energy
weapons enjoy a few upper hands over regular weapons. To start with, they communicate
deadly power at the speed of light (around 300,000 kilometers each second). Second, their
pillars are not influenced by the obliging impacts of gravity or barometrical drag. Third,
they are incredibly exact. Fourth, their belongings can be custom fitted by changing the
sort and force of energy conveyed against targets. Fifth, they have profound magazines
and somewhat minimal expense per shot. At long last, they are adaptable in that they can
be utilized both as detecting gadgets also, kill instruments. Be that as it may, coordinated
energy weapons likewise have downsides: laser radiates are debilitated by water fume,
dust and other obscurants, while radio-recurrence discharges can be ingested by any
conductive material between the weapon and the target. DE is an umbrella term covering
innovations that produce concentrated electromagnetic (EM) energy and nuclear or
subatomic particles. A DE weapon is a framework utilizing DE fundamentally as a way to
debilitate, harm, handicap, or obliterate adversary gear, offices, and additionally work
force. Coordinated energy fighting (DEW) is military activity including the utilization of
DE weapons, gadgets, and countermeasures to cripple, cause direct harm or then again
obliteration of foe hardware, offices, as well as staff, or to decide, abuse, lessen, or
forestall antagonistic utilization of the electromagnetic range (EMS) through harm,
obliteration, and interruption. It additionally incorporates activities taken to secure cordial
hardware, offices, and staff and hold amicable utilization of the EMS. With the
development of DE innovation, weaponized DE frameworks are getting more productive,
incredible, and a critical subset of the electronic fighting (EW) mission region. DE models
incorporate dynamic refusal innovation, lasers, radio recurrence (RF) weapons, and DE
against satellite and powerful microwave (HPM) weapon frameworks.


India has put forth a leap forward in its attempts to foster coordinated energy weapons, or
DEWs, that can conceivably end future conflicts before they start. India's essential guard
research association Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) led an
effective trial of a laser framework mounted on a truck in late 2017, and plans are
presently in progress to make an all the more remarkable laser with a more drawn out
range, individuals acquainted with the advancement told ET. Privately owned businesses,
for example, Kalyani Group and Rolls-Royce are additionally hoping to create or
construct DEWs in the country. DEWs are weapons that produce a light emission
electromagnetic energy. There are principally two sorts of DEWs: powerful lasers and
microwaves. DEWs are people killing as they can cause unbearable consuming of a space
in the body and visual deficiency, and against material as it very well may be utilized to
obliterate rockets, boats, UAVs and fry hardware of gear conveyed in a war zone. While
data isn't accessible on whether India is creating microwave weapons, DRDO tried a 1KW
laser weapon framework mounted on a truck at Chitradurga in Karnataka towards August
end. "The laser pillar hit an objective found 250 meters away," an authority said. "It
required 36 seconds for it's anything but an opening in the metal sheet." The test was led
within the sight of then protection serve Arun Jaitley, the individual said.

The following stage is to test a more powerful laser, 2KW, mounted on the truck against a
metal sheet situated a ways off of 1 km. Two DRDO labs — Center for High Energy
Systems and Sciences (CHESS) and Laser Science and Technology Center (LASTEC) —
are right now chipping away at fostering the hotspot for producing the laser, authorities
said. As of now, the wellspring of the laser, which is the "heart of the framework", is
imported from Germany. Different difficulties incorporate fostering a cooling instrument
for the framework that warms up when the laser shaft is terminated, guaranteeing an
engaged bar towards a far off target and optoelectronics, or optronics, including focal
points to make that center, they said. "The weapon isn't prepared at this point and it will
require a very long time for it to occur," said an authority.

Privately owned businesses also are hoping to enter DEW space. A senior authority at
Kalyani Group said Kalyani Center for Technology and Innovation is in the "underlying
stages" of creating DEWs. "We are recognizing two sections: 'lethality' to kill and
'survivability' pointed toward obliterating approaching rockets," the individual told ET.
"We will at first be chipping away at the last mentioned and are setting up a lab in Pune."
Rolls-Royce's worldwide vital showcasing chief Ben Story, in a discussion with ET had as
of late said that there are "discussions" occurring between the organization and India on
DEWs. A delivery by Press Information Bureau in December 2013 had affirmed that
DRDO's CHESS and LASTEC were investigating on DEWs and laser innovation,
individually. A 2015 DRDO notice named 'Innovation Focus' expressed that LASTEC
with the assistance of an associate had fostered a unit of 1kW 'single mode fiber laser' and
work was on for creating 5kW and 9kW fiber laser sources. LASTEC has likewise
fostered a 10kW Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL) and is dealing with fostering a
30-100 kW vehicle-mounted COIL framework, sources said.
Lexington Institute. [1] A survey of late investigations and evaluations proposes that the
guarantee of coordinated energy weapons is genuine. Inside the following not many years,
the primary weapons frameworks worked with coordinated energy as their kill system will
be conveyed. This examination has recognized two arrangements of ends in regards to the
meaning of coordinated energy weapons. The originally set of ends centers around the
ramifications of the presentation of coordinated energy weapons for technique, activities,
power design and strategies as talked about in Chapter 2. These ramifications should be
valued with regards to the more extensive exertion by the Department of Defense to
change the U.S. military. The second arrangement of ends gets from the conversation in
Chapter 3 of the ramifications of coordinated energy weapons for U.S. international
strategy and the effect of current global law on the capacity to convey such weapons. The
accompanying determinations mirror an agreement in the specialized local area that
coordinated energy weapons can be made functional and that they can't be promptly
countered. It should be perceived that there are limits on the employments of coordinated
energy weapons. Natural marvels and obscurants can restrict the utility of some
coordinated energy weapons, especially synthetic lasers. Defensive protecting and
coatings can likewise decrease the viability of certain lasers, though possibly at a cost as
far as the presentation of the safeguarded stage. All things considered, it's anything but a
mix of upgrades to the presentation of the coordinated energy weapons (i.e., expanded
power, improved precision) and strategic counter-countermeasures should empower such
frameworks to perform well under functional conditions. The reality of this perception
should be confirmed through thorough functional testing.

BAIT VISHAL R. [2] After striking progressions in the previous few decades, the the
progressive idea of coordinated energy weapons has developed in numerous spaces to the
point that they are prepared to be executed by a country's tactical administrations as the
twenty-first century's most difficult weapon frameworks, either in hostile or cautious
applications. These progressive weapon frameworks offer topsy-turvy military benefits
over foes that neglect to mull over the application of future coordinated energy weapons.
As clarified in this proposition, coordinated energy weapons, both high force microwave
weapons and laser weapons are correlative to one another what's more, enjoy particular
upper hands over conventional dynamic and compound energy weapons. These innate
benefits incorporate the capacity to go at the speed of light, conveyance accuracy and
Segregation of force, profound magazine limit, minimal expense per shot, fast and
different objective commitment, and non-deadly tasks capacity. Designing exploration
proceeds to beat different difficulties to carry these weapons to the front line. These
difficulties incorporate the need to decrease the cost, decline the size, and increment the
force of coordinated energy weapons, like the high-energy laser. Be that as it may, it is
likely that guided energy frameworks will keep on being created for military applications,
and sooner rather than later countries will carry out these weapon frameworks in minimal
sizes what's more, will incorporate them into little battle stages or even man-compact
Directed Energy (DE): An umbrella term covering advancements that identify with the
creation of a light emission concentrated electromagnetic energy or nuclear or subatomic

Directed-Energy Device: A framework utilizing coordinated energy basically for a reason

other than as a weapon. Directed energy gadgets may create outcomes that could permit
the Gadget to be utilized as a weapon against specific dangers; for model, laser range
locaters and designators utilized against sensors that are touchy to light.

Directed Energy Warfare: Military activity including the utilization of coordinated energy
weapons, gadgets, and countermeasures to either cause direct harm or annihilation of
adversary hardware, offices, and faculty, or to decide, misuse, decrease, or forestall
threatening utilization of the electromagnetic range through harm, obliteration, and
disturbance. It likewise incorporates activities taken to secure agreeable hardware, offices,
and faculty, just as hold cordial utilization of the electromagnetic range. Coordinated
Energy Weapon: A framework utilizing coordinated energy essentially as an immediate
way to harm or obliterate foe hardware, offices, and work force.

Following quite a while of innovative work, coordinated energy weapons are turning into
a functional reality. Such weapons produce surges of electromagnetic energy that can be
correctly pointed over significant distances to cripple or obliterate targets. Two sorts of
gadgets are as of now being weaponized: high-energy lasers and radio-recurrence
weapons, normally alluded to as high-power microwaves. Lasers energize iotas to deliver
photons in amazing explosions of intelligible (single-recurrence, single-stage) light that
can be engaged and pointed with mirrors. With adequate force, lasers can rapidly
penetrate or overheat a wide scope of targets, including rockets, airplane and big guns
adjusts. Radio-recurrence weapons work in the lower-recurrence, longer-frequency
segment of the electromagnetic range to create explodes or radiates equipped for
debilitating electronic frameworks.

Directed energy weapons enjoy a few upper hands over customary weapons. To start
with, they communicate deadly power at the speed of light (around 300,000 kilometers
each second). Second, their pillars are not influenced by the compelling impacts of gravity
or environmental drag. Third, they are very exact. Fourth, their belongings can be
customized by shifting the sort and force of energy conveyed against targets. Fifth, they
have profound magazines and somewhat minimal expense per shot. At last, they are
adaptable in that they can be utilized both as detecting gadgets and kill components. Be
that as it may, coordinated energy weapons likewise have downsides: laser radiates are
debilitated by water fume, dust and other obscurants, while radio-recurrence discharges
can be consumed by any conductive material between the weapon and the objective.
Coordinated energy weapons are appropriately seen as one aspect of a more extensive
"Upheaval in Military Affairs" right now unfurling in the United States and somewhere
else. Similarly as computerized innovation is extraordinarily expanding the speed and
accuracy of military data streams, so coordinated energy weapons can upgrade the speed
and separation with which targets are locked in. Frameworks, for example, the Airborne
Laser and different strategic lasers are conceivably relevant to long range rocket guard,
protection against air-breathing dangers (monitored and automated), concealment of
adversary air safeguards, prohibition of ground vehicles, and numerous other military
missions. Radio-recurrence weapons work with a wide scope of data activities against
both region and point targets. Over the more extended run, coordinated energy weapons
may empower altogether new ideas of activity, for example, "nonlethal" fighting.

Since coordinated energy weapons are so new, there are not many legitimate imperatives
on their turn of events or use. Nonetheless, without cautious administration and
satisfactory assets, the warfighting capability of coordinated energy innovation may never
be completely figured it out. The examination prescribes a few stages to guarantee
adequate financing and center, including formation of a joint program office and
expanded spending on fundamental exploration. It additionally suggests close term
accentuation on exhibiting the viability of first-age coordinated energy frameworks in
quite a while, investigation of a more extensive scope of functional missions, and more
prominent consideration regarding likely countermeasures.
Directed electricity weapons have two types first is High energy microwaves weapons and
Laser guns.

4.1. High energy microwave weapons

In a destiny warfare wherein all facets depend closely on digital structures, weaponry and
command and control, a weapon that disrupts and damages these structures may be
extraordinarily treasured. If it is able to perform this feature at the rate of mild, with
minimal earlier goal records and with minimal collateral harm.

4.1.1. Structure and Basic consideration

High-power microwaves (HPM) are every other form of directed energy weapon, having
a far longer wavelength and lots decrease frequency than the laser. Although the term
microwave technically only applies to the highest-frequency radio waves, particularly the
ones operating in the gigahertz variety, it has come to be not unusual area to consult all
directed-power guns working at radio frequencies as excessive-strength microwaves.
Rather than working within the infrared, visual, or extremely-violet spectrum, excessive-
electricity microwave weapons generate and supply electromagnetic waves in the
microwave frequency band from about 300 MHz to 300 GHz, corresponding to
wavelengths. High-energy means that the microwave source is able to generate a height
strength of extra than one hundred MW. An ordinary excessive-electricity microwave
weapons have following HPM weapons Components

Pulse Power Source HPM Source Antenna

Figure 1: Microwave Weapon System

a) Pulse Power Source

Pulse power generator that power the HPM sources are generally required to deliver the
quick and intense electric pulses of 1MV with pulse duration of 1 Micro 2d. Ways to
Achieve are:-

i. Capacitor based Charging

ii. Inductor Charging

iii. Flux Compression Generator

Figure 2: Marx bank power supply arrangement

Required pulses are by using the usage of capacitor banks that remodel a slowly-rising
low-voltage sign into a quick-growing excessive-voltage signal. A not unusual capacitor
financial institution configuration is Marx bank (Fig. 2) where the capacitors inside the
bank are connected in parallel for the duration of the charging manner and switched to a
chain connection throughout discharge. The series connection multiplies the voltage by
the quantity of capacitors in Marx financial institution. Resistive charging is sluggish and
consequently limits repetition fee. Inductors could also be used in area of resistors.
Inductor charging is preferred for better repetition fees of some hertz or greater. If Marx
financial institution has n capacitors with every charged to a voltage V from a DC
electricity deliver, voltage brought to the weight in the course of discharge might
theoretically be identical to n×V. Spark gaps are used as switches and breakdown voltage
of spark gaps is stored higher than the voltage V across each capacitor. Initially, all
capacitors are in parallel and are charged to a voltage V. Spark gaps are in open kingdom.
In order to provoke discharge, the primary spark hole is externally triggered to the
breakdown nation connecting the first capacitors in series and thereby elevating the
voltage across the second one spark hole to 2V.The 2nd hole additionally goes to
breakdown nation and the method continues until a voltage pulse with amplitude same to
n×V is applied across the weight. One such Marx generator designed to force HPM
sources is APELCMG20-22C-2000PF from Applied Physical Electronics LC. This
megavolt-magnificence Marx generator with its 18-ohm supply impedance is especially
designed to drive Low impedance loads. With a 50kV rate voltage it promises a 500kV,
1.1 kJ pulse into a matched load with a top energy of more than 12GW.This generator
uses low-impedance, parallel-switched topology, which makes it nicely-applicable for a
extensive type of HPM packages. Another Marx generator from the equal agency is
MG30- 3C-a hundred nF this is able to storing a most of 1.Eight kJ and can supply three
hundred kV to a matched load. This Marx generator has low impedance of 33 ohms and is
axially compact so one can force HPM antennae on remote platforms. Maximum height
strength and repetition charges specs are 5GW and 10Hz, respectively.
Figure 3: Marx Generator APELC MG30-3C-100nF

b) HPM Source

Ways to Achieve: -

Impulsive Sources

In Impulsive assets, pulsed microwave electricity generated with the aid of Charging
antenna, a transmission line or a tuned circuit directly, and making these jewelry for
numerous cycles by using ultimate a switch. Example of impulsive sources is various
extremely wide band sources.

Linear Beam Sources

In the case of linear beam resources, microwave electricity is generated by using changing
kinetic power of an electron beam into electromagnetic strength of the microwave beam.
Examples of linear beam resources consist of klystrons, visiting-wave tubes, magnetrons,
virtual-cathode oscillators.
Figure 4: Virtual cathode oscillator as linear beam source

c) Antenna

An antenna acts as an interface among the transmitter output four and the medium which
the radiated electromagnetic waves need to propagate via. In the case of an HPM weapon
device too, it is an interface among the HPM source output and the encircling
surroundings. Antennae play a essential function in the HPM device layout. Some of the
critical factors that need to be addressed with the aid of HPM antennae consist of
directivity, ultra-wide bandwidth, feed-to-antenna coupling performance and
compactness. Another vital requirements are that of right matching between the feed and
the radiating detail, lest the ensuing status waves might purpose voltage breakdown. HPM
antennae have a tendency to be large so that it will avoid voltage damage down operating
electric powered area tiers. To meet the increasing requirements of having HPM weapon
structures on smaller structures, antenna length can play an important role. Antenna form
is also an issue as it affects to a awesome volume whether or not air breakdown
phenomenon is an trouble or no longer at high power tiers. Horn antennae and antenna
arrays are the promising can did at as for HPM sources with the previous currently being
the most normally used type. Different sorts of horn antennae which include conical,
circular, rectangular, corrugated and half of-oval, and TEM horn antennae are used with a
particular layout depending upon the supposed software.

Figure 5: Conical Horn Antenna

High power Microwave Source

As the heart of the excessive-electricity microwave weapon, highpower microwave assets

have been below investigation for several years, and lots of forms of microwave sources
exist. High-energy microwave sources include the traditional magnetron and klystron in
addition to more moderen devices consisting of the digital-cathode oscillator (vircator),
gyrotron and free-electro laser. In evaluation to a magnetron, the bodily structure of the
klystron permits higher electricity and frequencies. While they should supply the needful
power levels, they're complicated with reference to size, mass, and strength consumption.
Another bad feature is that they've a restricted tuning potential vircators generate
microwave energy at centimeter wavelengths and are applicants for destiny high-
electricity microwave guns. The vircator is of unique interest because it is a one-shot
device capable of generating a totally effective unmarried pulse of radiation, yet it is
robotically simple, small and sturdy, and may perform over are tremendously wide band
of microwave frequencies. Gyrotrons are another new sort of microwave supply that
function at millimeter wavelengths, and are able to non-stop wave operations at very
excessive power tiers. The dangers of gyrotron devices are their length, weight and really
slim bandwidth. Three. Operational Capability High-energy microwave weapons provide
new method and Exciting operational traits for each shielding and offensive operations.
First, a HPM weapon is a huge-vicinity weapon that could have an effect on a couple of
goals with minimum previous data on threat traits. It might be used even as targeted or in
a experiment mode to cowl a region of extensive extent. HPM weapons light up every
goal inside their beams’ direction, near or some distance. Their vicinity impact relies upon
on numerous factors, including frequency generated, distance from target area, the
characteristics of the antenna, and susceptibility of the objectives. Second, they are
tunable guns that allow customers to vary the consequences imposed at the one-of-a-kind
targets, together with electronic equipment and those. They do no longer provide
significant collateral damage like chemical and biological weapons do. They could
probable be hired against targets in city environments or where collateral harm and
casualty concerns constrain the use of explosive or kinetic weapons. They do now not
motive physical or structural harm, but they nevertheless allow strikes in opposition to a
number of excessive cost targets such as military and civil communications systems,
ammunition and field pots, transportation structures or even critical industrial centers.
Third, they've all-weather assault functionality. Microwave beams, much like radio,
television and radar alerts, can propagate in clouds, dust, snow, rain and maximum
different atmospheric situations. Fourth, they may be 3-dimensional weapons. HPM
weapons might be especially useful towards buried targets or people who are positioned
in populated areas. They now not only can motive harm, kill surgical goals and do
wonderful harm or overall performance degradation to digital equipment at the ground,
but also can penetrate buried and guarded goals Fifth, HPM weapons may be powerful
towards electronics even when those structures are grew to become off. However, this
might be restrained to simply harm effect and can be finished only if a weapon gadget
produces sufficient impact at the target. The much unmarried effective defense is to
isolate the target from the method of conducting strength, which would possibly produce
project kill. Sixth, whilst as compared to other kinetic or organic weapon structures. HPM
guns have decreased lifestyles cycle costs and offer a deep mag. Unlike conventional
systems, microwave guns require little logistical guide, backup missiles or ammunition.
Their bullets are honestly electrical strength derived from their strength sources. Lastly,
they're multi-platform guns that may be carried by using unmanned air vehicles (UAV),
land cars, plane, tactical opponents, helicopters, bombs or missiles, ships, or even by
manned or unmanned destiny combat gadget (FCS) structures.

4.2. High energy laser Weapons

A. Chemical Laser

They offer excessive electricity levels in the megawatt variety, however their army
applications require huge systems to haul the large amount of chemical compounds, in
terms of volume, weight and gasoline logistical issues. Chemical laser sorts are hydrogen
fluoride (HF), deuterium fluoride (DF), and chemical oxygen iodine lasers (COIL).

B. Solid-State Laser

Solid-state lasers use a non-conductive glass or crystalline fabric that is doped with a
species, consisting of neodymium or erbium, because the energetic medium. The high
example of this type of solid-country laser would be the unique ruby laser.

C. Free-electron Laser

Free-electron lasers (FEL) generate streams of electrons from superconducting radio

frequency accelerators to create a tunable beam. This represents a unique manner of
creating laser radiation without the use of chemicals, crystals, or any of the culture usually
of producing laser beams.

Types of Laser Weapons

a. Ground Based Laser

i. Tactical excessive electricity Laser

The tactical high-power laser (THEL) is a floor-based laser which uses a deuterium
fluoride (DF) chemical laser and is designed for air-protection and the destruction of
short-variety rockets and artillery rounds at levels of about ten kilometers. System
development become initiated in 1996 and the first inflight destruction of a stay artillery
rocket turned into completed in June 2000.

ii. Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser

The cell tactical excessive-energy laser (MTHEL) is any other floor-based totally laser
weapon system which uses a deuterium fluoride (DF) chemical laser, similar to the
THEL, but with abilities that cross properly past those of the THEL.

b. Airborne Laser
Currently, there are two airborne laser guns under improvement: the airborne laser (ABL)
for raise section missile defense and a brand new program, specifically the advanced
tactical laser (ATL), for air-to-ground operations.

i. Airborne Laser (ABL)

The airborne laser (ABL) is a multi-megawatt (MW) chemical oxygen iodine laser
(COIL) weapon on a Boeing 747 platform. The ABL, cruising at forty, 000 toes, engages
and destroys ballistic missiles at some stage in the first segment in their flight at a 500-
seven hundred kilometers standoff range. The enhance phase is the first stage in a ballistic
trajectory, when missiles present large and susceptible objectives that may be without
problems tracked. During the increase section, infrared (IR) emission from the missile is
so intense and nearly not possible to cover. An attack all through the raise phase can
wreck a missile, carrying chemical or organic dealers, over enemy territory earlier than
any smaller warheads are released.

ii. Advance Tactical Laser

The advanced tactical laser (ATL) is every other concept for an airborne laser that makes
use of a much less effective model of the chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL), instead of
missiles, to disable ground objectives. This sort of airborne laser has the advantage of
being able to produce a surgical strike and lethal or nonlethal effects, mainly in an urban
surroundings, at enormous standoff distances. The ATL will use laser power from the tens
to a few hundred kilowatts to disable goal sets together with vehicles, plane, munitions,
rockets/mortars, optical and radar surveillance structures, conversation infrastructure, and
other navy objectives.

Figure 6: Boeing YAL - 1

5.1 E-Bomb

Electromagnetic bombs or E-bombs, defined because the “nuclear guns of the records
age”, are gadgets specially designed to ruin a wide variety of digital system over their
footprints. E-bombs produce excessive voltage standing waves on wiring and cables or
motive secondary radiation of an excessive electromagnetic blast at the gigahertz level
which is sturdy enough to melt electric circuitry. The simple precept of an E-bomb entails
the use of an explosive magnetic flux compression generator. Essentially, a magnetic
armature is pushed through explosives through a coil, energized with the aid of a bank of
capacitors, and the ensuing strength is directed via an antenna. Figure 9 shows the
hypothetical layout for an E-bomb warhead wherein a two-level flux compression
generator presents gig watts of strength to the virtual cathode oscillator (vircator), which
produces the high-power microwaves.

5.2. Active Denial System (ADS)

The Active Denial System (ADS), which is called the ache ray, is a non-deadly directed-
strength weapon used in opposition to human goals. It uses the millimeter-wave region of
the electromagnetic spectrum, which penetrates shallowly into a undertaking floor like
human skin. The ADS uses a ninety five GHz radar beam that penetrates 0.4 to zero. Five
mm into human skin. ADS produces a heat sensation that inside seconds becomes
insupportable and forces the targeted individual to instinctively flee. The sensation right
now ceases when the person actions out of the beam or while the operator turns off the
device. Since the produced pulses are very quick and centered humans react instinctively,
ADS does not purpose everlasting injury. ADS might be used for safety of protection
resources, peacekeeping, humanitarian missions and different conditions in which the
usage of lethal force is unwanted.

Figure 7: Active Denial System

5.3 PHAsR

The Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response (PHaSR) is a first of its type rifle-sized
laser weapon device that can be operated via a unmarried shooter. The PhaSR system
makes use of laser light to illuminates or dazzle aggressors that briefly impairs the vision
of hostile individuals.

Figure 8: PHAsR Gun

5.4 ZM-87 Portable Laser

ZM-87 is a transportable laser weapon designed to harm electrooptical sensors together

with laser rangefinders, video cameras and missile seeker heads at tiers up to 10 km. The
weapon affects its targets by transmitting 15 MW laser pulses at two exclusive
wavelengths simultaneously with a 5 Hz repetition charge. It weighs less than 35

Figure 9: ZM -87 Portable Laser


1. Pin point Accuracy

2. Low Cost per use and protection

3. Unlimited Magazine Capacity

4. Less Lethal if tuned well.

5. Operate in all-weather situation.

6. Engage multiple target

7. Speed of mild operation

8. Difficult to tune.

9. Laser can established on any ground or Ariel automobile


1. HPM weapons have shorter Range than Laser guns

2. Laser can replicate, refract, absorbed through physical and chemical property of

3. Large Construction required in Laser Weapon four Expensive Concept.

The importance of directed-strength weapons is they offer quite a number strategic and
operational skills in both offensive and protecting army operations. Basic strategic and
operational offensive applications are:

1. Suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD)

2. Attack against ground, air and maritime goals

3. Electronic suppression and disablement of command,

4. Manipulate, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) systems

5. Close air support (CAS)

6. Battlefield air interdiction

7. Space control and anti-satellite operations

8. Suppressing or unfavorable seen, infrared, and microwave sensors

9. Asymmetric moves

10. Dispersion of crowds, rioters (non-lethal antipersonnel attacks)

11. Speedboat pursuit

Basic strategic and operational protecting applications are:

1. Ballistic missile (BM) and surface-to-air missile defense

2. Counter-artillery and rockets

3. Air protection

4. Counter-electronics in opposition to targeting and sensor structures

5. Fleet protection

6. Aircraft self-safety

7. Protection of armored automobiles

8. Neutralization of explosive traps and minefield cleansing

9. Critical infrastructure protection

10. Stopping of motor vehicles

11. Surveillance of coastal waters

12. The host systems may be ships, huge or tactical plane that consist of Helicopters, floor
motors, ground bases and spacecraft. Directed-power guns have surpassed the tiers of
laboratory prototypes and even trial manufacturing for some Applications. There is no
doubt that they may grow to be a prime pressure multiplier because of their huge
advantages over conventional kinetic weapons.
After first-rate advancements in the beyond few decades, the progressive concept of
directed-energy guns has matured in many areas to the point that they may be prepared to
be carried out by means of a rustic’s navy services because the twenty-first century’s most
challenging weapon structures, either in offensive or protective programs. These
innovative weapon structures provide uneven navy advantages over adversaries that fail to
think about the application of destiny directed-power weapons. As explained on this
thesis, directed-strength guns, each high electricity-microwave weapons and laser guns,
are complementary to every other and feature wonderful advantages over conventional
kinetic and chemical strength guns. These inherent blessings include the potential to
journey at the speed of mild, shipping precision and Discrimination of strength, deep mag
ability, low value according to shot, speedy and a couple of target engagement, and non-
lethal operations functionality. Engineering studies keeps to conquer numerous
demanding situations to deliver those weapons to the battlefield. These demanding
situations consist of the need to reduce the cost, lower the size and growth the power of
directed energy guns, which include the high-power laser. However, it's far likely that
directed-energy systems will continue to be developed for military applications, and
within the close to destiny international locations will enforce these weapon structures in
compact sizes nine and will combine them into small combat platforms or even guy
portable structures.
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