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IoT based Smart Environment Using Node-Red and MQTT

Article  in  Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems · May 2020

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I5/20201684

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Venkata Ratnam Kolluru Nerella Srimannarayana

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Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, 2020

IoT based Smart Environment Using

Node-Red and MQTT
B. Kavya Deepthi, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, K L E F, Vaddeswaram, AP, India.
Venkata Ratnam Kolluru, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, K L E F, Vaddeswaram,
AP, India. E-mail:
George Tom Varghese, Associate Professor, Head of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Department, St. Joseph’s
College of Engineering and Technology, Palai, Kerala, India. E-mail:
Rajendraparasad Narne, Associate Professor, Madanapalle Institute of Science and Technology, Madanapalle, Department of
EEE, AP, India. E-mail:
Dr.N. Srimannarayana, Professor, Department of Mathematics, KLEF, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, AP, India.
Abstract--- Internet of Things can be said as a promising technology that has wasted no time spreading across the
globe and connecting the large range of people with the devices around them. The projected work aims to develop
supported IoT smart application platform that permits devices to be connected, perceived and controlled remotely
across a network infrastructure. Devices within the laboratory are connected to IoT sensible hardware kit and
communicate through an MQTT protocol that can be defined as an electronic messaging protocol for machine-to-
machine communication. IoT sensible hardware kits are designed with Arduino UNO and sensors. The system with
Node-RED act as MQTT client and raspberry pi acts as an MQTT broker. Together with the energy consumption of
individual devices, temperature values and level of humidity of the laboratory may also be monitored with the help
of sensors and viewed within the dashboard and mobile application. It's determined that the appliances in our
science laboratory are remotely monitored and controlled, thereby reducing their energy consumption significantly.
Keywords--- Raspberry Pi, Arduino Uno R3, MQTT, Node-RED, Mobile Application User- Interactive Dashboard.

I. Introduction
Labs can become more self-controlled[1] and automatic, thanks to the comfort it provides, particularly once
utilized in exceedingly personal laboratories. The laboratory automation system is a system that permits users to
manage electrical appliances. Several existing, well-established laboratory automation systems[2] with wired
communication. In distinction, Wireless systems[3] will provide greater facilities for coming up basis world.
Most importantly, establishment costs are significantly diminished since no cabling is utilized. Wired
arrangements require links[4], the material required and cost of laying links is high. Conveying a remote system is
especially worthwhile; the expansion of the system is simpler. In qualification to wired establishments, inside which
cabling expansion is monotonous and time taking. This makes remote establishments a fundamental venture. With
remote systems, partner gadgets which are versatile like individual advanced collaborators and Smart telephones
with the computerization framework gets useful all finished and whenever, as a gadget's real physical area isn't any
more drawn out significant for an association (as long as the gadget is inside the scope of the system). Hence,
remote innovation is exclusively a striking option in redesign and improvement and also for new establishments.

Figure 1: Proposed Design

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I5/20201684
ISSN 1943-023X 21
Received: 05 Mar 2020/Accepted: 10 Apr 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, 2020

II. Literature Survey

IOT Sensor Integration to Node-RED Platform: DHT11 sensor integration to the node RED platform[5].
Visualization of data obtained. User interactive dashboards are not created.
MQTT based Home Automation System Using ESP8266: MQTT based home automation system[6] using
ESP8266. Analyzing and visualizing of data is not shown. No graphical user interface (GUI) to remotely access the
devices to monitor and control them.
A Smart Home Automation Technique with Raspberry Pi Using IoT: Computer vision techniques[7] to capture
and detect the presence of an intruder. Weak documentation, lack of support, slower time and if you want to modify
OpenCV, you have to modify the C/C++ source.
IoT based Monitoring and Control System for Home Automation: It employs IR and PIR sensors for
automation. The distance range of the sensors is low and it operates the appliances after the detection of a human or
animal even though it is not required.
Implementation of a Secure and Smart Lab with Wireless Sensor Network: In this paper implementation of lab
with wireless sensor networks security issues[8], battery problems and less interaction method.
Shopan Dey[9] proposed a home mechanization framework which is executed utilizing Smart sensor
together with correspondence advancements, for example, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and so on upheld by distributed
computing. The model proposed in this paper is very prudent and secure as the entire system comprises of just a
solitary administrator to get to all the hubs. They model created in this paper gives a virtual association among
center and electronic and electrical items and control find and track the associated objects.
Jianli Pan and Raj Jain[10] proposed IoT system with savvy area based computerized and arranged vitality
control utilizing cell phone stage and distributed computing innovations. They recommended the focal plan to sum
up the cell phone and areas based vitality control and incorporate strategies of different degrees of associations. This
will empower multi-scale vitality proportionality, yet in addition make a canny home space which is a significant
piece of things to come keen world.
Hu Yin[11] proposed shrewd lab framework for dealing with a few kinds of subsystems of a college, including
lighting, cooling, warming, sound/video, control switches, and security and featured the advantages for college and
understudies of utilizing the shrewd lab framework.
Hafsa Tahir et al[12] introduced the review of IoT and its empowering advances, for example, RFID, Bluetooth,
Wi-Fi and remote sensor systems which have driven IoT from its early stages to the skirt of completely redesigning
the present web. A portion of the security issues associated with arrangement of IoT are additionally given
conceivable counter measures, yet at the same time a further research is expected to fulfill the needs of clients.
Ala Al-Fuqaha et al[13] introduced a nitty gritty perspective on the various conventions MQTT, AMQP, XMPP,
DDS to convey wanted IoT administrations. What's more, they gave a decent establishment to specialists and
experts who are intrigued to increase an understanding into the innovations and conventions that comprises the IoT.
They delineated by investigating the connection among IoT and other rising advances including information
examination and distributed computing.

III. System Implementation

The Internet of things can be defined as a communication paradigm that connects the objects around us or
objects in our daily lives web. These articles are amassed with microcontrollers, handsets to adjust correspondence,
and planned with convention stacks that may comprehend the association of the items with one another to prevail
with regards to accomplishing shared objectives with no type of human intercession. This worldview picked up its
quality from the undeniable reality that it's interfacing with a huge sort of gadgets, for example, robots, automatons,
warming and cooling frameworks, security cautions, social unit apparatuses, power age frameworks, work
environment instrumentality, etc, that create a huge amount of data to deliver new administrations to people and
every one of open and individual sectors. A reasonable research facility framework depends on IoT and versatile
application advancements and plans to deliver a standard stage for understudies to be revealed to IoT thoughts and
portable application innovation. It gives a genuine reasonable environmental factor to help improve the executives
of field inside the web time and also gives security, vitality intensity and extravagance to the tip client. As field
increases, new administration downsides approach. Dealing with the enormous scope of electrical frameworks and

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I5/20201684
ISSN 1943-023X 22
Received: 05 Mar 2020/Accepted: 10 Apr 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, 2020

gadgets in a very field has become a genuine downside. There moreover emerges an issue in the executives of
intensity. It is hard to observe all sub-frameworks like cooling and lighting framework at once.
Be that as it may if these frameworks are left aimlessly, vitality is squandered. The anticipated work intends to
downsize the manual exertion via computerizing research facility assets, in this way accomplishing a spearheading
model of lab utilizing the web of things. This will be accomplished by changing some old gadgets by the reasonable
IoT equipment packs along these lines, framework gadgets will connect with each other for higher access. In view of
the power of light inside the research center and nearness of individuals the gadgets can be worked naturally. These
gadgets can assist the clients with confined development, which will make some intense memories coming to or
maybe arriving at their administration switch.

Figure 2: Designed Model

IV. Software & Hardware Implementation

The projected planning sensible research[14] watching management with the help of mobile application and
Node-RED. With the help of this system the device knowledge is collected by the sensors is given to the consumer.
The consumer sends the information to the server.

Then the device values can be seen on the Node-RED dashboard. By detection of the human presence using IR
and PIR sensors the devices like fans and lights are switched ON or OFF.

MQTT(message queuing telemetry transport) utilized in internet of Things application especially light-weight or
electronic communication. System with Node-RED acts as MQTT client. The raspberry pi acts as MQTT broker. An
android application is used, which is developed using the android studio. This application gives accessibility to
manage the devices. The management signals are sent from the broker to dashboard. Clients publish the value of
sensors to broker which state within dashboard.

Raspberry pi B+: Raspberry Pi [15] is a series of small single-board computers. Raspberry Pi can act like a
personal computer, which interfaces with a screen, mouse and console, and it works in Linux.

Arduino UNO- It is a chip board dependent on the ATmega328P. Here, it sends the condition of the gadgets to

V. Result
Utilizing this framework, lights and fans are controlled and their utilization can be observed by the client
utilizing his cell phone.

The temperature and humidity values can be seen in the dashboard created. The light intensity can be known and
smoke if present can be detected. Upon detection of smoke the motor can be switched ON or OFF.

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I5/20201684
ISSN 1943-023X 23
Received: 05 Mar 2020/Accepted: 10 Apr 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, 2020

Figure 3: Hardware KIT

Integrate excellent implementation of intensity by regular keep track of research surroundings incorporating IoT

Figure 4: Node RED Dashboard

Figure highlights the temperature and humidity status in laboratory that scaled by sensors connected to Arduino
UNO. The Node-RED presents output that of all the devices connected and admin to on or off.

Figure 5: Mobile Application

MQTT dashboard app is friendly application[17] for android users. It is a place to visual and set IoT Lab.

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I5/20201684
ISSN 1943-023X 24
Received: 05 Mar 2020/Accepted: 10 Apr 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, 2020

VI. Conclusion & Future Work

The lab motorization using Internet of Things has been likely exhibited to work appealingly by interfacing direct
devices to it and the machines were adequately controlled remotely through web[18]. The organized structure not
simply screens the sensor data, similar to temperature, gas, light, development sensors, yet also affects a
methodology according to the need, for example turning on the light when an individual comes into that place. This
will help the customer with breaking down the condition of various parameters in the lab at whatever point he is.
The framework can be reached out to consolidate various decisions which could join lab security highlights like
snapping the picture of an individual moving around and putting it onto the cloud. This will diminish the data
amassing when contrasted with using the CCTV camera which will record continually and stores it. The system can
be stretched out for essentialness checking, or atmosphere stations[19]. This kind of a system with singular changes
can be realized in the clinical facilities for weakened people or in organizations where human interruption is
incomprehensible or unsafe[20], and it can moreover be executed for environmental checking. It very well may be
expanded with the end goal that the brilliance of lights and speed of fan can be consequently balanced dependent on
the light force, temperature and number of individuals present.

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DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I5/20201684
ISSN 1943-023X 25
Received: 05 Mar 2020/Accepted: 10 Apr 2020
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, No. 5, 2020

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DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I5/20201684
ISSN 1943-023X 26
Received: 05 Mar 2020/Accepted: 10 Apr 2020

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