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Template for Performance Standard, Transfer Goal, & Performance Task in GRASPS

GRASPS (Paragraph form) Performance Task

Transfer Goal (GRASPS)

Performance Standard G – To enlighten the Junior High
School students on their significant
role in the community.

The learner transfers learning by Students on their own and in the R – Influential youth leader
composing and delivering an long run will be able to…
informative speech based on a A – Junior High School Students
specific topic of interest keeping in Students on their own and in the long
mind the proper and effective use of run will be able to compose and S – You are an influential youth
parallel structures and cohesive deliver an informative speech which leader. You were invited by the
devices and appropriate prosodic addressed the significant role of the English department on their
features, stance, and behavior. youth in the community and their celebration to the so called English
potential to become the future leaders festival of the Junior High School
of the community. students.

P – 5-10 minutes Informative


S- Your speech presentation

must meet the following
standards: Topic relevance,
Introduction, Body, Conclusion,
Articulation and Pronunciation,
Tone, Pauses, Stops and
Intonation, Eye Contact and
Non-verbal Postures and
You are an influential youth leader. You were invited by the English department on their
celebration to the so-called English festival of the Junior High School students wherein
you are tasked to deliver an informative speech about the vital role of the youth in the
community. Prepare a 5-10- minutes speech addressed to the Junior High School
students. Your speech should explain the significant role of the youth in the community
and their potential to become the future leaders of the community. Clearly define the
concepts of responsibility, leadership, and volunteerism in your speech using the parallel
structures and cohesive devices. You are expected to deliver an insightful, well
organized speech. Your presentation must meet the following standards: Topic
relevance, Introduction,Body, Conclusion, Articulation and Pronunciation,Tone,Pauses,
Stops and Intonation, Eye contact and Non- verbal Postures and Gestures.

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