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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 July 31, 2021

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART XXXIX] – [Politics]

This is written due to receipt of an e-mail c/o Jane Taylor Toal, retired Prez of Citizens for Liberty:

1. Act 77 was NOT introduced by Senator Doug Mastriano. It was introduced by

Senate Majority Leader, Jake Corman.

2. The Act was a bipartisan bill meant to modernize the out-of-date voting process
of 1937.

3. It was passed UNANIMOUSLY by all Republicans in the Senate and almost

unanimously by the Democrats in the Senate.

4. Governor Wolf and Secretary of State Boockvar manipulated the wording of

the bill, altered it unconstitutionally (using COVID-19 as their excuse for doing so),
and twisted it to compromise our election processes. They made up their own set
of rules.

5. Boockvar (together with the currently corrupt PA Supreme Court) changed the
laws to suit THEIR needs by extending the mail-in deadline for DAYS. This allowed
for ballots to be counted LONG AFTER the deadline.

Prior to critiquing what she conveyed, it’s desirable to provide what might be termed a “reverse
ad hominem“ observation; Jane is a vital, open-minded thinker who has—during the past decade
of my awareness of her existence—built a high-quality populist (proto-Trump) following. Thus,
her motivation meshes with points made in prior memos regarding how some would impugn
Mastriano for monopolizing this forensic-audit movement; he’s functioning as our “horse” and,
candidly, it’s difficult to conjure where PA would be without his pre-/post-Gettysburg leadership.

Thus, recalling that he was a first-year Senator who had been provided a set of talking-points,
attacking him for support of Act 77 is unfair; just as Ted Cruz acknowledged error twice during
nose-to-nose chats when his support for Corker-Cardin was gently raised (facilitating BHO’s evil
JCPOA, the Iran-Nuke Capitulation-Pact), it’s notable that legislators whose votes won’t affect the
outcome are apt to support leadership (recalling, for example, how Ted was impugned when he’d
filibustered ObamaDon’tCare). All these observations have been interwoven within my op-eds
during the past decade and, thus, aren’t conjured merely to rationalize-away Mastriano’s vote;
although I haven’t heard direct acknowledgement, I expect he now rues it, in retrospect.

It is with this set of observations as a prelude that a deeper probe into under-the-radar politics
must be provided, if only to provide a disclaimer/clarification as to what’s been personally noted.
I’m not into the blame-game when a yeoman’s task confronts our ragtag army; on the other hand,
the absence of full-throated support for Mastriano by Corman (despite his Epoch Times quote)
seems to explain why—as per the Senatorial vote-count summarized in the prior memo
[]—“our side” has been dawdling since June. That’s why I surveyed
GOP leaders @ the Bradford County rallies regarding the potential to primary him next year
(reminiscent of the “midnight pay-raise” debacle that led to the “Eich & Mike” ascendency).

And that’s why the indicia for such support (two Senatorial committees issuing lotsa subpoenae,
coupled by necessary involvement of the House) may be lacking; furthermore, suggesting delayed
issuance of subpoenae by the Intergovernmental Operations committee would be acceptable
triggers NAUSEA, for they could/should/would have been “flying” weeks ago. “Time Ticks!!!”

Again, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to chat with Mastriano’s staff prior
to its departure from Bradford County, so I cannot convey (publicly) any strategic insights beyond
the expression of procrastination-dismay; therefore, my working-hypothesis remains rooted in
the view that external-to-PA forces must be mustered and exerted ASAP upon Corman. I’m eager
to be proven wrong but, if I’m correct, we must “make Corman famous” nationally, c/o Bannon.

These conclusions appeared to resonate with the Zoomers @ the Coalition for Election Integrity], morphing our concerns into these urgent pleas:

We call upon the committee members of the Senate Intergovernmental

Operations committee and all Pennsylvania legislators to SHOW BACKBONE in
standing up for election integrity or be exposed as being complicit with the
Governor Wolf’s attempt to cover up fraudulent electoral practices.

Senator President Pro Tempore Jake Corman must champion a high-priority

Senatorial Forensic Audit initiative by both the Intergovernmental Operations
and the State Government committees. House Speaker Brian Cutler must
champion House support for a high-priority Forensic Audit as well.

Tomorrow’s Philadelphia Inquirer has a front-page (above-the-fold) hit-piece about the election
that’s ostensibly about a Senatorial candidate, Kathy Barnette; the guilty-by-association effort
extends to QAnon and encompasses many people/events that I met/witnessed (including my
having given its author my contact-info @ the Third Constitutional Convention, which he ignored).
The author deftly avoids conveying facts (e.g., Kathy’s finding that 200+ deceased people voted).
[], characterizing Dr. Frank’s findings rather than citing their details.
This exemplifies the urgency of the task before us, as the lefties/Dems pound away @ narratives
that, predictably, they’ll fail to rescind after the Arizona/Georgia fraud is revealed; they have yet
to acknowledge “Russia/Russia/Russia” error, so they’ll simply move to promulgate other lies.

The SCOTUS pathway to Trump’s restoration c/o Arutz Sheva []

necessitates depriving Biden of three swing-state Electors, so PA must join Arizona/Georgia;
again, it remains vital to disseminate nationally my distillation of PA-specific aberrations ASAP
[] and to appreciate my paradigm for the legal goal of this effort.
It’s necessary to mobilize national pressure, so that it can be brought to bear on Corman.
Subpoenae are being “prepared” [] as the legacy media continue
to bash Trump in “news-stories”; again, if I’m missing anything political, here, please so-advise.

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