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You only live once if you do it right ,

once is enough
Good afternoon I'M raghul raj . Using
this opportunity I'm gonna talk about a
penalty moreover like a tradition that
has been followed for years . We all
know and have seen it in movies about
death penalty . But how many of us
have questioned about this
punishment .

The death penalty is a sentence

imposed by the law which consists in
removing the legal life of a person who
has committed or is suspected of
having committed a crime that is
considered by the power and just as
serious enough to be punishable by
The claim that I'm about to say are of
personal perspective. Everyone has an
inalienable human right to live, even
those who may have committed
murder; sentencing a person to death
and executing them violates that right.
Death penalty is justified to a certain

the counter claim is according to the

laws perspective relative to the families
and friends of the victim
Human that murder other human has
no right to live, sentencing a person to
death and executing them is right.
In 1966, abolitionist movements
started to take place when support for
the death penalty reached all-time low,
in which only 42% votes supported the
death penalty.
Over 27, 000 people were executed
when Henry VII became king of
Over the years different regions
developed the Death Penalty for
various crimes

Individuals are less likely to commit

violent crimes, including murder, if they
know they could be sentenced to
•Assumes that criminals study and
think the consequences of being
•Many crimes are committed in the
heat of the moment, allowing very little
influence on the decision of the
punishments of committing the crime.
•When criminals commit a crime
punishable by the death penalty, they
have no interest in diminishing its
potential penalty for not committing
additional crimes or homicides more.
•Example: if an executing an person is
punishable with the death penalty the
criminal loses nothing if he commits
multiple assassinations in attempt to

Real Life Problem

"To take a life when a life has been
lost is revenge, it is not justice."

These days, over 2/3 of countries have

abolished the death penalty
Several of different ways of executions
were applied in that time such as
hanging, burning or even boiling
First established death sentence was
in the eighteenth century B.C. in
Over 60% of the world's population live
in countries where executions take
place, such as the People's Republic
of China, India, the United States of
America and Indonesia, the four most-
populous countries in the world

The real question is

Who are we to decide who gets to

Value of Life - Human right to live

Ethics is a junction of values and
principles that imposes a human
behaviour in a given society according
to their culture. Ethics is established so
that there is a good social functioning,
so that no one is harmed. In this case
ethics is like a sense of social justice
amongst humanity
Defendants are "innocent until proven
In many occasions confession is
obtained under torture and pressure.
False confessions can be induced
through the mental disorder
The death penalty prevents violent
crime and makes society safer.

Sooner or later in a world of legal

execution, innocent people will get
killed because of mistakes in the law
system. People that are part of the
process such as witnesses and
prosecutors can all make mistakes.
In the USA, 130 people sentenced to
death have been found innocent since
1973 and released from death row.

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