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School Matiao National High School Grade Level 11 GAS

Senior High School Department

Daily Lesson Log Teacher Learning Area 21st Century Literature of the Philippines
Krystelle B. Rufin and the World
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Second Semester, First Quarter

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1. OBJECTIVES Objective must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and
competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment Strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum
A. Content Standards The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of 21st century Philippine literature from the regions.

B. Performance Standards The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21 st century literature of the world through:

2. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives At the end of the session, learners are expected to:

1. Discuss how different contexts enhance the text’s meaning and enrich
the reader’s understanding.

1. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach, in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Various dimensions of Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to contemporary. Literary pieces from the Philippines.

þ Module 1: The Female Voice

þ A Low Art (Excerpt from Penelopiad by Margarret Atwood-Canda)
2. LEARNING PROCESS List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulate materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept
A. References 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World CG

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World by Marikit Tara A. Uychoko, First Edition
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages pp. 92-95.
4. Additional Materials from Literature in K12, Isagani R. Cruz Ph.D.
Learning Resource (LR) portal
A. Other Learning Resources Materials
a. Video of the material
b. Laptop and speaker
Strips of Colored Paper, Tape and Marker

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Preliminary Activities/ Routines/Checking of Attendance/Classroom Management Etc.

presenting the new lesson
1. Giving of Literary Quotation of the Day/ Reflection based on the given quotation.


1. To catch students’ attention, the teacher plays a video clip of the TAICHI BREATHING exercise.

2. The teacher gives instruction on what the students should do during the song.

The students perform the activity.

B. Establishing a purpose for the MOTIVE QUESTIONS

1.Why do you think history is called “history” instead of “herstory? What does this reveal about the roots of history?

2. Do you think women’s voices, and their perspectives, have been heard and chronicled as faithfully as men’s perspectives? Why do you think so?

3. What is the importance of the female perspective?

C. Presenting examples/instances of PRE-READING
the new lesson
1.In small groups, search for video summaries of the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer. Save and watch this videos in class. Afterward, discuss the Odyssey. The teacher may ask the
following questions.

1.How would you describe Odysseus character?

2. How would you describe Penelope’s character?

3. If you have a choice, would you want to be Odysseus or Penelope? Explain your answer.
D. Discussing new concepts and BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE
practicing new skills #1 The Odyssey and the Iliad by Homer can be considered as part of the Greek oral history. In Jud Burton;s (2013) article” Issues of Historicity in The Iliad and the Odyssey, “he discusses the
Dark Age of Greece and its bardic tradition.”

E. Discussing new concepts and INDIVIDUAL SILENT READING

practicing new skills #2

The story that you are about to read is part of a retelling of The Odyssey from Penelope’s perspective, which gives us a different take on the epic and reveals gender stereotypes found in
Homer’s The Odyssey.


(Leads for Formative Assessment
3) 1. The teacher lets students compare and contrast the characteristics of Penelope, Odysseus’ wife in Homer’s Odyssey and Atwood’s Penelopiad.

Penelope of Penelope of
Homer’s Odyssey Atwood’s

G. Finding practical applications of INSIGHTS SHARING

concepts and skills in daily living

Have students read the article “Andrew Yang: We Asian Americans are not the virus, but we can be part of the cure” and discuss how socioeconomic status/culture discrimination affect people
in our country and all over the world.

Process students’ answers by highlighting the fact that there is no cultural, gender, language, and socioeconomic background is superior than another.
H. Making generalizations and DIGGING DEEPER
abstractions about the lesson
1. Have the students summarized what they have learned for today’s lesson.

2. The teacher gives necessary corrections/additional insight regarding the lesson.

I. Evaluating learning Mini-Task

Choose 1 task to complete below;

1. A PowerPoint presentation of Homer’s Odyssey
2. A short entry blog introducing Homer’s Odyssey to your blog
3. A 4 scene comic strip of Homer’s Odyssey
J. Additional activities for application ASSIGNMENT
for remediation


Rising Action:
Falling Action:

5. REFLECTION Based on submitted output of the students (see Evaluation part), the Teacher noticed that, many or most of the students feel quite empowered I making videos that show what they like and
understand and even find it fun to share it to others. With this, the teacher will consider students’ interests and liking of ICT integrated activity for assessment.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require.
E. Which of the teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encountered which How can I maximize my time with my students
my principal or supervisor can help me online especially for those who can rarely attend
solve? synchronous classes?

G. What innovation or localized materials

did I used/ discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Narrative Reflection As a teacher, we need to be sensitive of our students’ needs even those that they can’t outright say to us, and we can’t outright see via Zoom or Googlemeet. In this time of pandemic, we
should give credit to our students who are really trying to cope up with our lessons. That is why, we should be sensitive when we give deadlines and tasks.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Secondary School Teacher I Senior High Academic Coordinator

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