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The Time Is Right for a New Classification System for Diabetes: Rationale and
Implications of the β-Cell–Centric Classification Schema

Article  in  Diabetes Care · February 2016

DOI: 10.2337/dc15-1585


132 1,564

6 authors, including:

Stanley Schwartz Barbara E Corkey

University of Pennsylvania Boston University


Struan F A Grant Richard B. Aguilar

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Cano Health


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Diabetes Care Volume 39, February 2016 179

Stanley S. Schwartz,1 Solomon Epstein,2

The Time Is Right for a New Barbara E. Corkey,3 Struan F.A. Grant,4
James R. Gavin III,5 and Richard B. Aguilar6
Classification System for Diabetes:
Rationale and Implications of the

b-Cell–Centric Classification
Diabetes Care 2016;39:179–186 | DOI: 10.2337/dc15-1585

The current classification system presents challenges to the diagnosis and

treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), in part due to its conflicting
and confounding definitions of type 1 DM, type 2 DM, and latent autoimmune
diabetes of adults (LADA). The current schema also lacks a foundation that readily
incorporates advances in our understanding of the disease and its treatment. For
appropriate and coherent therapy, we propose an alternate classification system.
The b-cell–centric classification of DM is a new approach that obviates the inherent
and unintended confusions of the current system. The b-cell–centric model pre-
supposes that all DM originates from a final common denominatordthe abnormal
pancreatic b-cell. It recognizes that interactions between genetically predisposed
b-cells with a number of factors, including insulin resistance (IR), susceptibility to
environmental influences, and immune dysregulation/inflammation, lead to the
range of hyperglycemic phenotypes within the spectrum of DM. Individually or in
concert, and often self-perpetuating, these factors contribute to b-cell stress, dys-
function, or loss through at least 11 distinct pathways. Available, yet underutilized,
treatments provide rational choices for personalized therapies that target the in-
dividual mediating pathways of hyperglycemia at work in any given patient, with- 1
Main Line Health, Wynnewood, PA, and Univer-
out the risk of drug-related hypoglycemia or weight gain or imposing further sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
burden on the b-cells. This article issues an urgent call for the review of the current Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Bone
Disease, Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai
DM classification system toward the consensus on a new, more useful system.
Hospital, New York, NY
Department of Medicine, Boston University
School of Medicine, Boston, MA
A CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM THAT HAS PETERED OUT? Division of Human Genetics and Center for
Applied Genomics, Department of Pediatrics,
The essential function of a classification system is as a navigation tool that helps direct Perelman School of Medicine, University of
research, evaluate outcomes, establish guidelines for best practices for prevention and Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
care, and educate on all of the above. Diabetes mellitus (DM) subtypes as currently Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta,
categorized, however, do not fit into our contemporary understanding of the pheno- GA
Diabetes Nation, Sisters, OR
types of diabetes (1–6). The inherent challenges of the current system, together with
the limited knowledge that existed at the time of the crafting of the current system, Corresponding author: Stanley S. Schwartz,
yielded definitions for type 1 DM, type 2 DM, and latent autoimmune diabetes in adults
Received 22 July 2015 and accepted 3 November
(LADA) that are not distinct and are ambiguous and imprecise.
Discovery of the role played by autoimmunity in the pathogenesis of type 1 DM
© 2016 by the American Diabetes Association.
created the assumption that type 1 DM and type 2 DM possess unique etiologies, Readers may use this article as long as the work is
disease courses, and, consequently, treatment approaches. There exists, however, properly cited, the use is educational and not for
overlap among even the most “typical” patient cases. Patients presenting with otherwise profit, and the work is not altered.
180 b-Cell–Centric Classification of Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 39, February 2016

classic insulin resistance (IR)-associated therapy as treatment of choice. This de- therapies regardless of the current diag-
type 2 DM may display hallmarks of cision is guided largely by the categoriza- nostic category, as may be incretins
type 1 DM. Similarly, obesity-related IR tion of LADA within type 1 DM, despite (11,15,17–23) and SGLT-2 inhibitors
may be observed in patients presenting the capacity for endogenous insulin (14,24–26). It is reasonable that broader
with “textbook” type 1 DM (7). The late production. Treatment options that do use of existing agents would extend to the
presentation of type 1 DM provides a not pose the risks of hypoglycemia or management of maturity-onset diabetes of
particular challenge for the current clas- weight gain might be both useful and the young (23,27), as well as stress-related
sification system, in which this subtype preferable for LADA but are typically and steroid-induced DM.
of DM is generally termed LADA. Lead- not considered beyond use in type 2
ing diabetes organizations have not ar- DM (10). Incretins and sodium–glucose b-CELL–CENTRIC CONSTRUCT: A
rived at a common definition for LADA cotransporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors are POTENTIAL MODEL FOR THE
(5). There has been little consensus as examples of newer agents that have CLASSIFICATION OF DM
to whether this phenotype constitutes a demonstrated potential and are being Given the above discussion, the issue is
form of type 2 DM with early or fast de- rigorously evaluated in the treatment not “what is LADA” or any clinical pre-
struction of b-cells, a late manifesta- of type 1 DM and LADA (10–17). sentation of DM under the current sys-
tion of type 1 DM (8), or a distinct The categorization of LADA within tem. The issue is the mechanisms and
entity with its own genetic footprint type 1 DM also leads to myopia on the rate of destruction of b-cells at work in
(5). Indeed, current parameters are in- part of insurers. Medications that could all DM. We present a model that
adequate to clearly distinguish any of be logical choices as adjunctive or alter- provides a more logical approach to
the subforms of DM (Fig. 1). Discussions native therapies to insulin for candidate classifying DM: the b-cell–centric classi-
and critiques of the current DM classi- patients with LADA are not designated fication of DM. In this schema, the ab-
fication system are found in the litera- as approved processes of care under the normal b-cell is recognized as the
ture (1–6). current classification system and ac- primary defect in DM. The b-cell–centric
The use of IR to define type 2 DM cordingly are not covered by insurers. classification system recognizes the in-
similarly needs consideration. The fact We believe that there is little ratio- terplay of genetics, IR, environmental
that many obese patients with IR do nale for limiting choice of therapy solely factors, and inflammation/immune sys-
not develop DM indicates that IR is in- on the current definitions of type 1 DM, tem on the function and mass of b-cells
sufficient to cause type 2 DM without type 2 DM, and LADA. We propose that (Fig. 2). Importantly, this model is uni-
predisposing factors that affect b-cell choice of therapy should be based on versal for the characterization of DM.
function (9). the particular mediating pathway(s) of The b-cell–centric concept can be ap-
plied to DM arising in genetically predis-
hyperglycemia present in each individ-
posed b-cells, as well as in strongly
ual patient, as will be discussed. Only
RAISE BARRIERS TO OPTIMAL genetic IR syndromes, such as the Rabson-
large clinical trials can fully validate the
PATIENT CARE Mendenhall syndrome (28), which may
best use of various agents across the
exhaust nongenetically predisposed
The current classification schema im- spectrum of DM. In the interim, how-
b-cells. Finally, the b-cell–centric classi-
poses unintended constraints on individ- ever, an evidence-based practice ap-
fication of all DM supports best practices
ualized medicine. Patients diagnosed proach can allow for broader utility in
in the management of DM by identifying
with LADA who retain endogenous insulin routine care. Metformin and pioglitazone
mediating pathways of hyperglycemia
production may receive “default” insulin may be safe and efficacious adjunctive
that are operative in each patient and
directing treatment to those specific

The b-Cell: At the Root and

Crossroads of Multiple Mediating
Pathways of Hyperglycemia
The b-cell–centric construct suggests a
more logical rationale to the eight core
defects described by the ominous octet
(29). Our model recognizes a total of 11
interlocking pathways that contribute to
hyperglycemia (Fig. 3A). These mediat-
ing pathways of hyperglycemia are in-
duced by the translation of genetic
predispositions to IR, susceptibility to
environmental influences, or immune
dysregulation and inflammation to ge-
Figure 1—Qualitative illustration of the spectrum of factors associated with different forms of
DM, including the variable age at onset, lack of obesity, metabolic syndrome, genetic associa- netically predisposed, dysfunctional
tions, different forms of immune changes, C-peptide secretion, and the need for insulin therapy. b-cells. The b-cell construct can incor-
T1DM, type 1 DM; T2DM, type 2 diabetes. Adapted with permission from Leslie et al. (1). porate newly discovered pathways to Schwartz and Associates 181

across prediabetes, type 1 DM, type 2

DM, and other currently defined forms
of DM. Accordingly, we believe that the
current antidiabetes armamentarium has
broader applicability across the spectrum
of DM than is currently utilized.
The ideal treatment paradigm would
be one that uses the least number of
agents possible to target the greatest
number of mediating pathways of hy-
perglycemia operative in the given pa-
tient. It is prudent to use agents that will
help patients reach target A1C levels
without introducing drug-related hypo-
glycemia or weight gain. Despite the
capacity of insulin therapy to manage
glucotoxicity, there is a concern for
b-cell damage due to IR that has been
exacerbated by exogenous insulin-
induced hyperinsulinemia and weight
Figure 2—Genetic determinants influence IR (whether centrally or peripherally induced), loss of gain (41). Sulfonylureas have been
b-cell function and mass, environmental triggers (such as viruses, endocrine disruptors, food shown to induce apoptosis of b-cells in
advanced glycosylation end products, gut biome), and immune modulation and inflammation.
Singly or, more commonly, in various combinations, these factors converge on the genetically
culture (42,43). In contrast, early data
susceptible b-cell, impinge on b-cell function and biology, and orchestrate the shift from nor- on some newer agents are suggestive
moglycemia to hyperglycemia. As this process takes place regardless of subtype of DM, the of b-cell–sparing abilities. An improve-
dysfunctional b-cell is the final common denominator in all DM. ment of early and late b-cell response to
glucose load has been reported with di-
dysglycemia as these evolve, such as incretins exert anti-inflammatory ef- peptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor treatment
emerging research linking osteocalcin fects (35,36), which may account in (18,21). Incretins have been shown, in
levels to A1C and HOMA of b-cell func- part for their benefit. Inflammation is preclinical evaluations, to halt apoptosis,
tion status (30). being clinically evaluated as a therapeu- stimulate proliferation of b-cells, increase
The mediating pathways of hypergly- tic target. It would be of interest if a re- insulin availability, improve a-cell re-
cemia that contribute to b-cell dysfunc- cent 1-year trial reporting the ability of a sponse to insulin (44–46), and, in animal
tion include liver, muscle, and adipose dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor to delay studies, preserve b-cells (47).
tissue (organs associated with IR) and the progression of disease in LADA pa-
brain, colon, and immune dysregulation. tients (17) proved durable and repro- Genetic Influences on the b-Cell
This damage results in downstream hy- ducible. The b-cell–centric model recognizes
perglycemia arising from increased glu- Changes in gut microbiota may con- that the final common denominator of
cagon secretion, as well as a reduction in tribute to the diabetic state (37–40). DM is the genetically predisposed, dys-
insulin production, incretin effect, and Gut microbiota has been shown to be functional b-cell, which ultimately leads
amylin levels. Even mild hyperglycemia associated with type 1 DM, type 2 DM, to compromised b-cell function, loss in
resulting from b-cell dysfunction can and obesity and has been proposed to b-cell mass, or depleted insulin content
upregulate SGLT-2 protein in the kidney, help explain the observation that only a in the face of IR. These may include
which further contributes to hypergly- portion of overweight individuals de- monogenic or polygenic defects that
cemia (31). Hyperglycemia, regardless velop frank DM (38,39). Probiotics and predispose to hyperinsulinemia, IR,
of its source, leads to glucotoxicity, prebiotics may address this mediator of more recently understood mechanisms
which further impairs b-cell function. hyperglycemia. such as inflammation by the immune
In a given patient, the specific mediating Reductions in amylin production in the system (48–51), susceptibility to envi-
pathways of hyperglycemia at work are diabetic state are a consequence of b-cell ronmental factors (37,51,52), or other
variable, though likely to involve multi- dysfunction. Decreased amylin levels lead physiological factors that increase de-
ple pathways (Fig. 3A). to accelerated gastric emptying and in- mand on or otherwise damage b-cells
Three additional mediating pathways creased glucose absorption in the small such as elevated circulating lipids
of hyperglycemia to those of the omi- intestine, with corresponding increases (37,53–55) (Fig. 2). As not all carriers
nous octet (29) have been identified. in postprandial glucose levels. This of genes associated with DM develop
Systemic low-grade inflammation is ob- pathway of hyperglycemia could theo- DM, susceptibility likely relies on com-
served in type 2 DM, type 1 DM, and retically be addressed, at least in part, binations of genetic abnormalities, en-
LADA (32,33) and has been shown to by the ability of incretins to slow gastric vironment, and lifestyle factors to
accompany the endoplasmic stress im- emptying. exacerbate underlying genetic predis-
posed by increased metabolic demand A key premise is that the mediating positions. Though research is nascent,
for insulin (34). Early studies show pathways of hyperglycemia are common implicated environmental factors have
182 b-Cell–Centric Classification of Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 39, February 2016

Figure 3—b-Cell–centric construct: the egregious eleven. Dysfunction of the b-cells is the final common denominator in DM. A: Eleven currently
known mediating pathways of hyperglycemia are shown. Many of these contribute to b-cell dysfunction (liver, muscle, adipose tissue [shown in red
to depict additional association with IR], brain, colon/biome, and immune dysregulation/inflammation [shown in blue]), and others result from
b-cell dysfunction through downstream effects (reduced insulin, decreased incretin effect, a-cell defect, stomach/small intestine via reduced
amylin, and kidney [shown in green]). B: Current targeted therapies for each of the current mediating pathways of hyperglycemia. GLP-1,
glucagon-like peptide 1; QR, quick release. Schwartz and Associates 183

included endocrine disruptors (56), development of DM gene banks for attendant risks (and associated treat-
food additives (52), abnormal gut bi- analyzing genetic distinctions between ment costs) of hypoglycemia and weight
ome (38,39,57), and ingested advanced type 1 DM, LADA, type 2 DM, and gain, high rate of treatment failure and
glycation end products (58). There is maturity-onset diabetes of the young. subsequent enhanced requirements for
also evidence that certain environmen- The cost for genotyping has become in- antihyperglycemic management, poten-
tal factors may epigenetically alter the creasingly affordable. tial for b-cell exhaustion (42), increased
genotype in reproductive cells, produc- Lifestyle modification is the starting risk of cardiovascular events (74), and
ing inheritable DM factors in future gen- point for intervention in prediabetes and potential for increased risk of mortality
erations (59,60) (Fig. 2). DM as is normalization of dyslipidemia, (75,76). Fortunately, there are a large
Clinically evident DM ensues at or after given the links of prolonged lipid exposure number of classes now available that
the juncture when the combined gene– with b-cell dysfunction (9,53–55). Our ap- do not pose these risks. Empagliflozin
environment trigger reaches a tipping proach advocates intervention early in the has been recently shown to reduce car-
point for sufficient b-cell compromise to process of b-cell dysfunction. It is intui- diovascular outcomes and mortality in
be expressed as phenotypic hyperglyce- tively obvious that the constellation of type 2 DM, while reducing weight and
mia. This fundamental concept applies mediating pathways of hyperglycemia in posing a low risk for hypoglycemia (24).
to all forms of DM, substantiating that frank DM is likely the same as those in Newer agents present alternatives to
the final common denominator in DM is prediabetes. Pharmacotherapy for predi- insulin therapy, including in patients
at the level of the b-cell. abetes should be considered if lifestyle with “advanced” type 2 DM with resid-
In our model, as typical in obesity, IR approaches do not produce normoglyce- ual insulin production. Insulin therapy
is a monogenic or, more commonly, a mia. Preferential use of agents with induces hypoglycemia, weight gain,
polygenic disorder (59). Additional con- proven or strong evidence for b-cell pres- and a range of adverse consequences
tributing factors to IR may include inflam- ervation is logical (70). of hyperinsulinemia with both short-
mation (48–51), changes in the gut The optimal strategy is to use the and long-term outcomes (77–85). Newer
microbiota (37–40), and brain-modulated least number of agents to target the antidiabetes classes may be used to de-
changes in metabolism (51,61,62). Re- greatest number of mediating pathways lay insulin therapy in candidate patients
sulting hyperinsulinemia feeds back to of hyperglycemia operative in the given with endogenous insulin production
the hypothalamus to further exacerbate patient. It would use regimens that sta- (19). In patients requiring basal insulin,
peripheral IR (61,62). Downstream ef- bilize hyperglycemia across multiple clinical research on novel combinations
fects of IR cause detriment to b-cell causes, act synergistically to reduce car- of classes, such as pramlintide (86) and
function by mechanisms that may in- diovascular and other risk factors, and incretins (19,22), may reduce or elim-
clude inflammatory cytokines, adipocy- preserve b-cells. Figure 3B illustrates inate the need for bolus insulin. Bolus
tokines, lipotoxicity, and decreased the mediating pathways of hyperglyce- insulin accounts for most of the hypo-
adiponectin, potentially representing a mia addressed by various available glycemia seen with basal–bolus insulin
physiological scenario similar to that in- agents and provides a logic for the se- therapy (87). When insulin therapy is
duced by hyperinsulinemia (63,64). lection of complementary modes of ac- needed, we suggest it be incorporated
tion in combination therapy. as add-on therapy rather than as sub-
b-CELL–CENTRIC SCHEMA AND Our approach for using combination stitution for noninsulin antidiabetes
INDIVIDUALIZED CARE therapy is consistent with the recom- agents. Outcomes research is needed
We propose that the b-cell–centric mendations within the 2015 American to fully evaluate various combina-
model is a conceptual framework that Diabetes Association (71) and 2015 tion therapeutic approaches, as well as
could help optimize processes of care American Association of Clinical Endo- the potential of newer agents to address
for DM. A1C, fasting blood glucose, crinologists (72) guidelines. We advo- drivers of b-cell dysfunction and loss.
and postprandial glucose testing remain cate the introduction of combination The principles of the b-cell–centric
the basis of DM diagnosis and monitor- therapy early in the pharmacological model provide a rationale for adjunctive
ing. Precision medicine in the treatment management of the disease. Critically, therapy with noninsulin regimens in pa-
of DM could be realized by additional we avoid stratifying first-, second-, and tients with type 1 DM (7,12–16). Thiazo-
diagnostic testing that could include third-line treatment sequencing. This lidinedione (TZD) therapy in patients
C-peptide (1), islet cell antibodies or stratification establishes undue competi- with type 1 DM presenting with IR, for
other markers of inflammation (1,65), tion between classes, which should more example, is appropriate and can be ben-
measures of IR, improved assays for rightly be viewed as complementary op- eficial (17). Clinical trials in type 1 DM
b-cell mass, and markers of environ- tions rather than salvage therapy after in- show that incretins (20) or SGLT-2 inhi-
mental damage and by the development evitable treatment failure (19,73). bitors (25,88) as adjunctive therapy to
of markers for the various mediating The ideal treatment regimens should exogenous insulin appear to reduce
pathways of hyperglycemia. not be potentially detrimental to the plasma glucose variability.
We uphold that there is, and will in- long-term integrity of the b-cells. Spe-
creasingly be, a place for genotyping in cifically, sulfonylureas and glinides FURTHER EXPERIMENTAL AND
DM standard of care. Pharmacoge- should be ardently avoided. Any bene- TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH
nomics could help direct patient-level fits associated with sulfonylureas and This article highlights the need to replot
care (66–69) and holds the potential glinides (including low cost) are not en- the classification of DM, recognizing the
to spur on research through the during and are far outweighed by their b-cell as the final common denominator
184 b-Cell–Centric Classification of Diabetes Diabetes Care Volume 39, February 2016

of glucose dysregulation and the medi- 9. Corkey BE. Diabetes: have we got it all
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