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Lesson 1

Answer the question

1. How many countries make up Southwest Asia? – There are sixteen
country make up Southwest Asia include Turkey, Syria, Lebanon,
Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Bahrain, the United Arab
Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Iran, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia.
2. What are the two most important rivers in Southwest Asia? - The
Tigris and Euphrates are the two most important rivers in Southwest
3. Name the two largest deserts in Southwest Asia. – The two largest
deserts in Southwest Asia are the Rub’al – Khali and the Syrian
4. Four natural resources in Southwest Asia are __________. – Coal,
copper, natural gas and natural oil. The natural gas and natural oil
are the most important natural resources.
5. What is the world's largest saltwater lake? - The world's largest
saltwater lake is the Caspian Sea.
6. On __________, Jewish people pray and fast. – On Yom Kippur Jewish
people pray and fast.
7. __________ is also known as the Jewish New Year. – Hashanah is also
known as the Jewish New Year. 

Give the definition for each word

8. Ziggurat: a new temple
9. Torah: the first five books of the Hebrew Bible
10. Qanats: underground canals
11. Gospels: the first four books of the Christian Bible, New
12. Dikes: high walls of dirt to keep rivers from overflowing
13. Refugees: people who flee their homeland to find a safe place
to stay
14. Mixed economy: varying degrees of free enterprise and
government control
15. Calligraphy: decorative writings
16. Embargo: a limit or ban on trade
17. Absolute monarchy: the government in which the monarch has
all the power to make laws and enforce them

Lesson 1 Quiz
18. The Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea are __________ of
Southwest Asia.

A. east B. north C. west D. South

19. The region south of Lebanon is known as the Holy Land; what
major religion(s) began there?

A. All are correct B. Islam C. Christianity D. Judaism

20. Muslims are followers of

A. Hinduism B. Islam C. Christianity D. Judaism

21. Who declared Turkey an independent nation?

A. Kemal Ataturk B. Khomeini C. Yasir Arafat

D. Sultan Qabus Bin Said Taymour

22. In 1990, disputes over __________ and __________ led the Iraqi military
under Saddam Hussein to occupy nearby Kuwait., leadership B. religion, money C. oil, religion

D. money and oil

23. How does an absolute monarchy differ from a constitutional

monarchy?The different between an absolute monarchy and a
constitutional monarchy is that an absolute monarchy has absolute, or
complete, authority, but a constitutional monarchy is the monarch
shares power with elected offcials.

Lesson 2
Give the definition for each word
24. A series of rapids: cataracts

25. A large area of sand dunes: ergs

26. An Egyptian king: pharaoh

27. An Egyptian system of writing: hieroglyphics

28. Egyptian farmers: fellahin

Timeline question
29. In what year did the Phoenicians arrive in North Africa and begin to
control the coast for about 500 years? – The Phoenicians arrived in North
Africa and begin to control the coast for about 500 years in 1100 B.C

30. Who arrived in North Africa first, the Arab Muslims or the
Phoenicians? – The Phoenicians arrived in North Africa earlier than the
Arab Muslims.

31. How many years after the Arab Muslims invaded North Africa was
the Rosetta Stone found? – It’s 1156 years after the Arab Muslims invaded
North Africa was the Rosetta Stone found.

Lesson 2 Quiz

32. What bodies of water make up the long coastline of North Africa?

A. the Mississippi River, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean

B. the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Red Sea

C. the Red Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and the Nile River

D. the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Red Sea
33. How many countries make up the region known as North Africa?
A. five B. four C. eight D. six
34. What is the world’s longest river that runs through Egypt from south
to north?

A. Amazon River B. Mekong River C. Nile River

D. Tigris River
35. How were the reeds found along the Nile River used?
A. to wear as ornaments B. to weave baskets
C. to chew as gum D. to use as money
36. In what form is the statue of Hatshepsut?
A. half human and half animal B. an elderly woman
C. young lady standing on a rock D. smiling child
37. What is Ramada?
A. a Vietnamese holiday B. a city in Egypt
C. a Muslim holiday D. a desert

Aswer the question

38. How does Islamic law influence daily life? - Islamic law influence daily
life by strict in the way Muslims dress and what they eat.
39. In the countries of North Africa, what is the main religion? - The main
religion in the countries of North Africa is Islam.
40. What kinds of sports do people in North Africa enjoy? – Football or
soccer, camel racing and water sports are kinds of sports that people in
North Africa enjoy.

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