Assignment 19 7 2021 - Paper

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PART 1 Listen and fill in the blanks with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.
1. It was decided that in order to keep the (1) ______________ from animals, both wild and
(2) ______________, special areas should be (3) ______________ where the crops could be
(4) ______________. The community was responsible for (5) ______________ these fences,
but the programme provided the necessary (6) ______________ for making them.
Once the area had been (7) ______________ , it could be (8) ______________ . The land was
dug, so that (9) ______________ appropriate to the climate could be grown, and the
programme provided the necessarry (10) ______________ for this. The programme also
provided (11) ______________ so that water could be brought from the river in pipes to the
fields. However, the labour was all provided by local people, and they also provided and (12)
______________ the posts that supported the fences around the fields.

2. We have volunteer wardens, mostly parents but some (13) ______________ too, who (14)
______________ road at (15) ______________. The council have provided special (16)
______________ but there’s always a volunteer there to explain what’s happening to (17)
______________. Generally, (18) ______________ about it – we’ve only had to get the police
involved (19) ______________.

Now I should explain that the road isn’t (20) ______________ to cars. But only residents’ cars
(21) ______________. If people really need to get in or out of Beechwood Road, it’s not a
problem – as long as they (22) ______________ 20 kilometres per hour. But most people just
decide not to use their cars during this time, or they park in another street. The wardens are
only there to stop (23) ______________.

PART 2 Complete the minimal pairs below.

WORD Your answer WORD Your answer

1 limb 8 school

2 breath 9 calm

3 dough 10 bury

Page 1
4 buff 11 mutter

5 gnome 12 flash

6 circle 13 fame

7 wrong 14 scythe

PART 3 Write the following words from the provided transcriptions.

1 /kləʊð/ 25 /saɪð/
2 /pleɪz/ 26 /həˈrendəsli/
3 /pəˈtɪkjələ(r)/ 27 /ˈpɑːləmənt/
4 /ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ 28 /ɪnˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn/
5 /kɔːz/ 29 /məʊv/
6 /ˈpiːtsə/ 30 /ˈhæzəd/
7 /ˈbækeɪk/ 31 /ˈævənjuː/
8 /bɔːt/ 32 /ˈmʌstæʃ/
9 /lʊkt/ 33 /draʊt/
10 /ˈstætʃuː/ 34 /wɒtʃt/
11 /ˈæbsɪnθ/ 35 /ˌriːɪnkɑːˈneɪʃn/
12 /wɒnts/ 36 /ˈherəld/
13 /rɪˈmɑːkəbl/ 37 /dred/
14 /səˈdʒestʃən/ 38 /trəˈdʒektəri/
15 /ɪɡˈzɔːst/ 39 /ˈvɪɡərəs/
16 /bɪˈzɑː(r)/ 40 /ˈædʒaɪl/
17 /ˌvɜːtʃuˈəʊsəʊ/ 41 / ɡrɪˈɡeəriəs/
18 /kənˈstruː/ 42 /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn/
19 /ˈhɑːteɪk/ 43 /pɔːz/
20 /sɔːt/ 44 /ˈseɡweɪ/
21 /ˈfɪnɪʃt/ 45 /ˈbelieɪk/
22 /sleɪn/ 46 /prəʊˈrəʊɡ/
23 /briːð/ 47 /ˈseɪvəri/
24 /frəˈnetɪk/ 48 /ɡɔːdʒ/

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