Seasonal Food Calendar: Spring Summer Fall Winter

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Seasonal Food Calendar

Spring Summer Fall Winter

 artichoke  basil  artichokes  artichoke
 asparagus  beans, green  avocado hass, fuerte, zutano  asparagus
 avocado, hass  beans, fresh shelling such as  beans, fresh shelling  avocado, fuerte, haas,zutano
 beans, fava craberrry, black-eyed pea  beans, green  broccoli
 beans, green  beets  beets  cabbages, bok choy, green, napa
 beets  carrots  bok choy  savoy
 broccoli  corn  broccoli  carrots
 cabbages  cucumber  cabbages  cauliflower
 carrots  garlic  carrots  celery
 cauliflower  eggplant  celeriac/celery root  celeriac/celery root
 celeriac/celery root  greens-kale  celery  chard
 celery  lettuce  chard  collards
 chard  onions, vidalia, walla walla, red  cucumber  daikon
 collards  okra  daikon  fennel
 corn  peas, english shelling  eggplant  greens, turnip watercress
 fennel  peppers, sweet/bell  kohlrabi  kale
 garlic, green  potatoes  leek  leeks
 kale  squash, summer  parsnip  mushrooms, wild
 leek  tomatillo  pepper, bell, chile  onions, green
 mushrooms  tomatoes  potatoes  parsleys
 morels  potatoes, sweet  parsnip
 onions, spring  pumpkin  potatoes, red russet white,
 peas, edible pods  radish sweet/yams
 peas, english, shelling  rutabaga  radish
 potatoes, new  spinach  rutabaga
 radish  sunchoke  spinach
 ramps  squash, summer winter  squash, butternut
 squash, zucchini  tomatillos  squash, winter
 sorrel  tomatoes  sunchoke
 spinach  turnips  turnips
 sunchokes  yams

NOTE: Seasonal products vary in every region and location – use this as a guide to build your own seasonal calendar.
Seasonal Food Calendar

Spring Summer Fall Winter

 apricots  apples  almonds  berries, cranberries raspberries
 blackberries  apricots  apples strawberries
 raspberries  berries, blackberries, blueberries,  berries, cranberries, raspberries  chestnuts, fresh water
 strawberries boysenberries, loganberries, huckleberries  cherimoya
 cantalope olallieberries, raspberries,  chestnuts  currants, red
 cherimoya strawberries, gooseberries  figs  dates, fresh
 cherries  cherries  grapes  grapefruit
 grapefruit  currants  guava, pineapple  kiwi
 honeydew  figs, black mission, calimyrna  kumquat\  kumquat
 kiwi adriatic brown turkey kadota  lemons  lemon
 kumquat  grapes, red flame thompson  mandarins  mandarins/tangerines
 lemon, meyer seedless  melons  nuts, walnuts, chestnuts
 lime, key  limes  orange, valencia navel  oranges, navel, blood,
 orange, navel  melons, cantaloupe honeydew  pears, asian, bartlett, bosc,  pears, anjou, bopsc, comice
 peaches watermelon comice  pummelo
 rhubarb  nectarines  pecans  quince
 tangerine  oranges, valencia  persimmons fuyu hachiya  rhubarb, hothouse
 watermelon  peaches  pistachios
 pears: asian bartlett french butter  plums
 pineapple  pomegranate
 plums  quince
 tangerines
 walnut

NOTE: Seasonal products vary in every region and location – use this as a guide to build your own seasonal calendar.

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