CLASS 6-Holiday Homework, 2021-22

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CLASS 6 (2021-22)

ENGLISH 1. Activity: Lesson 3 The Tree Lover

Plant a sapling, nurture it and observe its growth and
take pictures of its various stages and make a pdf of the
pictures to upload. (Pictures of seed, budding, sapling,
2. Learn:
Learn Grammar: Chapter 22 Synonyms and Chapter
23 Antonyms thoroughly. After your vacation,
worksheet will be given.
3. Practice:
Grammar Lesson 24 Comprehension
Complete the comprehensions in your Grammar
textbook itself.

Revise the lessons already taught by going through

the notes and assignments.

• PA1 का समस्त पाठ्यक्रम याद कीजिए |
• ‘कोरोनावायरस से बचाव’ ववषय पर तीन प्रचार वाक्य
A4 पष्ृ ठ पर कलात्मक ढं ग से ललखिए |
• प्रततददन 20 नए शब्द ललखिए |
Art Integration Work
• ‘मेरा पथ आलोकित िर दो’ कववता चार्ट पेपर पर
चचत्र सदित ललखिए एवं सस्वर कंठस्थ कीजिए |
• मद
ृ ा (लमट्र्ी) की सिायता से संज्ञा के भेदों को दशाटते
िुए 5 प्रततरूप तैयार कीजिए एवं उनके ववषय में दो-
दो वाक्य चार्ट पेपर पर ललखिए|

MATHS 1) Do the chapter end exercise of chapter 1

(Except Sec A Qi 10th part , Qii 6th part, QIV 2th part &
Sec B Q9,10, Qiii, 3)
2) Complete Chapter 1 of practice book (do it in book)
3) Do the art integrated activity using coloured papers
depict a circle and its
parts (see page 110, 111 from text book, and do it on an
A4 size paper)

SCIENCE 1.Complete the work of chapter-1

2. Read Chapter -2 and try to do its back exercise. Learn
Table 2.2 and 2.3 given on page 22-23.
3. Activity-1- On an outline map of India, mark the states
where cotton and jute are cultivated. Also mark the
places which yield wool and silk on a large scale. (Refer
Chapter-3 Fiber to fabric )
4. Activity-2- Refer Activity -4 Page 46, do it and write
the whole activity on any sheet. The materials that you
will take for the activity are-sugar, salt, soil or sand, tea-
leaves and baking powder or baking soda.

SOCIAL SCIENCE Civics –L-1 Complete the civics Questions

Question and and Answers in the civics copy. It
Answers will be sent on Whats App or
Art Integration Use Wheat flour (Atta) to make
Jewellery making ornaments. Example given on
page 33 of SST Book. Paint it with
poster colours
Map Work On the outline Map of India
(Political) neatly mark the states.
Learn the names of the states in
India and their capitals

COMPUTER 1. Using, make an Infographic

containing a short note on the following five High
Level Languages-
c. C++

Note: Include picture and text in the infographic.

After creating it, download the pdf of the infographic
into your device and save it.
*This activity can either on your laptop or mobile
For help on designing the infographic, watch the
tutorials using the link given below:
2. Answer the following extra questions based on
Chapter 1-Computer Languages, in the copy.

Ch 1 – Extra Questions
I. Define the following –
a) Program
b) Programming
c) Programmer

II. Answer the following in detail –

a) List down two advantages and
disadvantages of Machine Level Language.
b) List down two advantages and
disadvantages of Assembly Language.
c) List down two advantages and
disadvantages of High Level Language.

CATECHISM Write about your favourite Biblical character from the

Bible. Word limit 50 words. Why you like that character,
history of the character. Important features of the
person etc.

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 1. Do fill up the answers from the pages 1 to 20 in your

text book with the help of the hints given at the back
neatly with pencil.
2. Try to be familiar with the Interesting Facts which are
given at the end of each lesson.
3. Try to learn at least a new piece of information around
the world and note down in an old notebook neatly and
submit it on the school opening day.

VALUE EDUCATION Read chapter-1 and write the question and answers in
your value education notebook.

SANSKRIT • PA1 का समस्त पाठ्यक्रम याद कीजिए |

• अपनी पाठ्य पुस्तक से प्रततददन 20 नए शब्द अथट
सदित ललखिए |
Art Integration Work
• शरीर के अंगों के नाम संस्कृत भाषा में चचत्र सदित
A4 पष्ृ ठ पर ललखिए |
• मद
ृ ा (लमट्र्ी) की सिायता से कोई पााँच फल बनाइए
तथा संस्कृत भाषा में उनके नाम ललखिए|

Please Note - Your holiday homework should be taken seriously as it will be

marked out of 10.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.
Wear a mask to slow down the spread of Covid-19
………..Happy Holidays………

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