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General Education Cluster 
2​nd​ Semester, A.Y. 2020-2021 
Name of Student: ___________________ 
1. Kindly read the exam rubric and essay question carefully before starting to answer.  
2. Write your answer cohesively and STRAIGHT TO THE POINT. 
3. UNDERLINE the critical points of your answer. 
4. Use 12 as the FONT SIZE and TIMES NEW ROMAN as the FONT STYLE. 
5. The margin of your document is 1 with 1.5 spacing and should be justified.  
ESSAY EXAM:  The students demonstrate critical capability by analyzing the following 
ethical dilemma.   
At  exactly  2pm  of  January  26,  2018,  on  a  Friday  afternoon,  a  29-year-old Dutch woman 
in  the  name  of  Aurelia  Brouwers  died  of  assisted  suicide  or  euthanasia  by  drinking  a  poison 
supplied  by  her  doctor.  Brouwers  had  depression  issues  and  for  that  reason  her  doctor  assisted 
her to meet her fatal death. In Netherlands, however, euthanasia is legal.  
Task 1
Examine the ethical dilemma mentioned above by applying the proposed 3 moral
pre-requisites as basis or parameters of Aurelia Brouwers’s consent or decision to die through
assisted suicide:
1.) Was the element of Will present in Brouwers’s decision (5 pts.)

2.) Was the element of Freedom present in Brouwers’s decision. (5 pts.)

3.) Was the element of Knowledge present in Brouwers’s decision. (5 pts.)

4.) Was Aurelia Brouwers’ decision to die through euthanasia morally acceptable
considering her depression issues? Why or why not? (5 pts)
Task 2
Examine the ethical dilemma mentioned above by applying the proposed 3 moral
pre-requisites as basis or parameters of Aurelia Brouwers’s doctor who gave the prescription
to die through assisted suicide:
5.) Was the element of Will present in Brouwers’s doctor’s action decision (5 pts.

6.) Was the element of Freedom present in Brouwers’s doctor’s action (5 pts.)
7.) Was the element of Knowledge present in Brouwers’s doctor’s action (5​ pts)

8.) Was the action of the doctor to help Brouwers meet her fateful death
morally acceptable considering that it is legal to do so? Why or why
not? (5 pts)

Criteria/Performance Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Score
Areas Improvement
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts
Content and Essay has a Central idea is Unable to find Essay has no
Development specific central vague, specific focus or central
idea stated somewhat supporting idea and has no
clearly in sketchy and details, more supporting
concrete details, non-supportive than 4 errors in details or
shows to the main information evidence to the
understanding of topic. Essay and details. claims.
the topic, has lacks focus.
originality and
Organization of Ideas Essay is logically Essay Central point Ideas were
organized and somewhat and flow of unorganized and
well-structured digresses from idea is lost. vague. No
displaying a good the central idea Essay lacks specific structure
introduction, a and claims. clarity, or flow of ideas
body, and a Ideas do not organization, was observed or
conclusion. follow a logical quality, and followed.
Critical thinking sequence and continuity.
skills must also order.
become evident.
Research Skills Shows capability Cited Did little Did no attempt
to reconcile researches research and of gathering any
personal ideas were gathers information on
with the cited inconclusive information on the topic or
researches and and the topic. Did event.
pertinent unsupportive not cite
information. to the central relevant details
Essay must show topic or general and
cohesiveness of claims. information.
the details.
Writing Style Writing is Sentences are Essay lacks Written essay is
smooth, varied and creativity and confusing and
coherent, and inconsistent focus. hard to follow.
consistent with with the Unrelated word Contains
central idea. central ideas choice to the fragments
Sentences are and claims. central idea. and/or run-on
strong and Consistent with Diction is sentences.
expressive with the vocabulary inconsistent. Inappropriate
varied structure. and word diction.
Diction is choice.
consistent and
words well
Mechanics Written work has Written work is Written work Written work
no errors in word relatively free has several has serious and
selection and of errors in errors in word persistent errors
use, sentence word selection selection and in word selection
structure, and use, use, sentence and use,
spelling, sentence structure, sentence
punctuation, and structure, spelling, structure,
capitalization. spelling, punctuation, spelling,
punctuation, and punctuation, and
and capitalization capitalization.
capitalization (3-4 errors) (5 or more
(1-2 errors) errors)
Timeliness Posted the Posted the Essay is posted Essay is posted
completed essay completed after 24 hours 48 hours past
requirement on essay past deadline. deadline.
time or before requirement
the deadline. within 24 hours
after deadline.

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