DewesoftX 2021.2 RELEASE-210430 Offline Installer (64-Bit) - Release Notes

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DewesoftX_2021.2_210430_x64.exe - 30.04.


# DewesoftX 2021.2 changelog

## [2021.2 RELEASE-210430] - 2021-04-30

Load Engine
- Fixed issue with loading CAN data files

## [2021.2 RELEASE-210420] - 2021-04-20

3D Graph
- 3D Bar graph view type option on 3D graph
Applications And Modules
- Added Modal analysis under experimental features
- Order Tracking Optimization
Brake Noise
- Event duration statistic should only accumulate time when noise event was
- Short noise event rejection
- Added tracking status for each detection pair
C++ Processing
- Added get description to processing plugins
- Added new custom messages to processing plugin
Combustion Engine Analyser
- Added text next to polytropic index input for compression and expansion
- Updated CEA knocking algorithm
- Added Compressor option
- Added Ideal p-V graph calculation and overlay
- Added Volume calculation
- Added filtered PMax output
- Fuel type diesel by default with default polytropic index for diesel fuel
- TDC detections update
- Triggering and zero correction on additional channels
- Warning if angle resolution is set too high for sample rate and aliasing can
- Added EtherCAT data filtering
- Missing indication that IOLITE is connected via the secondary bus
Ethernet Receiver
- Added milisecond fraction timestamp decoder
FFT Analyser
- Added an option for frequency integration/derivation directly in FFT
- Added support for linear averaging
- Added RTCM output for base station
- Trigger condition for DS-CAM600 selected by default
- Support secondary bus turn off in software
Krypton TH
- Krypton THv2 offline amplifier support
- Chase camera improvements
- Make coloring slots as optional
Math Module Engine
- Added option to add math modules during acquisition
- Removed cursors from the printed PDF report
- Added warning if port is blocked by firewall
Navigation Channel Resampler
- Change input channel order
Orbit Analysis
- Added performance monitor to orbit analysis
- Added sub harmonic orbit
- Added support for multiple reference orbit definitions
Orbit Graph
- Optimize drawing Orbit and Polar plot
Order Tracking
- Optimize performance of order tracking resampler
Power Analyser
- Implement phase angle correction for non-resampled power module
- Added support for GPU calculations
- Redesign of power module settings screen
- Support changing min/max values in power analysis
- Support setting the colour of the neutral phase in power module
- Added scrollbar to report settings
- Checkbox to use global time region for report pages
- Enable adding page numbers
- Added button to clear static configuration
Stabilization diagram
- Added Stabilization diagram
Store Engine
- Datafile saving improvements for different storing types
User Interface
- Added Color palettes to System folder
- Added description and keywords to Custom widgets
- Added device preview for KryptonTHv2
- Added device preview for termoblock connector
- Added thermal camera icon
Vector Scope
- Added Line-to-line voltages in Vector Scope
- Make clearer distinction between voltage and current
- Modernize DS camera HW settings
Wire diagrams
- Connection diagrams are not correct for IOLite 8xSTGS
- Added support for PTP slave mode for any PTP master in Dewesoft
- Export A2L from RT XCP slave module over COM
- Added XCP PTP synchronization (XHS + CSM)
- Added XY image graph
2D Graph
- Cannot drag processing marker on 2D Graph
3D Graph
- Wrong 3D bar presentation when matrix axes are not Step/Offset
- Some amplifier settings between NET master and client are not synchronized when
changing measure mode
Analog Sensor Editor
- Issue when set maximum calibration period
- Issue with 2D graph markers after canceling math setup
- Attempting to add math during analysis causes issues
- Exception if you change project with RT device to simulator
- Rename displacement and velocity channels when renaming AI channel
Battery packs
- Wrong temperature representation in System monitor
C++ Processing
- Processing plugins don't correctly read values from vector input channels
- After baud rate change in CAN acquisition is restarted multiple times even
though baud rate was changed only once
Channel Setup
- Channel value preview in analog in screen isn't updated for STGv2 channels with
ODU connectors
Data Importer
- Text import plugin ignores last line
- Issues if you put IOLiteLX device in softsync mode
Digital Meter
- Issue on Digital meter after reducing the size of an item channel
- Txt export with resampler causes issues
FFT Analyser
- Overall FFT is not calculated correctly on asynchronous channels
- Wrong initial number of lines shown for FFT in data files
FFT Visual Control
- Wrong value of 'Amplitude display' when copying FFT widget contents
- String to geo position conversion is incorrect when degree part is zero
- DS-IMU channels stop Dewesoft when used in Polygon on SBOXe
- Channel setup sample rate is forced to 100 Hz when DewesoftRT is not running
- Channel stored state in logger resets on tab change
- Incorrect IOLITE 8xTH amplifier wiring diagram on IOLiteLX
- LX disconnect while in analysis mode for a longer time
- Switching to external master does not work
- When RT is running the channels in export channel list in analysis are locked
- IOLite-STGS is missing Connector button in Channel setup
- Maximum allowed size of EtherCAT packet is not correctly calculated
- Disable 'Track view' and enable 'Colormap' on the Map widget for Lidar
Math Module Engine
- Check and uncheck actions in math setup are not synced
Modal Test
- MIF channel in Modal test module is not calculated
- Modal test has issues when an input signal is IEPE
- Channel reset does not go to power on defaults from master client
- Measured value from slave on master is not correctly scaled on master client
- NET does not show the correct "scaled" strain value when using Balance Sensor
in Measure
- NET module drop down list is empty if French language is used
- Re-selecting an option from the NET drop down list causes issues
- Resting channel changes channel ID on master client
- Sample rate changes from the master client aren't immediately transmitted to
view client
- View client doesn't automatically try to reconnect to slaves if they are closed
form master client
- Fix double clicking grid in NMEA, in grid
- Incorrect message if RT device is already in use
Octave Analysis
- True Octave calculation does not output a spectrum for each calculation block
- Warning "Amplitude must be in Rms units" on 2D graph does not work correctly if
the input comes from Octave analysis math
Orbit Analysis
- Error message when changing sample rate if using orbit analysis
Overload Indicator
- "Show channels with OK status" option is not saved on overload indicator
Power Analyser
- FFT length mismatch after switching the frequency
- Issue when setting the variable frequency upper limit to 5kHz
- Power module should increase old samples count when the module is unused
- Vectorscope is not properly initialized in setup
Report Generator
- Issue when switching to reporting display in measure with specific setup
- Issues on start if printers are added but none is default
- Channel summing output scaling factors are not updated when balancing the
sensor or setting excitation voltage
- Channel sample rates are not locked while changing acq. sample rate with locked
RT devices
- Data is scrambled when using sample rate divider on Sirius, IOLite, and LX
configuration in IRIG B synchronisation
- Disconnecting a SiriusXHS and returning to channel setup sets a random channel
sample rate
- Firmware update stops at 95% when connected over Ethernet
- RT device disconnects after long time
- SiriusXHS sometimes disconnects
- Sequencer does not read channel values from "slow storing" part in slow/fast
storing mode
Setup Engine
- Add button to start/stop all RTC devices
- Adding maths during measure when some other math applications are added causes
- Automatic filter on temperature modules work with incorrect setup if non-native
sample rate is set
- Connect marker output/input frees object list entry twice on reassignment
- Dewesoft channel gets cleared for processing maths and markers before setup
Time-To-Vector Transform
- Unused AI channel causes issues in time to vector math
User Interface
- Cal. date expired warning covers TEDS button if French language is used
- Missing connector image for IOLite-16xLV
- Not possible to set the export rate of the asynchronous channels to the
original rate

## [2021.1 RELEASE-210311] - 2021-03-11

Chapter 10
- Gaps on analog in channels when storing from Ch10 file
Sound Intensity
- Add handling of SI via remote in sweep mode 9614-2
Chapter 10
- Chapter10 in Channel reader mode does not show new binary channels unless you
exit setup or go to measure
Data Importer
- *.txt import does not recognise different encoding
- Shifted channel names
FFT Analyser
- Wrong initial number of lines shown for FFT in data files
- Resting channel changes channel ID on master client
- View client doesn't automatically try to reconnect to slaves if they are closed
form master client
Sound Intensity
- Fix remote control behavior for GRAS 50-GI-R when measuring ISO 9614-2
- Fix reset ph. correction button to only appear after ph. correction was

## [2021.1 RELEASE-210225] - 2021-02-25

Arinc MIL1553
- ARINC_MIL1553 issues with high DPI scaling
LORD Microstrain
- Reading channel units from inertial devices
- Clamp to ground
Sound Quality
- Add prominence ratio calculation to SoundQuality
Arinc MIL1553
- AltaDT showing ENET devices twice
- Message setup form (transmit and receive) doesn't refresh on new data
- Wrong message value displayed on transmit grid

## [2021.1 RELEASE-210217] - 2021-02-17

3D Graph
- Added auto scale property
- Display marker names
- Added multiple axis tick modes
- Update markers on 3D graph when other widgets change marker values
- Added option to change the names of all multi files using the Rename function
- Added import displays by channel names
- CAN support for 64-bit float (double)
- Change device names in CAN baud rates file
Channel Setup
- Align start/stop trigger conditions user interface
Chapter 10
- Add the option to scan the whole file to get a more accurate end time
- Limit XCP module sample rate to 1M samples per second
- Added ability to set counter decimals in channel setup
DSI Adapters
- Added TEDS template for DSI-TH-UNI
- Added Wire Schematics for different thermocouple types for DSI-TH-UNI
- Added support for range selection commands on DSI-TH-UNI
- Added support for setting and getting calibration value for DSI-TH-UNI
- Change default excitation of DSI-ODU-ACC to 10.2V
- Support bias voltage for DSI-ACC amplifier in channel setup
- Added support for 3xMEMS-ACC-INC
- Added support for EtherCAT Repeater
- Added support for MonoDAQ-E-tiltMeter
- Thick box for exporting Channel name without module name
- Added reset option for DS-VGPS-HSC
Global Settings
- Added option to load datafile when Dewesoft starts
Human Vibration
- Added k weighting for axis values
- Added support for TR 18570 standard
- Added DCOM functions for setting and getting alt. polarity excitation enabled
- Added IOLite 8xRTDp offline amplifiers support
- Added support for EtherCAT labels (ch. name, unit, min max) for STGS
- Automatically jump to current position when navigation channel is selected for
the mapys
- Custom line thickness
- Replace old GPS control by importing XML
- Support channel slots for coloring
Measurement screen
- Description and keywords properties for all Widgets
Orbit Analysis
- Added Blackman - Harris filter support
- Support differential output in simulation mode for Ulyssix cards
Power Analyser
- Support sample rate divider with GPU power calculations
- Checkbox to use global time region for report pages
- Added multipage printing
- Remember zoom level of report page
- Added support for PPS to PTP synchronization
- Support PTP master
- Added Charge reset block to sequencer
- Using save as option for saving sequence should create new unique GUID
Sound Power
- Added support for using background noise from previous run
System Monitor
- Added additional limits for system monitor channels
Test Bed
- Added a trigger command - STRG
- Option to disable time channel output
- Keep last value between measurements
User Interface
- Add Marker table widget to the display from Widgets dropdown
- Interaction between the 2D and 3D graph markers
- List available processing markers per channel
- Show "Dewesoft devices" instead of first device name in ch. setup if multiple
devices are connected
- Set global frame rate on enter, not on every key-press
- Added "Auto" option for local port (XCP over UDP/TCP)
- Added XCP 1.4 commands
- Clock and synchronization redesign
- Fill sample rate list if XCP device is master clock
- Implemeted Dewesoft synchronization interface
- Read and use XCP device IP and Port from a2l file
- Redefine XCP synchronization options
- PTP/PPS synchronization types user interface and implementation
Angle Sensor
- Analog tacho does not consistently stay at 0 when frequency is below min
3D Graph
- 3D graph and some other controls fail if there are no samples in data file (no
fast data in data file)
- Missing data on the 3D graph
- New 3D Graph missing under default Widget favorites section
- Performing X/Y cuts takes too long
- Custom units are not considered at microphone calibration
- IOLITE LX shown as DEWE 43 on master client
- Measurement type changes on IOLITE LX done on master client are not reflected
on slave measurement unit
- Power off causes some seconds of data lost
- When matrix is present in NET system no data is transferred
Basic Statistics
- Basic statistics high CPU load when triggered blocks are used with multiple
input channels
Batch Calculations
- Apply action/batch calculation does not import all offline channels
C++ Processing
- Plugin group names are "duplicated" due to lack of translations
C++ Script
- Output channel units are not saved when set in setup of C++ script
- Channel select frame doesn't display correct names for item channels
- Disabled edit box if 'Custom' external shunt is not selected
Correlation development
- Correlation and Exact Frequency math FFT is slow
- Counter mode Waveform-Periode/Pulswidth shows always result zero if "No new
value available" is set to "Make zero value"
- Remove note about highest rotation frequency for encoder and related CNT
sensors from the user interface
- Tacho counter shows empty field when clicking frequency unit drop down list
DSI Adapters
- DSI-CHG-DC reporting not responding to TEDS commands on Sirius HD-STGS module
- Changing NTP source can cause instability in ntp softsync
- NTP sychronization could drift over long period of time
- Support Signal conditioning for less than 8 AI channels and with AO and
EtherCAT Sirus devices
Dewesoft RT
- Dynamic sample rate in channel setup not grayed out when master client is
Digital Meter
- Digital meter caption has limited number of characters
Ethernet Receiver
- Ethernet receiver data missing first couple of seconds
Excel Export
- Export asynchronous channels to highest rate checkbox exports value from buffer

Export Engine
- Start value doesn't reset on export error
- Inconsistent channel names between multifile export and single file export
FFT Analyser
- Overall FFT is not calculated correctly on asynchronous channels
- Nicer error could be displayed if Flexpro is missing
- Circular detection not working properly on asynchronous timebase in formula
- Extracting scalar of vector is not working
Frequency Domain Ref. Curve
- Name of Frequency reference curves cannot be modified
- Correction format option for RTK Rover is not applying selected values other
than CMR
- Gige camera isn't sync when using AVi below 50fps
- Remove KryptonTH1 and IOLite16xLV from experimental ECAT devices
- Input channel list in RT AO setup is gray instead of black
- Not all common function in analog in setup screen are locked when IOLite LX is
- Start of DEWEsoft on an already running IOLite LX shows wrong or has missing
- AC coupling on IOLiteSTG shouldn't be available in bridge mode
Krypton DIO
- The "From Channel" option was removed for PWM option
Load Engine
- Channel ID changes when using revert to original
- Dewesoft fails to open data file which is already in use (read only)
- Different types of objects should have different properties
- Wrong time-base when using Multifile export for matlab
Measurement screen
- Missing indentation of Input slots in Channel selector
- Widgets don't update when changing columns in Analysis
Modal Test
- H1 parameter is assigned to transfer functions in old Modal test datafiles
- Issue when closing IOLITE LX channel setup window on master client
- Pasting Sirius channel to RTD channel sets incorrect sampling rate
- Transfer display is present in Measure mode (NET option)
- Wrong channel scaling on view client if slave measurement units enter measure
mode after view client
- Wrong sampling rate on IOLite devices when changing the sampling rate on master
- Wrong scaling for Sirius HD in Dewesoft-NET
- Asynchronous channels can't be exported in .dac
- Last character missing in the value of string signal
Orbit Analysis
- Damping marker for Orbit analysis not available
- Orbit analysis incorrectly propagates error from order tracking
- Peak vs. peak-peak calculation inconsistent in Orbit Analysis
Order Tracking
- Add a warning when selecting too low maximum order in Order Tracking math
- Issue with Order tracking when using offline math with setup
- Order tracking data are not recalculated only on zoomed-in area
- Fix applying Dewesoft's themes in Tarsus
Power Analyser
- Channels stored when set to not stored in Power Analyser
- In sequencer report pages jump to zero time before print
- Report header and footer is not correct when printing on printer
- Report preview still visible after pasting widget
Sound Power
- K1 correction factor overrides K2 correction factor set from RSS
- Sound power does not store custom partial areas in setup
- Sound power run weights not stored in the setup
Stabilization diagram
- Axes precision is not read from channels
Store Engine
- Last datafile is not part of multifile when power cuts out
- Storing name resets to test when you don't store in measure
Strain, Rosette
- Multiple Von Mises calculations causes DewesoftX to slow down
- GPS time is not valid error when using External IRIG synchronization on SBOXe
- When changing offset with time selector incorrect time stamps are exported at
high sampling rate
- Wrong absolute time axis when using Ignore gaps between triggers
Test Bed
- CEA prefix not shown in channel list filter
- Export trough Testbed plugin causing double extension
- Manual cross trigger doesn't work if asynchronous channel is used as trigger
User Interface
- Channel info shows wrong asynchronous rate
- Custom widgets don't get proper "full" parameter on printing
- Freezing data in measurement sometimes results in a higher start timestamp than
end timestamp
- Marker jumps to the start between samples
- Not possible to set the export rate of the asynchronous channels to the
original rate
- When adding RTDaq amplifier in Offline mode the "Set to all" button is missing
Vector, Matrix Constant
- Axis step and offset edit fields are inconsistently enabled in Vector, Matrix
- Fix importing UNV files in Vector, matrix constant
- Issue when changing Axis 0 values count in matrix constant
Video Engine
- Compress to AVI does not work with mp4 files
- WFT export is slow
XY Recorder
- XY graph isn't displaying data for some channels

## [2020.2 RELEASE-201208] - 2020-12-08

3D Graph
- Remove new 3D graph from experimental features
- Show value and unit when adding/editing markers
- Added shunt cal auto target for full and half bridge modes
- Remove clipping of EtherCAT amplifier values when they exceed max range when
uncalibrated values are used
Applications And Modules
- Ability to change x-axis precision for vector reference curve
- File based view and trending for condition monitoring
- Mechanism for loading whole channel into direct buffer
- Added Mean Level information in file
- Adjusting Shunt Cal Target based on Custom Shunt Resistor
- Export analog channel scaling factors
- Importer mechanism for 3D graph
- Quarter bridge strain non-linearity compensation
- Added support for fan regulation on DS-CAN8
- Added support for selecting custom bit timing parameters for CAN
- Tune bit timing parameters for 500k and 800k baud rate for KryptonCANFD
- Added pop-up message of device's serial number
- Add DCOM command for locking and unlocking cursors
- Expose calculation of channel's scale and offset in DCOM
DS Calibrator
- CHG-CAL adapter calibration support
- Implement IOLite 16xLV calibration structure
- Implement IOLite 8xSTGS calibration structure
DSI Adapters
- Support DSI-MCTS-500N TEDS template
- Support bias voltage for DSI-ACC amplifier in channel setup
Data Importer
- Remove imported channels, so they're not shown anymore under Channels
- Ability to manually choose expiration period for calibration
- Added full range details under amplifier info for Krypton/IOLite STG
- Changed Monodaq and IOLite1 name to IOLITEd and previews
- Optimise starting time for EtherCAT devices
- Added resistance measurement mode for IOLite 6xSTG and Krypton1xSTG
- Added support for MonoDAQ-LENC
- Added preview support for IOLITEd devices
Ethernet Receiver
- Allow all binary channels as data source
FFT Analyser
- Add option to turn off DC cutoff
Fatigue Analysis
- Auto range should be defined by min/max values of the channel
- Added support for 200V range on IOLite-16xLV
- Low pass filter support on IOLite 16xLV
- Change amplifier properties for IOLite-STGS in DewesoftRT
- Custom CAN output rate in Dewesoft RT
- Added IOLite 8xRTDp software support
- Added IOLite 8xRTDp software support in DewesoftRT
- Added support for custom bridge ranges for EtherCAT STG devices
- Always set default bridge excitation to 2V
- Change default excitation to 2V and range to 2mV/V for all EtherCAT STG devices

- Change how amplifier properties from DewesoftRT are shown/hidden in DewesoftX

- Added IOLite-STG support in DewesoftRT
- Changed bridge types for IOLite-STGS
- Implement balance amplifiers functionality for EtherCAT amplifiers
Indicator Lamp
- Add Arm Value type to Indicator lamp
LORD Microstrain
- Added support for burst sampling
Load Engine
- Event manager in load file special
- Load file special support for dxz files
Lookup Table
- Option to turn off interpolation in the lookup table
Measurement screen
- Increase the limit of columns for widget group
- Fixed test port reverse timestamp order at the start of the measurement
- Make OBDII user interface more intuitive
Orbit Analysis
- Added Orbit analysis module
Orbit Graph
- Added support for orbits over NET
Order Tracking
- Added field for minutes in Time FFT setup panel in Order tracking
- Implemented RPM timeout in Order tracking
- Added reporting module
- Added R4 HUB back device preview
- Added SiriusHS ODU connector
- Added preview image for R2
- Added support for single Sirius-AO module
- Added ability to use variables for Timeout in Wait for User block
- Added ability to use variables in Repetition block
- Added description for multifile opening with Sequencer
System Monitor
- Added calculation delay and network bandwidth system monitor channels
- Added battery channels in System monitor for R2DB, Laptops etc
User Interface
- Added device preview for IOLite 16xAO
- Added device preview for IOLite 16xLV
- Added device preview for IOLite 4xCNT
- Added device preview for IOLite 8xRTD with Terminal Block front
- Added device preview for IOLite 8xSTGS
- Added device preview for Krypton 1xCAN-FD
- Added device preview for R2 HUB
Vector Scope
- Added support for using the Vector scope & Hamormonic FFT via NET on the
client side
Vector, Matrix Constant
- Added auto fill button with random values in Vector, Matrix constant
Video Engine
- Not possible to cancel export to AVI
Wire diagrams
- Add connector preview for IOLite 8xRTD with Terminal Block front
XY Recorder
- Added input slots for XY recorder
2D Graph
- Data is shown before its time stamp
3D Graph
- 3D graph color is not exported correctly
- Axes limits are reset to default when loading data file on 3D Graph
- Custom axis limits get restored to default when changing display screens
- Peak snapping doesn't work if value is outside of the automatic min/max range
- Properties of 3D graph stay in the properties panel when clicking on Text
- Single value channels not updated on 3D graph during measurement
- Text is sometimes cut on 3D graph in 2D mode
- Visible cursor when exporting graphs as picture
- Wrong axis values on new 3D graph
- HS-STG+ module is listed twice in offline channel setup
- Shunt ON option is effecting Voltage channels
- Shunt cal. auto target doesn't change when switching excitation type
- Use custom shunt resistor option doesn't enable input field
Analog Sensor Editor
- Incorrect units when reading sensor database, unable to change units in sensor
editor, mixed axes in non-linear scaling graph
Applications And Modules
- Allow opening of datafiles or setups with channels containing properties that
don't exist in current Dewesoft version
- Cannot rebuild display templates of any math after reassigning the input
- Channel names are blank in some .mth plugins
- Trig function in formula causes issues
- Vector stacking does not assign the first vector
Array Statistics
- Array statistics ignores channel scale and offset
- Clicking in Array statistics form causes issues
BOX System
- Device preview of Minitaur-S is wrong
- Different file length measure/analysis
- Error message is displayed when using Load display and offline math function
- Missing byte at the end of binary license when written to trusted plugin
- Scaling of additional sensor on DSIi-10A is wrong
- Setup with 2k Math channels behaves much slower in DewesoftX 2020.1
- Wrong language displayed after new installation
Basic Statistics
- Basic statistic RMS is 0 if the input signal is very low
- Basic statistics does not remember start and stop trigger channel
C++ Script
- C++ Script input channel checkboxes scroll whenever you click on a channel
- CAN grid has empty column with random display
- Custom CAN baudrate setting becomes unavailable
- Debuger throws exception when custom can baud rates file does not exist
- Fix baud rates not loaded when using DewesoftRT CAN device
- Incorrect baud rate is selected when baud rate is set from DCOM
- Multiplexed values are not shown in Channels tab nor in Measure mode
- Offset in CAN setup, rounds value to 7 digits
- Proper Read/acknowledge/write not found on SIRIUS slices
- Selected baud rate sample point can change when loading from a file
- Device S/N column causes issues in simulation mode
- Missing axes scales, names and values on Simple graph
Combustion Engine Analyser
- CEA Additional channels name are not updated
- Issue when removing CEA module with angle sensor math assigned
- Missing check for Volume source when engine type is changed
- Using asynchronous channel as CEA input causes issues
- Issue when switching to Dewesoft RT tab after disconnecting IOLITE LX in
DS GPS Clock
- DS-CLOCK doesn't reconnect when unplugging and plugging it back in
DSI Adapters
- DSI adapter with 4k chip has sometimes wrong scaling
Daq Module
- Storing stops if IOLite LX is disconnected
Delphi MUI
- Instance of plugin is cleared too soon
- Ethercat device disconnect can cause datalost on other devices
- Fix IOLiteLX connect issues
- Issue when going to channel setup with RT running
- Issue when opening signal conditioning with multiple devices
- Keep range value when changing Excitation on Krypton/IOLite device
- Project settings can get corrupted if you change default baud rate
- Start pulse not detected prompt when device reconnected
Ethernet Receiver
- Error message is displayed when using UDP in Ethernet receiver
Excel Export
- Multifile export doubles the extension
Excel Writer
- Error when importing data file in DER suite
- Issue with export file names when they contain dots in name
FFT Visual Control
- Changing Display mode to Averaged FFT does not affect all widgets in the same
- FFT preview does not copy the widget data
- Number of taps for FIR Filter should be limited
- Formula .data function does not work properly
- Formula .len and .axis issue
- Embedded GNSS receiver not automatically added and connected with empty project
- VGPS-HSC wrong height
Global Channel List
- Display glitch when accessing the setup window from the channels tab
Global Settings
- Settings tabs shows up scrolled down upon opening
Harmonic FFT
- Harmonic FFT lost the y axis on the left
Human Vibration
- Change sample rate error to warning
- Reduce sample rate limitation to 3x of upper cut off instead of 5x
- IOLITE-32DO doesn't reset when Reset option is enabled
- IOLiteDI single channel used could cause data lost in combination with IOLiteDO
- IOLite-8xLA is still shown as IOLite-8xLV under settings
- Empty coupling combo box on Iolite LV and RTD
- IOLiteLV software filters are not shown
- Bridge balance is not calculated correctly in DewesoftRT if device range is
- Missing samples in logger
- Measurement stops after disconnecting IOLiteLX in softsync
- Switching from external to internal master does not work
- XCP A2L export file contains incorrect channel names
- Alt. exc. polarity checkbox is shown even on regular RTD (non RTDp)
- Channel sample rate for IOLite-RTD and -TH wrong in Simulation
- RTD connection type should not be shown when in voltage mode
- Bridge balance for EtherCAT devices is not calculated correctly if device range
changes when balance is performed
- Bridge mode wiring can't be changed in amplifier setup screen for STGS
- Min custom range should be 1mV/V for EtherCAT STG devices
- Sensor bridge unbalance bounds for warning/error are not correct for EtherCAT
STG devices
- Wrong bridge voltage clipping point for Krypton and IOLiteSTG
- IOLite-TH and Krypton-TH show incorrect range in R Type measurement range
Input Control
- Input Control loads wrong value at the start in analyse mode
Load Engine
- Incorrect channel names in data files
- Newly saved data file with Polygon can not be opened
- Shaft center line and polar channels are not fully loaded in analysis mode
- Setting color to label doesn't work
- Map plugin is not supported on Windows 8 operating system
Math Module Engine
- Offline math Formulas lose reference to Formula that was Canceled
Measurement screen
- Data lost warning is not fully visible in Dewesoft in Slovene language
- Leave display is not called anymore when going out of measurement screen or
changing displays
Modal Test
- Changing modal test mode to ODS can cause issues
- Enabling roving response in analyze mode causes issues
- Invalid index match when saving Modal test datafile
- Modal Test recalculates values with data outside selected region
- Recalculation of old Modal test datafiles does not work
- Transfer rate in flat list doesn't update when the acquisition rate is lower
than the transfer rate
- ZERO button does not work in NET module
- First character in VIN is wrong and last character is missing
- Fix first port tab not showing in OBDII settings
- Fix OBDII sporadic requests
- Removing messages does not stop sending message requests
- Scan DTCS is not working in OBDII
- Setup grid allows negative frequency
- String signals are not working properly
- Issue when switching to channel setup if IOLITE LX is disconnected during
- Buffer overruns in RT buffers causes data gaps on output data stream
Octave Analysis
- CPB channels names are wrongly presented on 2D/3D table
- Stop Action function should be greyed out when enabled in the CPB math
Power Analyser
- Async channels in multifile with data lost are shown as offline
- Display font size doesn't partially work
- Recorder cursors should display frequencies higher than 10MHz as well
- Recorder time base wrong when old setup is loaded
- EtherCAT interface should not be read on Sirius devices
- Fix bridge leadwire compensation and shuntcal check for quarter-3-wire, half-3-
wire and full-4-wire
- Incorrect device tree for R4 hub
Scaling Module
- Time reference curve single value based option missing
- Scope sometimes rounds to weird min/max when adding new channel
- Issue with double click event in sequencer custom block
- Lock setting when sequence is running
Store Engine
- Power loss creates empty *.dxd file
Strain, Rosette
- Chosen units from the drop-down menu in Rosettes module are ignored
Tabular Values
- Basic statistics tabular display issue
- Window and pulsewidth option not working properly with User input
User Interface
- Access violation when leaving Review with markers on 3D graph and reopening the
data file
- Adding predefined power analysis screen on master client won't add power
channels on Vector scope and harmonic FFT
- All displays in input group are named the same
- Dropdown for operator in assert block in sequencer is too narrow on high DPI
- Incorrect word in the Sequencer File manager block
- Markers don't set the linked mathematics to offline after a change
- Missing Custom Widget warning is displayed when opening data file that replaces
old widget
- Missing description for the vector stacking module
- Pressing F3 immediately after closing math settings causes issues
- Time region is not set correctly
- Unvisible top line in Dewesoft NET measurement unit status grid
Vector Scope
- Selecting a higher harmonic on the vector-scope shows the base frequenc
XY Recorder
- XY recorder YAxis does not have correct channels assigned
- XY recorder doesn't show cursor value

## [2020.1 RELEASE-201123] - 2020-11-23

- Scaling of additional sensor on DSIi-10A is wrong
Brake Test
- Brake test not working with channels with sample rate dividers
- Add support for inputs with sample rate dividers

## [2020.1 RELEASE-201118] - 2020-11-18

- Line thickness implementation for Map widget
- Reverse scale coloring implementation for Map Widget
- Default tacho (digital) causes issues
- Layer organisation issues

## [2020.1 RELEASE-201105] - 2020-11-05

Chapter 10
- IEEE 1394 (FireWire) decoder
Data Importer
- Automatically recognize units in text import
- Single precision shaders
Modal Circle
- Move Modal Circle and FRF Geometry to machinery diagnostics widget group
- Update to input lists managed by input manager
- DS-REM-CTRL in not working properly if Data manager plugin is enabled
DS Net
- DS-NET channel range is not correct until opening and closing channel setup
- Scale factor should not be limited to 1M
Data Importer
- Channel names are missing after txt import
Load Engine
- Incorrect channel names in data files
- Export to Matlab fails after HDF5 export
- Export to *.s3t format has issues
- XCP async data transfer not working
- XCP slave + ATI vision -> raw unscaled values of analog channels sent

## [2020.1 RELEASE-201019] - 2020-10-19

Analog Sensor Editor:
- Incorrect units when reading sensor database, unable to change units in sensor
editor, mixed axes in non-linear scaling graph
- Sending debug report does not work
Basic Statistic
- Basic statistics does not remember start and stop trigger channel
Envelope Detection
- None of Envelope math settings get set when clicking OK
- Apply is not called in FIR Math
- IIR filter does not save ripple property
- Going to settings and closing settings causes issues on master unit
- Reconnecting slave units from master causes issues
Sound Level Meter
- Sound level meter math doesn't save (at least) "Medium" after setting it to
Vector, Matrix Constant
- Vector matrix constant Unit is not saved

## [2020.1 RELEASE-201013] - 2020-10-13

- Setup with 2k Math channels behaves much slower in X 2020.1
- Issue when removing correlation input channels
Human Vibration
- Reduce sample rate limitation to 3x of upper cut off insead of 5x
Modal Test
- Issue with selecting roving hamer in analysis mode
- Autofill causes issues
- Selecting Roving hammer in Modal test without assigned channel causes issues
- Improve NET performance
- Allow all channel in Scaling math, not just AI channels
- Scaling math does not always correctly load its setup while in channel setup
Vector Scope
- Selecting a higher harmonic on the vectorscope shows the base frequency

## [2020.1 RELEASE-200922] - 2020-09-22

2D Graph
- Cursor texts overlap on 2D graph
3D Graph
- Show absolute time in 3D graph
- Ability to use custom math templates as default templates
- Added a new empty project option
- Added checkbox in Settings/Startup so that DEWESoft will start in minimized
screen mode
- Allow to change scale on Analog in channel if scaling is set to "raw"
- Added channel connections management
- Added option to reset OVL message
Bar Meter
- Removed borders from horizontal/vertical bars in needle mode
Batch Calculations
- Added information that exported rate is also changed when using Apply action
for Export properties
- Added overwrite option for Apply action Data Header values
- Updated DBC file management
- Redesigned virtual CAN
- Added model or manufacturer when selecting sensor in channel setup
- Automatic changing of the main counter channel's name for all sub-channels
- Added TEDS user data as column in channel list
Data Importer
- Possibility to choose *.csv and *.asc files in text import
- Enabled display in VGPS-HSC RTK rover
Global Channel List
- Reset AI channel to default
Harmonic FFT
- Use new menu style on the left
- Improved support for HighDPI
- Major redesign of how the visual control works, read all values from channels
- Harmonics need to be enabled in order to show anything on the visual control
- Harmonic angles need to be enabled in order to show Power or Reactive Power
- Added IOLite 4xCNT software support
- Added option to switch between internal/external ECAT master mode
- Added support for soft synchronization if sample rate is less then 1 kHz
Input Control
- Added custom step for "Next prev button"
Krypton STG
- Added Krypton 6xSTG-L1B7f connector preview
- Added Krypton 6xSTG-L1B7f device preview
Lookup Table
- Replaced old graphs with new graphs on Lookup table and Time reference curve
- Replaced old grids with new grids on Lookup table and Time reference curve
- Updated Paste function in Lookup table
Measurement screen
- Redesigned playback speed options
- Allow access to NET Slave measurement units from a different master
Overload Indicator
- Highlight the name in overload table when channel is in overload
Power Analyser
- New default phase colors
- Changing a phase color changes the colors of all output channels
- New predefined power screens
- Visual controls (Vector Scope, Harmonic FFT) read data from channels
- Decouple some settings in user interface
- Added option to auto-scale the time axis on recorder
- Added support for digital filters on analog out
- Added ability to open multi-files using sequencer
- Added units to the DirectX camera delay table in the settings
Setup Engine
- Show axes settings even if channel does not allow modification
Time Reference Curve
- Added possibility to have different timestamps for envelope reference curves
- Updated paste function in Time reference curve math
User Inputs
- Added double precision option for User input variables
User Interface
- Added ability to resize data header window
- Updated math template management
- Remember the last custom settings for Line widget
- Renamed "analyse" to "analyze"
- Show overlays (Offline, Not Stored, ...) on visual controls with channel groups
Vector Scope
- Use new menu style on the left
- Add name of power module
- Major redesign of how the visual control works, read all values from channels
- In order to show higher harmonics, harmonics and harmonic angles need to be
- Old data files without voltage angles need to be recalculated to show results
XY Recorder
- Added ability to adjust the size of the plotted dot
Angle Sensor
- CEA and OT both load the same AngleSensor math
- Find option in Angle sensor math does not always work
2D Graph
- Thin bins on 2D histogram are invisible
2D/3D Table
- Issue on 2D/3D table while changing the number of decimal places of a channel
3D Graph
- Issue when changing X axis time display on graph with constant matrix as input
- Asynchronous matrix channels are not updated on new 3D graph during Measurement
and Analysis
- Axis labels overlap and changing the value changes the back label
- Drawing issue on 3D graph when restarting the measurement
- Dropout of data in 2D replay
- New 3D graph has issues during measurement on some graphics cards
- Setting axis limits on new 3D Graph with '.' causes issues
- Export per channel causes issues in ASAM MDF export
- Alarm behavior is not consistent
- Alarm can write into user input channel with reverse order of timestamps
Analog Sensor Editor
- Show input and output units on table scaling
Applications And Modules
- Missing description for Scaling
- Number of lines isn't loaded correctly from setup on first try
- Auto storing issue if no channels are used
- Channel selections are broken in NET configurations
- If no printer is present Dewesoft won't start
- Overload indication and clamp status is not being read/updated when
DSI/MSI/TEDS is disabled
- Sound channel is locked in export screen to video file
C++ Script
- Load icon buttons overlap description field when resizing C++ Script window
- Added missing description for C++ Script
- Activated CAN grid columns disappear after file import
- CAN Tx on trigger doesn't trigger transmit
- CAN message count channel spike issue for DSCAN2
- CAN message/signal "stored" property not handled correctly in analyze
- CAN messages are decoded twice if store port channel is checked
- Copy/paste to CAN data port in analyze will mark channels "Used" instead
- Enable message count channels on CAN causes issues
- If CAN port number is reduced in hardware settings the ports can still be seen
in analysis mode
- Incoming CAN messages not detected when scan enabled and RT configuration
- Messages and channels are always set to Unused if data port is not assigned to
a device
- Type of CAN (standard/extended) is always set to extended for Dewesoft devices
Campbell Plot
- Campbell plot Y-axis is always gray
- Edit button cuts everything left when changing the layout
Combustion Engine Analyser
- Calculation of additional channels averages causes issues
- Cannot add more than one cylinder in CEA
- Dual polytropic coefficient not working
- Wrong naming in Engine Average output for Mass Burned Fraction
- Counting is likely not always setting the axis correctly when sample rate
DSI Adapters
- Changed DSI-MCTS-2000 to DSI-MCTS-2000N
Data Importer
- Import file gives error if merging datafiles with c++ script
- Issue when opening signal conditioning with multiple devices
Exact Frequency
- Exact Frequency calculation is setup mode doesn't work correctly when using
sample rate divider
- Can not export data with default rate to .rsp format
- Issue with resampler and multi-file export
- No data when exporting vector data with resampler option to Matlab
FFT Analyser
- Check all option selects all channels on FFT even if the sampling rate is
FFT widget
- FFT widget can't change to Averaged FFT display mode when storing with "current
FFT" display mode
Frequency Domain Filter
- Frequency domain filter with tracking frequency source shows no input channel
selected message
Global Settings
- Changing the S-NCurves.dxb path in project causes issues
- Delete the ring free filter option
- Sound card driver settings always keep Primary Sound Capture Driver
- IOLite DI shows watchdog option in settings
- SyncJunction and KryptonDIO sometimes do not start in measure mode if gps in
mode is used
- Counter channels are not stored in data file
- IOLiteLX missing samples in logger
Input Control
- Input Control loads wrong value at the start in analyze mode
Krypton CANFD1
- KryptonCANFD does not work with vector at CANFD speeds at 500k and 800k nominal
baud rate
Krypton CNT1
- Significant sync delay in data, EtherCAT 1xCAN and 1xCNT
Krypton DIO
- Trigger option does not work if PWM is selected on DO
Krypton LA
- Krypton LA is missing in offline setup
Load Engine
- Multifile with sync/data lost has multiple gaps
- Missing translation in DirectX camera setup
Math Module Engine
- Asynchronous channels from CAN and plugins that are used in formula are not
showing values in Math value grid
Measurement screen
- Issue with printing custom widgets
- Time selector doesn't change the x-axis range properly when slow sample rate is
- Channel selections in NET configuration are not properly prefixed (with
- Disabling store data on slave client causes issues
- Error when switching to the NET tab after shutting down the measurement units
- Issue when deleting a project which has an active measurement unit
- NET units can't reconnect if master looses connection to all SMUs
- Sync lost error appears if we start measurement with no enabled channels on one
slave measurement unit
- Wake on LAN only wakes up one unit
Orbit Analysis
- Having coastdown selected while performing a runup causes issues
Order Tracking
- Issue on Order Tracking when loading exported data file without frequency
- Changing frequency source in order tracking doesn't set module to offline
- Prevent order tracking from calculating when angle sensor's input is unused
- Cursor on a p-V graph of the CEA is not updating with the position of a mouse
Power Analyser
- Flicker synthesized voltage was initially wrong when lower calculation rate is
- Fundamental period values were missing in power module when resampler was
turned off
- Fundamental period values werezero when current channels are not used
- Wrong initialisation of filters for harmonics on 2nd and 3rd phase
- Incorrect Unit for X-axis when Absolute time is selected
- The names of two nearby cursors overlap in recorder
- User notes overlaps in recorder
- Importing png image to Dewesoft reports issue
- Fixed false "Motherboard over temperature warning" on SIRIUSe slices
- Channels not selected in Channels view when changing Scope widget Current
trigger setup channel
- X-axis range on Scope widget is not remembered
- Fix that calculation block also find channels by long name
- Sequencer renames saved data file name
- Wrong export type when exporting with sequencer
- Data header has incorrect down button
Setup Engine
- Copy/paste option doesn't consider velocity and displacement channels
- TXT export does not use separator for array channels
Time Reference Curve
- Reference curve does not offset correctly when we zoom into recorder
Tracking Filter
- Tracking filter should show error if frequency channel is missing
- UNV export gives .unv extension although you choose .uff
User Interface
- Absolute time is changed in the time selector after using the relative time
- Cannot delete Widget with delete key when it was just added to the display
- Slow draw time on Custom visual controls in Analyze mode
XY Recorder
- Deleting math in Analyze mode while channel is assigned on XY recorder causes
- Manual scaling of the XY widget resets when you delete one widget

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