Educ. 314

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According to Meredith Farkas (2010) Work immersion is a chance to experience new things,

beyond what is in the usual class room set up. It h e l p s u s t o a p p l y w h a t w e h a v e

l e a r n e d i n s c h o o l . L e a r n i n g t h r o u g h immersions includes mistakes, mistakes we
commit during immersion help us build new learnings. Immersion helps us realize self-
development in new light. Not just by grades but by insights, insights which can
help us from action plans for the future. Immersion helps one person realize one role
in the future.
Specifically, the students are able to: gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the
guidance of industry experts and workers; appreciate the importance and application of
the principles and theories taught in school; enhance their technical knowledge and
skills; enrich their skills in communic ations and human relations ; and develop
good w ork habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them to meet
the needs and challenges of employment or higher education after graduation
(Deped, 2017). In the Philippines, youth unemployment hampers meaningful economic
development. The sector’s lack of knowledge, skills, and work experience puts them at a
disadvantage. One way to address this is through the Department of Education’s Senior High
School (SHS) program, ushered by the K-12 education reform. One of its
components, the work immersion program, provides students “real workplace”
experience, giving students a set of technical-vocational and livelihood skills that can help
them m a k e m o r e i n f o r m e d c a r e e r c h o i c e s a n d i m p r o v e t h e i r e m p l o y m e n t
prospects (AsiaFoundation, 2018). It is important to have training that is effective. Studies have
proven that more costly but effective training can save money that is wasted on 10 cheap but
inefficient training (Ginsberg, 1997). Therefore, training has acquired a strategic value for instance
in hotel service quality depends on employee customer care effectiveness.
In conclus ion, w ork immers ions w ill have s tudents gain new skill s ets and
improve their existing capabilities. It is also through immersion that students get to discover
themselves and jumpstart their professional growth. It’s like a computer program that is
constantly upgrading for more efficiency.

Work ethic determines how an employee behaves in his workplace. This is closely
related to the employee’s relationship with his employer, colleagues, or corporate
guests. It plays an important role in educational organizations. In educational organi-
zation, attention should be paid to the needs for the improvement of employees’ satis-
faction in workplace and to the effectiveness of educational program in teaching and
learning (Soleimani & Niazazari, 2011).
Work ethic determines how an employee behaves in his workplace. This is closely
related to the employee’s relationship with his employer, colleagues, or corporate
guests. It plays an important role in educational organizations. In educational organi-
zation, attention should be paid to the needs for the improvement of employees’ satis-
faction in workplace and to the effectiveness of educational program in teaching and
learning (Soleimani & Niazazari, 2011).
Work ethic is a belief that work, hard work and diligence has a moral benefit and an inherent
ability, virtue or value to strengthen character. It is about prioritizing work and putting it in the
center of life. Social ingrainment of this value is considered to enhance character through hard
work that is respective to an individual’s field of work. A strong work ethic is vital for achieving
goals. A work ethic is a set of moral principles a person uses in their job. People who possess a
strong work ethic embody certain principles that guide their work behavior, leading them to
produce high quality work consistently and the output feeds the individual to stay on track. A good
work ethic fuels and individual’s needs and goals, it is related to the initiative by a person for the
objectives. It is considered as a source of self-respect, satisfaction, and fulfillment.
Furthermore, work ethics determines how an employee behaves in his workplace. This is closely
related to the employee’s relationship with his employer, colleagues, or corporate guests. It plays
an important role in educational organizations. In educational organization, attention should be
paid to the needs for the improvement of employee’s satisfaction in workplace and to the
effectiveness of educational program in teaching and learning (Soleimani & Naizazari, 2011).
In conclusion, employees who are ethically positive, honest, hardworking, and driven by
principles of fairness and decency in the workplace, increases the overall morale and enhances
the performance of an organization. A company that has established behavioral policies can
improve its reputation and help ensure its long-term success.

Social ingrainment of this value is considered to enhance character through hard work that is
respective to an individual's field of work.

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