Group Thought Paper

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Group Thought Paper

Write a paper based on the instructions below. The paper must not exceed 1,500
words. It is due on or before March 17, 2018. Submit your paper via email with the subject GROUP THOUGHT PAPER
followed by your group name.

1. Read through the annotations that Rizal made on Morga’s Chapter 8 from the
start of the chapter until page 295 in the English version.

2. Classify Rizal’s annotations and cite some examples; remember to cite the page
number where the annotation appears.

3. Explain the rationale for your classification scheme.

4. Based on his annotations, explain Rizal’s views of the preconquest past. Discuss
the overall image of the past that Rizal wanted to convey in his notes.

5. Assess Rizal’s views of the preconquest past in light of the current state of
historical studies. Explain whether or not his views were valid.

6. Conclude with your overall assessment of Rizal’s annotations.

Criteria for grading rubrics: Classification of Rizal’s notes (30%);
Explanation and overall assessment of Rizal’s view of the preconquest past (20%);
Assessment of Rizal's views in light of current studies (20%); Strength of the
overall argument or thesis (20%); Quality of writing and composition (10%)

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