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NAR SCel it ft aoirestitant) 1, Equation of circle with centre at origin and radius /5 is: (a) (x-3F +y7=5 (be) x +y?=25 x+y? @) x4yaJ5 2, Ifxtt+y?+2gx + 2fy +.c=0, represent equation of circle then radius r= tsurstag Oe O VF-Fee © Ve-P-e eae =Oisequal to: irsosg) (3,2) (&) G,2) © @G,-2) @) (3-2) Centre of the circle having equation x? + y+ 12x-10y=0 is: murs, MISSWLent.y (GUF1-18.BWe-t115) @) 65) ©) (6-8) @ 65) @ 6-5) 5. If the ends of the diameter of the circle are (0,1) and (2,3) then its area is: IRWeatta, @* | (by) 20 (©) 4n (@) 8x oO 6. The set of all the points in a plane which are equidistant from a fixed point and wa’ fixed line is called: 2PM GULissMLT-L19) 2 (@) hyperbola (b) ellipse © circle @ parabola 7. The circle x? + y+ 2gx + 2fy +e=0 passing through origin if: jocKtasawe.ta9 2 (a) c=ftg (b) c=-1 (@ c=1 @ c=0 8. IfCS5,3) is the centre of circle and point (7,-2) lies on it, then radius of circle will be equalto: 2 1B d (GUS-T-19,MtT N14} @y13 (b) 7 @ 5 @) 3 5. The centre of the circle (X— 1)? + (y +3)'=3 is equal to!) ") Haeniarspsas) @) (1,3) @®a) © 13) @ 1-3) 10. A circle is called a point of circle if: [GULMM6 DEKE (a) r=3 (b) r=2 © r=1 + @r=0 lL is equation of point circle, IMTN-119} @) x+y=1 @® ve+y=o (© x+y=4 @ x-y=7 12. x'+y? + 2gx + 2fy + ¢=0 is the equation of: {FSD-1-17,GUs-1145} @® circle (b) hyperbola (©) ellipse (@) line 13. The centre of the circle x*+ y? + 2gx + 2fy + e=0 is: [RWP-1-16,6K-I1,19] Ce-f (b) Cf-2) © fe) @ @ 14. Ifa plane passes thorugh the vertex of the cone being is called: iMTW-116¥S0-149] (a) point of circle (b) unit circle ()_ hyperbola (@) parabola 1S. The length of the diameter of the circle x? + y?=atis: 2% Gusavisswettas) @1 (b) 2 ©a ~ Maa 16. Centre of circle 4x” + 4y*~ 8x + 16y -25=0: ILNRA-16,GU.M0-17) roe DY a lygagee 3 3 @) @D @a © (3) @ 6.3) 17. Radius of circle 4x2 +4y? + 8x + 8y —68=0 [DGK-1-16,FSD4,-14) (@) 12 ENS a @ vs 18. Centre of circle x? + y' + 7x—-3y=0is: @ (73) © 73) © b) ot + pase T td apru Wf w) St, af a —=— —————— ————- ——} 19. Eccentricity of an gllipse is: [FSD-1-13, MTN-I1-15] @) e=0 Qoce1 @) e=1 20. Centre of circle 5x? + Sy? + 14x + 12y — 10 = 0 is: [FSD-11-17,0GK-1N1-15] s s v ae onl © 06) &) 7-6) @ (2) @ (4) 21. Parabola having equation x? =-4ay opens: [GUJ-I-15,PSD-1-16,BWP-1-18} (@)_downards @ upwards. (©) towards right (@)_ towards left 22. x= att, y= 2at are the parametic equation of: (swLA-17] « @) hyperbola (b) circle @® parabola (a) ellipse 23. The directrix of the parabola x*=-Sy is: -> X= ut-nis,RWwrarto) @) y-2=0 (b) y+2=0 @ x-2=0 (a) x+2=0 24. ‘The vertex of the parabola (x — 1) = 8(y +2) is: [UHR15} (a) (0,0) 0) 20) >? > © O2 @ a2) 25. The line y = mx + c, will be tangent to the parabola y?=dax if: jawr.tti6scD--19] @e-T 1 @ cae (© c=-am* @ c=a(l+m) 26. Focus of the parabola y* = —dax is: [LHR-tL17,GUE-14) @) (0,-a) (b) (0a) & (a0) @) (0) 27. Focus of parabola x*=—4ax is: {FSD-115,GUI-1-13] @) @-a) . (b) (@,0) (©) (-a,0) @) (a) 28. The vertex of parabola y* = -8(x —3) is: [SWL-15,GUS-115] (@) (1,9) ©) G) © @) oo 29. The focus of parabola y* = 4ax is: [RWPAIL-18,06K-115} (a) @-a) (b)_ (0,0) © (a0) @eao 30. The length of the latus rectum of parabola y? = 8x is: [MTN-I-14,FSD-1-17] @2 (b) 4 © 6 @ 8 31, Any chord passing through the focus of the parabola is called the: (LURA-15] (@) focal chord of the parabola (b) latus rectum of the parabola © axis of the parabola (@) vertex of the parabola 32. Parabola y?=4ax,a>Oopens: [RSD-UI1-14,06K-1-15} (a) left side by) right sige (©) upward (@) downward « 33. condition that the line y= mx + cis tangent to the circle x?+y*=atis: ——_[FSD-I1-4] @ cxsmvi-a? (0) o=taVi-m? ©) c=taVitm @) c=tevita 34, Focus of the parabola x?=Syis: | : (MLTE-18,GUI-1E18] o &) —— » Ea) o (3) ®4) 35. The parabole y= dax, 2 > 0 opens: IMLT-ILAsSWLAt46) (a) downward (b) upward © right (@) left 36. The end points of mjnor axis of ellipse are: (LHR-L-17,FSD-11-15} (a) centre Gy convertices (© vertices (@) foci 37, If eis eccentricity then conic represents ellip: IMLT-L1sSWLULts} ero (b) e>1 © @ e=1 38. Vertices of ellipse with equation x? + 4y*;=46 are: FSD.1-14,BWP-LA,RWP--19] (a) (0,42) ) @2,0) B® We O24) @ 4,0) 39, ‘The straight line y= mx + eis tangent to the ellipse > x ree 5 an it , (eusttas, @) e= am +h! (b) t= bimt—a ©) Pama) ee aa b 40.! Length ofeach latus rectum ofan ellipses: Boosts 2 b? x @ = @*> © wy 2 a wf a 41. Length of latus rectum of ellipse eee is: * Wspa.16 9 hn 9 16 (a) 2 o) & © 2 @> * (x +h) y +k 42. The centre of eipe OF dy + D (+n) = Lis: (GUI-1-18,BWe-tt45) @ b-” ® os 4) @& a” @ x 43, Focus of ellipse *¢+35-=1 are: i IRF (@) (0,42) (b) (0,1) (© (1,0) (1 +O 44, Thelength of tatu rectum of ese Sy (rsp. pe @s 4 “© 2 é fe Mile ecit 45. Ifa> b then foci of elipse 97+ 27=1 are: rete (curry & (ae,0) © oe (©) (,#a) @ a0) 46, Foci of hyperbola 5>—2>=1 are: (DGK-IE18,BWP--19) (a) (ae,0) a eu ae) © (+4) @ @e,0) 47. The co-ordinate of vertices of hyperbola rte 1 equals: (GUE MTNIg) @) a () (04a) © 0) @ (28) 48. Asymptotes are very useful in graphing: Ke [LHR-11-18,FSD-1-19} (a) ellipse (b) parabola © hyperbola @ circle 49, x=a,secO ,y=b tan represents the parametic equations of: (GUI-UIL16pGK.AL-17) © byperbola (b) ellipse © parabola (@) circle 50. The cenre of the circle (+3) + (y-2)'= 16, equals: IMTN.AE19] @) 3-2) © 6" *™* Maa @ G2) 51. Length of latus rectum of parabola x* = Sy is: IRSD-L-47,GUN-I-15} @) 20 @ 10 © 5 @; 52. Ifa =b the equation a fet represents: IRWP-II-16,GK-IL,-19] @ circle (b) hyperbola (©) parabola (@) ellipse 53. IfP(1y-2) les on circle with centre (5,3), then its radius is: IMTNA-I6,FSD-1419] @) Vi7 ) Ji3 © 17 & © 54, Vertex of the parabola y* = 4ax is: (oustasswLKt9] (@)_(@a) © (© _(@,0) @) a) Tope of tangent to parabola y* = daxat (a,20) iss Y=" 79% (uorats,cust47) (b) 2 Weye4a fo) 3 @ — day ist 43 (DGK.11-16,FSD-1-14] y=0 =0 AX (@) x=1 57. The radius of circle (x — 5)? + (y —3)? = 8 is: IMTN-I1-14,SWL-I-15] (a) 2 ae 22 (©) 4 (d) 64 58. Length of the diameter of the circle (x + 8)? + (y-5)?= 2¥ [RSD-1-13,MTN-If-15] @) 40 m 160 or WS nae (a) a5 59. The eccentricity of y- x =1, equals: ere og IFSD-11-17,DGK-11E-15] z = 2 2 -@ 8 eh f oF © 60. een of tngee rom (2) hc + 6x 3y+3=0is: — (SwL-rI7] . al” (b) 20 1 © e=1 @ e<1 4. the radius of circle x* + y? = 5 is, IFSD-I-14,GUJ-I-13] @) 0 5° je £2, eS 3 @vs 2 . - ~=*65. For ellipse 2, =1, ate? will be equal to: ~*~“! [SWL-1-15,GUJ-II-15] a ve wl - @ +h fo ab? ©) er ) @ ba 66. The vertex of the parabola y2+I6x IRWP-II-18,0GK-1-15] @) (1,1) (b) (,0ve oa on. @& 0.) 67. Two circles are said to be concetric circles if they have: [MTN-I1-14,FSD-1-17] (a) same diameter oe same centre (c) different centre (d)_ same radius 68. Directrix of parabola x? = 20y is; a - [FSD-1/1-14,DGK-II-15] (a) x=-5 (@® y=-5 (©) x=5 @ y=5 69. The length of diameter of the circle x* + y#— 4x — 12 = 0 is: IMTN--17,SWLAl-19} @) 6 () 7 ) 9 Answers i[e[2TaT3{[e[4 ~c[s];b]6]|d|7]a|8,a]9]|b || d Vif [r2fa [isa [rato [a5 [ a [78] b [a7] [re] a [19] b [zo a 2i|'b [22[o [23|a [aa] a [25] b | 26[ c [27] a | 28] d [291 d |30] a 3i{a [32] b [33] c [34] d [35 [c [36] b | 37] b [38] d [39] a [40] b » EGRET ete ate festa fess far a ase [aoa sof e Si{d [52] a [53| a |54| b | 55| a [50 57|b [58[c [50] b [60] a fra [expe fest a teetatest a festa [ert e teste test | @ |, The magnitude of vector is also called its: “Gesv-14,BWP-LA7.RWE-HI9L (@) point (b) variable Bi worm (@) parameter 3. The unit vector of a vector Vist © “> [eus-tt-15] v ys v ® hF © i © Wi V6 fi 4, The unit vector of 21 i eee 5. Angle between the vectors a +2j-kand -1+j-2kis: 4 ve {FSD-116] @ 30° (b) 45° © 60° @ 90° If V=21+ V5} +4k, then |V| is equal'to: [GUs-1-18,BWP-1-15] 3 (v) 5 © 25 @ V5 7. Magnitude of 2i-3j+k is: ‘ IRWPAIE] @ VB ® via © vis ‘@ vie 8 IfP=(2,3) and Q=(6,-2) then PQ =: (FSD-1415] (a 5-4) @ 4-51 @ ~Ait5j @ 4+5j 9. IfP=(a,,b,), Q= (ayb,) then PQ is: [GUJ-11-18,MLT-1-19] (a) (4 +b)i+(a, #b2)i @ (2 -a)i+(r-b)i ‘ © (a-a)i+-b)i @ @ta)it +b,)j 10. The magnitude of dot and cross product of two vector are 1 and 1 respectively. Then angle between vector is: [DGK--18, 0-119] (a) 30° @y 45° (©) 60° (a) 90° > 11, If T and b are oppositely directed then jb equals: [GUI MTN-TH4] abcos® (b) absin® b @ ab 12. Projection of vector u=ai+bj—ck along i is: [UHRAT18,FSD--19] (a) 0 Oa ‘© b @ 13. Ifthe vector u=2i+4j-7k and ¥=2i +6j-xk are perpendicular then (@) 0 (b) 28 “© 4 @ 4 14. ik = - [GUs-111-16,D6K-I1-17] @ 0 @) 2 © 4 @ 5 15, Projection of the vector ¥ = ai +bj +ck on x-axis is: ITE] @ Veber Da Ob @c $ 16. The direction cosines of x-axis are: [FSD-147,GUs-11415] (2) 00,1 (b) 1,1,0 © 10,1 “® 1,00 17, The angle between the vectors 2i+3j+K and 2i-i-k is: {RWP-11-16,GK-M,-19] @ ow (b) 60° © 45° (@ 30° : ~ [MLT-1-15,SWL-VI-15] A vector with ilignitude 1 is called: constant (b) zero vector uh unit vector (a) null vector : IMIN-AFIGESD.. @) 3 (b) 2 @i @ 0 19, Ifthe vectors 2i+4j-7K and 2i+6)+%K are perpendicular, then x equals: ‘i * @) 5 (a) 2 Bs : @©-4 ( . 20. Fora vector ¥=ai+bj +ek, projection of ¥ along K ist [GUSTS SWLty) @? @- ITM, (a) atb+e (b) 2 21. Which of triples can be direction angles (a) 302305302 QD) 459,459.90" . d 2, If y=2eiti-ky= #i+4k are perpendicul 7 ef iv 3 of a single vector = / ae (©) 0°,0%,45° @_90°,90°.45 lar, then ©= —— FFsDAug 1 @ 3 © 3 on 23, For any two veetors a and b projection of a on B is: (uiRt-16,60s-A1 ab ab ; @ O jh © (@ ab [DGK--16,FSD4,14 24, Projection of 7=i-K along b= j-K ist -1 1 HEB go de os al | @ 3, PS? bY TE Og oO PR 25, If 4,B,7 are the direction angles of a vector then cos? a.+cos?B+ cos’ y=? ISWLEn @) 3 b) 2 1 @ 0 26. Angle between the vectors i+ j and i-j is: [MLT-1-18,RWP-11-16) @) z 3 e © ™ q@ 0 27. jxk is equal to: [BWP-IL-16,SGD-1-19] (a) 0 @) 1 Gi (a) -% 28, The area of triangle whose adjacent sides are 31+4j and 121+9j is: (LHR-15) 15 55 45 21 2 oT OD 2 [LURAL-17,GUS-IF1S) 29. UXY is equal to: (a) —Uxy (b)_uvcos® (xy 30. Commutatitive law holds in: 8 cross product in three vectors inner product @ wvsind [FSD-1-14,GUJ-IE13] (b) vector product (d) none of these 31. The non-zero vectors @ and b are parallel if axb =: [SWL-1-15,GUJ-IF-15) (a) ab ) 1 @ -1 0 32. The moment of a force F acting at P about C is: [RWP-IL-18,DGK-1-15) (@) OPxF (b) CPF @ cPxF \@ FxCP 33, i{ixk)= [MTN-I1-14,FSD-117] @20 (b) -1 Q1 (@ 2 34. 2i.(2}xR) equals: [FSD-VILI4,DGK-IFIS) @ 1 (b) 2 © 3 4 * 35, Bones of force F about (t) is: [MTN-111.17,SWL--19} ig (b) 1F p © Fxr “@ Fr 36. j(kx i) is equal to: [FSD-IE-17,0GK-UILI4) @ 0 : 1 (© -1 @ 2 37. Whatis the value of [abb] =___ [BWP-1-15,FSD-1-17,GUF-L-13] 6 ) 1 © - @2 ware -18,GUFI-AS] (a) 0 6 © + @ x 40. If d is the displacement and F is the ous foree, then work done by force F is equal to; {FSD-L-14) © ied (b) F-d @ F.d @ F+d 41. [MTN-1-14] @ 0 ~~ 1 2 @ 2 a. [bil] ~ se a (a) 0 ~~ @®1 (©) -1 @ 2 43, 2ix2jke=_ [LHRA-17,°SDII-15] @) 0 (b) 2 © 3 4 44. Volume of parallel pipped with u,v,w as its coterminous edges is: (MLT-1-15,SWL-MII-15} 1 (@) 7(eyxw) ) }uyxw) © tuxw) = =@ we 45. ux(¥.) is: [FSD-1-14,BWP-F17,RWP-1-19] (@) cross product (GP meaningless (@) vector product (@) scalar product 46. [abe] is equal to: [GUs-I-15) f@) 0 ) 1 @ 2 47. Direction cosines of : are: © [SGD-1-15,MTN-II-17] @ (00,1) (b) (0,1,0] © (hi @) [10,0] 48. If any two vectors of scalar triple product are equal then its value is: {FSD-1-16] 0 (b) 1 (© -1 @ 2 The non-zero vector'a' and 'b' are parallel if a x b=: [GUJ-118,BWP-IL-15] 0 (b) 1 @ -1 (@) (@b) ). The direction cosine of y-axis are: IRWP-IL-14] (@) (0,0,0) 0,1) ©. (10,0) @ 1,9 51, Length of the vector 2i— j—2k is: [FSD-I-15] @) i... (be) 4 @;3 @ 2 52. (ei jl=: [GUs.1-18MLT-I-19] @) = (b) 2 © -1 1 53. A unit vector perpendicular to the vectors a and b is: [DGK-I1-18,BWP-1-19] jaxb| laffe| axb axb © jail Ops © fe = Fadl 54, cos0= fax . — @ a © axé @ |a»>| 55, 21.(3}«R) is equal to: [LHRAT-18,FSD-1-19] @s ) 4 © 2 @ 0 56. The tripple scalar product of vectors, calculates the volue of: [GUJ-IM1-16,0GK-I-17] (a) tetrahedron (b) parallelogram arallelepiped (d) triangle 57. The position yector of any point in xy-plane [MTNA] (@) xitzk xityj (©) yjtzk (@) xityj+zk 58. A force F is applied at an angle of measure : with the displacement F . The work done will be: {FSD-I-17,GUJ-IL-15} @ FF fb nF © Be (5) zero 59. If OA= a,OB = b, en AB= [RWP-I-16,GK-I1,-19) (a) ab “(bY b-a () a+b (4) a-b [tTeT2fe[3fa[4fals]a| [itf ec [12[b [13] a [74] a [715] b [16] at b [22] d [23] 6 [24] d [25] cf26| b [27] co [26] d [29] a [30] | lstpa [a2] [33] © [34] 4 [35] a [ae] b [37] a [36] [39] b [40] c | [atpc [42] & 43] d [44] 4 | 45] & [46] c [47] a [48] a [49] a [60] a | 51 [ss] a [66] ¢ [57] b [58] d [59] 6 |

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