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FUNCTIONS AND LIMITS Question Bank (Ail Boards 2012-2019) 1, Cosh x is equal to: IMLT--15,SWL-1-15) ASE wm eS oe @ eter 2. If (x)= VE+7 domain of f equal to: [PSD-1-14,BWP-1-17,RWP-1-19] (a) (+=) @ Cu) @ (41,-~) (@ (442) 3... Which of the following is an odd function? ” {GUJ-T-15} (@) sin?x ® sinhx (©) coshx @ cosx 4. If f(x) =2x+5 then £(2) equals: " {SGD-1-15MTN-11-17] @ + (b) -9 9 @1 | 5. Ify is image of x under function f we write it as: [FsD-1-16] @-y=x ® y=) © y#£(*) @ x= fy) 6, The function is said to be an even fanction if (-x) = f [aus4-18,5WP-1-15] @ fix) ®) fx) ©. -f%) (@ None of these 7. {(%)=cosx+sin xis function, TRWP-IF-14] (a) odd (b) even (© botheven & odd GP neither ever nor odd + 8 2sin hx is equal to: 3 [Fsp-115) @) a ) ar @ e @ e+e* 9. If f(x) = cos x, then {(0) =? (GUJ-11-18,MLT-I-19] @: ® 0 © +4 @-1 10. A function defined by f(x) = x* Is: [DGK-L-18,BWP--19] (a) constant function /(b) even funciton (@) linear function (4) odd function 11, x=acos0, y=bsin® are parametric equations of: [GUJ-1-19,MTN-1-14] (a) hyperbola (b) circle (©/ellipse @ parabola 12. Domain of £(x)=2+Vx—1 Is: ~ (LARAL-18,FSD-1-19] (a) [0,c0) & [,<0) © [2,0) @ @1) 13, x= at?, y = 2at are parametric equations of: [GUJ-111-16,DGK-11-17) (0) hyperbola () circle ©) ellipse @ parabola {4. A function defined by {(x) = x’ is: pr-n.19] (@) linear funciton (b) odd function (¢) identity funciton (@) even function 15. If f(x) is a function such that f(x) = f(x) then f(x) is sald to be: [FSD-1-17,GUJ-I-15] (a) linear function (b) constant function even function (d) odd function 16. cos h?x+sin h*x =? (RWP-I1-16,GK-I-19] (@) 2cos h2x (b) sin hax cos hax, @i 17, The area of a circle as a function of its circumference 'C" is: (MTN-11-16,FSD-1-19] 1 1 @ 5c @) Asie @)A-HC @ A=xC 18. -Afunction £>X—>. ©: is called: (a) Non-linear function. | ‘coristant function (©) identity function” 7 “Niet function 19, If (x) = x? + sin x then f(x) ILARAL-16,cus-M17 @), stant funiiton (@) neither even nor odd INETN-IE19) the range of f(x) =x* |. GK-AH6FsD-41-14) (a) €-1,0) [0,00) . © ‘(-,0) @) (—,~) 21. If f(x) =x? =x then £2) is equal to: [MTNaT-4sWLE15} @) 6 i 0) 0 bie ere 2 22, If f(x) =x, then domain of fis: : [FSD--13.MTW-11-15) (a) irrational (b) rational number | (e) integer (GH) real number 23... Who recognized the term function to describe, the dependence of one quantity on other? | & {FSD-11-17,DGK-U11-15} (@) Bohr. (b) Langrange (6) Leibniz (@ Euler 24, If fx) ye -f(x) then fis called: : 1GUJ-1-15,FSD-1-16,BWP-1-18} (®) even function & odd function: »'<::(€) »periodic function (d)’ linear function 25, f(x) =x+1 isa fuhction then {(—1) = , isweeay e te Mia@aetl @ t+ cos h*x—sin h°x equals to: IMLT-1-18,RWP-TE-14 ly (b) 2 uct @.0 27. The linear. function f(x) becomes identity funciton if: ILARA-15} @.a=1,b=1 ( a=0,b=0 © a=1,b=0 @ a=0,b=1 8. The output of a function is also called: (BWP-II-16,SGD-1-19} image (®) domain © result @ none of these a9, ()=2 5 is function. unRATH7,GuI14 (a) even odd (©) ‘both even and odd (@) neither even nor odd 30. f(x) =x cotx is: [FSD-F14,GUFIE-13] (@) ‘odd function even function’ (@)* quadratic function (a) linear function 31 If (x)= +6 then £0) =? : ISWLEiscus-n15, @) 8 b) 6 ©@ 4 @i 32, sec hx =? [RWPAEI8,DGK-LIS] (a) cos hx, (b) 1+ tan h?x (7 1—tan bx (@) tan b’x-1 33, lim sin? is equal to: : [MTN-TEi4,FSD-F17] @ 0 wd (97 es @l 34, The expression éu(x-+Vx'+1) equals: (FSD-NE14DGK-IL45) (®) cosec br!x (b) tan t'x (©, cost'x @ sin br'x 35, Iff(x) =x see x then f(0) =? [MTN-AA-17 SLT) @° ‘0 ©2 __@4 a ? 36. If f(x) = Jar then {22 + [FSD-4E17,0GK-10-44) @ w+9 ) Je—8 © Ver8 @& Jess 37. If f(x) = x +9), then M(x) equals: : [BWP-1-15,FSD-1-17,CU3-1-19] @) 9445. G6) 9-x% © («9/8 @ x4-9 38. If f(x) =2x+1, then fof(x) is equal to: [FSD-I-14] @) 4x-1 (b) 4x-3 ney 4x+3 (@) 4x+1 39, If f(x) =-2x +8 then f(x) =? [MLTI-18,GUS-11-18] 2 8- x-8 Lonip @ a oF or 0 0. If f(x) = 2x — 1, then f(x) equals to: 7 [FSD-1-14) Ors 14x ) aad @ 1+x @ I=x 41. tf &(2)=73(% #0) then gog(s) =? MIN} l @) 3 & xt © x @i1 42, li . (MLT-11-15,SWL-I-16] b b @? » -§ OsrPin@ F 43, im| +=] ay =? i [LHR-1-17,FSD-11-15] @ e (b) 2e © 3e sin @ 4e 44, tim(t+2)" =2 95 : IMTS SwLM} @e © ©. 6 @®e 45, lim SiR = (FSD--4,BWP-L17,RWP-L9] 180 Oem is © 0 @1 46, Yim? =C050 eguats to: (curs) (a) 2 @) 1 @- @o 47. lime*=____sx e xr-x Moth @ 3 1 © -1 oo 50, wt [RWP-I1-14) ine @ 0 yma a 2 © caeeeenens 51, lim (4) equals to: @ @) -1 ©! e 52. lim Sia 7xsin Sx ~ 5 O35 © 2 107 53, lim =" is equal to: eS (a) 0 @) 1 @ log, a 1). 54, tin(t+ 2) =. @ - ® © of Ye 55. t(1+3) equals to: ve ® 2 © £(x)-1 56. If lim @ = éna; a> 0, then f(x) is: (®) & ) @ * 57. tin @)=10) Is equal to: © £0) ® £0) &%te 58, wo (t=). , O Or If y=x then & is: apa (b) 3x © -3x44 ry=x+ then x. (Ws @ 1-4 @ Wt Differential of y is: 4 a O vy o Zz It to=5 {= - () 1 © 3 d(_1 . aes) is equal to: (®) In@x+b) O wy © may o The derivative of x at x=a is: A (us:)- 1 3 a= 3x Ox [MLT-I-15,SWL-U11-15) @ £@) [FSD-1-14.BWP-I-17,RWP-1-19] @ £ bbinle [Gus-115) @ fe) 1SGD-1-15,.MTN-II-17} df @©& [FSD-1-16] o> ®O& {GUJ-1-18,BWP-II-15] 3% @ -3* IRWP-IL-14] 1 @ Va [FSD-L-15} @ dy’ [GUJ--18,MLT-1-19] @+ xe (DGK-I1-18,BWP-1-19} 1 @ (x+y (GUJ-I-19,.MTN-F14] @ Va (LHR--18,7SD-119} 1 @ x 13. @ M4. @ 15. ® 16. ® 17. ® 18. @ 19. @) @ a. @ 2. @) © ® a (*) ts equal tor axt Oe 4 1132+ 4y-7=0, then 52 =? + © 3 iry=x-4, then Bar i AE If f(x) =3-x then f=? 1 1 ~ @4 £540) is equal to: ft) w 5 d@ {x-1' a('z)}-—_. er Oe If f(x) = x! then f(1) = 0 @®) 50 |. The derivative of = *2®* equals to: a a xe ® Differential of x* is: dy ax @ 2x If (2) =x% then (8) = 3 3 EB) ects £(x)a'(x)-8(x)f'(x) (@ B()F()—F)e'(%) (e@y a(4 . aly = . 8's) _8'@ B(x) @) g(x) + (GUAMEI6DGKAL-I7 | ©# @F ([MTN-IL-19) 3 ®-+ 4 [PSD-I-17,GUJ-11-15] 1 © hy Oy [RWP-I-16,GK-IL-19} 1 3 © 7 @2 IMTN-I-16,FSD-1-19} Ose @r (GUJ-1-15,SWL-IL-19), @ wt @ 15 (LBR-II-16,GU-V0-17) © 9 @ 100 [DGK-I-16,FSD-1,14) 2 6 2 = [MTN-I-14,SWL-L15) e 2xdx : @ x is @) (FSD-1-13,MTN-IL-15] 2 © 3 @ 3 . [FSD-1-17,.DGK-V/0-15) B(x)F"(x)-£ (x)8'(x) : » — €@) £(x)8'(x)-8(x)f"(x) © ey (GUJ-1-15,FSD-L16,BWP-1-18], s(x) 8'(x) © ey © ay “ af 3) 7 £(e(@)-a(9)F(9) S Ke 0 8(x)E"(x)-£(x)e'(x) co 26. It 16) 2%, then £"@) is equal to: 3) © a Le +4) is equal to: @ +4 B wera 28. (fog)"x)=2 @MPEHO.2~ — ©) aH).8') 29. £(<4)-> aI © 4x% @ x f axe +) =? ° 4x(x? + 1) () 2x(?+1) 2 1 31. i{« -4) Z . (SWL-117) g(x)f' (x) -f (x)e’(x) Oey £()e'()-8()F"@) © Gey EW se [MLT-118,RWP-I-16) ©; @F (LAR--15] © (x +4) ax? @ x(x? +4)% [BWP-II-16,5GD-1-19] © fe'@) @ fem) [LAR-IL17,GUHI-14] © 4x4 @« [FSD-1-14,GU3-0-13] wl) 4? © @ 26¢+1) _ (SWL-FI5,GUEIHS] @ 0 ® 5 © we @ pt 32. £(x)= a then £(2)=? [RWP-1L-18,D6K-115) o o () -1 ©o @1 33. If f(x+h) = cos (x +h), then £"(x) equals to: PoTTNA-14,FSD--17] @ sinx (b) cosx & ~sinx @) -cosx 34, ie is equal to: [FSD-VII-14,DGK-I-15] (@) me! ) x © x! & nxt! 35. 2 Wx )= [MTN-10-17,SWL-I1-19] yd 1 2 @ vx-9 Wx-9 © “2K-9 © kao 36. 2(¢) =? ([FSD-I1-17,DGK-V1-14] 2 1 @ © = Oz OF » &Ch)- @ dwx ® -se 3a, 24.8 du 8 5 called: (®) Quotient rule (@) Chain rule 39. Derivative of (x* + 1)? w.r.t x? equals: @) 2% +1P —b) 3G +1)! a 40. Ify=cos x, u=sin x then Rr? (@) -cosecx ~tanx 41, Derivative of - sin x w.r.t sin x is: -1 1 2. Derivative of x* with respect to x? is: (@®) 3x @ 3x 43. If f(x) =sin x then f'(0) = @x iS 0 44, Zor x)=? 1 On Oy 45, (cin v5) is equal to: w a8 oe can 46. £4 sin“ x) = L OGy eo Ta a1, &(Vimnx) = : o = ) }tan’ 200 x 438, £(con2x) is equal to: (@) sin?x —2 sin 2x 49. £ (cosec? x— cot ) is equal to: (@) sect x + tan? x ~2 cosec x cot x +2 cot x cosec? x 50. If y=cosVx, then 2Y 7 dx ot 9 -e [BWP-L-15,FSD-117,GU3.L19, (d) None of these 1 © vk (rsp-144 © Power rule (@) Product rule IMLTH-I8,6Us.-49) (2re00 + 08 @) 9° +18 [rsp-14 (© -cotx (@) cosx (MIN-+14, © -cosx (d) cosx (MLT-II-15,SWL-11-16] @® 1 @o0 (LBR-I-17,FSD-11-15] oa @ (MLT-F-15,SWL-IIL-15) 1 1 © Le © ie (FSD-1-14,BWP-I-17, RWP-1-19] @ -2k @ cosvx 9) Wk ious, a a ows GR {scp-15rN0-17 1 seo?x © zVianx.sec? x Oe (FSD-1-16) (©) cos*x @ -sin*x (ourtissweais, (©) cot + cosec? x @o (RWP-IL-14] © ok @ sink si. £(cosh'x)=? 1 © Tor 52. If f(x)= tan x, then f" 1 oF 3 53. L (cots) =7 —cosec? x (). cosec?x 4 54, Je (Cosh) is equal to: (@) cothx (®) cosech x 55. f(x) =sect x then f(z) =? (a) —cos*xcosecx (b) cos?x cosec x d 56. gy (-eotx) equals to: (a) —sec?x (b) -cosec?x 57. If f(x) = sin x then f'(n) = ‘@o @®l se, 2 (cinh3:) - (@) sinh 3x (®) cosh 3x 59, If f(x) = tant x then £(cot x)=? (a) sec*x (b) cos*x 60. iw is the derivative of: @ tan! x 61. 2 (inx’) is equal to: @) xsine 62. 44) is equal to: w deme. GH hom 6. 2 (toon x)= (@) cot?x 3x? cos x 1 1 a OTe 64, Lin x) is equal to: 1 1 ©) ix ® x Re. 1 © Vex @2 (©) cosee x cot x © -sinhx (©) sec x tanh x © cosec*x oy @ ‘3 cosh 3x © six © sectx © -cos (© ~cosecx © >? [rsD-1-15) 1 ORG [GUJ-I-18,MLT-119] @! [DGK-1.18,BWP-1-19] (@) cosec x cos x [GUJ-1-19,MTN-1-14) (@ sinh x , 1 TEAL © Wea [GUI-VIF-16,DGK-I-17] @) sectx [MTN-0-19] @.= [FSD-1-17,GUJ-1-15) @) 3 sinh 3x IRWP-I-16,GK-I1-19] 1 © he [MTN-1-16.FSD-119] @ sintx [GUI-1-15,SWL--19] @ cosx’ (LARAIL-16,GUJ-11-17] @ gsinx [DGK-IL-16,FSD-1,14] @z 1+x? [MTN-1-14,SWL-EI5] 1 1+x? @ ' (Y-4 cot 2x cosec? 2x Gs )) =2 [GUJ-0-16,DGK-1-17| tye Kaalt fe dh @ 328 » Sas © SS © SS 100, [aINAL-9} " @ © i (© ona @ Aa éna wn. (2) =» reosnexnn Oz % < © -x @ « ri 102. Ee") =2 IRWP-N-16,6K-41-19 ve ve @ at Ox © = @ of 4 top" 103. g,(loe:) =» IMTNALI6,FSD-119] oy Om Orm OF a 104, E((enx)")' =7 [ounsswearas) @ ™ oy © Kes)" @ 2k (enxy** 105, £(e™*) equals to: ILaRU-16GusuiF47 (®) -cosxe"® ——(b)_cosxet** © sinxe™ ® -sinxe 106. If f(x) = e* then f(x) is equal to: QGKTAGESD-IA4] - of @) -ae% Dace © / @ 107. y= Se then x =? [MTN-1-14,WL-1-15} ix (@) Ie (b) -Sem4 @ 1504 @ 3 108. Let y= cos (ax +b), then y, equals to: [FSD-11-13.MTN-I-15] @+ () ey © -y @ 109. Ify=e* then y,=? {FSD-II-17,DGK-VI-15} (@) xe (b) 3ex © 2 @ wee 110. Ify =e then y, equals to: [GUJ-1-15,FSD-1-16,BWP-1-18] () & (b) 26 © 8% @&D 16 # UL. Ify=sin x then 4 equals to: IswLLA7] @ 4 @) y © -cosx @ cosx 112, Maclaurins expansion of én(1 + x) is: [MLT--18,RWP-U-16) x? x @ xt Eta @) 2 x © eae sa @ ao 113, 1+ “ate +n» ig Maclaurin's expansion of: (LOR-15) (a) ax @e« © six @ cosx 3 114, The series x-3; +E-2y on 2D [BWP-IL16,SGD--19] (a) -sinx sinx (©) tanx @ cosx MS, a) +a,x+a,x7 + ILHRA117,GU-114) (2) Binomial series (G) Powersseries (¢) Taylorseries (d) Maclaurin’s series 04s" 116, The critical value of f(x) =x*-x-2 equals to: xJ2° (FSD-114,cU0-0-3] 1 et 1 @) 2 @) 2 © °° @s 117, Let "{" be differential funciton in neighbourhood of "c" where f'(c) = 0, then "f" has relative maxima at x= cif: SwLLiscUsn45) @® F@=0 ® f@>0 Breo0 125, f(x) increases if: » MUTE,GUs-g (@) f(x)20 ® f(x)=0 © #"@)>0 @ ‘f'(x)<0 126., The function f(x) = 2 + 3x? has minimum value at: Fsp-1414, x=0 () x=1 (© x=2 @ x=3 127. For a stationary point for a function f, we have {"x) =? IMIN-144) @ © (b) -ve © +e @o 128, Ify=sin 3x, then y, is equal to: IMLTAsswL146) (a) -9 cos 3x (b) 9 cos 3x © -9 sin3x (@) 9 sin 3x 129, a(S) is equal fo: [LAR-I7,FSD-LIg] F —a -1 (@ én(ax+b) © wey © Gay (@) ax+b 130. Ifx=at*, y= 2at, then x is equal to: IMLT-I-15,SWL-U1-15) 1 oz @e Bt @t “a 131, J,°°*"* is equal to: [FSD--14,BWP-1-17,RWP-119] 2 cos x sin x (8 2sinxcosx © 2sinx @ -sin'x yg, B(4 132. ay x?) atx=1 is equal to: {(GUs-1-15) 4 ®1 ‘2 @2 4 (see 1 ate, fh 133, ater *x+cosecx) =? wel We picnsrsenerivccen 2 @o ©-1 @ 1 a fgx 134. ae )=? (FSD-1-16] @ 569 os © srens @ # =e dy 135, If y=e"™, then au” (GUJ-1-18,BWP-I1-15) (a) -e*cosx —— () -e* +e08x J) e***c0sx @ di WP-II- 136, Iy=Vi-e ,0t@). @ FO)]5 [=| PissielsiskeeseRelel| Prlel2|2[2leLelelef>>l>[>]>| PieRiai2iaieiaiaBeRer| tlellelalelele|=|=|=|2]>[a[3| -PERBRBBESERERBS {elelelelelelelele|efele [>of PERE SISRIS 5/5 /S ia lelelele|lelelelelel=lele|> ofelaieleieiselsisBERey Plelelelele|lelel=lelel2 >| vieleisielaielelesBERer eof fl =[>[=le[fel=lele|el> FER sires [sias ERs elel|olellol=l=|elele| lela Answers

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