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Sai Kumar Dora1*, D.L Samyuktha, Nalini Bodasingi1,
Department of ECE, JNTUK UCEV, Vizianagaram, PIN – 535001, India
Since a lot of years, the frequency of melanoma is rising blisteringly. In human beings, it is one of the
dangerous cancers. Treatment will be easy in early detection and becomes untreatable at later stages.
So for the classification of melanoma from benign lesions, CAD based diagnosis on images is
essential. In this method the daubechies (db3) and the reverse Biorthogonal (rbio 3.3, rbio 3.5, rbio
3.7) wavelet filters are used. The energy and mean texture features are considered for the classification
of Melanoma. PSO is used as the feature selection technique which has reduced the filter size without
the sacrifice of the accuracy. The SVM with RBF kernel with sigma 2 differentiates benign from the
melanoma with 95% accuracy. In the proposed method, complexity of the computation is highly
reduced by reduction of filter size by PSO while retaining the same accuracy. This approach is further
extended with FPGA platform to implement to reach the hardware implementation.

1. Introduction malignant cases is very high subjects[3]. During

The two major types of the skin feature extraction large quantities of features are
cancerous lesions are benign and malignant produced which consists of relevant, irrelevant
lesions. Nearly twenty sq.ft of human body is and redundant features. There are two
covered by skin area [1].According to the British drawbacks due to the presence of the redundant
Skin around twenty five thousand people die due and irrelevant features. First one is that their
to skin cancer[2]. Melanin deposits are found in presence is not useful for classification. Second
epidermis layers in benign lesions. Growth rate drawback is that they sometimes reduce the
of melanin is abnormal for malignant lesions. performance of the classifier due to larger
Malignant lesions become dangerous when search space known as “the curse of
melanin enters to the dermis layers. If dimensionality” [4] . This problem can be solved
malignant melanoma is not treated at early by feature selection which can reduces the
stages, it becomes fatal at last stages. Frequent number of features, lowers the training time of
types of skin cancer are Squamous cell the classifier and sometimes it can even improve
carcinoma, Basal cell carcinoma and melanoma. the classification performance[5][6].Feature
BCC and SCC are non melanoma skin cancers. selection is an difficult task due to the
Sometimes for experienced dermatologists also interaction among the features and larger
the classification can be difficult. So great dimensionality. As the number of features
interest is being shown for computer- aided increases, the size of the search space increases
diagnosis. The major steps for computer aided in an exponential manner[7]. So a thorough
diagnosis constitutes input acquisition, feature search is almost not possible in this case.
extraction and classification. Feature carries Particle swarm optimization (PSO)[8][9] is a
information related to colour, shape and texture. new feature selection technique. The advantage
Texture-based features outperform border and of PSO over the other feature selection
the features based on colour [3]. The energy algorithms such as genetic algorithm and genetic
variation of the wavelets for benign and programming is that it is computationally less
expensive and the quicker convergence. Due to
this reason PSO is widely used as the feature with 86.64% accuracy.For the analysis of skin
selection technique[10][11][12] .The idea of the cancer, texture information was being analysed
proposed method is to reduce the size of the by using ABCD rule and classification was
filter based on features which are being selected performed by SVM[19] .Classification based on
by the PSO technique, with the reduction in the the adaptive wavelets was being used in[20].
complexity of computation and with likely or Texture bases analysis calculates the
even more performance of the classifier. texturalfeatures like skewness, kurtosis, entropy,
Organization of proposed work is as follows. homogeneity at various points of wavelets and
Section 2 includes previous works. section 3 classifies based on machine earning techniques
includes information about dataset. Section 4 [21, 22, 23, 24]. Support vector machine is
includes the overall methodology of the paper. being used for skin cancer detection by
Section 5 includes comparision table of the UzmaBanoAnsariezal[25]. This method used
previous works. Section 6 includes performance support vector machines and image processing
metrics and results and section 7 ,8includes techniques. Quality of image is increased by
conclusion and references. preprocessing. After preprocessing, image is
subjected to thresholding. SVM classifies the
2. Related works: images into cancerous or noncancerous.
ABCD technique has been used by Classification is being done by both supervised[13] and Karim[14] and unsupervised methods by[26] .
by extracting the skin lesion features. Both for \Highest accuracy is attained by support vector
segmentation and pre-processing, shape, texture machine compared to neural networks and k-
and size features are calculated and used for means clustering.SVM and neural network
classification. Narasimhan K and Elamaran[3] achieves better accuracy compared to k-means
used four wavelet filters for the classification of clustering algorithm. Yuan et all[27], used the
dermoscopic images with 97.5 sensitivity and same methodand the aim is to enhance the total
96% accuracy. Karim[14], total DSS(decision support system)[27]. The
dermoscopic score is calculated and performance of this work is being experienced
classification is being done. It achieved on twenty two pairs of dermoscopic images.
95%accuracy. Manousaki et al. [15] considered Outcomes prove that the fourth order
colour, texture parameters giving result of polynomial kernel can achieve accuracy 70%.
69%sensitivity. ABCD (Asymmetry, Border Sequential Minimal optimization is being used
irregularity, colour, different structures)is the as the optimization technique by
frequently used technique for the classification[28] , who has done pre-
of benign from malignant melanoma. Increase in processing , segmentation, ABCD feature
ABCD value tells that the lesion is highly extraction and used SVM classifier which
expected to be melanoma. Skin lesions are being attained 87%sensitivity. Feature selection by
differentiated in[16] Blue-white veil and its using new fitness function in PSO was proposed
structures are detected by learning approach by “B.Xu, Zang and Browne”[29] Which outer
Celebi et. al[17]. Shape descriptor and decision performed SFS [30] and SBS[31].
tree classifier which considers pixel
3. Materials:
classification are used. Experiments are done on
The datasets whichare used in this
545 images which resulted in
method are downloaded from EDRA interactive
89.97%specificity.Benign and malignant images
atlas of dermoscopy which includes both benign
are being classified by svm and wavelets [18]
and malignant skin lesions. Overall hundred
skinlesions including fifty benign and fifty biomedical images are first pre-processed which
malignant skin lesions are taken into account. includes hair removal and standard histogram
These images are stored in JPEG format because equalisation. After pre-processing, DWT is
it is a lossless format and the resolution of the applied. High frequency components which are
images is 512x512. The images are taken from present in the detail coefficients are obtained
the website: and feature selection is being done by PSO
andSVM classifier has been used for disease
Samples of benign and malignant skin lesion diagnosis. The proposed method is explained by
the block diagram and the following steps.

4.1 Image enhancement:

Fig1: Benign lesionFig2: Malignant lesion

4. Methodology:

Training data Testing data

Fig4: input skin lesion

Image enhancement

Feature extraction

PSO based feature selection

Z-score normalization

classification Fig5: gabor filtered result

SVM classifier


Fig3: block diagram of proposed work

The proposed work can be explained in the

following way. Totally fifty benignand fifty
malignant images are considered. 60-40 slip test
is perfomed on the biomedical images which
Fig 6: Preprocessed image
includes the following steps. Primarly, the
Hair removal: Artefacts such as Bubbles and Energy _ Dv 1=1/( p2∗q2 )∑├ x ={ p }▒ ∑ ├ y={q }▒ (Dv 1( x
thin hair are removed by using Median filter . (1)

Steps for thickerhair removal: 1

1.Identification and replacement of hair pixels
Mean _ D 1= ∑ ∑ ¿¿ ¿ (2)
p∗q x={ p } y={q }
with closest non hair pixels and Smoothening
output. Discrete wavelet transform:
2.For the location of darker hairs , gabor filters Given figure can be explained as
are applied to the image as they smoothen follows, For an input image I of size MxN,
out low intensity values along structural g[n]islpf and h[n] is hpf. The image is
direction analysedby low pass filters and high pass filters
3.The maximum response of the gabor filters is in sub band coding which leads to the
found out. production of approximation and detailed
4. The difference between the colour band and coefficients. When DWT is applied on an
gabor filtered result is thresholded image,four subbands are produced. They are
5.The hair masks seperates the hair and non hair LL,LH,HL,HH with respective coefficients A1,
places to disjoint sets. The hair masks are to be Dh1, Dv1, Dd1. A andD are approximation and
created for all the three planes,g,b planes. detail coefficients respectively. Usually the
The final mask is the logical or of the three detailed coefficients are considered as they
masks. contain required textural information.Same
6. The hair regions are replaced by the non hair equation for average and energy calculations are
regions during the interpolation. employed for horizontal and vertical
components. The proposed method used
Histogram equalization: daubechies and reverse biorthogonal wavelet
In the proposed method, the images considered filters. Daubechies filters are considered due to
from different subjects have different shape , its property of noise removal. Reverse
size and orientation. These images have non- biorthogonal filters are considered due to their
uniform intensities.When the images are property of reconstruction, symmetry and
preprocessed the non-uniform intensities are enhancement of textural features present in high
changed to uniform intensities.This is called frequency components.Daubechies,reverse
histogram equalization or histogram biorthogonal wavelet filters are considered for
linearization. For the given non uniform the feature extraction of proposed work
intensities of the input, uniform intensities of the
output are produced along rows
h(n) 2 LL A1

h(n) 2
4.2 Feature extraction: column
g(n) 2 LH
Given two formulas calculates the average and row input
energy values. Usually, the general
h(n) 2 HL Dv1
characterstics of skin lesions are conveyed by
g(n) 2
the low frequency components and the textural
g(n) 2 HH Dd1
details are conveyed in high frequency
componentsThe formulas for the average and along columns

energy features are: fig 7: Block diagram of subband coding


4.3 PSO based feature selection:

Initialize the particles velocity and position
In the machine learning, the main cause
for the classification problems is due to the
guessing of the class labels depending on the Define the fitness function
accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN)
information about the various features. During
feature extraction large number of features are
Calculate the fitness of Calculate the fitness
produced which consists of relevant, irrelevant each particle of all particles

and redundant features. There are two p best current fitness

drawbacks due to the presence of the redundant

and irrelevant features. First one is that their Yes
Current fitness >pbest

presence is not useful for classification. The

second drawback is that they sometimes reduce
the performance of the classifier. So feature
selection is very helpful in this case [32]. Assign current fitness as new
Keep previous pbest

Feature selection aims in selecting only relevant

features from all the original features. By doing
this, not only will there be an improvisation in Assign best particles pbest to get gbest
the performance of the classifier, but also
reduces the complexity of the classifier[33]. Calculate the velocities of each particle

Prominent method for selection of Use each particle velocity to update its position

features includes filter and wrapper. In the filter

based method, there is no dependence on an if maximum
Update iteration No Yes
algorithm and are generally computationally less count

expensive than the other[33]. Wrapper based

method is comparatively different than the filter Fig 8: Block diagram of PSO
based method.They use a learning algorithm,
fitness function and select best features out of In recent times various feature selection
the original features. It has been proved that the techniques such as PSO[35,36,37],genetic
wrapper can give better classification algorithm[38] and genetic programming have
performance than the filter based methods[34]. been used[39] .It has been known that PSO can
Selection of features is not easy due to the be implemented easily, has lesser number of
interaction among features and larger parameters, expense is less in computation and
dimensionality. As the feature size increases, quicker convergence [40] when compared with
search space increases in an exponential genetic algorithm and genetic programming. The
manner[34]. So a thorough search is almost not idea of the proposed method is to achieve this
possible in this case. To address this problems, goal by developing novel fitness in PSO for
(SFS)[30] (SBS) [31] have been used but some selection of features. In PSO, each problem
problems occurred due to these algorithms. The solution is assumed to be a element in search
problem is that they get struck in the local space[35]. Position of the whole swarm is
optima and the computation cost is more. So obtained by the best solutions which occur
there raised a need for the development of good depending on the experience of the individual
feature selection algorithm. element and the whole swarm[41]. In PSO, the
position is shown by vector xi, where selected set of the features the Z-score
xi=(xi1,xi2,....xid), the dimensionality of the normalization is applied. Here, the original value
search space is represented by d and the velocity is yold, new value is ynew, m is mean and sd is
is represented by vi, where vi=(vi1,vi2,....vid). standard deviation.
pbest and gbest are best previous positions of
the element and the swarm respectively. 4.5 classifier training:
According to the given formulae the The classification by SVM is done by
velocity and the positions are updated and the the construction of a hyperplane which
optimal solutions are being found out in the differentiates data to 2 classes. Kernels for
following equations support vector machines includes “linear,
¿+¿ (3) Gaussian or radial basis function, polynomial
and sigmoidal kernel’’.In the proposed work rbf
t+1 t t
v id =
W× v id +
c ×r 1 1i (
p id _
x id )
kernel is proved to be best kernel due to the
similarity among the features.The benefit of svm

c ×r
2 2 i׿ ¿ ( p ¿ )
over the other classifiers is higher classification
rate . It produces the best result with proper
(4) kernel choice. The classifier performance is
t=tth iteration calculated by using performance metrics which
c1 ,c2 represents acceleration constants are sensitivity[3], specificity[3], accuracy[3] and
r1i, r2i denotes random variables in the range of positive predictive value[3].
5. Previous year works:
pid, pgd represents elements of pbest and gbest
Table 1: comparision of previous year works
w represents weight vector
Year Title Performance
vid represents velocity, range[-vmax, vmax]
2016 Classification by 96% accuracy
Basic fitness function: Accuracy
using wavelet
The fitness function given below is the features[3]
accuracy which is defined to increase 2015 ’usageofsvm for 86% accuracy
performance of classifier and decrease the error classification of
rate that is obtained during the selection of the melanoma[28]
feature subsets in the training procedure. 2010 ’svm and wavelet 86.64% accuracy
Fitness1=accuracy, where transform[18]
2010 ’Selection of feature 63% accuracy
subset in larger
TP: true positives[3] 2008 blue white veil 69.35%
TN: true negatives[3] structures sensitivity
FP: false positives[3] detection[17] 89.97%
FN: false negatives[3] specificity
2006 classification of 70% accuracy
4.4 Z-score normalization: early melanoma by
using svm based
Energy and average features are rescaled texture
to same units by Z-score normalization. On the classification[27]
2006 Digital image 69% sensitivity
processing system tabular form .As the filter size is reduced, the
in aiding melanoma computational complexity is also reduced.
diagnosis[15] M=L1 + L2 (7)
2004 utilization of 95% accuracy A=L1 + L2 – 2(8)
support vector
Equations 7&8 gives a single valued
machines on digital
information which are used for comparing
2003 ’detection of skin 95% accuracy different classifier performance as represented
cancer[25] in below equations.
1995 PSO[8] 89% accuracy 1. Sensitivity:it is named as TPR ( True positive
rate), which estimates the count of positives that
6. Analysis of the Performance are related to accuracy, which is represented in
metrics equation 9
TPR = TP/(TP + FN)[3] (9)
We used four wavelet filters. They are 2. Specificity: It is named as TNR (True
daubechies(db3)[3] and reversebiorthogonal[3] negative rate), which estimate the count of
wavelet filters(rbio 3.3, rbio 3.5, rbio 3.7) Six negatives that are related to accuracy, which is
features consisting of three energy and three represented in equation 10
average features. So totally 24 features are used to
TNR = TN/(TN + FP)[3] (10)
train the classifier. Similar process is repeated in
3. Precision: it is named as PVV( Positive
testing phase and features are compared for
prediction value), that estimates the count of
classification. In the proposed method, trail for the
positive samples stated as a positive class by the
reduction of filter size is made with the retainment
classifier which as represented in equation11
of the same accuracy of 95%.PSO is used to
achieve this. It is used as the feature selection
PPV = TP/(TP + FP)[3] ( 11)
method for the reduction of the filter size and 4. Accuracy: it is the estimation of correct
features. PSO has selected 16 features out of 24 classification done by the classifier. Hence, it
features even with the increase in the accuracy shows the capability of whole performance.
from 92.5% to 95%accuacy. PSO has even ACC=TN+TP/(TN+TP+FP+FN)[3] (12)
selected two filters(rbio 3.5 and rbio 3.7) from the
given four filterswith the retainment of the same Table 2: comparisonof Computation complexity
accuracy 95%. Further two filters have been
Filters Multiplicatio Additio No of
reduced to one filter with the retainment of the
same accuracy 95%. The two sets of filters namely ns ns computatio
rbio 3.5and rbio 3.7produces the equal precision ns
as both have same coefficients of filter and lengths 4 60 44 104
of the filters, hence, any one combination can be filters
used. Lengths of filters denoted as L1 & L2 with PSO 48 36 84
high pass and low pass which are biorthogonal selecte
filters and for accomplishing the operation of
filters[42], the required number of additions(A)
and multiplications(M) are calculated by using feature
2Filter 36 28 64
equations 7 & 8. These equations are used to
calculate the complexity of computation of 1D s
signals that is , formulas are multiplied by two in 1 filter 20 16 36
case of an image associated to vertical & Table 3: Performance Metrics Analysis
horizontal separable filtering. These complexity of
computation comparison of filters is represented in
Fig 10: comparison of sensitivity with corresponding
kernel values


filters P P N N V


s p e c ific ity
Four 18 2 19 1 94.7 90.4 90 92.5 92

Filters 3 7 0 90 All filters

PSO selected features
Two filters
PSO 19 1 19 1 95 95 95 95 86 One filter

featur 84
e 82
σ=0.25 σ=0.50 σ= 1 σ= 2

Rbf kernel values

2- 19 1 19 1 95 95 95 95
filters Fig 11: comparison of specificity with corresponding
kernel values
1-filter 19 1 19 1 95 95 95 95

P o sitiv e P re d ic tiv e Va lu e

All filters
88 PSO selected features
100 86 Two filters
One filter
90 80

All filters σ=0.25 σ=0.50 σ= 1 σ= 2

85 PSO selected features
Rbf kernel values
Two filters
One filter

Fig 12: comparison of positive predictive value with
corresponding kernel values
σ=0.25 σ=0.50 σ= 1 σ= 2

Rbf kernel values 7. VLSI implementation of

Fig 9: comparison of accuracies with corresponding melanoma detection
kernel values
In the RBF SVM hardware architecture
implementation, to implement a parallelism and
pipelined (improving the performance) RBF
kernel based linear support vector machine
T r u e P o s itiv e R a te (S e n sitiv ity )

100 (SVM) classifier with adders and multipliers in

80 order to reduce delay and area with high
60 All filters
50 PSO selected features
The input of hardware is coming from Matlab.
two filters
30 one filter
The outputs of the Matlab are Support vectors
0 (SV), Text features (X), Sigma (σ), Alpha (α)
σ=0.25 σ=0.50 σ= 1 σ= 2

Rbf kernel values

and Bias (b). These outputs are obtained in
offline mode in training phase. The output of
training phase in computer is a set of support The Xilinx IP Core module CORDIC block is to
vectors and the set of weights (α) that shows the provide the sinh and cosh of the input. The input
boundary hyperplane of two classes either range for CORDIC block is from -pi/4 to pi/4.
melanoma or benign classes. By using these But we require the range of the exponential
parameters of training phase to implement the function from 0 to -68. We need to extend the
hardware architecture of testing phase. exponential range by using CORDIC IP CORE.

The RBF kernel based SVM module shown in In the BRAM (Block RAM) we use FIFO buffer
Fig 13. This RBF architecture consists of one lines to store the support vectors and text vectors
accumulator, one subtractor, one CORDIC and alpha values. The input and output width of
module to compute the exponential function, BRAM is 8bit. For 36 support vectors with five
one BRAM module for storage of support features require 222 vectors for single image,
vectors, text features, bias and alpha values, and For 40 Testing images require 417 vectors. Each
architecture also consist of one square multiplier vector consist of 32 bits length and each vector
and two multipliers. requires 4 memory locations. For 36 support
vectors requires 888 memory locations.

The MSB bit of final value of the hardware

board is 1, means this image belongs to
melanoma image shown in Fig 14, The MSB bit
of the final value is 0, means this image belongs
to benign image shown in Fig 15.

Fig 13: Overall architecture of RBF SVM

All the outputs of training phase vectors are Fig 14: Normal image Simulation result of RBF
stored in the format of 8Q32 bit. That means the kernel SVM architecture for single image
length of the vector 32 bit, in this 32 bit first 8
bit can be used for integer part and remaining 24
bits are fraction part. In this pipelined hardware
architecture requires 36 CORDIC blocks, 36
subtractors, 36 accumulators and 72 multipliers
for the hardware implementation of 36 support
utilization results of 36 support vectors are
shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Hardware utilization of 36 support

vectors Type Used Available Util(%)

1 LUTs 594131 594131 83.45
2 Register 36084 1424000 2.53
3 DSPs 1596 3360 47.50
4 IOB 173 480 36.04
Fig 15: abnormal image Simulation result of 9. Conclusion
RBF kernel SVM architecture for single image
In the proposed work, number of the
For 36 support vectors our architecture takes features required for the classification is reduced
83.45% of LUTs and 2.53% of slice registers in by PSO method. These reduced features are fed
7vx1140tflg1928-1 FPGA Board. Simulation as input to the support vector machines and svm
results of 40 testing images by using 36 support is trained. The texture features present fully in
wavelet filter coefficients which are used to
vectors shown in Fig 16.The proposed hardware
discriminate the benign from malignant
architecture hardware accuracy and software melanoma. Four filters are reduced to one filter
accuracy are equal. with the retainment of same accuracy of 95% in
both software and hardware results. As the
filters size is reduced the computational
complexity is also reduced.

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