The Effects of Long Term Setting On Academic Performance

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Running Head: Assignment 1

The effects of Long Term Setting on Academic Performance

Student’s Name

Institution Affiliation
Running Head: Assignment 2

The effects of Long Term Setting on Academic Performance.

Good academic performance in a student has been contributed by the goals he or she has

achieved during the learning period. Goal setting involves a plan in which guide and motivate the

student toward achieving a goal in a period. There has been interest in determining the factors

that contribute to academic performance in order to reduce the causes of failure in learning

institution. Long-term setting has enable students to focus on what they want to achieve in their

education and it is one of the major causes of success in academics of a student. Academic

performance is achieved when a student is committed to the long-term goals as education may

take a longer period before graduating to the next level hence there is need to have a long-term

goal. (Locke et al, 2013).

Research have indicated that long-term goal in a student has contributed to the choice of the

learning institution they want to join. When you set a long-term goal, it will help a student during

decision-making. Effective learning strategies are key tool in long-term setting as it contributes

positively to the success of a student. Long-term education goal has an influence to the sub goals

of education, which has an impact to performance of a student. The educational sub goals

influence a student behavior toward developing strategies in learning that will improve the

success of a student. Achievement of a long-term goal is mediated through short-term goals since

short-term goal act as a motivating factor to achieve the long-term goal. The success of a short-

term goal has a major impact to the long-term goal. When students perform well in the exams

and activities related to education, they are able to motivate themselves and the long term goal

are likely to be achieved. In addition, the long-term goal can help a student to focus on his

education, which will contribute positively to the performance. (Chase et al, 2013).
Running Head: Assignment 3

Researches have indicated that long-term goal increase achievement in the education of an

individual. When focusing on the long-term goals may short-term goal are achieved that

contributes to the success of student. When setting long-term goals it is important to set goals

that can be achieved. When goals are set either too easy or hard has a negative significant to a

person life since easy goal does not contribute to success of a student while hard goals act as

demotivating factors when goals are not achieved. When long-term goal are achieved by a

student, a feeling of satisfaction in performance and pride is achieved that help the student to

achieve other goals in life. In addition, achievement of long-term goal has boosted the

confidence of student, as they believe they can achieve a much higher goal in their education and

lives. Researches on students who perform poorly in their academics have indicated that they

lack long-term goals for their studies. When the poor performing student were given long-term

goal by their instructors there has been an improvement on their academic since they have

realized what they want to achieve at the end of their studies. Research has indicated that long-

term goals have been the main factor that has reduced the number of those not graduating in

learning institution since each student strives to success. (Pathak et al, 2015).

In summary long-term setting has a positive impact on the performance of a student. Long-term

goals help students focus on what they want to achieve and this has led to improvement in

performance. Poor performing student have on long-term goal and no strategies to improve their

performance in their learning institution. In an attempt to improve performance and reduce rate

of student drop out due to performance, student are motivated and advised to have long-term

strategies in their education.

Running Head: Assignment 4


Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (Eds.). (2013). New developments in goal setting and task

performance. Routledge.

Chase, J. A., Houmanfar, R., Hayes, S. C., Ward, T. A., Vilardaga, J. P., & Follette, V. (2013).

Values are not just goals: Online ACT-based values training adds to goal setting in improving

undergraduate college student performance. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 2(3), 79-


Pathak, R. K., Middeldorp, M. E., Meredith, M., Mehta, A. B., Mahajan, R., Wong, C. X., ... &

Lau, D. H. (2015). Long-term effect of goal-directed weight management in an atrial fibrillation

cohort: a long-term follow-up study (LEGACY). Journal of the American College of Cardiology,

65(20), 2159-2169.

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