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Social Inclusion Measures

Geographical Thought (University of Delhi)

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Stretching a hand to the Vulnerable

V Srinivas

ocial Inclusion refers Article 15 (3) empowers the State

S to access to favourable
opportunities in society to
enhance one’s life chances.
Such opportunities
comprise of education, employment,
to make special provisions for women
and children in educational institutions
and employment opportunities. This
provision has been widely invoked by
Government for providing exclusive
social services and social protection. reservation of certain categories of
The absence of these opportunities posts for women and for reservation of
is social exclusion, which results in women in local bodies and educational
marginalization, poverty and material institutions. Article 15 (4) seeks to
India’s Social Inclusion deprivation. This article deals with promote the educational advancement
programmes are comprehensive the programmes and policies of the of socially and educationally backward
and their implementation government towards improving the classes of citizens, i.e. the OBCs,
lives of the vulnerable like the girl the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
supervised by a number Tribes in matters of admission of
child, women, weaker sections and
of independent Ministries students belonging to these categories
with adequate resource in unaided educational institutions.
allocations. Not only have constitutional Provisions Article 17 abolishes untouchability
statutory legal provisions and its practice in any form. The
The Constitution of India through enforcement of any disability arising
been enacted, autonomous its Preamble seeks to secure to all its out of untouchability shall be an
National Commissions have citizens- justice, social, economic and offence in accordance with the law.
been established to protect the political; liberty of thought, expression,
belief, faith and worship; and equality The Directive Principles of State
rights envisaged by the Indian of status and of opportunity. Policy are enshrined in Part IV of the
Constitution to the vulnerable Indian Constitution. Article 38 says
sections. There are economic The Indian Constitution has that the State shall strive to promote
outlined through the Fundamental the welfare of the people by securing
empowerment programmes
Rights and the Directive the State’s and protecting effectively as it may a
envisaged under the policies policies for Social Inclusion. Part III social order in which justice, social,
of Government implemented of the Indian Constitution provides economic and political shall inform
through the apex Finance and for 6 Fundamental Rights for Social all the institutions of the national life.
Development Corporations. The Inclusion. These include Right to Article 39 provides for the abolition of
Equality, Right to Freedom, Right child labour and for equal pay for equal
comprehensive implementation
against Exploitation, Right to Freedom work for both men and women. Article
of national policies will enable of Religion, Cultural and Educational 41 provides for Right to Work, to
India to greatly empower her Rights and Right to Constitutional education, to public assistance in case
vulnerable population Remedies. These Rights are also of unemployment, old age, sickness
available to persons with disabilities. and disablement and in other cases of
The author is an IAS officer of 1989 batch and at present, posted as Chairman, Board of Revenue for Rajasthan and Chairman, Rajasthan
Tax Board. He has served as Deputy Director (Administration), AIIMS New Delhi and Secretary, Family Welfare and Mission Director,
NRHM, Government of Rajasthan.

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undeserved want. Article 42 provides

for just and humane conditions of
work and for maternity relief. The
11th Schedule to Article 243 G says that
Social Welfare including the welfare of
the handicapped and mentally retarded,
and the 12th Schedule to Article 243 W
says that safeguarding the Interests of
Weaker Sections of Society including
the handicapped and the mentally
governance Structures
The Government of India’s
Social Inclusion programmemes
is implemented by the Ministries provides hostel facilities for Scheduled of Persons with Disabilities deals
of Social Justice & Empowerment, Caste boys and girls in middle schools, with the legislation governing
Tribal Affairs, Women and Child higher secondary schools, colleges different aspects of disability and
Development and Minority Affairs. and universities. For post-graduate SC welfare and empowerment of persons
students, the Government is providing with disabilities. These are the
Ministry of Social Justice and fellowships for M.Phil and PhD Rehabilitation Council of India Act
Empowerment 1992, The Persons with Disabilities
programmes through the University
The Ministry of Social Justice Grants Commission. The Central (Equal Opportunities, Protection of
and Empowerment implement 42 Government is also implementing Rights and Full Participation) Act 1955
schemes for the welfare of Scheduled National Overseas Scholarship and the National Trust for the Welfare
Castes. The Ministry seeks educational programme for SC students for Masters of Persons with Autism, Cerebral
empowerment, economic empowerment and PhD programmes in specified Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple
and social empowerment under its fields of study. Disabilities Act 1999.
various schemes. The Ministry is the
custodian of 2 Acts, specifically aimed The economic empowerment of There are 3 Statutory bodies under the
at curbing (i) untouchability and (ii) Scheduled Castes is through the special Department. The Rehabilitation Council
atrocities against Scheduled Castes central assistance to the scheduled of India is responsible for regulating
and Scheduled Tribes. These are the castes sub-plan (SCSP). Assistance is training policies and programmes for
Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955 and provided by the State Scheduled Caste various categories of professionals in
the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Development Corporations, which the area of rehabilitation and special
Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act implement economic development education. The Chief Commissioner
1989. The National Commission for schemes with the equity transferred for Persons with Disabilities is the
Scheduled Castes was set up under by the central government. The statutory functionary under the Act
Article 383 of the Constitution in State Scheduled Caste Development of 1955 to coordinate work of State
1990, to investigate and monitor all Corporations provide credit and Commissioners for persons with
matters relating to the safeguards inputs by way of margin money loans disabilities. The National Trust is a
provided for Scheduled Castes under and subsidy. India established the statutory body, which enables and
the Constitution and all Laws in force National Scheduled Castes Finance and empowers persons with disabilities to
and to inquire into specific complaints Development Corporation to provide live independently as fully as possible
with respect to deprivation of rights and concessional loans to Scheduled Castes and to extend support to registered
safeguards of the Scheduled Castes. families and skill cum entrepreneurial organizations providing need-based
training to the youth of the target services. India has set up 6 National
The educational empowerment of Institutes / Apex Level Institutes to deal
group living below double the poverty
scheduled castes is through Post Matric with the multi-dimensional problem of
Scholarships for Scheduled Caste line. The National Safai Karmacharis
Finance and Development Corporation disabled population in each major area
Students that provide for financial of disability. The National Handicapped
assistance to scheduled caste students has been established for economic
empowerment of scavengers and Finance and Development Corporation
studying at post-matriculation and is the apex level financial institution for
post-secondary stage to enable them to manual scavengers.
extending credit facilities to persons
complete their education. The financial Department for Empowerment with disabilities for their economic
assistance includes maintenance of Persons with Disabilities development.
allowance, fee reimbursement, book- (Divyangjan)
bank facility and other allowances. The The Accessible India campaign
Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojana The Department for Empowerment is a nationwide flagship campaign to

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Government in developing policies for

older persons.
Ministry of Women and child
The Ministry of Women and Child
Development was established in 2006
with the responsibility to advance
the rights and concerns of women
and children and to promote their
survival, protection, development
and participation in a holistic manner.
It was also expected to bring about
inter-ministerial and inter-state
convergence with regard to women
and child programmes. The National
Policy for Empowerment of Women
ensure a barrier-free and conducive financial assistance to empower tribals lays down detailed prescriptions to
environment for Divyangjans all over for undertaking self-employment address discrimination against women,
the country, launched by the Prime ventures. The National Commission strengthen existing institutions,
Minister on December 31, 2015, for for Scheduled Tribes was established provide better access to health care,
creating universal accessibility for under Article 338 A of the Constitution equal opportunities for women’s
persons with Disabilities. as an independent body to safeguard participation in decision making and
the rights of tribals. mainstreaming gender concerns in
Ministry of Tribal Affairs
National Policy for Older Persons developmental processes. The policies
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs and programmes of government have
was established with the objective India’s National Policy for Older been formulated on the lines of the
of providing a focused approach Persons seeks to encourage individuals broader vision laid down by the
to the integrated socio-economic to make provisions for their own as well National Policy for Empowerment of
development of the Scheduled Tribes, as their spouse’s old age; to encourage Women.
in a coordinated and planned manner. families to take care of their older family
The scheduled areas are notified under members and to promote research and The Ministry of Women and Child
Article 244 (1) of the Constitution. training facilities to train geriatric Development is the custodian of
Article 244 (2) relates to those areas caregivers and organizers of services several Acts relating to women and
in the States of Assam, Meghalaya, for the elderly. The Government has children. Prominent among these
Tripura and Mizoram which are constituted the National Council for is the Dowry Prohibition Act, the
declared Tribal Areas and provides for Older Persons to advise and aid the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act,
District Councils/ Regional Councils
for such areas.
The Ministry administers grants
to states comprising of special central
assistance to tribal sub-plan schemes,
grants under Article 275 (1) of the
Constitution of India, grants for the
Eklavya Model Residential Schools;
education grants for vocational training
centers in tribal areas, establishment
of ashram schools in Tribal Sub-Plan
areas, and livelihood support grants for
minimum support price for minor forest
produce. The Ministry also provides
equity support to the Tribal Cooperative
and Marketing Federation of India
and the State-Tribal Cooperative
and Marketing Federations. The
National Scheduled Tribes Finance and
Development Corporation provides

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the Sexual Harassment of Women at women and child development. The no question of discrimination based on
Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition umbrella ICDS comprises of 6 sub- gender and stressed the importance of
and Redressal) Act, and the Juvenile components namely the Anganwadi girls getting access to quality education
Justice (Care & Protection of Children) services scheme, the Pradhan Mantri just like boys. Emphasizing that a
Amendment Act 2011. Matru Vandana Yojana, the National daughter is not a burden, the Prime
Creche Scheme, the Poshan Abhiyan, Minister said that girls are bringing
The National Commission of
the Scheme for Adolescent Girls and pride and glory to the Nation excelling
Women and the National Commission
for Protection of Child Rights have
Child Protection Scheme. The ICDS is in several fields.
aimed at improving the nutritional and
been established under the aegis conclusion
child health status of children below
of Ministry of Women and Child
the age of six years and pregnant and
Development to safeguard the rights I n d i a ’s S o c i a l I n c l u s i o n
of women and protect children’s rights lactating mothers as also to reduce the
programmes are comprehensive and
respectively. The National Commission mortality, morbidity and malnutrition.
their implementation supervised by
on Women took up the “Violence Free The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme
a number of independent Ministries
Home – A Women’s Right” campaign is to celebrate the girl child and enable
with adequate resource allocations. Not
for awareness generation in Delhi. her education. The main objectives
only have statutory legal provisions
The Protection of Children from of the scheme are to prevent gender-
been enacted, autonomous National
Sexual Offences Act 2012 came into based sex-selective elimination, to
Commissions have been established
force on 14th November 2012, as a ensure survival and protection of the
to protect the rights envisaged by the
comprehensive piece of legislation that girl child and to ensure education and
Indian Constitution to the vulnerable
provides protection to all children under participation of the girl child. The
sections. There are economic
the age of 18 years from offences of scheme seeks to improve sex ratio at
empowerment programmes envisaged
sexual assault and sexual harassment. birth in selected gender critical districts
under the policies of Government
by 2 points a year.
Amongst the flagship schemes implemented through the apex Finance
implemented by the Ministry of On International Women’s Day and Development Corporations. The
Women and Child Development dated March 8, 2018, the Prime Minister comprehensive implementation of
are the Umbrella ICDS, Women launched the National Nutrition Mission National Policies will enable India
Empowerment Schemes like Beti and pan India expansion of Beti Bachao to greatly empower her vulnerable
Bachao Beti Padhao and a series of Beti Padhao at Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan. population. q
grant in aid schemes in the field of The Prime Minister said that there was (E-mail:

THe MANTRA of 3R – ReDUCe, ReUSe AND ReCyCle -

The Eighth Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific was held at Indore in April 2018 with an overall theme of
“Achieving Clean Water, Clean Land and Clean Air through 3R and Resource Efficiency – A 21st Century Vision for
Asia-Pacific Communities”.
In a message to the participants of the 'Eighth Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific', the Prime Minister said, “The
mantra of 3R – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle- is at the heart of any vision towards the sustainable development of mankind. All
stakeholders –producers, consumers and the State alike must adhere to this golden principle which can contribute significantly in
solving the twin challenges of waste management as well as the sustainable development”.
3R foRUM : Aims and objectives
The Forum aims to address how 3R and resource efficiency measures can provide complementary benefits in making
cities and countries clean, smart, liveable and resilient. The Forum also aims to generate policy-level, institutional level and
technological insights towards effective implementation of 3R and resource efficiency to foster circular economic development,
sustainable change in current use of natural resources and ultimately achieve a zero waste society.
In addition, the Forum seeks to engage the public and private sector to explore various partnership opportunities in
areas of 3R and waste management for moving towards a zero waste society. The Forum further provides an opportunity
to establish insightful linkages between the principles of 3R and resource efficiency and the objectives of Swachh Bharat
Mission (Clean India Mission). Through this Forum, India aims to strengthen this focus through its ‘Mission Zero Waste’ approach
thereby encouraging cities, industries and other diverse stakeholders to see look at waste as a resource.
The Eighth Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific is hosted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government
of India, and co-organized by the Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan, and the United Nations Centre for
Regional Development of the Division for Sustainable Development /United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
The Indore Municipal Corporation, Government of Madhya Pradesh, and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) have been
designated as the City Partner, Organizing State Partner and Industry Partner respectively.

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