Activity 1

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Activity 1

1. This graph represent how the water is treated at a water treatment plant in order for it to be recycled

2. the wastwater goes from primary setting tanks to the sudge tanks and the biological filters

3. the substance from the sudge tanks go to the drying lagoons

4. the sediment from the secondary setting tanks goes to the lagoons

5. the material from drying lagoons was stockpiled and fertilized.

6.the 2 final options were giong to the sea or irrigation and woodlots

7. I think is yes

Act 2

Act 3

Act 2


Was sent

Drained off



Burned off





Siphoned off




Act 4:






1. operate

2. utilise

3. make use of

4. employ

Act 5

1. filtered

2. irrigate

3. screened

4. fertilized

2. the linking words

- firstly, then, meanwhile.

3. Firstly, peanuts harvested in fields and transported to the factory. Then, the peanuts were check at
factory for quality and size. After that, the peanuts were shelled and salted by machine. Meanwhile, the
peanuts were bagged and transported to retail outlets. At the final stage, peanuts were bought and
enjoyed by customers.

Activity 6

The diagram provides information on the recyling of wastewater at a water revulsion plant.

Overall, there are 3 diffrent ways which the watsewater is succesfully reused and recycled

Firstly, the wastewater is screened to remove large amount of solids. After that, it is sent to the tanks
called primary tanks where the liquid is drained off to go to the biological filters and hense to the
secondary setting tanks. Besides, the heavier parts of the wastewater sink to the top of the primary and
are transported to the sludge tanks where the gas is burnt above the surface or used as a power source.
At the next step, the sludge is then transmigrated to the drying lagoons and bagged as fertilizers.

From the secondary settling tanks, the extant wastewater transfered to the large largoons.
Nevertheless, what falls to the bottom of these tanks however is returned to the primary tanks and go
through the process again. Water from the lagoons is either went to the sea or used to irrigate

Activity 7:

1. In the present map, the car park was replaced by the fountain

2. there is only a café shop and a restaurant in 1980 and there are 2 café shop and 2 restaurants at

3. the post office has unchanged

4. most of Norfolk pine trees and the garden were minimized at present

5. The souvenirs have taken place at present in the southwest of the map

6. the area where the car park used to be then restore by a new fountain



Active 8

Act 10

Act 11

b. eastthern

c. southern

d. western

f. south-east

g. south-west

h. north-west


a. between

b. left

c. right

d. surrounded by

e. adjacent to

act 12
the map show how the Civic Square of the town of Smallville has changed in 1980 till now

Overall, we can see that the Civic Square has become more recreation focused, with garden seats and a
dramatic increase in the places for buying foods and drinks.

In 1980, most of the square was a car park, surrounded by the Norfolk pine trees has been replaced by
the fountain at present. At the center of the fountain, there is a status. The garden was located to the
left of the car park in 1980. However, it has been decreased in size and has moved to the south- west
corner of the map while the new city library has been established between the Norfolk pine trees and
the Garden Seats. Besides, there has a multi- storey car park took place at the left corner at present.

Although the Civic Square has a significant change, the post office,the town hall and the souvenirs still
have remained stable from 1980 till now. The place for foods and drinks such as: restaurant or cafe shop
have broaden in size with 4 stores at present.

Part C

Act 13








Act 14

Act 15

1a. present tense

b. future tense

c. present tense

2, c



b. move

c. are
d. are

e. is

f. will have

h. will give

h. is

i. takes

j. is

k. is

l. join

act 16

the flow chart shows study pathways at a the University of Atlantis.

Overall, there are 2 ways to enter some mainstream subjects: through ielts test score and a Foundation

Firstly, there are 3 Foundation programmes. student with an ielts test score of 5.5 can enter any of the
Foundation programme at the University. Those who get the 8.0 will move into diplomas and
undergraduate degrees, and those with a 6.5 score are suitable for postgraduate study.

Secondly, English and IT belong to a three- year qualification, at the end of which student will have a
certificate in English and diploa in IT. One year’s further succesful study will give them a Bachelor’s
degree in IT. The second choice is English and business, which is similar to the IT course except the
whole programme takes 5 years to complete. The final program called the Certificate in english, this is a
one-year full-tie course, at the end of which students can elect to have an Ielts test in order to join any
mainstream course at the university.

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