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Social Issues

Political Issues

Economic Issues
Issues related to
government, conflict
Issues related to culture,
resolution and decision-
work, lifestyle… making for a group of

Issues related to money,

Having to do with one’s
taxes, and production of
own homeland (U.S)
goods and services.
International Colonists

People who settle and
live in a colony
Involving other countries
Related words:
colony, colonial, settler,

A historic period
Gov’t process of identified by some
charging a fee on goods prominent figure or
products, people and/or characteristic
(Naval) Blockade

Consent of the Great Britain

Governed (England)
To cut off supplies; a
military and economic
tool used to force a
nation or area to suffer complaints
shortages and to give up
fighting; called naval
when ships are used

Idea that people give

The “mother country” for
government its power
the 13 colonies; country
through the “…just
we fought against for the
consent of the
independence of the
governed” as stated in
United States.
the Declaration
Republic Culture (groups)

Demographic data
Way of life and the
group(s) that live and A government that
represent that way of life elects its leaders

Government that votes

for representatives who
serve in the government
Statistics about the to make and enforce law
numbers and and in the best interest
characteristics of people of the people; the U.S.
living in an area has a representative
democracy; another
term used for
democracy is republic.
Levels of
Development Nation

Standard of Living Distribution

Country with borders Refers to the amount
and an organized and quality of economic
government which freely and industrial resources,
exercises authority often related to national
within the borders. income.

Use indicators such as

Relates to trade and income, education, birth
how resources and rate/death rate, $ spent
products are divided and on food, population
allocated. density, and so on to
determine quality of life.
Basic needs

Command economic

Free enterprise Goods and services

Central governmental
owns most of the means of
Food, clothing, shelter
production in a country
(water is food). and controls most
economic decisions.

The system in the U.S.

Goods (things) are and other free market
products made for economies. It includes
sale/barter and services economic choice,
(actions) are products competition, profit motive,
people provide. and limited government
regulation of the economy.


Market – oriented
Cottage industries
Growing crops just to
Goods used to produce support a family and not
other goods have any extra (surplus)
for sale.

Growing crops for

commercial sale and
Small-scale production
distribution to domestic
requiring little capital
and international buyers.

Commercial industries


Exchange of goods and Large-scale production
services of goods by large
companies or

The introduction of new The process of creating

technology which often commercial industry
changes lifestyle and including heavy industry
production. such as steel

Protective Tariff

Import Export
Tax on imports and
A high tariff established
exports; in the U.S.
to protect a particular
export tariffs are

Goods bought from

Goods sold to buyers
sellers in other
outside the country

Checks and Balances

In this type of government
everyone, including all
authority figures, must a growing fear in the
obey laws. Constitutions, U.S. of “foreigners” led
statements of rights, or to the rise of such
other laws define the limits organizations as the
of those in power so they KKK.
cannot take advantage of
the elected, appointed, or
inherited positions.

The distribution of power

A system that allows each
between the federal
branch of government to
(central or national)
limit the powers of the
government and the
other branches in order to
individual states within a
prevent abuse of power
Individual Rights Popular Sovereignty

Protective Tariff
Landmark case
These are protected by the
The concept that political
Bill of Rights and include
power rests with the
economic rights related to
people who can create,
property, political rights
alter, and abolish
related to freedom of
government. People
speech and press, and
express themselves
personal rights related to
through voting and free
bearing arms and
participation in
maintaining private

Key decisions by the

courts that interpret the
law such as Brown v
A tax on an imported
Board of Education which
product instituted to
led to integration or
protect local industries
Marbury v Madison which
led to judicial review.
Representative Separation of
Government Powers

Unalienable Rights

John Locke
The division of a central
Power is held by the
government into two or
people and exercised
more branches, each
through the efforts of
having its own
representatives elected by
responsibilities and
the people.

These rights are

A philosophy of limited
fundamental or natural
government with elected
rights guaranteed to
representatives serving at
people naturally instead of
the will of the people.
by the law. They include
Government is based on
life, liberty, and the pursuit
consent of the governed.
of happiness.
Free Enterprise Issues Causing the
System Revolution

1787 1861-1865
An economic system in
which individuals depend
on supply and demand
and the profit margin to
“No taxation without
determine what to
representation”; colonial
produce, how to produce
protests against British
how much to produce, and
policies and taxes; Battles
for whom to produce. The
at Lexington/Concord.
quest for improvement
financially and materially
motivates consumers and

Between May 25 and

The American Civil War September 17 of this year,
was fought during these delegates gathered in
years. It began with the Philadelphia to revise the
firing on Fort Sumter and Articles of Confederation.
ended with the Instead they drafted,
Confederate surrender at debated, compromised,
Appomattox Court House and finally approved for
almost four years later. ratification the Constitution
of the United States.
Declaration of
Articles of Independence

Bill of Rights English Bill of

This document, the
This document was
nation’s first constitution,
adopted the Second
was adopted by the
Continental Congress on
Second Continental
July 4, 1776. It
Congress in 1781 during
established the 13
the Revolution. The
colonies as independent
document was limited
states, free from rule by
because states held most
Great Britain. Thomas
of the power to tax,
Jefferson wrote the
regulate trade, or control
majority of this document.

King William and Queen

Mary accepted this
document in 1689. It
guaranteed certain rights to
English citizens and
declared that elections for
The first ten amendments
Parliament would happen
to the Constitution
frequently. By accepting
this document, they
(ratified in 1791)
supported a limited
monarchy, a system in
which they shared their
power with Parliament and
the people.
Federalist Founding Fathers

Anti- Federalists
States Rights
This term applies to those
individuals who played a
major role in declaring
U.S. independence, those favoring ratification
fighting Revolutionary War, of the Constitution and the
or writing and adopting the federalists form of
U.S. Constitution. They government
include Thomas Jefferson,
George Washington, and
James Madison.

Based on a broad interpretation of

the 10th Amendment, States’ Rights
was the idea that states had the right
to control all issues/laws in their state
not specifically given to the federal
government by the specific words of those opposed to the
the Constitution. It was used by
(mostly) Southern states to argue Constitution because they
that they had the right to nullify feared the power of the
(ignore) federal laws they did not
agree with.
national government in the
States’ rights became a leading new federal system
cause of the Civil War as Southern
states seceded (withdrew) from the
United States and formed the
Confederate States of America in
Magna Carta

16th Amendment

15th Amendment
17th Amendment
This document, signed by
King John of England in
1215, is the cornerstone of
English justice and law. It
declared that the king and Creates the Federal
government were bound by Income Tax provisions.
the same laws as other
citizens of England. It
This was an amendment
contained the antecedents of strongly supported by the
the ideas of due process and Progressive Reformers.
the right to a fair and speedy
trial that are included in the
protection offered by the U.S.
Bill of Rights.

Provides for direct election

This amendment granted of Senators, another
black men the right to vote. amendment supported by
the Progressives.
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
This amendment declared
that all persons born or This amendment freed all
naturalized in the United slaves without
States were entitled equal compensation to the slave
rights regardless of their owners. It legally forbade
race, and that their rights slavery in the United
were protected at both the States.
state and national levels.

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