BRM Assiments Question

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34 Examine the latest two issue of the journal of marketing research and the Harvard Business
review. Evaluate the differences in reporting style and speculate on the reasons for the differences.
22.35 Examine several issues of the journal of marketing research or the journal of marketing. Find two
cases in which data could have been presented more effectively. prepare a more effective presentation
and show both versions to the class.

22.36 Using the data in table 17-2, write the research report.

22.37 Repeat 22.35 but instant of report prepare and give and oral presentation.

22.38 Examine the annual reports from several companies. Identify exceptionally good and exceptionally
weak presentation of data.

22.39 read several articles in the journal of marketing research. Find five sentences data are
unnecessarily complex or are otherwise unclear. Prepare more effective sentences and show both
versions to the class.

Project 2

3.23 (A) With two other members of your class prepare a research design for problem 3.22.

(b) Prepare PERT chart of your design with the same two other class members who helped develop
the research design.

3.24 conduct a taste test of coke, classis coke, pespi , and RC Cola on five friends or acquaintances.
Before telling them which soft drink they preferred, asked them which brand they would buy if they
were going to stop by a store to buy a six pack of soft drink. Compare their taste preference with
their(stated) purchase reference. What do you conclude?

3.25 Interview a marketing manager and identify a marketing problem or opportunity with which the
manager is concern. Translate is into a research problem.

3.26 Prepare research for the research in 3.25 and prepare proposal. What types of error would be likely
to affect the finding if they project were actually carried out?

3.27 Determine the value of the information associated with the research project proposed in 3.26.

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