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Brand personality is always a two way thing one is as a brand custodian you have certain brand

personality as a goal to be achieved then u go out and ask consumer how they have perceive the
personality of your brand now their perception is dependent on the interaction with the brand. Example
what is imtiaz store for u everyone will explain imtiaz store on the basis of their experiences, as a
researcher brand custodian will reach out on the ground on the majority opinion and that will reflect if
my communication is relevant enough for consumer or not.

Repositioning: relaunching your brand because of changing consumer needs example lifebuoy was
launched for labors first but later on reposition itself to appeal socioeconomic class upper middle class
and middle class. When your product has reached the mature stage in product life cycle and cannot add
more customers u tend to decline towards decline stage than your product require repositioning, also
when your brand equity is weakening that when u think of repositioning fair & lovely has changed itself
as glowing lovely that was due to certain cultural changes that can be certain reason when u feel the
need to react to your competitors that s when u also do reposition. Fedex has repositioned itself at one
point they were known as federal express delivery over one night than they realized delivering overnight
is no more usp cuz everyone in the market offering the same service and more important thing for
consumers that their parcel is safe and reach to the destination safely and they start focusing on peace
of mind they tried to build trust with their customers. Hbl repositioned himself to dilute the brand
equity of hbl. Repositioning is an expensive exercise you don’t say that if one month sales is not good we
will reposition it requires lots of efforts and resources you start building from basic you change product
packaging you work on all basic 4 ps then u start working on communicating new positioning it may
takes u decade s to reposition yourself. It also depends on how willing people are to accept the new
positioning you are also making unlearn something about your brand and making them learn new thing.
But repositioning can increase equity this will justify investments and efforts. But not every time people
will accept reposition example dell. When you launch something new which strengthen your brand that
doesn’t means its repositioning they have just strengthening your positioning by catering customer’s
needs. Repositioning means when coca cola thinks they need to target other segment or they shift their
focus from carbonated drinks to non-carbonated drinks as their primary segment that’s really
repositioning is. Uf there’s repositioning we need to market that product marketing doesn’t mean atl
only its btl as well, when u reposition communication is the key.

DEPOSITIONING: is done by any brand to deposition any brand in the mind of consumer. Example as a
brand custodian of Lipton I try to deposition tapal lin the mind of consumers. Example diamond and
molty foam, Ariel and surf excel it s arisky decision why because lipton has established itself as brand
equivalent to tapal so smaller brands try to compare or position themselves versus bigger brands
example Ariel with surf excel than they are just trying to uplift their image. If surf excel tries to compare
themselves as or target ariel they are sort of announcing customer that this is my competition in other
way they are uplifting their competition.

1. What if unintentionally you devalue your brand equity in order to deposition your competition you
devalue your brand equity it’s a risk and a possibility

2. What if the claim you make for the competition is not right and they take some legal action for u.

So when you are DE positioning your competitor for customers it’s fun. Your brand can be higher recall
brand if it’s done rightly. McDonalds and burger kings example. In DE positioning they will try to mock
mimic and distort your brand, they do this indirectly and directly too.
DE positioning has 6 main steps: 1. Identify market map (start with the consumer determine
segmentation and brand perception shifts.
2. Identify opportunity: are there any windows open in consumers mind to penetrate.
3. Identify competitor whose share are we targeting?
4. How can we win the comparison? Position the brand to benefit and deposition competition
5. Coordinate your attack leverage your portfolio
6. Strike rapidly develop the campaign strike rapidly anf follow by relevant series of innovations.

When DE positioning you qus your competitor on their quality and their mention flaws in their feature
the more aggressive you get the more market share you can snatch.

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