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Training and Development

Understanding Learning Concepts
Characteristics of learning
(1)Learning is Purposeful
(2) Learning is a Result of Experience
(3) Learning is Multifaceted
(4) Learning is an Active Process
Learning Objectives
Ø Create a climate for motivation
Ø Enable you to plan and gain greater control over your future
Ø Add challenge to your life and a sense of achievement
Ø Provide a means of self evaluation
Ø Make you results oriented, so you work smarter
Ø Add a new dimension of meaning to your life
Ø Enable you to manage your time more effectively
Ø Reduce the stress related to the feeling of “not getting anywhere”
Ø Increase your chances of success
Ø Allow you to determine if your job is compatible with what you really want
S.M.A.R.T in Training
S – Specific – says exactly what the learner will be able to do
M – Measurable – can be observed by the end of the training session
A – Attainable for the participants within scheduled time and specified
R – Relevant to the needs of the participant and the organization
T – Time-framed - achievable by the end of the training session
Learning Environment and Training Climate
➢ Require learning to be relevant
➢ Are highly motivated if they believe learning is relevant
➢ Need participation and active involvement in the learning process
➢ Desire a variety of learning experiences
➢ Desire positive feedback
➢ Have personal concerns and need an atmosphere of safety
➢ Need to be recognized as individuals with unique backgrounds,
experiences and learning needs
➢ Must maintain their self-esteem
➢ Have high expectations for themselves and their trainer
➢ Have personal needs that must be taken into consideration
Methodology to involve Participants
➢ Allow participants to provide input regarding schedules, activities
and other events
➢ Ask questions and solicit feedback
➢ Brainstorm and encourage discussions
➢ Plan hands-on work, group and individual projects, and classroom
Methods of positive Learning environment
➢ Audiovisual aids
➢ Illustrated lectures
➢ Demonstrations
➢ Brainstorming
➢ Small group activities
➢ Group discussions
➢ Role plays and case studies
➢ Guest speakers
Creating Positive Learning Environment-
Trainer’s Role
• Give verbal praise either in front of other participants or in private
• Use positive responses during questioning
• Recognize appropriate skills while coaching
• Let the participants know how they are progressing toward achieving learning
Available Strategies
• Use participant names as often as possible
• Involve all participants as often as possible
• Treat participants with respect
• Allow participants to share information with others
• Beyond this trainer can adopt the strategies on their own as per the requirements
of targeted audience.
Conditions for Effective Learning
➢ People learn what is personally meaningful to them
➢ People learn what they are motivated to learn
➢ People construct new knowledge by building on their current Knowledge
➢ Individuals learn differently
➢ A Positive emotional climate strengthens learning
➢ Much learning occurs through social interaction
➢ People need feedback to learn
➢ Successful learning involves use of strategies – which themselves are learned
➢ Learning is influenced by the total learning environment
➢ Learning is developmental
➢ People learn when they accept challenging but achievable goals

Learning Principles
Edward Thorndike a 19th century pioneer in education developed the first
three “Laws of learning:”
ü Readiness,
ü Exercise, and
ü Effect.
three additional principles have been added on the last part of 20 th century:
ü Primacy
ü Recent, and
ü Intense
Domains of Learning
Cognitive Domain
a) Knowledge
b) Comprehension
a) Translation
b) Interpretation
c) Extrapolation
c) Application
d) Analysis
e) Synthesis
f) Evaluation
Domains of Learning
Affective Domain
• Receiving
• Responding
• Valuing
• Organization
Domains of Learning
Psychomotor Domain
• Responsive chains:
• Coordination:
• Response pattern:

Dave (1969) attempted to classify learning situations in the psychomotor domain into 5
• Initiation,
• manipulation,
• precision,
• articulation, and
• neutralization
Five stages of psychomotor learning
• perception,
• set,
• guided response
• mechanisms, and
• complex overt response.

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