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Pressure (p) is defined as the force (F) acting per unit area (A).

Pressure is a measure of how 'spread out' a force is and the following formula is used to calculate

it: p =F/A

F = force [measured in newton (N)]

A = area [measured in metre2 (m2)]

p = pressure [measured in newton per square metre (N/m 2) or pascal (Pa)]

Note: 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 and 1 kPa = 1000 Pa

Examples: Stand on the floor on one leg →the pressure exerted on the one foot is greater than the

pressure exerted when you stand on two feet.

Stand on your toes →the pressure exerted on your toes is greater than when standing on two feet.

Stand on a stone, your weight is exerted on a smaller area →the pressure exerted is greater.

Stand on a drawing pin

→the area is very small on which the force is exerted

→ pressure is great


The box has a mass of 45 kg

hence the weight of the box is 450 N.

Thus the box exerts a downward force of 450 N.

The box rests on side A: p = F/A =

The box rests on side B: p = F/A =

The box rests on side C: p = F/A =

→ The smaller the area on which a force is exerted, the bigger the pressure.

An 80 kg man stands on the ground on an area of 0.033 m 2. Another 160 kg man stands on the

ground on the same area. Compare the pressure exerted by each.

p of 80 kg man = F/A =
p of 160 kg man = F/A =

→The bigger the force exerted on the same area, the bigger the pressure.

In every situation, the amount of pressure exerted is determined by:

*the size of the force used and

*the area over which the force is spread.

→ a large force exerted over a small area causes a high pressure

→ a small force exerted over a large area causes a low pressure.

Worked examples

a) What pressure on the snow does a snowmobile make if it has a weight of 800 N and the

runners have an area of 0.2 m2?

p = F/A

b) Find the area that a 30 kg parcel is in contact with the ground, given that it exerts a pressure

of 600 Pa


Pressure in Fluids (liquids or gases)

→ Pressure in a fluid acts in all directions and is transmitted throughout the fluid.

→ Pressure in the same fluid increases with depth.

A can with three equal sized holes in the sides

is filled with water.

The water from the bottom hole shoots out the farthest because that is where the largest pressure

is being exerted.

The pressure is largest here due to more water being above it, creating a

greater gravity force (weight) pushing on the same area of the can, thus greater pressure.
→ A fluid with greater density will exert a greater pressure than another fluid even when at the


The pressure is larger because there is more mass of the fluid at this depth due to its

higher density, creating a greater gravity force pushing on the same area, thus greater pressure.

The pressure on a diver at a certain depth depends on:

→the density of the liquid,

→ the diver's depth, h.

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