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Final Lecture
Who was the first Viceroy of India?
1) Lord Dalhousie
2) Lord Canning
3) Lord Mountbatten
4) Robert Clive
Who introduced the „Doctrine of Lapse‟?
1) Wellesley
2) Betinck
3) Dalhousie
4) Ripon
Raja Rammohan Roy was the founder of
1) Arya Samaj
2) Brahmo Samaj
3) Ramakrishna mission
4) Prathana Samaj
Who was the Viceroy of India when the British
capital was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi?
1) Lord Hardinge
2) Lord Cornwallis
3) Lord Curzon
4) William Bentinck
Who, among the following Governor-General, was
called the „Maker of Modern India‟?
1) Lord Elgin
2) Lord Dalhousie
3) Lord Mayo
4) Lord Ripon
Who, among the following, introduced Local Self-
government in India?
1) Lord Canning
2) Lord Ripon
3) Raja Rammohan Roy
4) Lord Mountbatten
Who, among the following, was the last Mughal
Emperor to sit on the Peacock Throne?
1) Muhammad Shah
2) Alamgir II
3) Shah Alam II
4) Bahadur Shah II
Who, among the following died, while fighting
against the British?
1) Siraj-ud-Daula
2) Wajid –Ali-Shah
3) Bahadur Shah Zafar
4) Tipu Sultan
When the East India Company was set up, India‟s
ruler was
1) Aurangabad
2) Jahangir
3) Humayun
4) Akbar
Tipu Sultan was the ruler of
1) Mysore
2) Hyderabad
3) Ahmedabad
4) Kalinga
When did the British annex Punjab?
1) March 1849
2) March 1848
3) August 1947
4) April 1837
When did the First Anglo-Sikh War take place?
1) 1775-82
2) 1839-1842
3) 1852
The ancient name of the city of Patna is:
1) Kausambi
2) Patliputra
3) Kanauj
4) Kapilvastu
The practice of sati was abolished by
1) Lord Ripon
2) Lord Curzon
3) William Bentinck
4) None of these
The Nalanda University was in the present Indian
State of
1) Orissa
2) Bihar
3) West Bengal
4) Uttar Pradesh
Which British Governor-General introduced
postage stamps in India?
1) Lord Dalhousie
2) Lord Auckland
3) Lord Canning
4) Lord Mayo
„Swaraj is my birth right‟ was the slogan of
1) Gandhi
2) Nehru
3) Tilak
4) Gokhale
The monopoly of Indian trade of the East India
Company was abolished by the
1) Regulating Act, 1773
2) Charter Act, 1813
3) Charter Act, 1853
4) Government of India Act, 1858
Who led the English force in the Battle of Plassey?
1) Lord Dalhousie
2) Lord Clive
3) Lord Ripon
4) Lord Kingston
Who termed the revolt of 1857 as the „India‟s First
War of Independence‟?
1) V.D. Savarkar
2) Jawaharlal Nehru
3) Lokmanya Tilak
4) Aurobindo Ghosh
„Rowlatt Act‟ was passed by the British
Government in
1) 1919
2) 1921
3) 1915
4) 1929
Who formed the Forward Block?
1) Ashoka Mehta
2) Subhas Chandra Bose
3) M.R. Masani
4) Jayaprakash Narayan
Who of the following Prime Ministers sent Cripps
Mission of India?
1) James Ramsay MacDonald
2) Stanley Baldwin
3) Neville Chamberlain
4) Winston Churchill
When was the Indian Muslim League founded?
1) 1906
2) 1940
3) 1939
4) 1908
Who is known as the „Father of Indian
1) Gopal Krishan Gokhale
2) Raja Rammohan Roy
3) Rabindranath Tagore
4) Swami Dayanand Sarswati
Where was the Indian National Army (INA)
founded in 1943?
1) Burma
2) Singapore
3) Japan
4) Calcutta
Who said, “At the stroke of midnight, when the
world sleeps India will wake to life and freedom”?
1) G.B. Pant
2) Mahatma Gandhi
3) Sardar Patel
4) Jawaharlal Nehru
When did Lord Curzon issue the order dividing
the province of Bengal into two parts?
1) 1902
2) 1903
3) 1904
4) 1905
Swaraj as a national demand was first made by
1) Chittaranjan Dass
2) Jawaharlal Nehru
3) Dadabhai Naoroji
4) B.G. Tilak
The first Muslim to be elected President of the
Indian National Congress was
1) Abul Kalam Azad
2) Rafi Ahmed Kiwai
3) Badruddin Tyabji
4) Mohammed Ali
On the death of Gandhiji who said that „the light
has gone out of our lives……?
1) Lord Mountabatten
2) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
3) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
4) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
Chauri Chaura (in Uttar Pradesh) is associated
with the
1) Killing of policemen by a mob and the
consequent withdrawal of the Non-cooperation
movement by Mahatma Gandhi
2) Salt Satyagraha
3) Civil Disobedience Movement
4) None of the above
„Delhi Chalo‟ was the slogan of
1) The Hindustan Republican Association
2) All India States People’s Conference
3) Quit India Movement
4) The Azad Hind Fauj (INA)
The Indian Councils Act 1909, commonly known
as the Morley-Minto Reforms were aimed at
1) Grant of dominion status to Indians
2) separate electorate for the Muslims
3) special powers of the government to deal with anti-
government elements
4) full development of education
Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged
for their role in:
1) Kakori case
2) Lahore Conspiracy case
3) Meerut Conspiracy case
4) All the above
By virtue of which Act, diarchy was introduced in
1) Indian Council Act, 1909
2) Government of India Act, 1919
3) Government of India Act, 1935
4) Indian Independence Act, 1947
Who presided over the first meeting of the Indian
Constituent Assembly?
1) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
2) Sachchidananda Sinha
3) B.R. Ambedkar
4) Jawahar Lal Nehru
Who among the following was the advisor to the
Drafting Committee of Constituent Assembly?
1) B. Shiva Rao
2) B.R. Ambedkar
3) Sachchidananda Sinha
4) B.N. Rau
Which of the following countries have an
unwritten constitution?
1) USA
2) UK
3) India
4) Pakistan
Who called Indian Federalism as the Co-operative
1) G. Austin
2) K.C. Wheare
3) Sir Ivor Jennings
4) D.D. Basu
The Federal System with strong centre‟ has been
borrowed by the Indian Constitution from:
1) USA
2) Canada
3) UK
4) France
In which Amendment, the words Socialist, secular
and unity and integrity of the nation were added
to the Preamble of constitution of India?
1) 42nd
2) 44th
3) 52nd
4) None of these
The articles of the Constitution of India which
deal with directive principles of state policy are –
1) 26 to 11
2) 30 to 45
3) 36 to 51
4) 40 to 55
Under which article of the constitution of India
can the President of India be impeached?
1) Article 61
2) Article 75
3) Article 76
4) Article 356
In which part of the Constitution, details of
citizenship are mentioned?
1) I
2) II
3) III
4) IV
The item Education belongs to the –
1) Union list
2) State list
3) Concurrent list
4) Residuary subjects
How many schedules the Constitution of India
1) 9
2) 10
3) 11
4) 12
Which article of the Indian constitution for the
institution of Panchayati Raj?
1) Article 36
2) Article 39
3) Article 40
4) Article 48
Article 1 of the constitution declares India as –
1) Federal State
2) Quasi-Federal State
3) Unitary state
4) Union of states
How many articles are there in the Indian
1) 395
2) 396
3) 398
4) 399
Although union list, state list and concurrent list
cover the entire legislative business yet there may
be an item not mentioned anywhere. Who will
legislate on that item?
1) Parliamentary only
2) State legislature only
3) Both a and b
4) Neither a nor b
Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with
Fundamental Rights?
1) Part I
2) Part II
3) Part III
4) Part IV
Part IV of constitution of India deals with:
1) Fundamental Rights
2) Citizenship
3) Directive Principles of State policy
4) Union Executive
Power, authority and responsibilities of
municipalities are listed in which one of the
following schedules of the constitution of India?
1) Ninth
2) Tenth
3) Eleventh
4) Twelfth
How many languages have recognized by the
Constitution –
1) 15
2) 18
3) 22
4) 24
Andhra Pradesh was created as a linguistic state in

1) 1950
2) 1953
3) 1956
4) 1961
Which of the following is a bulwark of personal
1) Mandamus
2) Habeas corpus
3) Quo Warranto
4) Certiorari
Which of the following rights is NOT granted by
the constitution of India at present as a
fundamental right?
1) Right to equality
2) Right to freedom
3) Right to property
4) Right against exploitation
Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with
Fundamental rights?
1) Part I
2) Part II
3) Part III
4) Part IV
Fundamental Rights are NOT given to –
1) Bankrupt persons
2) Aliens
3) Persons suffering from incurable diseases
4) Political sufferers
Which one of the following is the guardian of
fundamental right?
1) Legislature
2) Executive
3) Political parties
4) Judiciary
Which of the following are covered under the
Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of India?
I) Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour
II) Prohibition of employment of children in factories
III) Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice
and propagation of religion.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1) I and II only
2) I and III only
3) II and III only
4) I, II and III
All the following are fundamental rights
guaranteed by the Indian Constitution except –
1) Right to equality
2) Right against exploitation
3) Right to adequate means of livelihood
4) None of these
Which part of the Indian Constitution has been
described as the soul of the Constitution?
1) Fundamental Rights
2) Directive Principles of state policy
3) The Preamble
4) Right to Constitutional Remedies
All the following are fundamental rights
guaranteed by the Indian Constitution except –
1) Right to equality
2) Right against exploitation
3) Right to adequate means of livelihood
4) None of these
The 44th Amendment in the Constitution of India
removed the following right from the category of
Fundamental Rights–
1) Freedom, of speech
2) Constitutional remedies
3) Property
4) Freedom of religion
The Father of Geography –
1) Humboldt
2) Herodotus
3) Carl Ritter
4) Eratosthenes
Baglihar Project is being constructed on –
1) Chenab
2) Ravi
3) Jhelum
4) Sindh
The planet with the shortest year –
1) Mars
2) Mercury
3) Pluto
4) Earth
The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through:
1) India
2) Egypt
3) Mexico
4) Iran
Which planet has the largest number of Satellites

1) Saturn
2) Jupiter
3) Neptune
4) Mars
The other name of the river Ganga is –
1) Pavitra Nadi
2) Sridass
3) Devnadi
4) Bhageerathi
Which state of India produces maximum sugar
1) H.P.
2) T.N.
3) U.P.
4) A.P.
Tropic of Cancer does not pass through –
1) Orissa
2) Bihar
3) Gujarat
4) W. Bengal
Which state of India produces maximum tea –
1) Gujarat
2) Haryana
3) Punjab
4) Assam
The name of Saturn‟s largest moon is:
1) Mimas
2) Enceladus
3) Titan
4) Tethys
The earth is at its maximum distance from the
sun on.
1) January 30th
2) December 22nd
3) September 22nd
4) July 4th
The study of lakes is called:
1) Limnology
2) Potomology
3) Topology
4) Hydrology
Which state of India produces maximum coffee?
1) Kerala
2) A.P.
3) Karnataka
4) M.P.
Mc Mahon line is the international boundary
1) India and Pakistan
2) India and Bangladesh
3) India and China
4) India and Nepal
Saffron is produced maximum in
1) HP
2) J and K
3) M P
4) Punjab
Environment Day falls on -
1) 8th July
2) 5TH June
3) 7th May
4) 6th April
The World Population day occurs on -
1) 20th March
2) 25th April
3) 11th July
4) 26th February
Periodic movement of the sea water is known as –
1) Tides
2) Waves
3) Current
4) Tsunami
The weight of a substance on the moon is … of its
weight on the earth –
1) 1/6th
2) 1/8th
3) 1/7th
4) None of these
Smog is a combination of –
1) Air and water vapour
2) Water and smoke
3) Fire and water
4) Smoke and fog
The Thien Dam is on the river –
1) Sutlej
2) Gandi
3) Ravi
4) Ghaggar
In India the term “White Revolution‟ is used for –
1) Wheat production
2) Riots
3) Milk production
4) Literacy
Jute Mills are mainly in –
1) Mumbai
2) Kolkata
3) Bangalore
4) Panipat
The Bhakra Dam is built on the river –
1) Sutlej
2) Tapti
3) Mahanadi
4) Brahmaputra
Blue Revolution is associated with –
1) Wheat
2) Fishing
3) Rice
4) None of the above
In India where are diamond mines found –
1) Panna
2) Kolar
3) Khetri
4) Raniganj
Kolkata is situated on the bank of which of the
following rivers –
1) Narmada
2) Kosi
3) Hooghly
4) Ganga
Which country is called the Land of Thunderbolts-
1) Tibet
2) Palestine
3) Bhutan
4) Switzerland
Japan is called the land of –
1) White elephants
2) Rising Sun
3) Black tigers
4) City of motor cars
Nilgiri Hills are called –
1) Blue Mountains
2) Black Mountains
3) Snowy Mountains
4) Steep Mountains
ESKIMOS live in -
1) Sahara Desert
2) North Pole
3) Thailand
4) Bhutan
Boundary between France and Germany is called

1) 49th parallel
2) Durand Line
3) Maginot line
4) None of these
Chilka Lake is located in -
1) Orissa
2) Rajasthan
3) Jammu and Kashmir
4) Punjab
What does the 17th Parallel separate –
1) South and North Yemen
2) South and North America
3) North and South Korea
4) South and North Vietnam
Which of the following is called „Crossroads of the
1) Tonga
2) Fiji
3) Hawaii
4) Ellice
Kanchenjunga is situated in:
1) Nepal
2) Sikkim
3) West Bengal
4) Himachal Pradesh
The river also known as Tsangpo in Tibet is –
1) Ganga
2) Brahmaputra
3) Indu
4) Teesta
In which State of India, Fulhar Lake is situated
1) Madhya Pradesh
2) Uttarakhand
3) Uttar Pradesh
4) Jammu & Kashmir
The temperate grasslands of North America are
known as
1) Pampas
2) Prairies
3) Steppes
4) Tundra
A nautical mile is equal to
1) 1.625 km
2) 1.725 km
3) 1.825 km
4) 1.925 km
Which of the following pairign is wrong?
1) Bonn – Rhine
2) Cairo - Nile
3) New York – Hudson
4) Vienna – Thames
Which of the following cause ocean currents?
1) Monsoon winds
2) Permanent winds
3) Periodic winds
4) Westerlies
For which of the following groups of crops has
“Green revolution” been most successful in India
so far?
1) Cotton and Jute
2) Mustard and Oilseeds
3) Potato and Sugarcane
4) Wheat and Rice
Which of the following institutions is called „Soft
Loan Window‟?
2) IMF
3) IDA
4) ADB
The Planning Commission in India is headed by
1) the Prime Minister
2) the President
3) a nominee of the President
4) any Central Minister
The First Five Year Plan of India aimed to
1) rehabilitate the devastated economy from effects of
World War II and partition
2) solve the food crisis
3) check the inflationary tendencies
4) all the above
Name the years when India‟s five year planning
system had to be converted into annual plans
system owing to special natural and/or external
1) 1967-68 to 1969-70
2) 1965-66 to 1967-68
3) 1967-68 to 1968-69
4) 1966-67 to 1968-69
There was no Five Year Plan in operation during
1966-69. The immediate reason for suspension of
planning was
I. drought and floods
II. change of policy after Nehru’s death
III. conflicts with China and Pakistan
1) I
2) I, II and III
3) II and III
4) I and III
The objective of removal of poverty was
specifically stressed in our Plans for the first time
in the
1) First Plan
2) Fourth Plan
3) Fifth Plan
4) Sixth Plan
A fall in exchange rate of Indian Rupee would
result in
1) an expansion in India’s imports
2) an expansion in India‟s exports
3) an expansion in both exports and imports
4) an increase in India’s current account surplus
In which year was the Regional Rural Bank set up?
1) 1970
2) 1974
3) 1976
4) 1979
Mahalanobis plan model adopted in India in the
mid-fifties aimed at
1) building a strong defence industry base
2) setting up heavy industries which were capital
3) curbing inflation in the economy
4) removing unemployment within a short period
Bharat Nirman Yojana was launched in
1) January, 2005
2) December, 2005
3) August, 2006
4) October, 2006
NABARD was established on the
recommendation of
1) Public Accounts Committee
2) Shivaraman Committee
3) Narsimham Committee
4) None of the above
Expenditure tax was first imposed in India in 1957
on the recommendations of
1) Hugh Dalton
2) Nicholas Kaldor
3) B.R. Shenoy
4) T.T. Krishnamachari
Statutory Liquidity Requirements (SLR) is
1) a method of credit control followed by RBI
2) a method of compelling the limited companies to keep
minimum reserves
3) a law under which the UTI and other mutual funds
must declare a minimum amount as dividend
4) none of the above


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