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Writing: How people aged 25-34 are housed in the UK

The line graph illustrates data about the proportion of people who possess home or
rent home in the UK over a period between 2004 and 2014.
Overall, it is important to note that there were substantial upward trends in the
percentage of Renters, while the percentage of Home Owners was dipped slightly.
An interesting point is that the highest percentage of people who own private house
at the beginning of the period, but renting a house was the most popular choice in
the last period.

The percentage of people who own a house started at nearly 60% in 2004. After
that, the percentage fluctuated and got about 55% percent in 2008. There was a
steady drop to over 40% in the following years. And the figure was at 35% in the
last year. Besides, the percentage of people renting a house stood at only 20%.
Following that, the figure climbed consistently and reaches a peak at nearly 50%.

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