Tax Service Quality As A Measure of Tax

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Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation JAAT

Vol. 2(1), pp. 008-019, November, 2017. ©, ISSN: 2401-1720

Research Article

Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative

Effectiveness in Nigeria
Bojuwon Mustapha
Department of Accounting & Finance, College of Management & Social Sciences, Fountain University Oshogbo,

The perception of the self-employed taxpayers on tax service quality for tax administration
effectiveness in Nigeria. A quantitative method of analysis is employed using descriptive statistic
on the 181 respondents received in explaining the five-tax service quality factor for tax
administration effectiveness, namely responsiveness, reliability, informativeness, assurance and
usability. The result shows that tax service provided by the tax authority is agreed with by the
taxpayers for tax administrative effectiveness with 82.3percent agree. The Majority of taxpayers
agrees with the reliability level of the online tax system average mean scores of 5.21 and standard
deviation of. 496 which lead to increase in tax administration effectiveness. A high number of the
taxpayers agreed that the online tax system is informativeness toward tax administrative
effectiveness with a mean score of 5.57 and standard deviation of 0.361. Also, assurance of the
service provided is highly agreed with by the taxpayers toward effectiveness with an average
mean score of 5.57 and standard deviation of 0.361. Finally, the majority of taxpayers sees that
by providing quality tax service will increase the usage of the online tax system that will lead to
increase in tax administrative effectiveness with an average mean of 5.23 and standard deviation
of 0.136.

Keywords: Tax Service Quality, Responsive, Reliable, Informativeness, Assurance, Usability, Online tax system


Transformation of tax administration can be achieved 2): To what extent does reliability tax service quality,
through effective tax service quality. Although, the tax enhance tax administration effectiveness. 3) To what extent
service quality initiative has been in existence since the does informativeness tax service quality, enhance tax
implementation of the online tax system in Nigeria. Despite administration effectiveness. 4) To what extent does the
the effort, most of the income taxpayer still prefer the use assurance of tax service quality, enhance tax
of manual filing system rather than the online tax (Afolabi administration effectiveness. 5) To what extent does
2010). This is because of the difficulties faced during the usability, enhance tax administration effectiveness. The
usage based on the quality of service provided in term of finding this paper will enhance the quality of service
the level of responsiveness of the system, the actual provided in using the online tax system to fail in their tax
technique and the information used for the tax system returns.
(Scupola 2011).
The concept of tax service quality
The examination of tax service quality is by employing
Parasuraman (2005) model in answering Five research The perception of the of taxpayers on tax service quality
questions; 1 To what extent does responsiveness tax encompasses additional outcome of quality; the approach
service quality enhances tax administration effectiveness. by which quality service is provided are of great significance
Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria
(Brady & Cronin, 2001). The question of tax service quality in all service scales. Focus group participants repeatedly
is an important component for an administration that emphasized frustration that many Web sites do not update
endeavours to thrive or continue in today’s competitive frequently. In contrast, Web sites providing up-to-date
environ, User’s identifies respectable service as soon as information received high appraisals.
they experience it.
Bettua,(1999) stated that e-service is more than just a
Tax Service Quality has been defined as the gap between frequently asked questions (FAQs).Entrepreneur
the taxpayer’s expectation and outcome (Bojuwon & Siti Companies that maintain e-commerce sites must make it
Normala , 2015). Zeithaml, Parasuraman, & Malhotra, easy for customers to inquire about merchandise, check the
(2002) defined quality as the ability of an organization to status of their orders, and file complaints or send
meet or exceed customer expectation. The dimension of compliments all without having to use the telephone.
quality from the perspective of Parasuraman (1985) However, the reality is far from satisfactory. In the case of
framework serve as the initial structure of service quality this paper, the quality of service provided by the tax
which is applied in this paper. The result from This paper is authority will have a positive effect on the level of revenue
consistent with (Parasuraman 1985) that quality service generated by the government and improve the level of
provided by the tax administrator will increase the tax compliance. The responsiveness and reliability of the
administration effectiveness that will also lead to increase innovation can lead to more users in adopting an online tax
in level of revenue generation for the country. system of an innovation. Also, when the information
provided is easy to understand it will likely lead to
However, the scale sufficiently appraises the quality increasing in number of users.
outstanding the absence of any dimensions referring to
quality items (Bauer et al. 2006). Bauer et al., (2006) thus, (c) Informativeness
suggested a Transaction Process-based Framework (e-
Trans Qual), which includes intangible and emotional Informativeness refers to the quality of information provided
elements as well as utilitarian benefits, so as to and available on the online tax system website which has
comprehensively assess the e-service quality, and been presented by the tax authority for filing of their tax
provides five quality dimensions: functionality/design, return (Barrios 2010). This refers to the quality of
reliability, process, responsiveness and enjoyment (Bauer., information that is available on carriers’ or producers’
2006) websites, presented by producers when meeting with
potential clients and described by call centre
(a) Responsiveness representatives (Pool et al. 2006). The clarity and the
completeness and the presentation style of the information
The advantage of using a Web site just as one information itself are all considered by users.
Centre can't be achieved without accessibility which is
related availability and responsiveness (Santos 2003). The result in understanding the features and the benefits
Customers expect the Web-based services to be available help in their decision making (Barns & Bollinger 1991). The
at all times and desire speedy log-on, access, search, and results indicate that informativeness is particularly
Website download. Responsiveness referring to in this important for the online the tax system because there is no
paper is the preparedness of self-employed taxpayers to personal interaction involved when reading information
accomplish a goal in an accurate and timely manner. The online and users have to rely on their own understanding of
accurate and timely of the self-employed taxpayer means the information (Gefen et al. 2003). To Li, Kam & Wa,
that they respond to both payment and assessment on time (2001), information quality is considered important factors
by filing in their tax return through the use of an online tax in the evaluation of an innovation. An online tax system
system to the tax officers. Liljander, Gillberg, Gummerus, & which is more accurate, relevant, convenient and
van Riel, (2006) examined responsiveness as the response completeness to use are more effective when the
to feedback that need more attention with respect to tax information provided is in the interest of the taxpayers
service quality Responsiveness in a tax service context is (Negash et al. 2003). The variables used for this paper are
about the efficacy and efficiency response to the problem adopted from Parasuraman, (2005); Parasuraman,
of experience such as fast response during the use of the Zeithaml, & Berry, (1988) and Connolly & Bannister, (2008).
(d) Assurance
(b) Reliability
The outcome of an independent verification process, the
Reliability refers to the ability to accomplish the expected term is often used interchangeably with the term
service correctly and reliably by appraising the application verification. It is increasingly used to describe the
promptly (Miazee & Rahman 2011). This above finding is evaluation and assessment services provided by an
consistent with the view of Parasuraman et al. (1988) that independent accounting and other firms, usually based on
itemized reliability to be the most significant measurement specific assurance standards or frameworks. The ultimate
Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria
goal of (Gefen et al. 2003) paper was to test the links reliability, informativeness, functionality and efficiency with
among the dimensions of e-service quality, perceived risk, 19 questions administered to the self-employed taxpayers
trust and cost-to-switch and the variable of customer in Nigeria.
loyalty. Although the paper investigated the relative
importance of e-service quality on customer loyalty, the Data Analysis
loyalty variable was a unidimensional construct that
focused only on favourable behavioural consequences. The total number of 181 questionnaire was used out of
which 120 were Male (66.3%) and 61 (33.7%) females
(e) Usability given the reason that the men are more into business that
the woman since they are the major provider for the family
As e-service is delivered and consumed in a technology- in the context of the paper. The majority of the respondents
based environment, offering order tracking features, were age between 31-40 years with 110 (60.8%) followed
sending confirmation emails and providing inventory by age between 20-30 years with 42 (23.3%), age between
checking functions increase the perception of website 41-50 years are with 26 (14.4%) and finally age above 51
reliability. Additionally, online users need to address web with just 3 (1.7%) respectively. Based on the age response
interactivity criteria such as usability and informativeness it indicates that the youth are the major users of the system
of their websites. Research has shown that taxpayers' because their knowledge on the use of the internet with and
expectations are considered a primary cause of both online they are youth with more energy and doing business. On
and offline customer complaints (Chen 2010) the educational background majority of the respondent are
Therefore, giving faster feedback response in an accurate graduate with (52.5%), school certs are with (26.0%),
manner can be approached as a defensive marketing diploma with (13.3%) and postgraduate are with (8.3%).
strategy. Offering online chat services, self-help canters or The reason for these percentages is that the majority of the
a combination of different communication channels could self-employed are youth and fresh graduate that need to
enhance the speed and accuracy of responding to online start their life, but with limited job opportunity most decided
shoppers‟ questions and thereby lessen their complaints to have their personal business. Based on the demographic
(Chen 2010) result, it shows that the majority of the respondent is the
youth and perceived the service provided to be effective.

TABLE 1: Demographic distribution of the respondent

Items Frequency %
Gender Male 120 66.3
Female 61 33.7
Total 181 100.0
Age 20-30 years 42 23.2
31 – 40 years 110 60.8
41-50 years 26 14.4
Figure 1: Conceptual Model for the Paper 51 years and above 3 1.7
Total 181 100.0
Education School certificate 48 26.5
Graduate 94 51.9
In understanding the respondents of this paper, the first Postgraduate 15 8.3
analysis was the demographic analysis of the respondents Total 181 100.0
which is the self-employed taxpayer in Nigeria. The data for
the present paper was collected using a survey
This present paper examines the five variables of tax
questionnaire which was administered to181 self-employed
service quality which includes responsiveness, reliability,
taxpayers through email. The questionnaire comprises of
informativeness, assurance and usability. The sequence of
19 items related to the tax service quality provided by the the analysis is descriptive statistics, calculation of reliability
tax administrators. Each of the instruments used are and descriptive statistic to identify the variable component.
descriptive in nature that requires the self-employed
However, the content validity of the questions was
taxpayers to respond by choosing the best satisfactory
conducted through the experts in the field to validate the
option in the seven points-Likert scale: 1= strongly
questions with the inter-correlation that exists between the
disagree, 2= slightly disagree, 3= disagree, 4= neutral, 5
agree, 6= slightly agree and 7= strongly agree. The
questionnaire is divided into two sections, section one The reliability test was conducted using the Cronbach alpha
contains three questions which represent the demographic figure on the five variables which are responsiveness
background of the respondent information. The second (RES), reliability (REL), informativeness (INF), Assurance
section is divided into five factors such as; responsiveness, (ASS) and usability (USB) to examine the consistency
Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria
across the five variables applied in this paper. In order to TABLE 3: KMO and Bartlett's Test Result
establish the construct validity of the questions, the
descriptive statistic technique was used to identify the KMO and Bartlett's Test
loading of the question to a specific variable. This is Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .919
performed by using the exploratory descriptive statistic. Approx. Chi-Square 2469.563
Table 2 exhibit the details of the reliability value of the Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Df 190
Sig. .000
variable used in this paper.

TABLE 2 Reliability of the Components constructs The variances explained by the eigenvalue of each five
variable of tax service quality are indicated as follows:
Variables Questionnaires Items Cronbach alpha 9.870, 1.757, 1.400, 1.151 and 1.123 respectively. The
RES res1, res2, res3, res4 .854 overall total variance explained, was 72.038 % of the
REL rel1, rel2, rel3 .859 variance. The table shows the variable eigenvalue and the
INF inf1, inf2, inf3, inf4 .877 total variance explained of the five variable components.
ASS ass1, ass2, ass3, ass4 .858
USB usb1, usb2, usb3, usb4 .869 TABLE 4 Rotated Component Matrixa
Hair et al (2010) were affirmed that value below 0.70 is said
1 2 3 4 5
to be the lower limit, but still acceptable for the test and
reliability test of any data. Hence, the reliability value of the usb1 .834
present paper is high with RES α =. 854, α =. 859, α =. 877, usb2 .796
α =. 858, α =. 869 as demonstrated in the table above. This usb3 .712
value shows that the data does not violate any of the usb4 .685
statistical assumptions and its data can be further analysed ass3 .809
using the descriptive statistic which is applied in the paper. ass4 .779
ass2 .776
Descriptive statistic ass1 .646
inf4 .773
An exploratory descriptive statistic was employed to with inf2 .738
the varimax for the variable identification. The rotation of inf3 .707
varimax in was used to identify the five underlying variables inf1 .634
of the paper. This paper retains only the factor or res3 .777
component with an eigenvalue greater than 1. According to res4 .726
Hair, William, Babin, & Anderson, (2010) factor loading of res1 .642
items, less than 0.5 in the analysis of rotated component res2 .618
should be deleted in order to achieve an effective result. rel1 .844
Hence, in running the analysis, there was a good indication rel2 .809
of the factor loading greater than. 50 with better inter- rel3 .742
correlation among the items used for the justification of Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. N=181
using descriptive statistic for these papers. The analysis of Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
correlation matrices shows the correlation greater than r=. a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.
3 with the P <. 5.

However, the researcher based on the observed p-value RESULT

and correlation matrix, there is evidence that the paper
result is statistically significant. Commonalities show that all In order for the researcher to simplify the result of this
the item's value is greater than. 5, thus the researcher used paper, the %age rate indicates the extent tax service quality
all the items for the paper since the communities are higher perception based on the five variables among the self-
than the threshold of .5 (Pallant 2010). Accordingly, the employed taxpayers with the mean (M) and standard
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity value was statistically deviation (SD) interpret its extent. However, the higher the
significant at. 00000 which indicates that the analysis is percentage the better the effect of the items to represent
appropriate and support the factorization of the correlation the indicator, while on the other hand Lower percentage
matrix (Pallant 2010). In addition, the entire variable loaded age indicates the degree performance of tax service quality
above 0.60. The overall Kaiser-Meyer–Oklin (KMO) for the among the self- employed taxpayer in Nigeria the more the
measure of sampling adequacy was 0.919 which is need to improve the service provided. Hence the table
acceptable in the field of management with the value above below show the indicators of items on the responsiveness
0.60 thresholds as claimed by Hair et al. (2010). The table of the service provided based on the use of the online tax
below shows the overall acceptable KMO. system by the self-employed taxpayer in Nigeria.

Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria

TABLE 5 Descriptive statistics for research question 1

Responsiveness of tax service quality for the online tax Furthermore, the view percentage of the respondents
system disagree with the level of their sincerity in the
responsiveness to the online tax system service. In the
RQ1: To what extent does responsiveness tax service third question only 28.7, 24.3, 21.5 and 16.0% of the
quality, enhance tax administration effectiveness respondent perceived the service provided are relevant,
accurate and appropriate with the tax service quality
Almost all the self-employed taxpayers in Nigeria provided in order of slightly agree, agree, neutral and
expressed their opinion that the issue of acknowledgement strongly agree. While only 7.7% disagree and 1.7%, slightly
receipt during the filing of the tax return has increased their disagree with the level of relevancy and appropriateness of
confidence and prompt the service provided by the tax the service provided by the tax administrators.
administration. The majority of the respondent chooses to
agree, slightly agree neutral or strongly agree with the issue Finally, the majority of the respondent expressed that the
of acknowledgement receipt in filing their tax return with responsiveness of the inbound and outbound of the service
31.5, 25.4,19,3 and 20.4% respectively. Only view provided are agreeing with by 31.5percent, 26.5 slightly
respondents disagree and slightly disagree with the issue agree, 19.3 are neutral and 14.9 strongly agree with the it.
of acknowledgement receipt in the filing of tax return with While 5.5 disagree, 1.1 slightly disagree and 1.1% strongly
2.8 and 0.6 %. disagree with the inbound and outbound of the service
provided. The result of this paper shows that the extent to
Hence, there are no respondents that completely disagree which responsiveness of the service provided to taxpayers
with the issue of acknowledgement receipt in the process in the use of the online tax system is agreed with. In
of filing their taxes. On the second question majority of the conclusion the moderate mean score is 5.24 with the
respondent are with sincere interest of solving any problem standard deviation of .933 provides that tax administrators
with 31.5%, slightly agree with their sincerity followed by took the responsiveness of the tax service quality to be a
30% who agree with the sincerity and 21.5% are neutral priority for the effective use of the online tax system.
with the sincerity of the service provided by the tax

Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria

TABLE 6: Descriptive statistics for research question 2

Reliability of tax service quality for an online tax

system While only 3.3% disagree, 2.2% slightly disagree and .06
% disagree the performance of the quality of service
RQ1: To what extent does reliability tax service quality, provided in the first time of use. The %age of respondents
enhance tax administration effectiveness on reliability level of tax service quality shows that 31.5%
agree, 27.1% are neutral, 20.4% slightly agree and 12.2%
The findings from the table above indicates that most of the strongly agree with the promises to do certain function in
respondent 35.5%, slightly agree, 33.1% agree, 13.8% time during the filing of their tax. In addition, view
strongly agree and 12.7% are neutral on the availability of percentage age of the respondent 5.0% disagrees, 3.3%
online tax service all the time they intend to file their tax slightly disagree and 0.6% of the respondents disagree with
return. The only view of the respondent perceived the most of the promises made in the use of online tax system.
service to be available always with 3.3% who disagree, Thus, the result from this paper shows a higher number of
1.1%, slightly disagree and 0.6% strongly disagree with the respondent asserted the reliability of the tax service quality
availability of the online tax system all the time. Secondly on the use of online tax system with the average means
33.1%, agree, 3.0% slightly agree 15.5% are neutral with score of 5.21 and standard deviation of. 496.
13.3% of the respondent strongly agree with the
performance of the service in the first time of use.

Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria

TABLE 7 Descriptive statistics for research question 3

Informativeness of tax service quality for the online tax 18.2% slightly agree 24.9% and 19.3% strongly agree with
system the promises to do certain function in time during the filing
of their tax. While only 6.1% disagree, 0.6% slightly
RQ1: To what extent does informativeness tax service disagrees on the information provided in the first time.
quality enhance tax administration effectiveness? Furthermore, majority of the respondent slightly agree
32.0%, 26.0% agree, 18.2% strongly agree and 20.4%
On the bases of the tax service quality informativeness to perceived that quality tax service will lead to a better
the taxpayers majorly perceived to slightly agree with the understand the information provided about the use of online
system timely with 31.5 %, 29.8 % agree, 19.3 perceived it tax system.
to be neutral and 14.9 % strongly agree with the currently
timely information available on the use of online tax system. Nevertheless, these paper result shows that extent of
While 3.9 % of the respondents disagree, 0.6 % of then informativeness on the tax service quality are agreed with
slightly disagree with the timely informativeness of the tax by the taxpayers to be well provided and informative while
service provided by the tax administrators. More so, most the mean and standard deviation of the analysis is
of the respondent selects to slightly agree, agree, strongly moderately high with the mean of 5.57 and standard
agree and neutral with 29.8, % 25.4 %, 21 % and 20.4 % deviation of .361. Thus, taxpayers considered that effective
respectively for question two. tax service will improve the tax administration
The %age of respondents on informativeness level of tax
service quality shows that 30.9 % agree, % are neutral, and

TABLE 8 Descriptive statistics for research question 4

Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria

Assurance as a determinant of tax service quality for
the online tax system In the third question only 33.1, 33.1, 18.2 and 13.3 % of the
RQ1: To what extent respondent trust tax service quality with slightly agree,
does assurance of tax service quality enhance tax agree, neutral and strongly agree. While only 2.2 %
administration effectiveness disagree with the level of trust by the tax administrators.
Finally, majority of the respondent expressed that perform
Majority of the respondent choose to agree, slightly agree reputable provided are agree with by 34.8 %, 26 % slightly
neutral or strongly agree with the adequate security agree, 22.7 % strongly agree and 13.8 % neutral. While 2.8
features in filing their tax return with 36.5, 26.5, 20.4 and % disagree with the reputation of the service provided.
13.3 % respectively. Only view respondents disagree and However, the result from this paper shows that the extent
strongly disagree with the adequate security features in the to which assurance of the service provided to taxpayers in
filing of tax return with 2.8 and 0.6 %. On the second the use of online tax system is agree with. In conclusion the
question majority of the respondent are with good moderate mean score is 5.49 with the standard deviation of
reputation with 29.3 % slightly agree with the good .116 provides that tax administrators took the assurance of
reputation followed by 26.3 % who agree with the good the tax service quality to be a priority for the effective use
reputation, 17.7 % strongly agree and 18.8 % are neutral of online tax system.
with the good reputation of the service provided by the tax
administrator. While view % of the respondent disagree
with the level of good reputation in the assurance of the
online tax system service.

Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria

TABLE 8: Descriptive statistics for research question 5

Usability as a determinant of tax service quality for the disagrees on the usability of online tax system. Thus, the
online tax system result from this paper shows higher number of respondent
asserted the usability of the online tax system with the
RQ1: To what extend does usability tax service quality average means score of 5.23 and standard deviation of
enhance tax administration effectiveness .136.

The result from the table above indicates that most of the DISCUSSION
respondent 28.7 % slightly agree, 27.6 % agree, 13.8 %
strongly agree and 16.6 % are neutral on the usability of The discussion of the present paper was embedded with
online tax service all the time they intent to file in their tax the five variables from service quality model by
return. Only view of the respondent perceived the usability Parasuraman (2005). These variables were incorporated in
always with 5.0 % who disagree, 5.5 % slightly disagree the tax service quality to explain it effect on the tax
and 2.8 % strongly disagree with the usability of the online administration effectiveness by the self-employed
tax system all the time. Secondly 34.3 %, agree, 28.2 % taxpayers in Nigeria. The aim of the research is to
slightly agree 17.1 % are strongly agree with 13.3 % neutral investigate the extent to which tax service quality for tax
of the respondents with the standardized service. While administration effectiveness. This was examined by the
only 6.1 % disagree, 1.7 % slightly disagrees and 0.6 % present paper conceptual framework of tax service quality
strongly disagrees with consistent standardized service that emphasized on responsiveness, reliability,
provided. informativeness, assurance and usability of the online tax
system users. The result from this paper was consistence
The %age of respondents on usability level of tax service with Caruso & Weber, (2006) who concluded that effective
quality shows that 30.4 % agree, 27.6 % are neutral, 19.9 tax service quality provided by the tax administrator should
% slightly agree and 15.5 % strongly agree with the be able to increase the tax administration effectiveness
promises to do certain function in time during the filing of that will also lead to increase in level of revenue
their tax. In addition, view %age of the respondent 5 % regeneration for the country. More so, the finding from the
disagrees, 1.1 % slightly disagrees and 0.6 % of the tax service quality responsiveness for the tax administration
respondents disagree with most of the promises made in effectiveness is related to the paper by Wangpipatwong,
the use of online tax system. The %age of respondents on Chutimaskul, & Papasratorn, (2009) using responsiveness,
the usability level of tax service quality shows that 27.6 % functionality, empathy and tangible variable as a measure
agree, % are neutral, and 24.3 % slightly agree 19.3 % and of service quality. Hence, it is concluded that the better the
16.6 % strongly agree with the promises to do certain quality of tax service provided by the tax administrator the
function in time during the filing of their tax. While only 7.2 better the usage based on the new innovation of online tax
% disagree, 3.3 % slightly disagree and 1.7 % strongly system.
Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria
RECOMMENDATION social -ecomomic development. Journal of the Historical
Society of Nigeria, pp.63–92.
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extent to which tax service quality via the use of online tax Barrios, A., (2010). Factors influencing taxpayers’ intention
system in the tax management of collection and payment to adopt free electronic tax filing (free file).
of revenue. Hence further paper is indeed needed to add Bauer, H.H., Falk, T. & Hammerschmidt, M., (2006).
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in revenue collection and payment. hierarchical approach. The Journal of Marketing, pp.34–
Thus, further research need to be done on the construct Bojuwon, M. & Siti Normala S.O, (2015), Tax service
validation of the construct using other rigorous method of quality, The mediating effect of perceived ease of use
analysis. Although, there are other paper that validate the of the online tax system Procedia Social and Behavioral
service quality in marketing and business sector while this sciences Volume 172(2-9).
paper takes into consideration to extend it to tax with the Caruso, G. & Weber, R., (2006). Getting the max for the
list of construct variables. All the tax service quality tax: an examination of BID performance measures. Intl
variables used in this paper were identifying through the Journal of Public Administration, 29(1-3), pp.187–219.
demographic profile of the respondent. Further paper Chen, C.-W., (2010). Impact of quality antecedents on
should attempt to examine the influence of gender and taxpayer satisfaction with online tax-filing systems. An
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Connolly, R. & Bannister, F., (2008). eTax Filing & Service
Quality: The case of the revenue online service. In
CONCLUSION Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering
and Technology. pp. 313–317.
Finding from the present paper were comprehensively Gefen, D., Karahanna, E. & Straub, D., (2003). Trust and
discussed based on the variables investigated in the tax TAM in online shopping: an integrated
service quality. Based on the research question, the model.MISquarterly, pp.51–90.
researcher shares his findings from these paper with Hair, J.F. et al., 2010. Multivariate Data Analysis Seventh.,
several researchers work on tax service quality for the tax Lauriks, S. (2007). Review of ICT-based services for
administration effectiveness (Shackelford & Shevlin 2001). identified unmet needs in people with dementia. Ageing
The investigation shows some implication such as practical, research reviews, 6(3), pp.223–246.
theoretical and policy implication toward achieving effective Li Kam Wa, P., (2001). The critical success factors of
tax service quality for the need of the tax administration customer relationship management (CRM)
effectiveness in Nigeria. technological initiatives. Concordia University.
Liljander, V. et al., (2006). Technology readiness and the
Also emphasized that this paper practically enables the tax evaluation and adoption of self-service technologies.
authority to understand on how to improve the quality of Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 13(3),
service provided by then to the taxpayers. Nevertheless, pp.177–191.
the managerial implication of these paper is what is the Miazee, M. & Rahman, M., (2011). E-Service Quality and
position of the service provided, how do we improve the Customer Satisfaction: A Paper of Online Customers in
service, when are we going to achieve the maximum Bangladesh.
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Accepted 31 October 2017

Citation: Bojuwon M (2017). Tax Service Quality as a

Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria.
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 2(1): 008-

Copyright: © 2017 Bojuwon M. This is an open-access

article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
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original author and source are cited.

Tax Service Quality as a Measure of Tax Administrative Effectiveness in Nigeria

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