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1. Epilogue in the First Filipino (492-500)

RIZAL is the First filipino
--natives of Suluan "The ENchanted Island of HUMUNu"
--courteous and honest.... by: Pigafetta
---He was the First who sought to "unite the whole archipelago" and envisioned a "compact and
homogeneous society."
--- he was first in the heart of the filipino people.
---It was Rizal who lifted up the hearts of his generation.

2. Great individuals as agents of change

--History is made through individual actors and collective agents.
--Leaders of actions and leaders of thought.
--history people made is left unwittingly and purposefully.
1. heroic determinism
2. Social determinism
3. adaptive-evolutionary
--principle of variation
--principle of selection
Becoming a hero...
-recognition and influence after death
-encourages and evokes achievement
-golden ages
Affecting history:
1. eventful individuals
2. event-making individuals

3. The trial of Rizal by Horacio dela Costa

--Records of Rizal's trial were sent to Epifanio delos Santos.
--Rizal's trail were marked by three qualities:
--arrested and confined incommunicado
--Rizal defended by a counsel of own choice.
--106 people were soldiers
-- nature of trial and evidence
--condemned to death.

--3 crimes: rebellion, sedition and illegal association.

4. Ambeth Ocampo and Rizal's Views on

Philippine History
--antonio regidor (supposed publisher)
R-- Pre-hispanic Filipinos had:
1. system of writing and written literature
2. advanced knowledge of metallurgy
3. ship-building industry
"Colonization led to the loss of both Philippine autonomy and distinct character"
--Rizal as the first filipino who wrote PH history.

5. La Liga in Rizal Scholarship

--Rizal was unaware of the social issue tearing the 19th century
--unity, mutual protection and mutual help.
--Proudhon's social contract best describes la liga's statutes.
--Rousseo's - Man with government
- aim to deal with 18th century absoluntism
--Proudhon's - man with man (aim to deal with 19th century's inequality)
--Isabelo De los Reyes (First Filipino Socialist)
--Took la liga for his own.
--not all are familiar about la liga statutes
--misconceptions about la liga
--Rizal visits to Pi Y Margall's home became key in Rizal's exposure towards reformist politics

6. Afterlives of noli me
--rewriting based on who's reading it.
--it was supposedly written in French but Rizal wanted to present it to his countrymen.
1899- French translation (Lucas and Sempau)
1900- Eagle flight
1902- English (Gannet)

7. Rizal in Dapitan by Floro Quiboyen

8. towards a radical rizal

--Teodoro Agoncillo and Renato Constantino argued Reform movement did not cause Revolution.
--Reforms were the reason why the revolution failed.
--Reformists: middle class intellectuals (ilustrados)
--Revolutionaries: the masses
Rizal wanted the philippines to be a province of spain.... he's just anti-friar not anti Spaniard.

--the Calamba Hacienda Case

--Rizal's Break with Del pilar
--Agoncillo and Constantino's ideas on nationalism.

9. Rizal's Concept of the Filipino Nation by Quiboyen

--Rizal's Affirmation of Filipino identity
--people with a developed national culture is harder to conquer and colonize.
--culture is not defense against colonial oppression.
--founded on ethical principles of justice and common good, national community thrives


---The Indolence of the Filipino People (La Indolencia de los Filipinos)

1. Establishment of the Galleon Trade
2. Implementation of forced labor (Polo y servicio)
3. Spain did not protect the Filipino people against foreign invaders.
4. Crooked system of education
5. Spaniards were Bad Influenced
6. Gambling
7. crooked system of religion
8. Taxes were extremely high

---One cannot blame a country that was deprived of its dignity, They lost their will to continue
building their foundation specially if the fruits of their labor do not much reach their lips.

---Message to the Young Women of Malolos

-- 20 mestiza-sangley
-- night school where they could be taught Spanish
-- Governor-General Valeriano Weyler (Dec. 12, 1888)
-- the school opened on Feb. 20, 1889
1. Filipino mothers should teach their children love of God, country and fellowmen
2. Filipino mothers should be glad and honored like spartan women to offer their children in service of
the country.
3. Filipino women should know to protect their diginity and honor
4. should educate themselves
5. Faith is not merely reciting prayers, it is living the real Christian way with good morals and manners

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