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Missile crash sites offer a tangible reminGer of the ColG ColG War anG a race with the former Soviet Union to Gevelop
War anG the UniteG States of America¶s competition with the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs anG IntermeGiate
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR or Soviet Union Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM , with the ultimate goal
in the race into space anG the Tuest for military superiority. of launching anG Gelivering both conventional anG nuclear
Missile crash sites belong to the recent past anG can proviGe warheaGs. From 1949 to 194, a large variety of missiles anG
valuable Gata on the Gevelopment of missile anG rocNet rocNets were launcheG from CCAFS, incluGing converteG Nazi
programs topics incluGeG within the rapiGly Geveloping V-2 missiles renameG Bumpers, the granGparents of toGay¶s
Giscipline of moGern conÀict archaeology. The early UniteG Tomahawk Cruise Missile (Matadors, Navahos, Snarks, anG
States (US missile program at Cape Canaveral Air Force Bomarcs  submarine-baseG missiles such as the Navy¶s
Station (CCAFS was most noteG for the high number of Polaris missile Explorer 1, the ¿rst UniteG States satellite
mission failures. The Atlantic waters are Nnown to contain anG Project Mercury, which tooN the ¿rst US astronaut into
the Gebris anG wrecNage of many of these faileG missions. space. Missile anG rocNet components were testeG in facilities
Others are Nnown to have crasheG on lanG, but for many years across the UniteG States.
no terrestrial crash sites at CCAFS haG been subMecteG to a While manneG space Àight was being conGucteG at
formal cultural resources assessment. This changeG with the CCAFS with the Gemini anG early Apollo moon missions,
investigation of the Jupiter Missile Crash Site (BR207 in ICBM anG IRBM Gevelopment continueG to be the focus from
2007 anG again in 2012. 194 to 1979, with the testing of the Atlas, Delta, Minuteman,
This article proviGes a brief bacNgrounG Giscussion on anG Titan programs. The National Aeronautic anG Space
the ColG War anG the Jupiter missile program, introGuces the AGministration (NASA , which shareG CCAFS with the
reaGer to the emerging ¿elG of aerospace archaeology, anG UniteG States Air Force, haG moveG their operations to the
then Giscusses the Jupiter Missile Crash site. As part of this KenneGy Space Center by 1970, leaving CCAFS as a missile
analysis, I evaluate a series of missile crash canGiGates using testing anG launch facility solely for unmanneG missions.
archaeological anG Gocumentary eviGence to Getermine the Since 1979, the 45th Space Wing of the UniteG States Air
probable iGentity of the missile launch anG crash responsible Force has launcheG a variety of payloaGs into space aboarG
for BR207. Atlas, Atlas Centaur, Delta, anG Titan rocNets. This incluGes
supporting NASA exploratory missions to Mars, Saturn, anG
Background various points throughout the solar system (PenGers 2011 .

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station is locateG along the The Cold War and the Rise of the US Missile Programs
Atlantic Coast of BrevarG County, FloriGa. CCAFS is situateG
on the Canaveral Peninsula, a barrier islanG approximately The start anG enG Gates of the ColG War have been
249 Nm south of JacNsonville, 33 Nm north of Miami, anG GebateG by historians. Some suggest it began in the 1945-
9 Nm east of OrlanGo. The northern bounGary of CCAFS 194 timeframe anG enGeG in 199, having begun as a Gispute
abuts KenneGy Space Center anG the southern bounGary over the Givision of Europe. For others, the ColG War began
borGers Port Canaveral. CCAFS is bounGeG to the east by the in 1917 with the BolsheviN Revolution in Russia anG enGeG
Atlantic Ocean anG to the west by the Banana River Lagoon in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union, having been a
(Figure 1 . CCAFS occupies approximately 15,00 acres of conÀict between Bolshevism anG Gemocracy. For this paper, I
lanG anG proviGes space launch capability for governmental, use 1945 anG the enG of WorlG War II as the start of the ColG
civil, anG commercial satellites. The Jupiter Missile Crash Site War, because it is the most wiGely accepteG Gate. I enG it with
(BR207 is locateG on CCAFS east of Pier RoaG anG Fuel the fall of the USSR in 1991. The term “ColG War´ was ¿rst
Storage Area 3 anG west of the beach Gune line (Figure 2 . useG in 1947 by BernarG Baruch, senior aGvisor to PresiGent
When most people thinN of Cape Canaveral, they Harry Truman, in reference to the freTuently occurring crises
automatically associate it with senGing humans into space. between the US anG USSR (Bair 2003 Mannino 1999
However, that was not the original purpose for establishing SturGevant anG OrnGorff 2009 .
CCAFS. After WorlG War II, the UniteG States entereG into the The beginning of the ColG War was marNeG by the



Figure 1. Location of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Brevard County, Florida.

Gevastating years of warfare in Europe Guring WorlG War II. the Goctrine of Mutual AssureG Destruction (MAD , which
By the war¶s enG, approximately 3.5 million Europeans haG assumeG that each siGe haG enough nuclear weaponry to
GieG in the conÀict anG millions more were homeless. Refugee Gestroy the other siGe anG that either siGe, if attacNeG for any
camps anG rationing GominateG much of Europe. The US, reason by the other, woulG retaliate without fail with eTual or
wanting to realize free elections anG free traGe, was committeG greater force resulting in mutual, total, anG assureG Gestruction.
to helping Europe recover from the war. Communists, aiGeG The payoff of the MAD Goctrine was expecteG to be a tense,
by the USSR, were threatening electeG governments across yet stable, global peace (Bair 2003 Mannino 1999 .
Europe. The ¿rst few years of the early ColG War (1945- It was within the escalating tension between the US anG
194 were more political than military. This changeG in USSR that the Soviet Union GemonstrateG its military anG
February 194 when the Communist Party of CzechoslovaNia, space technological aGvantage. In 1957, they launcheG the
with covert bacNing from the USSR, overthrew the electeG ¿rst ICBM anG their satellites Sputnik 1 anG 2. The Sputnik
government in that country. Then, in reaction to the Gemocratic launches greatly increaseG the attention of the US government
consoliGation of West Germany, the USSR blocNaGeG AllieG- anG the general public to the issues of technology anG space
controlleG West Berlin in a biG to consoliGate their holG on the capabilities anG leG to a generalizeG fear that the US was
German capital (Bair 2003 Mannino 1999 . lagging behinG the Soviets. As a result, funGing to military anG
During the ColG War, Soviet policy was GesigneG to space programs was increaseG in orGer for the US to catch
assure the military security of the USSR by Neeping Gown the up. This gap, Nnown as the “missile gap,´ was the perception
GefeateG Germany anG by creating ally governments in Eastern that the number of GeployeG Soviet missiles was signi¿cantly
Europe in orGer to facilitate the rise anG ultimate success of greater than that GeployeG by the US. Throughout the late
Communism. In the event of a war, these allieG countries 1950s anG 190s, the missile gap became a US presiGential
also woulG form a buffer between USSR anG the West. The campaign platform anG was useG to pump funGing into US
“Iron Curtain,´ a phrase coineG in 194 by Winston Churchill military anG space programs (Bair 2003 Mannino 1999
in Giscussing Soviet Gomination in Eastern Europe, became SturGevant anG OrnGorff 2009 .
a physical reality in the form of borGer Gefenses between
the countries of Western anG Eastern Europe. The wall that Jupiter Missile Program
GiviGeG East anG West Berlin became the most well-Nnown
section of this GiviGing line. By 1952, the ColG War map of the Set in this political anG socio-iGeological climate was
East versus the West in Europe haG been Grawn (Bair 2003 the Gevelopment of the Jupiter IRBM. In the fall of 1954,
Mannino 1999 . PresiGent Dwight D. Eisenhower establisheG the Technological
The US Goctrine Guring the early years of the ColG War was Capabilities Panel of the Science AGvisory Committee, Of¿ce
to use missile anG air warfare systems to attacN both frontline of Defense Management to conGuct an in-Gepth stuGy of the
anG rear troops anG to Gestroy rear area (USSR logistical nation¶s Gefenses. The committee forwarGeG their report,
assets. The of¿cial nuclear policy of the US GevelopeG into along with a separate National Security Council paper, to the

President on February 14, 1955. They urged the President

and the National Security Council to assign Project Atlas,
an ICBM program, the highest national priority. At the same
time, the panel recommended development of land- and sea-
based variants of a 2,414-Nm-range IRBM concurrent with
that of the Atlas ICBM. By mid-1955, four missile programs
existed: the Air Force Atlas and Titan (ICBMs , the Air Force
Thor (IRBM , and the Army Jupiter IRBM all of which were
tested at CCAFS. The Navy eventually became a partner in the
Army¶s missile development program (Grimwood and Strowd
192 Kyle 2011 LonnTuest and WinNler 199 Sturdevant
and Orndorff 2009 .
In November 195, Secretary of Defense Charles
Wilson gave the Air Force sole responsibility for building
and operating all surface-launched missiles with a range in
excess of 322 Nm. After pleas by the Army, the Department
of Defense allowed them to continue developing Jupiter as an
alternative to the Air Force¶s Thor IRBM program, which was
having a host of technical problems. Although it eventually
became the ¿rst operational IRBM employed by the United
States, the Jupiter was never given tremendous attention by
the Air Force. In 195, following the Soviet Union¶s success
with Sputnik I, a new IRBM plan was approved by President
Eisenhower. This plan placed a renewed emphasis on the
Jupiter missile program as a means to TuicNly catch up to the
USSR (Grimwood and Strowd 192 Kyle 2011 LonnTuest
and WinNler 199 Sturdevant and Orndorff 2009 .
Project Jupiter was a family of missiles that represented a
follow-up to the Redstone IRBM by using the proven Redstone
missile as a test platform (Figure 3 . Beginning in September
1955, the Army launched 2 Jupiter A and C missiles from
CCAFS. Jupiter A testing focused on general design criteria,
the guidance system, and propulsion thrust control. It also
served as a test of the Redstone missile performance at a time
when that system was still under development. The Jupiter
C was really a modi¿ed Redstone. The Jupiter IRBM was Figure 2. Location of the Jupiter Missile Crash Site
¿nless and stubby-looNing, a result of the original air-mobility (8BR2087) on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
reTuirement, as well as a design to ¿t in submarine launch-
tubes. It used a gimbaled rocNet engine for stability and version of the Apollo-Saturn I, Nnown as the Saturn I Block I
control. The Jupiter ¿rst stage was powered by an engine that (Grimwood and Strowd 192 LonnTuest and WinNler 199
burned liTuid oxygen (LO; and a Nerosene mixture liTuid Wade 2007 .
fuel, Nnown as RP-1. An ablative (melting or vaporizing
technology reentry vehicle shrouded a one-megaton warhead Jupiter Missile System Operations at CCAFS
that separated from the Jupiter following detonation of
explosive bolts. A solid-fueled motor supplied ¿nal velocity In 1955, Launch Complexes 5 and  (LC-5 were the
trimming (Figure 4 (Grimwood and Strowd 192 Kyle 2011 ¿rst ballistic missile launch complexes built at CCAFS. This
LonnTuest and WinNler 199 Wade 2007 . launch facility consisted of a blocNhouse and twin Àat concrete
Although short-lived, the Jupiter program played a vital pads. Most of the early Jupiters would Ày from this launch
role in the history of the US space program. The Jupiter was complex. Built speci¿cally for the Jupiter program in 195,
the ¿rst mobile strategic IRBM to use the ablative heat shield LC-2 was constructed Must north of LC-5. The setup there
on the nosecone section. Development of the Jupiter missile mirrored LC-5 with dual launch pads (LC-2A and B and
led directly to the launch of America¶s ¿rst satellite aboard a a blocNhouse. Once completed LC-2 and LC-5 formed a
Juno I rocNet and played a role in the NASA program to send contiguous 244-x-54-m complex with a single set of railroad
humans to the moon. The Jupiter missile acted as the ¿rst stage tracNs that allowed two A-frame mobile service towers (launch
for the Juno II rocNets, which carried a number of scienti¿c gantries to move along the pad centerline. By mid-195, an
payloads into space. Inert Jupiter missile shells ballasted with additional set of railroad tracNs was installed that permitted the
water were used as “dummy´ upper stages for the earliest towers to shufÀe between all pads (Turner et al. 1994 .

Figure 3. Jupiter missile family.

Once launched, the Jupiter’s engine would burn for 157 the Àight, the missile, at an altitude of 1 Nm, reached the
seconds, boosting the missile to a speed of Mach 15.4 and an point farthest from the Earth along its elliptical Àight path.
altitude of 117 Nm. Two seconds after the main engine burned From there, it began its gradual descent toward the target
out and fell away, the solid-fuel vernier motor ¿red. The (Figure 5 . The May 1957 of a Jupiter prototype from CCAFS
vernier burned for approximately 12 seconds until the missile was the US¶s ¿rst successful IRBM launch (Grimwood and
reached the desired velocity, whereupon the engine shut down Strowd 192 LonnTuest and WinNler 199 Wade 2007 .
and detached from the reentry vehicle. Almost 10 minutes into

Figure 4. Anatomy of a Jupiter missile.


Aerospace Archaeology and the Value of Investigating War-era issues one must not forget the paranoia of the time
Missile Crash Sites and the potential for being unable to ¿nd documentation as
a result of the classi¿ed nature of records associated with
The Cold War falls within the recent past, or as Gonzilez- places and events of the period. In Uncovering the Arsenals of
Ruibal (200 describes the period after World War I, Armageddon: The Historical Archaeology of North American
supermodernality. Many today can remember incidents Cold War Ballistic Missile Launch Sites, Hanson (2010:15
within this period, such as the Vietnam War, manned-space reminds us that:
program, and Cuban Missile Crisis. Until recently, however,
the archaeology of the recent past (and the Cold War has been
essentially ignored. One reason is liNely due to the fact that an Certainly our interpretations of Cold War sites are
artifact or site must be more than 50 years old to be eligible complicated ¿rst and foremost by the central role
for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or at that national security and governmental secrecy
least 100 years old in the case of the Archaeological Resource played in their design, development, planning and
Protection Act exceptions do exist, however. The period of construction, but there is more to the story than that.
the past 50 years has been described as a “blurred region´ Any interpretations of Cold War sites are liNewise
or “blacN hole´ (Gonzilez-Ruibal 200 RathMe and Murphy decidedly incomplete without a broad appreciation
2001 RathMe et al. 2002 . Many Cold War sites are reaching of the various cultural, technical, political and
the 50-year old marN and thus are beginning to receive some psychological forces that helped shape them. During
attention. the Cold War era, one of the most powerful social
The archaeology of the recent past is becoming an forces at worN was that of paranoia.
important sub-discipline within anthropology not only are
anthropologists and archaeologists becoming involved but so
are historians. Written accounts of the recent past should not While many archaeologists have worNed on a variety
be taNen as the sole source of our understanding of this period. of modern conÀict sites (predominantly World War I and
We have to be willing to challenge the accuracy of text-based World War II sites , another burgeoning ¿eld is aerospace
histories. Archaeology and material cultural studies are a much archaeology. Aerospace archaeology is a new and TuicNly
needed voice in the study of supermodernality, particularly in growing sub-discipline of archaeology. The ¿rst two
the case of Cold War-era research. When dealing with Cold conference symposiums associated with this ¿eld were held

Figure 5. Stages of the Àight of a Jupiter IRBM.


at the 200 and 2010 annual meetings of the Society for society: “«rocNetry has inÀuenced the entire structure and
Historical Archaeology, and the ¿rst comprehensive booN conduct of national and international politics and economics´
to address aerospace archaeology² Handbook of Space (Emme in SiddiTi 200:452 . Indeed, the ICBMs and IRBMs
Engineering, Archaeology and Heritage (Darrin and O¶Leary stand as icons of the Cold War. They conveyed an important
2009 ² was published in 2009. This volume covers a variety message: that the end of world could happen with one launch
of topics including the archaeological investigations of space- of a ballistic missile.
related sites on Earth, preservation of space vehicles, as well This reinforces how important missiles and rocNets (and
as the investigation and preservation of Apollo landing sites on their crash sites are to our understanding of the Cold War,
the moon. modern conÀict archaeology, the recent past and our nation¶s
Aerospace archaeology, as I de¿ned it, is the identi¿cation, vision of the arms and space races. While numerous general
documentation, recovery, and preservation of sites important in histories and documents about the various missile programs
aerospace history, development of Cold War missiles, rocNets exist, studying and preserving the actual obMects are Must as
and aircraft, and the space program. This includes crash sites, important. The physical remains at crash sites can offer
launch sites, silos, facilities, tracNing stations, etc. It should information on manufacturing processes, materials, internal
further incorporate a ¿eld of study loosely Nnown as aviation ¿ttings, modi¿cations, and even paint ¿nishes, information not
archaeology, which focuses on military (mostly World War I available from other sources. Although missiles at most crash
and II aircraft crash sites. sites are fragmentary, signi¿cant ancillary items such as engine
To date most Cold War and aerospace archaeology parts and electrical and navigational eTuipment may survive.
investigations have been limited to missile defense systems In some cases, these may have a research value independent of
such as radar stations, NiNe missile batteries, and missile the missile or rocNet in which they were installed.
silos. With a few exceptions, the actual missiles themselves
have been largely ignored as have missile crash sites. The Archaeological Investigations at the Jupiter Missile Crash
physical remains found at crash sites, combined with historic site (8BR2087)
documents and eyewitness accounts, provide an invaluable
means for reconstructing, and, in some cases, reassessing our Site Description
understanding of Cold War missiles and rocNets.
In the early years of the US missile and rocNet program, The Jupiter Missile Crash site is located within the
mishaps occurred with a high freTuency. In our race to beat over wash plain adMacent to the Atlantic Ocean. The eastern
the USSR in missile development and into space, accidents portion of the site is broad, Àat land sparsely covered with sea
were TuicNly reviewed and forgotten. In many cases no reports grapes, pricNly pear cactus, sea oats, and a variety of grasses
on the failures exist. Investigating and preserving these sites and vines. To the west, this ecosystem transitions into gently
affords the opportunity to revisit and document these moments undulating dunes and swales covered with sparse to thicN
in recent world history. In The History of Rocket Technology: stands of cabbage palm, sea grape, pricNly pear cactus, live
Essays on Research, Development and Utility, published oaN, wiregrass, sea oats, and a variety of vines and grasses.
during the height of the Cold War, Emme (194 succinctly While the soil in this area TuicNly drains water, the swales
sums up the impact of rocNets and its related technology on accumulate rainwater and over wash from the ocean and tend

to drain more slowly. During times of heavy rain standing

water can be present for months.
An impact crater is located between the open Àat plain and
dune and swale areas. It is Tuite distinctive with a 50-cm to 1m
high sand rim delineating its edges. The crater measures 15.2
m in diameter and approximately 3 m deep. It is now thicNly
overgrown with native vegetation and water of unNnown depth
is present in the base of the crater.

Initial Discovery

The 45th Space Wing Installation Restoration Program

(IRP was created in 194 to investigate and remediate
contamination to the environment from a variety of sources.
From 1993 to 1995, IRP contracted Parsons Engineering
Science, Inc. to conduct preliminary site assessments of 29
locations on CCAFS thought to have possible environmental
contamination. Among these loci was the Jupiter Missile
Crash site, which they identi¿ed as a crater based on a 190
aerial photograph and its spatial relationship with Pier Road
and Fuel Storage Area 3. Parsons Engineering Science, Inc
used a GPS unit and compared the coordinates with those in
the CCAFS Basic Information Guides, which contain maps of
all the facilities on CCAFS along with xy coordinates in State
Plane NAD 27. In the ¿eld, they noted several other smaller
depressions, and debris was found “scattered throughout the
area.´ In addition, they noted a roped-off area close to the
crater with an old sign that read “Explosives Demolition Area-
Keep Out.´ As part of their investigation, Parsons Engineering
Science, Inc. (1995: 3.1.1-2 interviewed a member of the Figure 6. Aerial photograph from 1960 showing missile
CCAFS Safety Of¿ce who stated: impact crater (USAF 1960)

In 1997, BEM Systems, Inc. performed con¿rmatory

In 1959 or 190, a Jupiter missile was launched sampling at the 29 possible contamination sites, including
from Launch Complex 5. The missile lost control the Jupiter Missile Crash site. They restated most of the
soon after launch and crashed into the beach, leaving information in the 1995 report, and it appears the crater
behind the crater visible shown in the 190 photo. remained unchanged, as they described it as “a depression
On impact the rocNet exploded, with an eTuivalent located 500 ft east of Fuel Storage Area 3 and«50 ft in
yield of 20,000 lbs. of explosives. The Jupiter missile diameter and 10 ft deep´ (BEM 199:2.1-2.2 . Surprisingly,
was fueled with RocNet Propellant 1 (RP-1 blocNs, no mention is made of the associated debris ¿eld in the BEM
which is a type of Nerosene, with liTuid oxygen report. At the Jupiter Missile Crash site surface water and
(LO; as the oxidizer. Most of the Nerosene was sediment samples were taNen from within the crater, as well as
believed to have been consumed in the explosion. from groundwater adMacent to the crater. Interestingly, no soil
The JMCS1 was not used as a disposal area or for any samples were taNen from within the debris ¿eld. Laboratory
other purpose. testing found elevated metals in the samples, but since they did
not exceed screening criteria, no further action was deemed
necessary. As a result the site was forgotten until 2007, when
Because the site is located 00 m south of the Explosive it was investigated by the 45th Space Wing Cultural Resources
Disposal Facility, it was assumed the crater was created by Manager (Penders 2012 .
the detonation of explosive materials. Parsons Engineering
Science, Inc. (1995 interviewed a person who worNed in Preliminary Field and Document Investigations
Ordnance Services and con¿rmed that the Jupiter Missile
Crash Site could not have been an operational disposal range The archaeological investigation of the Jupiter Missile
due to its proximity to Fuel Storage Area 3. According to their Crash site began in February 2007 when I found information
report, the interviewee stated that “it is common practice to concerning the crash during document research on previously
sight a disposal area a minimum distance of 3,000 ft from a unrecorded historic structures associated with nearby
fuel storage area.´ Launch Complex 5. At the time, it was thought that given

software. This dataset allows the user to navigate across

the historic landscape by seeing the user moving across the
historic aerial photograph (Baxter and Britt 200 .
In the ¿eld, the HAMMERŒ enabled us to locate the
crater without conducting a grid-based surface survey, saving
a signi¿cant amount of time. While searching for the crater,
missile parts were observed on the ground surface from the
crater extending to the south and southwest. The presence of
so many missile fragments on the surface was thought to be
unusual. One would expect that after a crash the debris would
have been removed. It was thought that the site could provide
additional information, so a formal archaeological survey was
warranted (Penders 2012 .
Although BEM Systems, Inc. identi¿ed the site as a ca.
1959-190 Jupiter missile crash that launched from LC-5,
their identi¿cation was based a single informant¶s interview.
Because of the number of launch mishaps over the years
Figure 7. Proposed crash direction and debris ¿eld coupled with the number of launch complexes ( complexes
distribution. with 2 pads each within a 1. Nm radius of the site, it was
Tuite possible that the crater and debris ¿eld were created by
the crater¶s close proximity to the beach combined with the any number of launches. In order to verify that the site was
number of tropical storms and hurricanes in the 10 years created by a Jupiter missile launch mishap, I conducted a data
since the site¶s discovery, no physical evidence, including search, cross-referencing all launch accidents with associated
the crater itself, would be found. Before committing to a launch complexes. A thorough review of the descriptions of
full-scale archaeological investigation, a preliminary search individual mishaps from each launch complex narrowed the
was conducted of historical aerial photographs on ¿le at the origin of the crater to ¿ve possible candidates (Table 1 : two
45th Space Wing. The 190 aerial photograph used in the launches from LC-5 in 195, two launches from LC-2
environmental assessment of the site was found (Figure  . This (one in 195 and one in 1959 , and one from LC-17 in 1997
photograph, which showed the crater, was digitized and then (Penders 2012 .
loaded into a Hand-held Apparatus for Mobile Mapping and The 1997 Delta II launch from LC-17 was immediately
Expedited Reporting (HAMMERŒ unit, which integrates a removed from consideration due to the author¶s involvement
small hand-held computer running Windows CE with a global in the launch. From 1994 to 2001, I was employed as an
positioning system, laser distance meter, camera, compass, Environmental Health Specialist and was involved with launch
and inclinometer so that data can be collected digitally and support operations at Kennedy Space Center and CCAFS. I
stored as a single geographical information system (GIS ¿le. was not only a witness to the incident but also involved with
The data are displayed in GIS on the device utilizing ArcPad the post-launch recovery. The launch vehicle exploded above

Figure 8. Missile components identi¿ed from the site.


the pad, spreading debris over a large area. It would not have reconnaissance documented ¿eld conditions and assessed the
left an impact crater at the Jupiter site. Any debris found on amount of worN reTuired to survey the site. The investigation
the site from that launch incident would be readily identi¿able was initially hampered by extremely heavy rains that left
and the potential was low for such material being present, approximately 40 percent of the site under standing water. In
since almost all the fragments were identi¿ed and recovered fact, a formal survey of the entire site had to be delayed for
from the investigation area in 1997. seven months to allow the portions of the site time to dry out.
The two launches from LC-5 were considered, but In February 200, an archaeological reconnaissance
one (Juno II was immediately eliminated based on launch survey was conducted of the site. A pedestrian survey was
information and vehicle type. The other candidate, the October performed with the assistance of the staff of the 45th Space
31, 195 launch of Jupiter A, RS-25 from LC- does ¿t with Wing Natural Assets Flight. Because crew members possessed
the informant¶s description in the 1995 Parsons Engineering varying levels of ¿eld experience, they were instructed to marN
Science report. While initially considered because of the every human-made obMect observed on the ground surface with
launch pad¶s closeness to the site, it was later removed from pin Àags and Àagging tape. After establishing the missile¶s
consideration after the ¿eld investigation identi¿ed the initial point of contact with the ground (i.e. the crater , survey
presence of speci¿c components found only on later models. lines were walNed from east to west and north to south at 10-m
The July 1, 1959 launch of the Juno II AM-9 vehicle from intervals across a 500-x-500-m area (Penders 2012 .
LC-5 also was eliminated, because the missile Àipped over The surface survey resulted in the demarcation of a debris
during launch and was destroyed ¿ve seconds into Àight by ¿eld substantially larger than expected the horizontal extent
range safety (Cleary 1995 Wade 2007 . of the scattered debris was not described in any detail in the
Based on bacNground research, the two Jupiter launches 1997 BEM report. The survey also observed modern trash on
from LC-2B were considered the site that resulted from ocean over wash during storms and
the most liNely candidates. According to John Hilliard other past human activities. In the northwestern part of the
(personal communication, 2009 , a former engineer on the site the crew also recovered debris missed during the 1997
Jupiter missile program at CCAFS, the AM-9 launch is the Delta II accident investigation. While all these materials
most probable candidate of the two suspected missiles because were documented, they were excluded from data analysis
it “would have performed the pitch in-Àight maneuver and to concentrate on the Jupiter-associated materials. While
would be moving downrange at 49 seconds into launch.´ the crater and site were located with the HAMMERTM unit,
Hilliard further stated “Jupiter AM-23 is unliNely because the technical issues arose that prevented its use during the actual
missile would still be over the pad and the pitch of the missile ¿eld survey. This was dealt with by using a Trimble GPS unit
to go downrange had not started.´ It was Hillard¶s opinion and digital camera to record all specimens in the ¿eld (Penders
that AM-9 would have been farther away from the pad and 2012 .
more liNely at the crater location than AM-23. A photograph at Spennemann (2009:791 claims that spacecraft sites have
the Air Force Space and Missile and Space Museum shows a “immediately after impact, total integrity,´ unliNe the obMect
Jupiter mishap above LC-2B and is labeled as being AM-23 that crashed, which loses its integrity from the mishap (e.g.,
(John Hilliard, personal communication, 2009 Emily Perry, crash, explosion, etc. . In other words, once a crash has occurs,
personal communication, 2012 . the crash site instantly has integrity. But liNe any other site
In May 2012, I was contacted by the US Army Redstone it has the potential to loose integrity over time. Employing
Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama in response to my reTuest the methods used to investigate aircraft accidents reTuires
for information on the AM-9 mishap. Their records indicated total removal of all obMects from the site to a laboratory.
that AM-9 exploded above the pad, and a video ¿lm of AM-9 While serving to document the site, this approach destroys
exploding above LC-2B was located at the National Archives its archaeological integrity (Spennemann 2009 . Due to the
and Records Administration (US Army 1959 . This contradicts lacN of documentation, both from the operational standpoint
the information provided by Hilliard. Based on the interview of the launch and subseTuent crash and archaeological data, a
of the safety of¿cer conducted in 1995, description of the decision was made in 200 to remove identi¿able artifacts for
accident, data from the Redstone Arsenal, and supporting analysis in order to have physical evidence should the site be
¿lm evidence showing the missile exploding above the pad, destroyed by a storm event (it is approximately 300 m from the
I have to eliminate Jupiter AM-9. This leaves Jupiter AM-23, ocean . It is important to note that each artifact on the ground
launched on September 15, 1959, as the most liNely candidate. was georeferenced, photographed, and marNed with a survey
Jupiter AM-23 was erratic at lift-off and the missile destroyed Àag. Because they were readily identi¿able, the fuel line
itself after 13 seconds, Must before command destruct2 (Cleary section, bafÀes, and exhaust port were removed for curation
1995 Wade 2007 . Given the number of launches from LC-2 and the Àags left in place.
and the fact it was more than 50 years ago, it is understandable By training I am a prehistoric archaeologist with no
how Hilliard may have confused the two mishaps. bacNground in aerospace archaeology or formal training in
vehicle accident investigations. Following the 200 survey, I
Reconnaissance Surveys reviewed several publications on aircraftspacecraft accident
investigations (e.g., ICAO 2003 NASA 194 NTSB 2002 ,
After the crater was located in the ¿eld, a cursory surface which eventually triggered a new investigation in May 2012.

This survey focused on identifying the locations of speci¿c before 1957, including Jupiter A, RS-25 launched from LC-5
missile parts in relationship to the proximity of the crater and to in 195. The recovery of these bafÀes point to a 1957 or later
each other. The 200 survey had concentrated on documenting Jupiter missile crash site.
the placement of artifacts across the site not their relationship With missile explosion at any depth upon impact, direct
to each other and structural location within the missile itself. destruction of the missile due to explosion results in the
Furthermore, the 2012 study examined the crater itself to dispersal of debris over a spatially restricted area. This area
looN at its morphology, which could potentially identify the is referred to as the region of destruction or the sphere of
traMectory of the missile when it crashed (see Coleman and destruction. The number of fragments formed by an explosion
Bussey 2005 Kurov and DolzhansNiy 193 US Army 1992, is dependent on missile weight, weight and characteristics of
199 for discussions on crater formation . the fuel (liTuid vs. solid propellant , mechanical characteristics
Before returning to the ¿eld, a research design was of the metal, and angle of missile impact against the obstacle.
created that incorporated archaeological methods as well as Upon the explosion of the missile, the fragments are scattered
those established by NASA (193 , National Transportation in space in a non-uniform manner. Approximately 20 percent
Safety Board (NSTB 2002 , and International Civil Aviation of the energy and fragments is directly involved in the impact,
Organization (ICAO 2003 for use in aircraft and spacecraft while 70 percent of the fragmentation occurs on the main body.
mishap investigations. It is interesting to note how similar the The remaining 10 percent is to the rear of the missile (Cooper
latter methodologies are to those of a standard archaeological 199 Kurov and DolzhansNiy 193 . With most of the fuel
reconnaissance survey for example, establishing a grid, in the midsection of the missile, this would explain why over
mapping, and documenting the distribution of fragments. All 90 percent of the identi¿able Jupiter missile debris at the site
guidelines for spacecraftaircraft mishap investigations include was mid-body sNin fragments and accordion tanN bafÀes. Very
a checN for the presence of all maMor components at the accident few pieces of the nose cone were found at the site, and it is
site, which should provide a good indication of whether or not assumed that it was totally destroyed during the impact and
structural failure contributed to the incident. Furthermore, subseTuent explosion. As stated, most of the fragments were
the guidelines tasN the investigator to identify initial impact from the main body. However, tanN parts and accordion bafÀes
marNs and maMor ground scars locate and number signi¿cant were found close to where the mid-body was located on the
pieces of debris, document evidence of ¿re, and photograph missile and most were to the west of the centerline through the
all pertinent items. In addition, the investigator is charged with debris ¿eld.
documenting the orientation of craters, scars, impact angles, One Tuestion I had during the investigation was why
and debris. were the missile fragments discovered in situ? If the crash had
been investigated shortly after impact, we would expect the
Reconnaissance Survey Results fragments to have been mapped and collected from the site.
This leads to two Tuestions: was there a formal investigation
The 2008 Survey immediately after the crash and were only selected sections
of the missile removed? According to Hilliard (personal
A total of 412 specimens was found scattered across a 20 communication, 2009 an investigation to determine the cause
x 150 m area during the 200 surface survey of the site (Figure of the crash was liNely undertaNen. However, he did indicate
7 . Of these, 44 were pieces of modern debris (e.g., plastic and whether crash information was determined in the ¿eld or from
glass bottles, aluminum cans, wood , 10 were associated with telemetry data without seeing the crash site if the latter was
the 1997 Delta II explosion, and 35 were directly associated the case, the crash site was liNely ignored. This is supported
with the Jupiter missile. Of the 35 Jupiter specimens, 325 by Cleary (1991 , who noted that speci¿c obMectives were
were unidenti¿ed fragments thought to be exterior sNin or tanN established for each missile Àight test and the degree of
parts, 2 were bafÀes from inside the liTuid oxygen and fuel success (or failure was Mudged by the extent to which data
tanNs, one fuel line section, and one was an exhaust port from relative to those obMectives were obtained. A failure might
the base of the missile (Figure  . actually constitute a successful test, depending on how well
It should be noted that Delta and Jupiter missile parts are the test Àight met the pre-launch obMectives. Moreover, it was
distinguishable from one another by material of manufacture. usually possible to establish the exact cause of a Àight failure
Delta II parts identi¿ed at the site tended to be carbon-¿ber by analyzing the data collected by range instrumentation rather
sheets or insulation foam. These were either missed during than examining the vehicle remains.
the 1997 Delta II investigation or were deposited at the site In the 1950s there was a greater than 0-percent failure
through wave action. Jupiter missile fragments were aluminum rate for missile and rocNet launches at CCAFS. The time and
or steel alloy. The accordion tanN bafÀes were installed on expense reTuired to remove every fragment from every failure
Jupiter missiles in 1957, after it was discovered that fuel would have been prohibitive from a manpower standpoint.
sloshing caused the missile to tilt during Àight and become Therefore, only critical fragments possibly related to the failure
unstable leading to launch mishaps (Grimwood and Strowd would have been recovered. Some other fragments might have
192 . The presence of accordion bafÀe fragments at the site been recovered for safety reasons, or if they were the cause
eliminates any Jupiter or Redstone missile variants launched of operational problems (Cleary 1991 John Hilliard, personal

communication, 2009 . The demarcation of the site with sign

and rope, as described during the 1993-1995 environmental
investigation, suggests that some components were liNely
removed from the site sometime after the crash. Today,
accident investigations reTuire an attempt at 100-percent
recovery and removal of vehicle debris (which is considered
evidence .

The 2012 Survey: Locating the Missile’s Point of Origin

Using the methods for mishap investigations, an attempt

was made in 2012 to con¿rm the point of origin of the missile
that crashed at the site by studying the crater and associated
debris ¿eld artifact distribution. Within 1. Nm of the site
are LCs 5, 17, 1, 2529, 2, 30, and 3132. To determine
the point of origin of the missile that caused the crater and
debris ¿eld and to identify the possible missile type among
those Nnown to have been launched from the launch sites, I
employed the location methods used by the US military to
ascertain the origins of artillery, mortar, and rocNet ¿re based
on the analyses of impact craters. By accurately locating the
crater and determining the direction of Àight, the azimuth will
pass through or near the point of origin (Coleman and Bussey
2005 US Army 1992, 199 .
The ¿rst step was to assess the morphology of the crater.
A low-angle impact would result in the missile bouncing or
ricocheting along the surface of the ground (Figure 9 . After Figure 9. Types of impact craters.
impact, it follows its traMectory in a straight line creating a
grooved furrow or series of furrows from ricocheting. The near the surface was at a high-angle, creating a circular crater.
missile normally deÀects upward and, at the same time, To trace the origin of the missile from the crater and debris
changes direction, usually to the right as the result of its spin ¿eld, main-axis crater analysis was used. First, two staNes and
(rotation . This creates a furrow or series of furrows and a rope were installed along the main axis of the crater in order
sometimes does not detonate. If it does explode, the burst and to divide it into symmetrical halves. Based on this axis, the
momentum of the shell carry the effects forward and to the orientation of the debris ¿eld should point in the direction of
sides (side sprays to the point of origin (Coleman and Bussey the origin of the launch. A Brunton compass reading was then
2005 Cooper 199 Kurov and DolzhansNiy 193 US Army taNen along the line dividing the crater and along the orientation
1992, 199 . of the debris ¿eld. The resultant measurement represents the
Both vertical and high- to medium-angle impact craters direction to the launch point (Coleman and Bussey 2005 US
are formed by impact and explosion at or near the ground Army 1992, 199 . Figure 10 illustrates this methodology.
surface (see Figure 9 . When a missile or rocNet hits the If the missile crashed immediately upon liftoff the debris
ground surface it accelerates the surface material downward ¿eld would have been limited to an area around the launch
while the ground¶s resistance slows it. The shocN wave moves complex. If the missile had crashed into the site after leaving
forward, and at the same time, bacN through the missile. The the launch pad we would expect the debris ¿eld to be oriented
initial compression of the surface pushes material around the west-northwest toward LC-2. However, the methodology
sides of the crater, causing it to sTuirt out at the same time employed in the ¿eld (Coleman and Bussey 2005 US Army
that the missile is being fragmented and traveling outward 1992, 199 suggests a south-southwest orientation toward
from the point of impact. While both create a circular-shaped LC-5 (see Figure 7 . The location of the mid-body tanN
crater, high- to medium-angle impacts have debris exploding bafÀes and fuel components corroborate a south-southwest to
outward in a fan shape toward the point of origin (Coleman northeast orientation to the site. Since we Nnow that AM-23
and Bussey 2005 Cooper 199 US Army 1992, 199 . A became erratic after liftoff, I propose the missile became out-
vertical impact (straight down crater would have a debris ¿eld of-control and curved around from LC-2B to the southwest
radiating outward (see Figure 9 . The explosion that creates a and then turned northeast, where it crashed nose-¿rst, creating
crater taNes place directly or Must above the surface and will be the crater at the site (Figure 11 .
smaller than the missile that embeds itself in the ground surface
and then exploded. The morphology of the Jupiter Crash site Conclusions
crater, based on the 2012 survey as well as an examination of
the 190 aerial photograph, indicates that missile impact at or Based on this study, I propose that the Jupiter Missile

and then curving to the northeast and crashing nose-¿rst

destroying itself after only 13 seconds of Àight. This crash
created an impact crater and forced debris into a southwestern
direction. Missile pieces from the Jupiter Crash site not
collected in 200 are still located at the site today. It is unclear
if a crash investigation was conducted, but it appears liNely
that larger fragments were removed from the site sometime
soon after the incident and before the next launch.
The Jupiter Missile Crash site has brought to the forefront
the need to document and protect missile crash sites. During
the course of the investigation, little written information was
found regarding the details of the crash that created the site
as is the case with most of the early missile mishaps. They
appear to have been nothing more than a footnote in history or
a stepping stone to advance the technology. Once the vehicle
crashed it was TuicNly forgotten. Preserving these sites and
artifacts provides physical evidence that can be a stimulus to
future research on missile and rocNet systems, and not Must the
missile and rocNet program as a whole. What do the missiles
and rocNets tell us about the period from which they came?
When investigating missilerocNet crash sites one should
consider several research points. The ¿rst is whether or not the
site includes components of a missile or rocNet of which very
few or no Nnown complete examples survive. If they are well
Figure 10. Stake and line method for identifying missile preserved, do they include Ney components such as engines,
point of origin (adapted from Coleman and Bussey 2005). avionics etc. Second, is the missile or rocNet associated with
a signi¿cant US defense or space programs andor persons of
Crash site is the result of a Jupiter AM-23 launched from importance. Third, is there potential for additional information
LC2-B on September 15, 1959. The Àight was erratic at lift- to be gathered warranting the crash site be left in situ.
off and veered off its easterly Àight path turning southwest

Figure 11. Proposed trajectory of Jupiter AM-23.


Notes Cleary, M. C.
1991 The 6555th, Missile and Space Launches Through
1. The abbreviation JMCS was used by Parsons and the 1970. 45th Space Wing History Of¿ce, PatricN Air
IRP of¿ce as a convenient way to identify the site. It is Force Base, FL.
common on DoD and NASA installations to use acronyms 1995 Eastern Range Launch Site Summary, Facilities
to identify sites and facilities and can be Tuite confusing and Launches 1950 through 1994. 45th Space Wing
to the uninitiated. History Of¿ce, PatricN Air Force Base, Fl.
2. All rocNets and missiles contain explosive charges so they
can be destroyed in the event that they go out of control Coleman, Edward J., and Ricco R. Bussey
on launch and endanger a populated area or to prevent 2005 A Primer on Indirect Fire Crater Analysis in IraT and
an information from being used by unauthorized persons Afghanistan. Field Artillery July-August 2005:3-
in the event that it is lost or stolen. The self-destruct 45.
mechanism is activated by launch personnel on the ground
and is Nnown as Command Destruct. Cooper, Paul W.
199 Explosives Engineering. Wiley-VCH, Inc., New
Acknowledgements YorN.

I would liNe to thanN to following people who made Darrin, Ann Garrison and Beth Laura O¶Leary
this proMect possible. MarN Cleary, former 45th Space Wing 2009 Handbook of Space Engineering, Archaeology, and
historian Nicholas J. Saunders, Department of Archaeology Heritage. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl.
and Anthropology at the University of Bristol for his
suggestions and comments regarding this paper and the study Emme, Eugene M. (editor
of modern conÀict archaeology the staff of CERL for the loan 194 History of Rocket Technology. Wayne University
of the HAMMERΠunit John Hilliard, former employee at Press, Detroit.
CCAFS and currently a volunteer at the Air Force Space and
Missile Museum the staff of US Army Redstone Arsenal Gonzilez-Ruibal, Alfredo
Elaine Williams of the Indian River Anthropological Society 200 Time to destroy: An Archaeology of
Deb =iel who created all the ¿gures in this paper, and for the Supermodernity. Current Anthropology 49: 247-279.
comments and suggestions by the anonymous reviewers and
editors of The Florida Anthropologist. Grimwood, James M., and Frances Strowd
192 History of the Jupiter Missile System. Document
References Cited on ¿le, United States Army Ordinance Missile
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