Evolution of An Insurance Intermediary

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K. Murali observes that notwithstanding the

Evolution of an excellent contribution by the brokers’ channel

in the growth of business, there are certain
Insurance Intermediary aspects of working that call for the industry’s
– A Specie called Brokers immediate attention.

started my career as an It is more than 12 years since the
insurance executive way back in first broker licence was issued in
1984 when all the insurers in the Janurary 2002 and as of today there
market were owned by the The restriction on are about 480 insurance brokers
government. operating in the industry. All the
payments to leading multinational brokers are
Business was by and large procured also present here. The share of the
by the development officers and
intermediaries was
broking channel has been increasing
there were very few productive also removed and this YOY.
agents. The branch/division heads
also procured business directly. facilitated the growth With over a decade of presence in
Agents were not paid commission if of alternative the industry, it is time we had a hard
the client entity had a paid up of look at their contribution. These are
capital of `10 lacs or more. distribution channels the questions that come to my
Similarly, bank assurance business other than own sales mind.
was not entitled for commission.
Even insurance of motor vehicles force and agents. 1. The broker is deemed to
under hypothecation to a financial represent the customer but his
institution was not eligible for remuneration is being paid by
agency commission. the insurer. Is there not a
conflict of interest?
service, innovation and industry
The Development Officer used to
growth. Technological 2. The intermediary payment is
get credit for these businesses,
advancements like internet and call determined as a percentage of
whether agency commission was
centres were later innovations. the premium. So higher
payable or not.
premiums mean higher incomes
The opening up of the industry in
However, government and PSU for the intermediary. Is there
the year 2000 marked the re-entry
business had to be accounted for not an inherent defect in this
of private sector players. The
directly and the development remuneration pattern? What is
opening up was also accompanied
officer did not get any credit. the incentive for the broker to
by introduction of new distribution
Discounts in lieu of agency get the cheapest price for his
channels like corporate agents and
commission had to be given on the customer knowing fully well
brokers. The restriction on
premium charged for such business. that his income also goes down
payments to intermediaries was also
along with the premium?
So most of the distribution channels removed and this facilitated the
irda journal April 2014

that we have today were non- growth of alternative distribution 3. Does this “more premium/more
existent and monopoly of the channels other than own sales force brokerage” not result in mis-
business among PSU insurers and agents. selling? Are we not incentivizing
hindered competition, customer the broker to push unwanted/

unnecessary products/covers on cannot get professional advice for abundant transparency this
the unsuspecting customer, who of a broker. Does this regulation could be made mandatory.
is smug in the belief that the force business towards the
broker is taking care of his broker channel, thus giving them The issue becomes complicated
interests? At least with the an unfair advantage over other when there is contingent
agent, the customer is usually channels? commission or overriding
alert as the agent represents the commission involved. The fact that
insurer. We will take up the points 1 to 4 a broker may be earning additional
and discuss the possible scenarios/ commission if he brings business to
4. The broker is free to place his solutions. a particular insurer gives rise to a
business with any insurer unlike potential conflict between his
an agent/corporate agent who The commission payable to the commercial interests and the
is tied to one insurer. How do broker by the insurer is regulated objectivity of the advice he provides
we ensure that the broker is and is fixed by the IRDA. It is his client.
choosing the right underwriter available in the public domain and
at the right price? Desk quotes the customer is deemed to be in the Thankfully, Indian regulations do not
(where the broker has a genuine know. However, except major allow any such additional payment
quote from one favorite insurer corporate customers, many of whom and instances of insurance
and to make it look competitive, have separate insurance or risk companies paying such additional
he himself quotes on behalf of management departments, remuneration by creative
other insurers without awareness about the remuneration accounting have been dealt with
approaching them at all. a broker receives, is generally low. very sternly by IRDA. However, we
Obviously, the premiums in This is true of retail customers as cannot be complacent on this
these ghost quotes are higher well as SME and MSME customers. subject as the market is trying to
than the one genuine quote and find innovative ways of stretching
The code of conduct for brokers rules without breaking them. There
the business is placed with that formulated by IRDA mandates
insurer) are not unheard of in was recently an allegation about a
disclosure of remuneration by the newly licensed insurer offering a
the market. brokers on demand by the clients but foreign trip to all brokers who bring
5. There is a category called in `1 crore of business within the
“composite brokers” who deal limited offer period.
in direct broking as well as
reinsurance broking. Here again The current regulations mandate
there is a conflict of interest as payment of brokerage as a
there is a possibility of the
The code of conduct percentage of premiums. The
broker dealing on both the sides for brokers formulated regulations specify the percentage
for the same risk/account. He of brokerage payable for different
by IRDA mandates types of business as well as the sum
gets paid for direct broking as
well as for placing the disclosure of insured involved. The current
reinsurance program. structure is given below.
remuneration by the
6. The customer who does not use brokers on demand by The rates indicated are the
the services of a broker at the maximum that is payable. So the
the clients but for intention of the regulator is to allow
time of placement of business
cannot avail the advice of the abundant transparency the insurer leeway in determining
broker at the time of claim. The this could be made the payments to the brokers based
on portfolio performance, preferred
irda journal April 2014

regulation permits such an

mandatory. lines of business and of course the
arrangement only if the claim
amount is less than `1 crore. So clients’ demand.
for major claims, the insured

insurance and reinsurance broking
services are inconsistent with or
diverge from some or all of the
interests of MIB or its

To comply with our obligation to

manage conflicts of interest we
believe it is important to disclose
the following information to you:-

• MIB is part of the group of

companies ultimately owned by
Nest Investments (Holdings) Ltd
("Nest Group").
Here again, the language used by conflict of interest here. However,
• Nest has extensive direct
the regulator could be shorn of when it is a Facultative placement,
insurance and reinsurance
jargon and internal references like the intermediary who got the
underwriting interests located
“para 19V of File and use mandate for direct broking, might
in the Middle East and North
guidelines”. But there is an inherent be helping the insurance company
Africa, the principal reinsurance
conflict in this method because the in finding reinsurance support also.
company being Trust
client is looking at lower premiums While he represents the client in the
International Insurance and
and the broker would be looking direct broking transaction, he has
Reinsurance Company B.S.C. ©
higher remuneration through higher to represent the insurance company
in Bahrain ("Trust Re").
premiums! Though the broker can in the RI transaction. And RI market
be paid for his services in a variety being international, his See www.nestco.org and
of ways, the most straightforward responsibilities and fiduciary duties www.trustre.com for more
is a simple fee arrangement are subject to international law and details.
between broker and client. case laws. While this is not an issue
only in India, the disclosure norms • MIB may from time to time place
Now let us come to point no 5, the in India have not evolved fully. business with, use the services
issue of composite brokers, where of or refer you to other
a broker can operate both on the For example, here are two companies that are part of the
direct broking side as well as the snapshots from the websites of two Nest Group.
reinsurance broking side. Direct leading brokers, one from the
broking is fully regulated as all the Middle East market and the other • Some Non-Executive Directors
transactions happen within the from the Australian market, from of MIB hold directorships,
country. The brokers as well as the their websites (italics mine). statutory and other positions in
insurers are licensed by the IRDA and more than one company in the
hence are under the regulatory “The interests of our clients Nest Group.
ambit. Reinsurance being an always come first. MIB has a duty
to adequately manage any actual, • Your insurance or reinsurance
international business, the
apparent or potential conflicts of risks may be placed in all or part
international practices have to be
interest that may arise in with companies in the Nest
followed. As such there cannot be
connection with its insurance and Group. In all such instances we
any mandated intermediary
reinsurance broking business. will disclose to you that your
payments. The composite brokers
coverage is placed with such
irda journal April 2014

might be involved in placing the A conflict of interest arises in companies.

treaties for the insurance circumstances where some or all
companies with whom they would of the interests of clients to whom • MIB earns income on a
be placing direct business also. MIB or its representatives provide commission basis (i.e. a
Typically, there is no scope for

percentage of the premiums) provision under IRDA Act in the
which varies by the class and definition of insurance
type of insurance or intermediaries that IRDA can make
The IRDA has been
reinsurance. MIB does not separate regulations for insurance
receive any benefit from Nest proactive in adopting the consultants but the same has not
Group companies that is best practices prevalent been acted upon in its full form as
different to that received by any yet. A status quo is recommended
unrelated third party providing in evolved markets; and at the moment and it is suggested
the same service. The it is to the credit of the that a full scale consultancy may not
commission rates are agreed on be permitted until the pending bill
players and the regulator
an arms length basis (i.e. as if is passed and till such time the
we were dealing with any that the insurance existing insurance intermediaries,
unrelated third party) and are industry is growing at an agents, aggregators, distance
similar to those received from marketing channels etc. are
other insurers and or reinsurers.
enviable pace attracting harmonized to perform their role in
more and more the interest of the market rather
• MIB does not operate a than their own individual interests.
preferred panel of insurers but international players.
The consultancy is already
operates on an open market recognized in the broking functions
basis in order to search the 3(i) and 4(e) as also in the column
market for best terms and other evolved markets abroad and 4.3(d) of application form A as a
conditions for our clients. disclose all relevant information source of income. This may continue
that might probably lead to a with proper disclosures made to the
© 2013 Market Insurance Brokers
perception of conflict of interest. Authority and the clients while
incorporating necessary ingredients
On point no 6, that is claims
Website Policy / Legal & Regulatory in the Service Level.”
consultancy, the regulator is already
Notices / Conflicts of Interests
seized of the matter. It had To conclude, the Indian market has
appointed a committee on insurance achieved a lot in about 12 years of
Jardine Lloyds Thompson (JLT) of brokers in March 2013 (IRDA/BRK/ the introduction of intermediaries
Australia has this as part of their MISC/ORD/052/03/13 dated 14th what other markets have taken
“Our Commitment To You and March 2013). Its report has the decades to achieve. The IRDA has
Financial Services Guide” following recommendation on claims been proactive in adopting the best
consultancy. The regulator has to practices prevalent in evolved
“We may also act as reinsurance only act upon the recommendation markets; and it is to the credit of
broker to arrange facultative or and probably this would be the players and the regulator that
treaty reinsurance for insurers with implemented as part of the wider the insurance industry is growing at
whom we have placed your gamut of changes that the regulator an enviable pace attracting more
insurances and we receive is contemplating upon including sub and more international players. The
additional remuneration by way of broking and allowing more FDI in the initiatives to protect of the interests
commission or administrative fee insurance intermediary space. of the policy holders, like the
for such services.
ombudsman scheme and the online
“Claims consultancy to the broking
These reinsurance placements are integrated grievance management
companies has already been
separate and distinct contracts system, have put the policyholder
permitted by the IRDA in a limited
where we act as the agent of the as the prime focus.
way and is forming part of the
irda journal April 2014

insurers concerned.” Regulations proposed in the The author is Senior Vice President,
recommendations made under Central Insurance Cell, IL&FS. The
The players in the Indian insurance views expressed in the article are
Section II & Section III of Terms of
intermediation market can take a his own.
Reference 1 and in the code of
cue from their counterparts from
conduct. There is a separate


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