Final Report of Internership

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I, Aloys NTAWUYIRUSHA, a student from UR-HUYE CAMPUS (Formal National

University of Rwanda), college of science and technology, school of engineering
information technology and telecommunication, civil engineering department, level IV ,
hereby declare that this report of internship conducted from 3rd July 2014 to 3rd
September 2014 has carried out in RWAMAGANA District especially in the sectors
NZIGE and MWURIRE where there DAM construction work going on nowadays
precisely in KAJEVUBA and KARAMA villages and in the command area of the DAM
that takes place in MWURIRE, RUBONA, NZIGE and KARENGE sectors. This report
is my original work and has never been presented elsewhere before as an internship

Student signature....................................
Date……. /……. /………………………….

This internship report is dedicated to Almighty GOD, my parents, brothers, sisters and all
relative friends who supported me either morally or materially during this internship for
its better completion.
I thank also to UR-HUYE CAMPUS academic Staff who prepare the internship for all
students to whom it may concern, especially lectures that gave us theories courses in
class of which I was interested to find out how it is applied practically.

Finally a vote of thanks goes to Engineers who helped me to get the internship in
MINAGRI especially where Rural Sector Support Project RSSP/LWH(Land husbandry
Water harvesting and Hillside irrigation) project has the works especially on the
RWAMAGANA 34 site and friends who helped me to get deep knowledge from the
practices applied on our field.
To all of you, thank you so much

God bless you.


The achievement of this report is due to the combined efforts from various Individuals
who directly or indirectly supported me. I would like to thank firstly, to my Almighty
God who helped me to have good health during the time of my internship.

I would like to pass my acknowledgement to the Authorities of the UR-HUYE

CAMPUS and academic support. My sincere appreciation is conveyed to the
administration of SPUI- LWH/RSSP NTUNGA sub branch particularly to sub branch
Coordinator UWAYEZU VALENS to have accorded me to carry out this practical work
on this site that molded me with a lot of experience in different fields such as

Special thanks go to irrigation engineer of SPUI- LWH/RSSP John Bosco AGABA

who gave me a warm welcomes and equipped me all relevant information that made this
report a success.

I would like to thank all staff in different departments of different companies such as
execution company (EXERT ENGINEERING GROUP ltd) , a consultant company
(SMEC) and MINAGRI as client.

Immeasurable thanks go to all employees of all 3 companies I cited above in each

department I have worked in, they provide guidance but their open hearted advice
resulted into friendship during this time of internship.




TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................................................................
LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER I: GENERAL INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................
1.1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................
1.2. OBJECTIV ES OF THE INTERNSHIP..................................................................................................................
1.2.1. General objective..............................................................................................................................................
1.2.2. Specific Objectives of internship......................................................................................................................
1.3. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE INTERNSHIP...............................................................................................................
1.4. METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................................................
1.4.1. Interviews.........................................................................................................................................................
1.4.2. Observation......................................................................................................................................................
1.4.3. Participation.....................................................................................................................................................
1.4.4. Documentations................................................................................................................................................
1.5. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED..............................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II: HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SPUI/RSSP/LWH PROJECT..........................................................
II.1. PROJECT OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................................
II.2. HISTORY OF PROJECT.......................................................................................................................................
II.3. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT...........................................................................................................................
II.4. SUMMARY ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PROGRAM SO FAR..........................................................................

II.5. SPUI/RSSP/LWH PROJECT IN RWAMAGANA 34...........................................................................................

CHAP III: LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................................
III.1. PROBLEM STATEMENT....................................................................................................................................
III.2. SUMMARY OF PROJECT...................................................................................................................................
III.3. ACTIVIES THAT I ATTENDED DURING INTERNSHIP.................................................................................
III.3.1. CLASS THEORIES RELATED TO SITE TRAINING.................................................................................
III.3.2. PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES ON SITE...........................................................................................................
III.3.2.2. DAM SITE PREPARATION.....................................................................................................................
III.3.2.3. SURVEY.....................................................................................................................................................
CHAPITER IV: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................................
IV.1. CONCLUSION.....................................................................................................................................................
IV.2. RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................................................................................

Fig 1: Formation of self help groups
Fig 2: Farmers training and mobilization meetings
Fig 3: Land before treatment
Fig 4: Land during treatment
Fig 5: Land treated be cultivated
Fig 6: Maize growing treated terraces
Fig 7: Compost made within small help groups
Fig 8: Cow bought by Rwamagana-34 farmer from compost
Fig 9: During maize harvesting
Fig 10: During maize drying
Fig 11: During marketing of produce
Fig 12: Forces on Gravity Dam
Fig 13: Trapezoidal shape of Earth Dam
Fig 14:Foundation of office of superviser
Fig 15: Elevation of office of supervisor
Fig 16: Roof of office of supervisor
Fig 17: Pavement of office of supervisor: Sub base, sub pavement and finishing
Fig 18: Foundation of the Laboratory
Fig 19: Elevation of the laboratory
Fig 20: Roof of Laboratory
Fig 21: Elevation of the office of contractor
Fig 22: Finishing and roof of the office of contractor
Fig 23: Elevation of staff accommodation buildings
Fig 24: Dam site clearing
Fig 25: Diversion of the existing river
Fig 26: Administrative map of Rwamagana
Fig 27: Location map of Rwamagana -34 LWH Phase 1B site
Fig 28: Dam layout


LWH: Land husbandry, Water harvesting and Hillside irrigation.

SPIU: Single Project Implementation Unit

RSSP: Rural Sector Support Project

SMEC: Snow Mountain Engineering Corporation

EEG: Exert Engineering Group limited

MINAGRI: Ministry of Agriculture

UR: University of Rwanda

LTD: Limited


Amsl: Above Sea Level

MWL: Minimum Water Level

R.C.C.: Reinforced Cement Concrete

GoR: Government of Rwanda

U/S: Up stream

D/S:Down stream

Ha: Hactare

This internship was conducted in RWAMAGANA district especially where the EARTH
FILL DAM construction is going on and where its command area is located, I mean in
NZIGE, RUBONA, KARENGE and MWURIRE sector; my aim in this internship as a
civil engineer is to increase or upgrade the practical skills from theories learnt in the
classes for irrigation system and water storage system and other additional knowledge by
following all the instructions of the project technicians.

Generally the command area of the DAM located at RWAMAGANA 34 site consist of
two parts; parts of MARSHLAND and the part of HILL, in the region surrounding this
marshland, the population livelihood depends on agriculture and animal production,
however due to the increasing population and limited agricultural land resources it has
been necessary to exploit marshland and prepare well the side of hill for avoiding the Soil
loss due to erosion mainly water erosion and gravitational erosion in order to improve
food production and fight against poverty with a view to achieve the sustainable

In order to get this deep knowledge, I have worked with many persons in different areas;
in SURVEY, I have been helped with ARIKO WIKLIF and ODONGO JOHN; in DAM
RICHARD and MOHAMMED and in site management I have helped with HENRY


The practical training (Internship) is a part of the program for the fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the Bachelors Degree for the students from UR-HUYE
CAMPUS (Formal National University of Rwanda), college of science and technology,
school of engineering information technology and telecommunication, civil engineering
department, level III.

The UR-HUYE CAMPUS (Formal National University of Rwanda) provides the

internship to the students for level III in college of science and technology, school of
engineering information technology and telecommunication, civil engineering department
to reinforce theories learnt in classes and help them to have practical skills on different

I have been attached in MINAGRI especially in SINGLE PROJECT

SUPPORT PROJECT [RSSP] precisely at RWAMAGANA 34 site during 8 weeks
from 03rd July 2014 to 03 November 2014, where I have performed in different domains


The objectives of the training are provide a plan of education of student with the
opportunity to integrate relative practical experience with theory. The student is given an
opportunity to relate academic programs and the professional work experience gained by
internee to the field. The internship that was carried out in SPIU LWH\RSSP project
includes both general and specific objectives.

1.2.1. General objective

The General objective of this fieldwork is to familiarize the student with practical
knowledge in the fields of civil engineering, which otherwise has been theoretical
knowledge acquired in class.

1.2.2. Specific Objectives of internship

 To improve my knowledge about irrigation system
 To assess the availability of water for irrigation program

 To study practically how DAM should be constructed and managed.

 To improve the practical knowledge by making theory applied in
classroom into practice.

 To get experience of comportment on field


This internship is very important; it enables the internee to gain knowledge from the
existing field which is helpful for his future employment opportunities. It is the basic
course for the fulfillment of the academic requirement to be awarded bachelor’s degree in
civil Engineering by University of Rwanda.

It adds to the existing body of knowledge which acts as a guide for future research
practices as well as the improvements of the organization where the training was done.

Methodology refers to the methods and techniques used by the internee to get data
required from different places which is useful in preparation of report, both primary and
secondary data sources were employed. With primary data, data sources were mainly;
interview, observation and Participation whereas secondary data were obtained from
documentations of Project.

1.4.1. Interviews
The internee carried out personal interviews with different employees who were felt to
have the necessary data, and answers provided were noted down and taken as first
information to be used.

1.4.2. Observation
The internee managed to observe how different departments perform their daily activities,
such as day to day operations, preparation and submission of engineering reports. This
helped the trainee to have knowledge on various sections like supervising different
engineering works on field, to know the duties of every one in a project.

1.4.3. Participation
For better fulfilling my purpose as an internee, I actively participated in different works
such as surveying, supervising different construction work on site and participating in
preparation of DRAWINGS used at the field.

1.4.4. Documentations
For obtaining secondary data, internee used this research technique to collect data from
available documents such as FEASIBILTY STUDY, DETAIL DESIGN AND
(KAYONZA-4) document.


Most of the intended objectives of this practical training were successfully realized.
However, some of obstacles during this period were faced as mentioned below:

- The employees seem to be much occupied most of the time.

- The time for internship period was not enough for the internee to get sufficient
practical skills in regard of all activities carried out during the DAM construction.
- Lack of enough financial support during the internship period.
- The workers especially in survey have the hard works that not give them enough
time of training the trainee.

- Lack of manner of displacement in order to get knowledge about the engineering

test such as soil test and sand test because they have used the laboratories located
in Kigali city, so it was difficult for us to go there.



Rwanda is a hilly country with 90% of the population dependent on agriculture for their
livelihoods. The rural population density is on average 416 persons/km2, making Rwanda
one of the most populated countries in Africa. Population pressure has encouraged people
to move on to steeper slopes making agriculture difficult. Lands of 16 – 40 % slope cover
nearly 45 % of the country. Moreover, the country loses approximately 1.4 million tons
of fertile soils per year due to soils erosion. 

While slopes in some hillside areas exceed recommended slopes for cultivation,
population pressure obliges their cultivation. This causes severe soil erosion and yields
decline.  In order to sustain cultivation and productivity on such steep-slopes, considering
soil conservation measures such as land husbandry become necessity not a choice.
Through committed effort and approach, the government choose to increase productivity
in these areas and bring abandoned areas back into productive use. 

On the other hand, Rwanda has 589,713 ha of irrigation potential out of which 63% is on
hillsides (Rwanda Irrigation Master Plan, 2010). Annual rainfall ranges between 700mm-
1600mm, which is divided between 2 rainy seasons (February-May and September-
December).  Production is severely affected, both in terms of quantity and quality, by
lack of water for crops during the dry seasons.  Farmers inform that production could
have doubled and vigor of their crops improved if they were able to use irrigated
agriculture. However, hillside-irrigation had been insignificant in Rwanda.     

The Project aims at increasing productivity and commercialization of hillside agriculture. 

It has a holistic approach of land-husbandry, water-harvesting and hillside irrigation
(LWH). The project implements a comprehensive watershed approach (but adaptable to
the particularities of each site) to facilitate soil erosion control and increase land
The project is funded through a basket funding with a total of five financers, namely,
GoR (US$7.33 Million), IDA (US$34 Million), GAFSP (US$50 Million), USAID
(US$13.265 Million) and Canadian CIDA (US$7.8 Million), totaling US$112.4 Million.

The project started in June 2009 and is expected to close December 2015.  

The Project uses several techniques and technologies in land management through
developing appropriate land husbandry practices on both rain-fed and irrigated area and
provides modern agricultural techniques for higher production of annual and perennial
crops. The Project activities include extensive community sensitization and participatory
approaches to ensure that people participate in their own transformation. Communities
are further supported to form self-help groups based on land proximity which after their
maturity form a business oriented cooperative.  A wide range of capacity building
programs are carried out for farmers themselves and their structures as well as other
institutions that support agriculture like Districts, financial institutions and the private
sector. With the current financing, the project wills about 12,940 ha for land husbandry
and 1,865 ha for irrigation.


LWH is a Government Project under MINAGRI in Program 1 in the new Sector Wide
Approach (SWAP) structure. It was designed in March 2008 to improve the agricultural
system in Rwanda due to areas of weakness that was identified namely:

 Soil loss due to erosion mainly water erosion and gravitational erosion.
 Impoverished soil fertility.
 Excessively acidic soil
 Limited water-holding capacity/high infiltration


 To increase the productivity and commercialization of hillside agriculture in

target areas
 The Project is aimed at avoiding soil erosion and reduced land productivity by
revolutionizing effective land-husbandry and irrigated-agriculture as a land
management culture at hillsides.

 The overall objective of LWH is modernization of agriculture and continued

production of high value crops by which the Rwandan farmers and entrepreneurs
could penetrate the regional and international markets to generate economic
income and improve their livelihoods.

As regarding the above objective, LWH applies technologies and approaches that could
increase land productivity both in irrigated and rain fed systems. It catalyzes
comprehensive land and water management, use of improved crop improvement, adding
value to production and linking producers to markets. It works for mindset change and
capacity building towards market focused agricultural production, value adding and
marketing at individual and institutional settings. All these objectives are coherently
implemented in consideration of the three pillars of development: Land-husbandry,
Water-harvesting and Hillside-irrigation.


The project started piloting different techniques on three ecological zones in the sites of
Karongi-12, Karongi-13 in Western province, Nyanza 23 in Southern province and
Gatsibo-8 Eastern province.  After successful implementation of the program the project
scaled up its intervention to 3 mores sites of Rwamagana34 and 35, and Kayonza4 in
Eastern province in March 2012. In September 2013, the project rolled out its
intervention in Northern Province in both Muyanza and Gicumbi sites of Rulindo and
Gicumbi Districts. So far, the project has over 22,689 families (over 100,000 people)
benefiting from the Project activities.

Strong farmer groups were formed in these sites and trained on the subjects of
agricultural technologies, post-harvest handling, marketing, business planning, compost
making, tree nursery maintenance and saving.  These groups have now formed
cooperatives in different sites which are now linked to financial institutions and are
enjoying financial services for agriculture value chain. Farmers in project areas are now
working with 21 financial institutions which has significantly improved financial literacy,
saving and input financing. 
Yields of different crops have tripled and in some areas like Karongi increased 5 times
after the land treatment.

Farmer net income from sales has also tripled as farmers now market 74% of their
produce from 30% before the project. Post-harvest infrastructures have been constructed
to minimize post-harvest losses and improve the quality of produce.  Farmers moved
from substance farming to commercial farming in just a year. The project uses
community participation approach where community members in the project sites are
employed in project areas in land-husbandry works. Besides local beneficiaries, the
project has spillover effects in wealth creation through   employment generated through
land husbandry works. More than 22,000 community members are employed in terrace
construction, compost making and tree
The project was the first to pioneer hillsides irrigation construction in Rwanda in both

Nyanza on 470ha and in Karongi on 232 ha. Similar works has started in Rwamagana and
Kayonza in 2014.


Rwamaga 34 is located in Eastern Province, in Rwamagana District, with1,024 ha
treated by the Project in the rain fed agriculture and 267 ha to be irrigated with the help of
DAM . Direct project beneficiaries are 16,812 from 3,795 households where women
represent 49.95% and men 50.05 %.
Through community participation approach, farmers are sensitized on project activities as
part of increasing their ownership. Self help Groups have been formed and now we have 
170 groups  with 3741 members

Land Husbandry technologies in in Rwamagana 34

Rwamagana 34 site is has fertile land , but subjected soil erosion,  it was important  to the
project to do comprehensive land husbandry techniques for a proper land   management
to enhance production  and  avoid soil loss.  To this end, the project employed local
beneficiaries of more than 3500 people a day with a payment of 2000Rfw/day in a period 
of 2.5yers. These payments were channeled through SACCSO and other MFIs with
twisted benefits namely: increase farmers’ access to formal financial services and
increasing SACCO portfolio so that they are able to offer agricultural credits to farmers 
due  to the fact that the expected production after terracing was huge.  So far, the project
is recording 62 millions offered as input credits to farmers in just one season of 2014A

Rwamagana-34 farmers were trained on compost making; and they have been appropriated
with these activities which provide to communities job opportunities, especially for the land
less and old people.

It is worth noting that due to land husbandry technologies coupled with improved

farming techniques (use of improved  seeds, agricultural techniques, use of required 

balance inputs ) trained to farmers ,  farmers were able to harvest   on average 3.5tons/ha
from 0.8 tons/ha  in season A 2013  and  more  importantly  sold their produce to the Post
harvest task force  where the market share in  the site  was  at 83%.




Many times, some region of Rwanda are subjected to the dry season especially in east
province in which there is high temperature and low minimum rainfall because it shines
almost all days of the season of this climate .District of that province for example in
RWAMAGANA there is a problem of having the scarcity of water through which the
crops are not grown.
Even though when they are grown, the production is reduced which causes the negative
impact to farmers and they are hungry in the following periods.
To solve those problem MINAGRI in his charge of irrigation has made an
AGREEMENT between Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources /Land
Husbandry, Water Harvesting and Hillside Irrigation Project (LWH Project), Joint
Engineering Group Ltd for the project of Construction of a 14 meters high earth-fill
dam and 267 ha Hillside Irrigation System in order to help the farmers of this site to
increase irrigated areas and to train them for economic use of water .


Land husbandry Water harvesting and Hillside irrigation (LWH) Phase 1B

Project, appraised with an aim to modernize and commercialize the existing
agriculture for strengthening economic access of rural community and also to increase
productivity through the implementation of land husbandry, water harvesting dams, and
hillside irrigation. The dam site and the command area are located in Rwamagana
district of Eastern Province.
The project has reservoir dam of 14 m height which will store 1.00 MCM of water for
irrigation. The dam will irrigate about 267ha gross command area with up to 37% dry
season crop coverage.
The catchment area of the Rwamagana-34 at the proposed dam site is 22.54 Km2.

It has elevation ranging from 1381 amsl to about 1778 amsl. The project area has
tropical climate
with bimodal rainfall ranging from 800 to 1000 mm which is not adequate for
year round cropping. Topography of project area comprised of sloppy terrain with
narrow valley bottoms suitable for irrigation. There are no irrigation systems in the
project area.

Hydrological study has been carried out based on the available data and information,
review of previous studies and practice in Rwanda. Three rainfall stations have been
selected for Rwamagana-34 because of their proximity to the project area and their
long records. These stations are Rwamagana, Rwinkwavu, and Kigali International
Airport.Kigali climate station which are the closest primary climate station to the
project area having Class1 type station recording rainfall, temperature, sunshine hour
duration, humidity, wind speed, and pan evaporation. The areal rainfall has been

computed for all hydrological analysis of Rwamagana-34 based on the selected three
rainfall stations.

The project area Rwamagana-34 lies within the natural drainage basin of Lake
Mugesera, which is fed by the streams of Urukaryi stream. The Urukaryi stream
dominates the plan-form of the project area, which includes five other smaller
streams named Gatare, Samatare,Cyaruhara, Binyama and Murunguga stream. Rawafiji
stream joins Urukaryi before it drains to Lake Mugesera.

Runoff inflow has been assessed using a conceptual monthly rainfall-runoff model,
ZYGOS and initial runoff coefficients have been taken from previous studies. The
ZYGOS Model accounts for each components of runoff: direct runoff, surface flow,
interflow and base flow. The base period for the modelling extends from years 1971 to
2011. The results of the model calibration show the annual volume of runoff for 70
percent dependability to be 1.96 MCM. For the prediction of the sedimentation in the
proposed reservoir dam HR Walingford (2004)
guideline have been used. This guideline is based on research of the small dams on South
and East African regions. Based on the site specific catchment characterisation the
sediment yield comes to 292 t/Km2/year.

The water balance analysis has been carried out using Water Evaluation and Planning
software (WEAP Model) which provides the sizing of the reservoir considering the
downstream water requirement and environmental flow. HEC-HMS Model has been
used to assess the design storms corresponding to the 5, 100 and 200 year return
periods. Based on the site specific characteristics the design floods for 5 year, 100
and 200 years are calculated as 6.93 m3/s, 68.28 m3/s and 87.10 m3/s respectively.

Geotechnical investigations have been carried out at and around the dam site to
assess the technical feasibility of geological conditions. The investigations have been
carried out with the help of ten trial pits and three bore holes along the dam axis up to the
depth of 15 m from the ground level. The results of the investigations depict no bed
rock at the specified depth. In addition, investigations have been carried out to
assess the construction materials in and around the project area and found that dam
filling material shall be available at the dam site.
Good quartzite for rock fill materials is also available around the left and right banks of
the proposed dam site.

The reservoir dam is proposed at about 8 km south of Musha Township of Rwamagana

Seven alternative dam axes were evaluated during the study and most techno-
economical alternative has been considered for the feasibility study. The dam consists of
an earthen small dam, low head intake, and spillway. Small dam is designed as a concept
of storage for total annual runoff of the contributing water catchment area and used

as water requirement for irrigation downstream. The dam is designed as an

embankment from locally available soil with the upstream slope of 2.5:1 (H:V) and
downstream slope of 2.0:1 (H:V).
The height of the dam is designed considering dead storage, active storage and
free board. Considering the potential sediment yield from the water catchment of 292
t/Km2/year, 30 years of project life span, and 96% trap efficiency the sediment volume
comes to be 158,000 m3.

The resulted minimum water level (MWL) of the reservoir dam is 1387.30 m. The
hydrological simulation of the reservoir operation shows the required active volume of
water is to be 1.00 MCM. Free board of 2.4 m has been taken considering the wind set
up, wave action, and flood routing. The height of dam crest level is kept at 1395.50 amsl
about 14 m above the river bed level of 1381.50 m. The total length of dam crest will be
180 m which will join the existing roads along the valley slopes. Dam embankment
stability has been analyzed using SLOPE/W software from GEO-SLOPE.
Three conditions have been evaluated for the stability: end of construction, sudden
drawdown from maximum pool level, steady seepage with maximum storage pool
and steady seepage with surcharge pool. The results of the analysis show the
factors of safety against different reservoir conditions are adequate.

Horizontal drainage blanket is designed for the drainage system of the dam and
seepage analysis has been carried out using GeoSlope. The upstream slope of the
embankment shall be protected against wave action by rip-rap. At least100 mm thick
layer of well-graded gravel is to be provided underneath the rip-rap to prevent the
washing of the embankment material by the wave action. A layer 30 cm of top vegetable
soil will be placed on the downstream slope and planted with creeping grasses that is
suitable for the locality.
Side channel spillway has been selected considering the topography, type of embankment
and sub-surface conditions. An ogee weir is proposed to overflow the spill water that
leads to the stilling basin through the chute. The length of the spillway is taken as 2
m considering the designed flood of 100 years return period.
A low head irrigation intake is designed at the centre of the dam which is proposed to
combine with diversion pipe. The total length of the intake pipe is 90 m having diameter
1000mm with downstream control valve that regulates the flow into the two primary
canal systems.

During this training I have been participate in supervision of all buildings constructed
during the site installation , DAM site preparation and in all survey works done from the
03rd July 2014 to 03rd September 2014.

The buildings that have built during the site installation include: Office of supervisor,
laboratory building, office of contractor, the staff accommodation buildings and the



A building is a man-made structure with a roof and walls standing more or less
permanently in one place. Buildings come in a variety of shapes, sizes and functions, and
have been adapted throughout history for a wide number of factors, from building
materials available, to weather conditions, to land prices, ground conditions, specific uses
and aesthetic reasons.

Buildings serve several needs of society; primarily as shelter from weather, security,
living space, privacy, to store belongings, and to comfortably live and work.
 Agricultural buildings
  Commercial buildings
  Residential buildings
  Educational buildings
  Government buildings
  Industrial buildings
 Military buildings
  Parking and storage
  Religious buildings
 Transport Buildings
  Infrastructure
 Power Stations
 Office building
 Others
For our case we have built the office and residential buildings.

 Office building
An office is generally a room or other area where administrative work is done, but
may also denote a position within an organization with specific duties attached to
it. The main purpose of an office environment is to support its occupants in
performing their job. Work spaces in an office are typically used for conventional
office activities such as reading, writing and computer work. Some offices also
have a kitchen area where workers can make their lunches. While offices can be
built in almost any location and in almost any building, some modern
requirements for offices make this more difficult, such as requirements for light,
networking, and security. The primary purpose of an office building is to provide
a workplace and working environment primarily for administrative and
managerial workers. 

 Residential building

A residential area is a land use in which housing predominates, as opposed

to industrial and commercial areas. Housing may vary significantly between, and

through, residential areas. These include single-family housing, multi-family residential,

or mobile homes. 
Zoning for residential use may permit some services or work opportunities or may totally
exclude business and industry. It may permit high density land use or only permit low
density uses. Residential zoning usually includes a smaller FAR (floor area ratio) than
business, commercial or industrial/manufacturing zoning. 


A building has two basic parts:

 Substructure or foundations
Sub-structure or Foundation is the lower portion of the building, usually located below
the ground level, which transmits the loads of the super-structure to the supporting soil. A
foundation is therefore that part of the structure which is in direct contact with the ground
to which the loads are transmitted.

The basic function of a foundation is to transmit the dead loads, live loads and other loads
to the subsoil on which it rests in such a way those settlements are within permissible
limits, without causing cracks in the super-structure and soil does not fail in shear. Since
remains below the ground level, the signs of failure of foundations are not noticeable till
it has already affected the building. It should therefore be designed very carefully.

 Superstructure.
Super-structure is that part of the structure which is above ground level, and which serves
the purpose of its intended use. A part of the super-structure, located between the ground
level and the floor level is known as plinth.

Plinth is therefore defined as the portion of the structure between the surface of the
surrounding ground and surface of the floor, immediately above the ground. The level of
the floor is usually known as the plinth level .

The main parts of the superstructure area:

 Masonry units : wall

 Floor structures.
 Roof structures.
 Doors, windows and other openings.
 Vertical transportation structures, such as stairs, lifts, ramps etc.
 Building finishes.

Masonry may be defined as the construction of building units bonded together with
mortar. These building units, commonly known as masonry units may be stones, bricks or
precast blocks. Masonry is used for the construction of foundation walls, columns and
other similar structural components. The construction with stone units, bonded with

mortar is known as stone masonry, while the construction with brick units, bonded with
mortar is known as brick masonry. A composite masonry may use different types of
building units for the construction.

Walls are the most essential components of a building. The primary function of the wall
is to divide space of the building to make it more functional and useful. Walls provide
privacy, afford security and give protection against heat, cold, Sun and ram.
Walls may be either load bearing or non-load bearing. Load bearing walls are those
which are designed to carry the super-imposed loads (transferred through roofs), in
addition to their own (self) weight. Non-load bearing walls carry their own load only.
They generally serve a divide walls or partition walls. Wall may be of several types, such
as cavity walls, party walls, partitions Walls, dwarf walls, retaining walls.

Floors are the horizontal elements which divide the building into different levels for the
purpose of creating more accommodation within a restricted space one above the other
and provide support for the occupants, furniture and equipment of a building.

The floor of a building immediately above the ground is known as ground floor. All other
floors which are above the ground floor are known as the upper floors. The floors of the
first storey are known as the first floor and that of the second storey is known as the
second floor etc, etc. In case, part of the building is constructed below the ground level,
or the building has the basement, the floor is known as basement floor.

Every floor has a structural component: the sub-floor, which is a structural component to
impart strength and stability to support the super-imposed loads and floor covering or
flooring consisting of suitable floor finish.

A roof is the upper most part of a building. It is a covering provided on the top of the
building with a view to keep out ram, snow, Sun and wind and to protect the building
from their adverse effects. Just as a floor, a roof consists of two components: The roof
decking and the roof covering. Roof decking is a structural component which supports
the roof covering. Roof decking may be either flat or sloping, and may be in the form of
flat slab, dome, truss, portal or shell. The roof covering or roofing is provided on the roof
deck to safeguard the building against weather effects. These may be in the form of tiles,
thatch covering, slates, flagstone covering, and corrugated sheets of galvanized iron or
asbestos cement.

A door is a movable burner provided in the opening of a wall, to provide access to

various spaces of a building. A door is a frame work of wood, steel etc. secured in the
wall opening for the purpose of providing access to the users of the building. Similarly, a
window may be defined as an opening made in the wall for the purpose of providing day
light, vision and ventilation. Windows are also made of frame work of wood, steel,
aluminum etc., provided with shutters. 

Since doors and windows are provided in the openings in the walls, a discontinuity is

formed in the wall, in the vertical direction. Lintel is therefore essential. A lintel is a
horizontal structural member provided over the doors, windows or other openings lo span
the gap, so as to support the super-imposed load carried by the wall above the opening.
Lintels may be made of timber, stone, steel or reinforced cement concrete (R.C.C.). 

Sometimes, an arch may be provided to span the opening, in the place of a lintel. An arch
is a structure consisting of a number of small wedge-shaped units and jointed together
with molar, which is constructed to bridge across any opening in the wall. The arch may
also be constructed in R.C.C. 
Building finishes are used to give protective covering lo various building components,
and at the same time, they provide decorative effects. Building finishes consists of the
following items:

 Plastering
 Pointing
 Painting
 Varnishing and polishing
 White washing
 Distempering
 Color washing or coloring.

Plastering consists of providing a thin covering of plastic materials such as cement

mortar, lime mortar etc. on walls, columns and other surfaces.
Pointing is the process of finishing of mortar joins in brick or stone masonry. Painting
vanishing and polishing is normally done on doors, windows and other timber and steel
components. White washing and distempering and color washing etc. are done on
plastered surfaces, to safeguard them against weathering effects and to improve the


A typical dam is a wall of solid material built across a river to block the flow of the river
thus storing water in the lake that will form upstream of the dam as water continues to
flow from the river upstream of the dam.

The main purpose of most dams is to create a permanent reservoir of water for use at a
later time. The dam must be watertight (impermeable or impervious to water) so that
water does not leak out of the dam and escape downstream. An essential part of a dam is
therefore the "impermeable membrane", the watertight part of the dam that prevents
water leaking out. As we shall see later, it is not necessary that the entire dam wall be

watertight. The natural earth or rock on which the dam is built (the dam foundation) must
also be watertight as must the river valley in which the storage reservoir forms. If these
natural areas (dam foundation and storage area) are not watertight then water could leak
out of the reservoir even if the dam itself is watertight.

As well as being watertight a dam must also be stable, means the dam wall must have
sufficient strength to firstly, stand permanently under its own weight especially when at
least part of the dam wall is saturated with water and secondly, resist the water pressure
in the lake upstream of the dam. This water pressure exerts a force on the dam wall
tending to push it downstream. The higher the dam, the greater the depth of water stored
behind the dam and the greater the water pressure on the dam wall. The dam must also
have sufficient strength to resist other forces to which it may be subjected from time to
time eg shaking from earthquakes. The threat that earthquakes pose to dams varies widely
depending on the region of the world in which the dam is located.

A dam must have some way of releasing water in controlled amounts as it is needed ie
an outlet valve of some type. Depending on the purpose of the dam the water may be
released into a pipeline to supply a city with water, or into a hydro-electric power station
to generate electricity or the water may simply be released into the river bed downstream
of the dam and allowed to flow naturally down the river, eventually to be pumped out and
used for irrigation of crops further downstream. The outlet valve must be connected via a
pipe or tunnel to some type of intake structure where the water is actually drawn from
the storage reservoir.

When the river on which the dam has been built floods a very large volume of flood
water will flow into the storage reservoir. Usually this is very, very much more water
than can be released through the outlet valve. A dam must have some means whereby
these large volumes of flood water can flow around the dam without causing damage to
the dam itself; spillway which, in most cases, is an open cut channel large enough to carry
the flood water around the dam. If the dam is built of concrete the spillway may form part
of the dam wall itself. However, if the dam is built of earth and/or rock fill (soil and
broken rock) the spillway must be a separate structure because flood waters cannot be
allowed to flow over the top of a fill (or embankment) dam which would be quickly
washed away by the flood water if this was to happen.

A large dam project may involve many types of construction apart from building the dam
wall itself: tunneling for diversion or outlet works; road building to replace roads flooded
by the reservoir; quarrying to obtain rock fill and other construction materials; excavation
of open cuts for the spillway, access roads and road deviations.


 storage dam or impounding dam

 detention dam

 diversion dam

 coffer dam

 debris dam


It is constructed to create a reservoir to store water during periods when there is huge
flow in the river (in excess of demand) for utilization later during periods of low flow
(demand exceeds flow in the river). Water stored in the reservoir is used for irrigation,
power generation, water supply .
It is primarily constructed to temporarily detain all or part of the flood water in a river
and to gradually release the stored water later at controlled rates so that the entire region
on the downstream side of the dam is protected from possible damage due to floods. It
may also be used as a storage dam.

It is constructed to divert part of or all the water from a river into a conduit or a channel.
For diverting water from a river into an irrigation canal, mostly a diversion weir is
constructed across the river.

It is a temporary dam constructed to exclude water from a specific area. It is constructed
on the u/s side of the site where a dam is to be constructed so that the site is dry. In this
case, it behaves like a diversion dam.


It is constructed to catch and retain debris flowing in a river.



It is constructed with a crest to permit overflow of surplus water that cannot be retained
in the reservoir. Generally dams are not designed as overflow dams for its entire length.
Diversion weirs of small height may be designed to permit overflow over its entire


It is constructed such that water is not allowed to overflow over its crest.

In most cases, dams are so designed that part of its length is designed as an overflow dam
(this part is called the spillway) while the rest of its length is designed as a non-overflow
dam. In some cases, these two sections are not combined.



It is constructed with rigid material such as stone, masonry, concrete, steel, or timber.
Steel dams (steel plates supported on inclined struts) and timber dams (wooden planks
supported on a wooden framework) are constructed only for small heights (rarely).


It is constructed with non-rigid material such as earth, tailings, rock fill etc.

 Earthen dam – gravel, sand, silt, clay etc

 Tailings dam – waste or refuse obtained from mines
 Rock fill dam – rock material supporting a water tight material on the u/s face
 Rock fill composite dam – Rock fill on the d/s side and earth fill on the u/s side
 Earthen dams are provided with a stone masonry or concrete overflow (spillway)
section. Such dams are called composite dams.
 In some cases, part of the length of the dam is constructed as earth dam and the
rest (excluding the spillway) as a masonry dam. Such dams are called masonry
cum earthen dams.




It is a masonry or concrete dam which resists the forces acting on it by its own weight.
Straight gravity dam : A gravity dam that is straight in plan.

Curved gravity plan :A gravity dam that is curved in plan.

Curved gravity dam (Arch gravity dam) : It resists the forces acting on it by combined
gravity action (its own weight) and arch action.

Solid gravity dam : Its body consists of a solid mass of masonry or concrete

Hollow gravity dam : It has hollow spaces within its body.

Most gravity dams are straight solid gravity dams.

Concrete Gravity Dams

 Weight holds dam in place

 Lots of concrete (expensive)

These dams are heavy and massive wall-like structures of concrete in which the whole
weight acts vertically downwards

Fig 1: Forces on Gravity Dam

As the entire load is transmitted on the small area of foundation, such dams are
constructed where rocks are competent and stable.

It is a curved masonry or concrete dam, convex upstream, which resists the forces acting
on it by arch action.

Arch Dams
 Arch shape gives strength
 Less material (cheaper)
 Narrow sites
 Need strong abutments
 These type of dams are concrete or masonry dams which are curved or convex
upstream in plan

 This shape helps to transmit the major part of the water load to the abutments
 Arch dams are built across narrow, deep river gorges, but now in recent years they
have been considered even for little wider valleys.


It consists of water retaining sloping membrane or deck on the u/s which is supported by
a series of buttresses. These buttresses are in the form of equally spaced triangular
masonry or reinforced concrete walls or counter forts. The sloping membrane is usually a
reinforced concrete slab. In some cases, the u/s slab is replaced by multiple arches
supported on buttresses (multiple arch buttress dam) or by flaring the u/s edge of the
buttresses to span the distance between the buttresses (bulkhead buttress dam or massive
head buttress dam). In general, the structural behavior of a buttress dam is similar to that
of a gravity dam.

Buttress Dams

 Face is held up by a series of supports

 Flat or curved face
 Buttress Dam – Is a gravity dam reinforced by structural supports

 Buttress – a support that transmits a force from a roof or wall to another

supporting structure
 This type of structure can be considered even if the foundation rocks are little


It is a non-rigid dam which resists the forces acting on it by its shear strength and to some
extent also by its own weight (gravity). Its structural behavior is in many ways different
from that of a gravity dam.

 Earth or rock
 Weight resists flow of water

Earth Dams

 They are trapezoidal in shape.

 Earth dams are constructed where the foundation or the underlying material or
rocks are weak to support the masonry dam or where the suitable competent rocks
are at greater depth.
 Earthen dams are relatively smaller in height and broad at the base.
 They are mainly built with clay, sand and gravel, hence they are also known as
Earth fill dam or Rock fill dam.

Fig 2: Trapezoidal shape of Earth Dam



1. Once a dam is constructed, electricity can be produced at a constant rate.

2. If electricity is not needed, the sluice gates can be shut, stopping electricity generation.
The water can be saved for use another time when electricity demand is high.

3. Dams are designed to last many decades and so can contribute to the generation of
electricity for many years decades.

4. The lake that forms behind the dam can be used for water sports and leisure pleasure
activities. Often large dams become tourist attractions in their own right.

5. The lake's water can be used for irrigation purposes.

6. The buildup of water in the lake means that energy can be stored until needed, when
the water is released to produce electricity.

7. When in use, electricity produced by dam systems do not produce green house gases.
They do not pollute the atmosphere.


1. Dams are extremely expensive to build and must be built to a very high standard.

2. The high cost of dam construction means that they must operate for many decades to
become profitable.

3. The flooding of large areas of land means that the natural environment is destroyed.

4. People living in villages and towns that are in the valley to be flooded, must move out.
This means that they lose their farms and businesses. In some countries, people are
forcibly removed so that hydro-power schemes can go ahead.

5. The building of large dams can cause serious geological damage. For example, the
building of the Hoover Dam in the USA triggered a number of earth quakes and has
depressed the earth’s surface at its location.

6. Although modern planning and design of dams is good, in the past old dams have been
known to be breached (the dam gives under the weight of water in the lake). This has led
to deaths and flooding.

7. Dams built blocking the progress of a river in one country usually means that the water
supply from the same river in the following country is out of their control. This can lead
to serious problems between neighboring countries.


Dams are usually built for one or more of the following reasons:

 To provide a supply of water for towns, cities and mining sites.

 To contain and store waste (tailings) from mines.

 To provide a supply of water for the irrigation of crops.

 To generate electricity in hydro-electric power stations.

 To help control or mitigate floods.

Many dams are multipurpose and most dams have at least some flood mitigation effect in
addition to their primary purpose. Dams built specifically for flood control may have
some of their storage capacity kept empty during normal river flow conditions so that
space is available to store excess water inflow under flood conditions. The flood
mitigation effect of a dam is such that the downstream river height at the peak of the
flood is reduced but, after the peak has passed, the river levels usually remain high for a
longer period than would have been the case if the dam had not been built. This is
because excess flood water is only stored behind the dam temporarily and is slowly
released from the dam in the days and weeks after the flood peak has passed.



The concept of surveying has been around ever since some members of the human race
stopped hunting and gathering, and began to stay for extended periods in one geographic
area, where they could support themselves with various agricultural endeavors. The early
practices of land ownership required some mechanism to mark (and re-mark when

necessary) the boundaries of individual landowners and thus reduce conflicts over
competing land claims. Many early settlements occurred near bodies of water where
shorelines shifted over time due to flooding and other natural occurrences, thus requiring
continual surveys to re-mark boundaries. The two largest fields of surveying are land
surveying (property surveying) and engineering surveying.

Surveying is an art and science of measuring distances, angles, and positions, on or near
the surface of the earth. It is an art in that only a surveyor who possesses a thorough
understanding of surveying techniques will be able to determine the most efficient
methods needed to obtain optimal results over a wide variety of surveying problems. The
accuracy, and thus reliability, of the survey depends not only on the field expertise of the
surveyor, but also on the surveyor’s understanding of the scientific principles underlying
and affecting all forms of survey measurement.


1. Plane surveying and geodetic surveying
 Plane surveying is that type of surveying in which the surface of the earth is
considered to be a plane for all X and Y dimensions. All Z dimensions (height)
are referenced to the mean surface of the earth (mean sea level) or to the surface
of the earth’s reference ellipsoid (GRS80). Most engineering and property surveys
are classed as plane surveys, although some route surveys that cover long
distances (e.g. highways and railroads) will have corrections applied at regular
intervals (e.g.1 mile) to correct for the earth’s curvature.

 Geodetic surveying is that type of surveying in which the surface of the earth is
considered to be an ellipsoid of revolution for X and Y dimensions. As in plane
surveying, the Z dimension (height) can be referenced to the surface of the earth’s
reference ellipsoid (GRS80) or can be converted to refer to the mean surface of
the earth (mean sea level).Traditional geodetic surveys were very precise surveys
of great magnitude (e.g. national boundaries, control networks, etc.).

Modern surveys such as data gathering, control, and layout) which utilize satellite
positioning (for example, the global positioning system (GPS) are also based on
the earth’s reference ellipsoid (GRS80) and, as such, could be classified as being
geodetic surveys. Such geodetic measurements must be mathematically converted
to local coordinate grids and to mean sea level (MSL) elevations to be of use in
leveling and other local surveying projects.


Over the years, surveying operations have been classified or subdivided in a great variety
of ways, depending upon the purpose of the work or alternatively the equipment or
methods actually used.

Classification according to purpose or use

 Geodetic survey: Geodetic surveys locate the position of objects on the earth in
relation to each other, taking into account the size, shape and gravity of the earth.
These three properties vary depending where on the earth's surface you are and
changes need to be taken into account if you wish to survey large areas or long
lines. Geodetic surveys also provide very precise coordinates that can be used as
the control values for other types of surveying.

 Topographical survey

Topographic Surveys: The measurement of land elevation, often with the purpose of
creating contour or topographic maps.

 Cadastral Land Surveys: These are related to land surveys and are concerned
with establishing, locating, defining or describing the legal boundaries of land
parcels, often for the purpose of taxation.

 Engineering Surveying: Often referred to as construction surveying, engineering

surveying involves the geometric design of engineering project, setting out the
boundaries of features such as buildings, roads and pipelines.

 Deformation Surveying: These surveys are intended to ascertain whether a

building or object is moving. The positions of specific points on the area of
interest are determined and then re-measured after a certain amount of time.

 Mining survey

A survey for the control of underground workings for mineral extraction.

 Hydrographic survey

Surveys to map coastlines produce nautical navigation charts and control works such as
oil exploration, the construction of harbors and waterways, etc.

Classification according to the techniques used

The principal branches of survey technique include:


 Linear survey (traditionally termed chain survey, occasionally termed tape

and offset survey)

 Traverse survey

 Tachometer survey

 Triangulation

 Trilateration

 Global positioning systems

 Air survey and photogrammetry, etc.


The instruments most commonly used in field surveying are:

 satellite positioning receiver

 total station
 level and rod
 Steel tape.

1. A satellite positioning receiver captures signals transmitted by four or more

positioning satellites in order to determine position coordinates (for example, northing,
easting, and elevation) of a survey station. Some satellite positioning receivers are
already programmed to capture signals from three systems: GPS, GLONASS, and the
soon-to-be-implemented Galileo.

2. Total Station first appeared In the 1980S. This instrument combines electronic
distance measurement (EDM), which was developed in the 1950s, with an electronic
theodolite. In addition to electronic distance and angle measuring capabilities, this
instrument is equipped with a central processor, which enables the computation of
horizontal and vertical distances. The central processor also monitors instrument status
and executes software programs that enable the surveyor to perform a wide variety of
surveying applications. Total stations measure horizontal and vertical angles as well as
horizontal and vertical distances. All data can be captured into attached (cable or
wireless) electronic field books or into onboard storage as the data are received.

3. The level and rod are used to determine elevations in a wide variety of surveying,
mapping and engineering applications.

4. Steel tapes are relatively precise measuring instruments, and are used mostly for short
measurements in both preliminary and layout surveys.

Other instruments are used in remote sensing techniques to acquire geospatial images,
panchromatic, multispectral scanning, radar, and lidar imaging can be based on both
airborne and satellite platforms.



During the site installation, we have constructed 2 offices (office of supervisor and office
of contractor), one laboratory, three buildings of staff accommodation (2 rooms has used
as stores) , toilet and bathroom. Office of supervisor and laboratory buildings are
permanent while all other buildings are temporary, they will be removed after the
completion of the project.

III. Office of supervisor building.

This building is one of the permanent buildings, it is a masonry building, with 9 rooms.

 Its foundation is in stone with the mortar of cement and coarse sand (Kayumbu),
with the mix of 1 in 3 (1 bag of cement in 3 wheelbarrow of sand). Because of the
structure of the field, the foundation has the form of stairs, means that the wall at
the front view is not equal to the wall at back view in height.

Fig 3:Foundation of office of superviser

 Its elevation is in burnt brick with the mortar of cement and coarse sand with the
mix of 1 in 3 ( 1 bag of cement in 3 wheelbarrow of sand) , the sizes of windows
are varied according to the purpose of corresponding room, 1000mm, 1200mm

and 1500mm window . For the doors the height is corresponding to the height of
the Linton, all came from the shape of foundation.

The partitions wall has the thickness of 100mm and the exterior wall has the
thickness of 200mm.

 Its roof is made in timber, covered with iron sheet

 Its pavement has done into 3 phases, phase1 for compacting the sub base, phase 2
for sub pavement and phase 3 for finishing on the pavement.

 The sub base has built in stable soil (compacted soil excavated at the site),
after compaction they have wrapped with burnt bricks and after they have
compacted both of the soil and bricks.
 The sub pavement was the concrete mixed at 1-1-2 ( 1 bag of cement, 1
wheel barrow of sand and 2 wheel barrow of aggregate).
 Finishing of the pavement was the mortar of cement and sand mixed at 1-3
( 1 bag of cement in 3 wheel barrow of sand).

III. Laboratory building.

This building is one of the permanent building, it is a masonry building, with 3 rooms.

Its foundation, elevation, roof and pavement has built likely with the office of
supervisor‘s building; windows also has dimensioned accordingly to the corresponding

III. Office of Contractor

The office of contractor has built in unburnt bricks for all its parts; its foundation was
built in unburnt bricks joined with the mud . The first plaster was made in mud; the
second plaster was made in mortar of cement and sand. The pavement has built in mortar
of cement and sand covering the compacted soil. The roof has made in timber truss
covered with metal sheet.
The doors and windows were made in timber.

III. Staff accommodation buildings

The staff accommodation buildings have built likely the office of contractor; the
foundation, elevation and roof are the same as for office of contractors.

The doors and windows are made in metal sheets. Those are 3 buildings each has 5
rooms, 2 rooms for the first building has used as store.


During the DAM site preparation they have clearing the site and diverting the river

 Clearing the site: we have cleared the site by removing the top soil

 River diversion: We have diverting the river so that the moisture content on the
soil at the bed of river should be reduced.


During my internship I have worked with the surveyors, we have done topographic
survey. Engineering survey and land survey.


The topographic survey was done in the command area. As I have showed in this
report the command area has the part of marshland and the part of hill, the
topographic survey has done for producing the topographic map showing the different
physical features in the command area like roads, banana plantation, terraces,
building, river, footpaths, electric poles, drains, …..
During this survey we have used the following instruments: Total station (Trimble),
prism reflector. Tape measure, machete, hummer, nails.

Due to the structure of the command area (very long in the form of snake), we have
chosen to use the open traverse survey for fixing the control points (we have called it
traverses) which helped us to control other points we have wanted in the command

area. Those control points had fixed from the data of two permanent benchmarks that
are located on the DAM site.


During engineering survey, we have staked out (showing the location of point on the
ground) the DAM axis, spillway, and location of the diversion pipe, cofferdam, left
hand side canal axis and right hand side canal axis. We have used the total station,
tape measure, hummer, pegs and marker pen.


We have located the corridor of the canals, and showing on the terrain the locations of
pipes and drains. We have used the tape measure.


As UR-HUYE CAMPUS provide the internship to the students to reinforce theories
they have and help them to increase practical skills from theories leant in classes, I
have successfully increased my knowledge and practical skills in civil engineering
domain where I have performed in different activities.
Along this internship, I upgraded my knowledge in survey, supervising the
construction works, Dam construction techniques, and after I have helped the
surveyors to do his job. So I can say that the objective of UR-HUYE CAMPUS for
providing to me an internship was achieved.

Based on the outcome skills I have after this internship, I am here to recommend the

To the UR-HUYE CAMPUS Administration:

 To search the attachment companies for students who miss where to be attached
before the day of starting internship;
 Help the graduated students to get jobs.

 Help students who want the internship in their project by accepting their
recommendations letters
 Give some money (small cash) for help their internees for living allowances,
tickets so that they can follow everything happen on the site and get deep
knowledge practically.

To other students:
 Start finding where to be attached soon as possible before the starting day of
 Participate in the attached company by observing everything, practicing and
follow their instructions;
 Be familiar with the company’s staff and collaborate, this can give you chance of
getting a job there if available.


Feasibilty study, detail design and construction supervision for 3 lwh phase 1b sites
urukaryi (rwamagana-34), ruvomo (rwamagana-35), and cyarubare (kayonza-4)


Fig 4: Administrative map of Rwamagana


Fig 5: Location map of Rwamagana -34 LWH Phase 1B site


Spillway open channel

Diversion pipe

Dam axis

Fig 6: Dam layout


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