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RC TYLA teas FL MECHANISM (Q MECHANISM) |VideoS File with the SERVICE MANUAL El vineo RECORDER ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PREPARATION Foe AIFCHANICAL CHEE, [ADJUSTMENT AND REPLACEMENT 1. Canette Compartment Holder Assembly 12 Cassette Comparment Look Height Adjustment $2, Operation with Cammste Consparuut Tuer ‘Amembly Removed... 14, Handing of Mode Selector». 1S. Mode Selector Schematic Diagram 2. PERIODIC CHECK AND MAINTENANCE 21. Cleaning of Rotary Dram 22, Ceaning of Tape Path 23. Periodic Check Items 24 Service Jigs Li. 3, MECHANICAL CHECKADJUSTMENT AND. REPLACEMENT 34 LED Base one 32 RL Baw Amembly, Retaior - 53. S Reel Table Amembiy 34 T Reel Table Assembly 35. Oneway Clutch Assembly 36. S Sof Arm Amembly 37. LS Chasis Assembly. 38, Pinch Arm Amembly 38, TGAi Arm Assembly ro901 n u 8 1% y w aL a 38 3B 36. a. sas. 320. a pes 323. 36 325 326 327 38 “Tbr ewer String Joint Guide Arm T Amembiy, Guide Arm Assembly Pinch Press Arm Assembly Phase Adjustment Gear Train Operation Check Loading Motor Assembly Guid Ral Base? Asembty Guide Ral! Base Assembly Capsan Motor Assembly Dram Base amembiy Drum Amsembiy 5... Replacement of Rotary Upper Drum Real Table Height Cock FWD/RVS Torque Check <-.. “Tension Regulator Postion Adhuriment FWD Back Tension Adjustment 4. TAPE PATH ADJUSTMENT ‘41. rey 43 ore 45 Preparation for Adjustment ‘Tracking Adjustment Nod Guide (TG-4) Adiurment [Not Guide (6-1) Adjusement (Check after Adjustment SBRESRIERERE eeeesee ae 1. PREPARATION FOR MECHANICAL CHECK, ADJUSTMENT AND MAINTENANCE For removal ofthe cabinet and boards, refer to “Disassembly” in| cach Service Manual. Mechanical adjustment is done in the USE] mode. (To sles the (GSE) moce, eter to “14 tanaung oF ode eer”) 3+] CASSETTE COMPARTMENT HOLDER ASSEMBLY Fe 1. Removal » 2 > 1) Remove the three lock washers @, and then, the washer @, bur, joint @, T protector assy @, and TP arm assy @ in that oer. 5) Remove the two screws®, and then. che co arm shits A. 5) Remove the shaft trough the loag tole@. With the camette compartment holder assembiy@rotated in a direction of the arow@, remove the lng holes@and@frou the aba isa order, and then. remove the cassette compartment holder aserbiy®@, 1). Slide the BS holder@in direction ofthe arrow in Fig. A and remove itn a direction of the arrow@ Note: When this is done, be careful not to drop the see ball and soring, compresion out ofthe BS holder @, 2. Mounting Select the [USE] mode. 2) Mount the BS bolder@in the reverse order of it removal Note! Keter to Fig. A. 3) Mount the shafts in the onder ofthe long holes @, @and@ of the camette compartment bolder assembly @®, respectively. (Nota : When hin dane rotate tha cane compartment haldor sembly a direction ofthe arow@ to mount it until the long tole is aligned with te oval shape of the shaft 4 Align the oval shape ofthe two arm shafts A@with the long owes oe eae nem MIY ane wi he TWO screws, 5) Mount the TP arm asey @, T procector asy @ and bar, jint (©. respectively. Then, mount the washer @ and three lock washers @. ©) Mom the LS frame asey @to the chasis and fx withthe four screws @. 1) Mount the 15 cupport @ othe chasi nd fx with he screw e @ toss Wane ~ somone Os . TP Arm Assy ants) ve Fig. 1 3 12 CASSETTE COMPARTMENT LOCK HEIGHT ‘ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 2) 2) Using a spacer etc insert a 16Smm-thick camatte to lock the 3) Apply Sew Lack tothe adjusting sees @ after making sre camette comperumen:. ‘ofthe following clearances between the throtle part @of the Note: As shown in Fig.A,a26.Smmthick portion may be under _—_casette compartment holder and the cassette as shown in Fig. the throttle par@. B 2) Freming me par®, nip me # arm A@ ana tne mrs tooth of * For 1smmnex aummy casserte: U2 ~ ws the C arm adjusting plate @ with the clip@, and tighten the ~ For 15 2mmthick dummy cassette: 03 ~ 0.7 adjating serew @ at 2 torque of Ikgrem. Arm Adustng Pate t Orme Casatn mserting Director Par BA | [Gassre Comserinen’ —@ Twroune Pan | ‘Corate Caran Fee | 1-3. OPERATION WITH CASSETTE COMPARTMENT HOLDER ASSEMBLY REMOVED 4. Putting into Loading state (Fig-3) 1) Referring to the Service Manual, supply power with the cabinet and camera section removed, (Make the mechanism deck ready to operate) 2) Place the exp @ on the LED asembly @. 13) reas the pin of the push switch @ (ON state) and fix it with adhesive tape @ in that sate 9) ee the lacking plate mlpaae arm @in a arvow direction. ‘The set is made ready for loading. 2. Putting inte the REC Mode 1) Short the TEST pins (5-82 board CN4O4 pins @ and @ for CCD.VRL/V88 to place into the TEST made. For CODVRA/¥00 96-08 toatl C404 ‘TEST pin connector +) GND a “The mtin cd ito he TEST made 3 | CASTAD u by storing he ins @ and O. Ala /a [rare 2) After competing the step 1), set the power switch to VTR (or CAMERA). 3) Tar on the REC switch. (Ifthe set is placed in the TEST mode, detection of S and T rel table rotation is disabled and (ae tage sae cum) 3. Putting into EJECT Tur on the EJECT switch, soc honim \ 1-4 HANDLING OF MODE SELECTOR + Mount the MODE SELECTOR Ill pane! to the mode sector. , FL, © ua O° mecuanians have diferent made Indications respectively. Select your disired type. Fig.) 1. Construction (Fig 5) 2 Connection (Fig. 6) For CCD-VI/VBB 2) Remove the plate, omamencal @. 2) Remove the screw @, and thes, the LB-12 board @. 2) Remove the FD.I1 fave connector @ and loading mator ‘connector @, and insert them inte the MODE SELECTOR Il conversion connector respectively, 4) Tasert the MSW connector of the mode selector into the MODE SELECTOR II conversion connector. 3. Handling 2) Use the M mode selector buttons only. 2) During mode section. “BLANK” lights up when no mode is being selected Fig. 4 Fer U Mecnanim For FL (Q) Mechanism For © wad ©” Mechanams| fel e413 MODE SELECTOR 1 Pane NORMAL 2 8) the itt Mode selctor button i apt pred JECT, Nee USE. GL, QREW, GL, REC and READY let win that re: Insts ach oa 6) Woes cong Ove tron Gee READY anid eh w Ue fe) aT Le EJECT mode, rn te lf M node stor ito to et 5 your desire’ mode, For CCD-V11/V88 (077-174 Feb Comectr. © 15:12 oars © Sore (82%6) MSW Coonator (wn) Fig. 5 (© Leeting Motor Connector 1-5 MODE SELECTOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ~ f 1.6 MODE SELECTOR PARTS LIST keene vane, ‘emenen oe lz E if meta capacitor © a Hogs7eo0 MILER Ota soy kr arszqwoas ic Teaoaser ry 110857800 MILER GOtyF SOV ics ‘S73e20028 ic FeaozeBe a Eigssas0o ELct Toor 2av wet «S7sB12003 IG pPazdosC Sion —Logsre00 MER GOIwr Sov aESISTOR Gros Viges7s0o MILER QOIyF SOV. Rm 7.17900 CARBON 100K 1/4W 120 134717900 CARBON 100K 1/4 pig fs tgazarsoo CARBON loo /aw_ t r Hii Sie green geeenne BS OHARS Sie i 8 BER Sanus a aging amon ken SPER Seen Hui eee te ie SO PMR SERRE HUE SE gk ie erases nose nesses ee cee omer ue es oF 71981231 DIODE TLRI23 . & PSR Sistas fac vatesneoo eto % EGR, Sa wie SERS Best RAL cu arieeiam pope naa Sh HME Bape Tag B13 871981233 DlODe TLalzaa 2. PERIODIC CHECK AND MAINTENANCE focarry out the following maintenance and periodic checks in order not only to fully exhibit the functions and performance of the ot, but also forthe equipment and tape. After repairing. service the set as follows, regarieas of the length of use. 2:1 CLEANING OF ROTARY DRUM ASSEMBLY 3) Geaty apply cman tot Ref. Hu, 5-2) woke deans liquid Ref. No.1) to the rotary drum assembly. Clean i by rotating the upper rotary drum assembly slowly tipi highly Ikely tobe damaged if the chamois lot is ned it yep esti be Ua he Mae mare to follow the fstructions above for cleaning the rotary 2:2 CLEANING OF TAPE PATH (Fig.7) 2) In the EJECT mode, clean the tape running svstem (TG. 2 “S.A, 5,67, 8, 6,10, 1, pinch roller, and capstan shaft) and the lower drum, using 2 superfine applicator Re. No.3) soaked in the cleaning liquid Note ; Now mar no oll or grease of eaca mk mecnanisn sueres to the superfine applicator (Rel. No.3), rum assembly. ree res p = anatan Sat Te [| O° To-8 To4 Tos [76-8 Ten Fig.7 2:8 PERIODIC CHECK ITEMS {Location of Maintenance] Hours of Use (HY — and check | 800 |1000|100|2000]2500]3000|3500] all peel: Jololo ° © | Be careful of of | 35 |srtsce_ : |g | Cleaning and degaus- | ; (EE |Secottaary eben olo}olo ° ° © | Be caret of oi Relay belt =[e[=Ts = = = [amano | Capatan shaft [= [el=le OT= To [= [of xual are) Relay pulley sheft [-let-Te ° | =| © | tape oath surface” | Loading motor T=Te[=Te = @ Loe [isan [ Abnormal noise #[sle]e = = = | Back tension a ESSE EES 8) FWD. RVS torque Ses = ie S Note : When overhauling, refer to the items above to replace pera Note : Concerning oil (9Be sure to use specified oil (If you use oil with different visicosty, etc, it may cause troubles) (OM Pare Na 7651 01828 Mamba Diamond O8 Tydrofaid NT) (Wen lubricating bearings, be sure use ol fre from dust, te. (tt you use oil with dust, ec. contained, it may cause bearings to ‘be worn out or seized) (¢A drip of ol refers to an amount attached tothe tp of a ¢ 2mm ‘Sick shown inthe right figure. 26 Service Jigs list a = Team a Tarr al J-2__| Cleasing cloth 2-034-687-00 | — j 55 |S BERS pecicaroe Prams _ Ted eg Way waite ‘J-5 | Small mirror for adjustment | J-8080-028-A, ‘SL-5052 | Tape path Sav aes Kawase? I 7 ener oe RE ——— Tere ee Paonia trae | ‘J-7__| Dial tension gauge ‘| 5-6080-827-4, | ‘Various torque measurement er SS ee ‘3-9 _| FWD and RVS winding torque cassette 3-6080-824-A_ | Gp-206 | oS Feet Uleapond reek rewcvet | T-il__| Serewdriver for tape path POUL A T [For tape guide adjustment J-12 | Mode selector I pane! [5-6082-003-4 T S| Mode ie [rai A [ora moi Tr t (Other equipment © Oscilloscope (© Analog tester (a) — 3. MECHANICAL CHECK, ADJUSTMENT AND REPLACEMENT [Note : Use the mode seector (Ref. No.J-4) forthe folowing ‘mechanical checks, adjustments and replacements Note © The modes in are those set by pressing the mode selector butions. ‘3:1 _LED BASE (Fig. 8) 1, Removal 1D) Select the [USE] mode. 2). Ralerring f= TT, remove the catette compartment halder assembly. @ and remove tin a direction of the arrow. 0) Remove the three screws @, @ and @. 5) Lifting the LED base @, remove i by pushing itn a direction ofthe arrow, Note © Dismount and remount the LR haan carfily, bec its holder is easly deformed. 2 Mounting, 1) Select the [USE] mode. 2) Put the claw @ ofthe LED base @ in the notch @ of the LS chassis without catching the LED in between. Next. fit to the Gowen @ at 2 pace 3) Mount and tighten the screws @, @ and @ in that order 9) Asshown in Fig. B, set the LED i a direction of the arrow) and rotate it ina direction ofthe arow@)to fix 5) As shown in Fig.C, bend a exible boord and put it in the holder, [Note = in the step, make sure thatthe barring @ of the arm > © sew 10x16) Sere (2.4518) UD Gee Fee Fig. 8 =11— ‘3:2 RL BASE ASSEMBLY, RETAINER (Fig. 9) 1 » 2 9 ° 5» » » [Referring to 3.1, remove the LED base. 9 “Rewure dee cr ©, ond Wey ciate @, 0 With the erew@, mount the RL base assembly @ to the LS chads, ‘With the screw @ fix the retainer @ to the RL base assembly e. ‘When this is done, align the bump part of the retainer @ ‘wit the bump part i ofthe guide rail T. (Fig. A) Referring to $1. mount the LED base Referring to 1, mount the camette compartment holder amembly, coe con nieee OY” | OR. Base Antenbly Fer Fie @ =12- 343 TABLE ASSY, REEL, SUPPLY (Fig. 10) 1, Removal 1) Selece the [HSE] mode. 2) Referring to Tl, remove the casete compartment holder ‘sembly. 3) Referring to 3.1, remove the LED base. () AS snown in Fig. A, making use of siacxnes of me cension regulator string @ in the [USE ] mode, remove the string out of the groove of the table assy, reel, supply @. When this is one, be careful no to bend the tension regulator string @ and the § soft arm @ must be moved ina direction ofthe arrow @. 5) Remove she table assy, reel, supply @. Note : Dismoune and remount the table asy, rel, supply @, otaing ue ree caw me. 2. Mounting 1) Seine the (TEE made 2) As shown in Fig B, move the $ soft arm @ in a direction of the arow@). 3) Avoiding the tension regulator sing @, mounc the table ay, ee, sappy @ to te snare @. (0. Put the tension regulator string @ in the groove of the table ‘aay, ree, apply @ and ft it property by turing the table ‘sey reek, sooty @, 5) Referring to 3-1, mount the LED base. 5) Refering to I-l, mount the cassecte compartment holder sembly. Note + Do not soeen the tension regulator sng @ wie naked ‘hand. Also, be careful of adhesion of grease, ec. (© Table Assy, Ret Suny @ Tension Reguiatr Stings Fen Os set am Fae ea caw 7 A Tan Assy, Rent Shy Ls Fig. 10 —13— 3x6 TABLE ASSY, REEL, TAKE-UP (Fig. 11) 1, Removal 3) Salet the [USE] mode 12) Referring to J-, remove the cassette comparament bolder asembiy, Referring to 3-1, remove the LED base, ARefessag by 9-2 eave the retainer Diapace the T ratchet @ ina direction ofthe arrow@) ‘With the claw (T ratchet head ofthe T ratchet @ moved in 1 direction of the arrow), remove the Table assy, rel, takeup®. (Note : Dismount and remount the Table sey, rel, takeup @, holding the rel claw 3 3 ° 5 8 » 2 4 Mounting Select the [USE] mode With the claw (T ratchet head) of the T ratchet @ moved in an arrow direction, mount the Table asy, rel takeup® to the shaft @. Referring to 2 2; mount the utaier Referring to 3-1, mount the LED base RRefering to 1-1, mount the cassette compartment holder amembly. Qa ba, \ & ee Caw Fie. 11 14a 3-5 ONEWAY CLUTCH ASSEMBLY (Fig. 12) 1. Removal 2. Mounting 1) Select the [USE ] mode. 1D Select the [USE] mode 2) Referring to the casete compartment holder assembly. 2 Mount the oneway clutch assembly @ to the LS chasis and 3) Referring to 31, remove the LED base. fix with the screw @, 0) Remvve dae vey @ ail amy voeway clu amely @, 9) Referring 3h mona Whe LED bee, 4) Refering to 1, mount the cassette compartment holder ‘sembly. @ormway Clutch Assmiy Osem onei | Fig. 12 —15— 346 S SOFT ARM ASSEMBLY (Fig. 18) 1, Removal 3) Sater the [TEE] mete, 2) Referring to 1, remove the cassette compariment holder ssemby. 3). Referring to 3-, remove the LED base. 4). Rerove the lock washer ®, and thn, the spring. tension @, 5} Remove the § soft arm assembly @ by rotating i im an arom direction (until the hook @ comes of the LS chassis). » 8 2. Removal alent the [TSE] mode ‘As thoms in Fig. A, apply a quar drip of oll tothe arrowin dicted part of the shaft @. Mount the § soft arm assembly @ to the shaft @, rotating itin as arrow direction (Be careful not to bend the hook @.) “look the spring tension 2 onto the claw and fix it with lock ‘washer 1 Referring 1 11, mount the cassette compartment holder asembiy © Sern Teton oo ‘ ct 2 @ soar CF Fea Fig. 13 a 3-7 LS CHASSIS ASSEMBLY (Fig. 14) L 2 a a 5 9 a » ” » » a 9 Removal Referring to Il, remove the cassette compartment holder. Referring to 31, remove the LED base. Referring to 3-2 remove the RL base assembly and retains. Remove the lock washer @, and then, arm any gear@, Selec te (@. REW] mode Remove the exible rotary shaft @, and then, the Mexibie Remove the E retaining ring @ and three screws @. Remove the LS chasis assembly @ in a direction of the arrow ® Mounting ‘As shown in Fig A, apply Molyton grease to the arow- indicated part of the LS chasis assembiy @. Unload in the RDY mode, Start docking in tne [@-REW] mode ater frst GL. When docking the mechanical chasis and LS chassis acsembly @, iis necessary to place the following Pt the pin @of the pinch arm assembly @into the eft side of the pinch pres arm assembly @®, (Fig 19) Move the TG arm asserbly@in a direction ofthe arow @) to put the pin @ineo the concave of tbe arm assematy @. igi tthe pin@ot the eatcher@inco the right side the of the arm sswembly@, (Fig. 10) Simultaneously performing the operations above, push the role of the guide lock arm @ With the arm ae portion ofthe pide aru T oemubly® (Fy 19) wo ptt de 19 chs sssembly @ in a direction of the arow@, and at the same time, engage the claws of the gue rail base 1@, guide rail ‘base and guide rail base3@with howe ofthe guide rail S@ and guide rail TO. Fig 16) ‘Then, align the shafts © of the mechanical chasis With the four long joints ofthe LS chasis asembly @, and put the LS inlet the LE arm sosmbiy@in the groove ofthe UE cam late®. (Fig. 18) Note : Before docking confirm that both EY anm and LS arm are deeply inserted into the shafts. (if nt property it, the set does not function even ifthe LS chasis docked, 5) Mount the E retaining ring @ and thre screws @. 7) Mount the exible roary shaft @ and flexible connector 9) Mount the am assy gear @ and fx wit the lock washer @. 10) Referring 1032, mount the RL base assembly ané retainer. 1) Referring to 2-1, mount the LED base 1a) xerernng tO i-l, moum tne camer comparcment nolaer assembly Note : Using the mode selectne, contirm that loading and un loading are aerormed smoctl Sere (1.052) (OE Ratang Re (2) 7 / 1S Arm Assembly LS Cam Pate Guie Asi aee 1 Soa oe (© ce An T Assay (© Ge Rat Base 3 Fig 18 Fig. 16 (Pr Pee Am Asanely Fig 19 Fig. 17 =18— 8 PINCH ARM ASSEMBLY (Fig. 20) «Removal )) Referring to 1-1, remove the casete compartment holder sme ) Referring to 37. ramove the LS chasis assembly. )) Remove the Jock washer @ from the back of the LS chasis assembly @, |) Remove te spring, tension @, and then, pnch ar assemory 3 4 5 8 Mounting ‘As shown in Fig.A, apply ol othe hole of the boss @ over fone thi of x arin on ts hall Arie ‘ut the rotation center ofthe pinch arm assembly inthe boss (@ boi. and the pin @ i the lng hole. Fook the spring, tension © onto the upper groove ofthe pinch recarn spring star @. ‘Mount the lock washer @ from the back ofthe LS chassis assembly @, Referring to 37, mount the LS chassis amembiy Referring to I+, mount the cassette compartment bolder sss. |B Pech hom Assay Fig. 20 ie 3-9 TG-11 ARM ASSEMBLY (Fig. 21) 1. Removal 1) Referring to I, remove the cassette compartment holder 2), Referring to 3-7, remove the LS chasis assembly. 3). Remove the lock washer @ from the back of the LS chassis sembly @. 4), Remove the TG-1! arm assembly @ and spring, torsion @. Note : Be care not to deform the TG-12 arm. D > 0 Mounting, As shown in Fig. A apply ol toa boss bole over one third of ‘As shown in Fig. B, put the longer arm of the spring, torsion @ between the pinch arm boar @ and cam sider shaft ® of the LS chassis Next, Hook the shore arm of the sorint torsion ® around the pin @ of the TG arm asembly @. rotate the TG) arm assembly and fx wit the lock washer (©. Whe tis is done, se to it that the pin ® ofthe TG: arm nmembly © i located tthe lt sie ue wa air @ a8 shown in Fig. Refering to 7, mount the LS chassis, Refering to 1-1, mount the cassette compartment holes @rciiem © Seng Torsion | Fee cam Sher (© 511 Arm Assery Fee Fig. 21 —20- 3:10. TG-1 ARM ASSEMBLY (Fig. 22) 1, Removal 2) Refering to 14, remove the camerte compartment belder — 2) Referring to 37, remove the LS chassis. 3) Referring to 33, remove the table assy, ree, supply. 4) Remove the lock washer @ from the back of the LS chasis assembly @. 5) Remove the spring, tension @. Remove the sring joint @ from the dw @ af che 76-1 adtmont bloc Oy entating tn a lzezion ofthe arcow @ a8 shown in Fig. C 9) Remove the TG-! arm assembly @, Note : Dismount and remount the srng oint @ carefully not :o 2. Mounting ) As shown in Fig As apply alto the hale ofthe boo over (ne tied of dep upto half a dri, 2 As shown in Fig.C. mount the sting joint @ to the Tl adjusument block @ in the opposite direction ofthe arrow. 3) Mount the TG arm assembiy @to the bow@ in such a tanner not to touch the guide and insert she pin @ into the Jong bole 1) Hook the sorine tension @ onto the notion shown in Fe. 5} Mount the lock washer @ from the back of the LS chasis assembly @. ©) Referring to 3, mount the table any, rel supply 8) Refering to 11, mount the castete compartment holder anembiy. Note : Referring to 3.27, adiut a tension regulator positon. Note : Referring to 3-28 adjust a FWD back teasion. ome © Ls chan Asemeiy eS Ostig ont Ei Fig. 22 -21— Be L » 2 1 STRING JOINT (Fig. 23) Removal Referring to 3.10 remove the TG-1 arm assembly @, Remove the joint holder @, and then, string assembly ©. a a Note Note = Note Mounting Put the dowel @ of the TG-1 arm assembly @ into the hole of the string asembly @ anf mount the joint holder @, (Apoiy Serev lock berween the joint holder and 7-1 srm assembis) Referring to 3.1, mount the TG arm assembly @. Be carta nat te bend the ening mem ©. De not touch the Buide ‘The jin: holder @, which was removed once, must not be used again Se / © Jom Hote T.1Aem Assembly © dows! | | — Fig. 23 ~22— 3:12 GUIDE ARM T ASSEMBLY, GUIDE ARM S ‘ASSEMBLY 1. Removal 1) Referring to 11, remove the case compartment holder assembly. 2) Referring to 47, remove the LS chasis assembly. 1) Rotate the guide arm T ameebly @ and guide arn S ater ‘iy in arow direction respectively, lig cher stats @ with the hoes a8 shown in Fig. A, and remove them. (Fig. 20) Note ! Do not touch the guide . (Fig 28 and Fig. 26) 2. Mounting » » » 9 Ate inserting the guide arn T spd S asemis in the reverse order of removal, rotate tem inthe apps directions of he arrows respectively. it the T7 haan anerly @ ae TC hae sory @ in the grooves of the ude rail T@. Fig. 25) Put the shaft @ flange in the ong groove of the guide rail S (©, and fit the TG-d base assembly @ and TCs base assembly @isco te rig and lett grooves oF the guide ral 3@ respecivly When this done, see to it that the Mat sring ofthe TOS ‘base assembiy@ is located below the aude ral $ @ a8 shown in Fig. 8 Fig28) Retering to 47, mount the LS chassis asembly Refering to 1, mount the camer comparment holler sszembiy Osan © Gain maT © 167 Base Assarty| ers te hee | © cate Arm T Asser Ls cna Assy Vines rom Back '@ ide Arm $ Assay | | a | | | Fig. 24 7s oa 13. PINCH PRESS ARM ASSEMBLY (Fig. 27) Removal Referring to 1-1, remove the eassene compartment bolder suserbly Barring te 3.7, remove the LS chawie Remove the screw @, and then, pinch pres arm assembly @. 2. Mounting ‘As shown in A, apply half 2 drip of molyton grease to an srowindcated part of a boss bole. Ae chm im Fig Bani hat «rip of molyton grea ach to the pinch pres arm ausembly @ at 3 places, Put the pn @ ofthe pinch press arm asombly @ inthe groove of the cam BO. 2 wan te soe, Referring te 7, mount the LS chasis assembly. Refering to J, mount the caste compartment holder amet @ seme i225) Fig. 27 =25— ‘3414 GL SLIDER ASSEBLY (Fic. 28) 1. Removal 1) Refering to 11, remove the ceserte compartment hole seem, Referring to $7, remove the LS chassis asebl aleving to $18, remove the cam A. ‘Shit the GL slider asembly @ ina direction ofthe arrow. Remove the screw @, andthe, GL support §@. Remove the lock watber@, and then, GL ier aseanby @. 2 2 o 5 5 2 Mounting Fit the claw @ ofthe GL slider assembly @ i the aroove of the Gb sagas T@, en px Aerie @ 3 me Ong ne oF the ena Stop withthe lock wather@. Sift the GL sider asembly @ ins direction ofthe arom. Fre the caw @ of the GL support @ i the par ofthe chasis ‘marked with and place the dowel @ in the hole of te chanis Fix with the ce Referving 1 37, mou the LS chassis amembiy. Refering to Ll, mount the casete compe”. Rowe sasenbiy © cme Fig. 28 —26— Poser 4x25) %)Apsy gras ote edge of ne ong nn SY | | ‘oot reas tot eee ofthe one he 3415 PHASE ADJUSTMENT(Fig. 29) 0 5 ” » » 2 Removal Refering to Il, remove the cassette compartment holder Referring 13-7, remove the LS chassis. (Wen this is done, one ofthe BLANK. REC and READY modes must be selected) Remave the two screws @, and remove the Tl cam base @ ‘by moring it ina cirecion of the arrowt®. Remove the aatch (@trom the groove ofthe No.3 gear shaft.) Remove the screw @®, and remove the gear retainer @by (Sling in drgtion ofthe arrow Remove the arm assembly @, No,0 gear @, No, gear assem bly @, No.2 gear aswembiy @, No.3 gear asembly ®, lock ‘resher@, and then, node gear assembly@®, respectively. ‘Being careful nt to lowe the LS roler@ot the LS arm, remove ‘he LS arm assembly@and £] arm@, respectively. Remove the scew®, and thea cam A@. Referring to 3133, remave the pinch press arm assembly. Remove the screw, and then, cam 3@. ‘Adjustment and Mounting Face he hole@ ofthe mode gear assembly @to a direction of he ate @, ave Ue OL alhker amembiy@in «cee of the arrow) apply molyton grease to the pin ofthe GL slider assembly @, and mount the LS roler®. (Fig. 20) Seta direction ofthe cam A@eo thatthe hole@)of the am A (Gril be aiened withthe hole of the mechanical chassis. Fig. a @scew 4x25) © ¥.2 ear Aaseroiy © v0.3 cour Asamey —/ / T oe 9 » 9 9 » » 2m ‘Move the GL alder@so tht the LS rller@wil be placed ato the groove@ ofthe cam AQ. At the same time, engage the mode gear assmbiy@rith the guar of he rlay ger A@, and ‘mount the cam A@. Inser a stick of about 41am inthe hole @of the cam A@. Fig. 31) Align the hole@of the car B@with the hoie of the me chanical chasis Ar the same time, engage te relay gear B@ with dhe gear and mount i. (Fig. 2) Referring to 12, moun the pinch press arm assembly. Align ohe haa@@af oho Nat rar seamhly @ with she Hole of the mechanical chasis, and atthe same tie, engage the mode gear assembly@with the gear to mount. Fig. 3) Mount the No.2 gear assembly @, No.1 gear assembly @ and [No.0 gear @ stat order. Mount tbe arm assembly @ 0 the shatt and pu the infin the groove of the No.3 gear assem- by @, tig.) Put the TG-i cam base @ in place. fit she notch the shaft ‘and shift itn an arrow direction, and moun the sews @ and Gin that order. (Fig 35) ut the gear retainer @ in place, seit im an arrow direction sind Gn it with the sere ©. (Fe 28) Sesing to i thatthe EY arm@and the LS roller@ot the LS fam atsembly@are putin the groove@of the cam A®, ‘mount them in that order. (Fig. 28 and Fig. 20) Referring to 37, moun the LS chasis assembly. Referring to 1, mount the casecte compartment holder assembly AW seen 141.4325) n4x2) ) Fig. 23 ooty ase te bisa, KR eee =| . \ @ rhode Gear Assembly (© Siler Assamiy Fig.30 (© Hex Gear Assenty ie Yl One PN 2) ae Fig. 31 (© boos Gest Assonbiy Fig. 33 Fig. 36 —28— 6 GEAR TRAIN OPERATION CHECK (Fig. 37) Removal Referring to assembiy. ‘Temove the cassette compartment holder Referring to 8.17, remove th loading moter. Check Insert the tip of tweezers into the hole 2 of the cam A @. Rotate the cam A@ by about two thirds of tum in = ection ofthe arrow, and then, n diretion of the arrow © by the same amount. Repeat this 3 times. Wc Ui fe, ark at ey yas he GL als ans by and LS arm assembly rotate emootly, and that no load is applied to them 4) Atte same time, check thatthe LS roller @ i located alot atte ext point of the groove of the cam A @ when the gear ‘rain comes into contact with the stopper at both ends. Note» Wi uti ie cat A ws Ue ip of weezer ee, be caret not to scratch the mecaanical chassis. 3. Mounting 3) Referring to 317, mount the loading motor. 2) Referring to 3:7, mount the LS chasis asembl. 3) Referring to 1, mount the cassette compartment holder sembly, @ cam Fig. 37 ~29— 3.17 LOADING MOTOR ASSEMBLY (Fig. 28) 1. Removal 2 Mounting 1) Remove the LB? board, 1) Put the pin@ of the loading motor assemmbly @ in the ho 2) Remove the connector @. of the mechanical chasis, and mount withthe acrews @ and 3} Kemore me STEWS ARG, and remove the Joatng moter «in that order. sembly @ in an arow direction. 2) Mount the connector @. 3) Mount the LB-12 board (= (© Sere 1425) Fig. 38 3-18 GUIDE RAIL BASE 1 ASSEMBLY (Fig. 39) h » amen, 2) Unskate the 1S chassis 2 Hite. 2) Remove the two screws @, and then, guide rail ase 1 sssem- wre. Note : Be careful not to lve the spacers inserted in the parts and@of the guide rail base 1 assembly @. Fig. B) 2. Mounting 1D Apply alt a drip each of molyton grease at 2 places on the ‘back ofthe guide ral base 1 asembiy. (ig. A) 2) Put the pin @ ofthe guide rail base 1 assembly @ in the notch ofthe chassis, and tighten the two screws @ with a torgue of Cage 2) Referring to 11, mount the camette compartment holder assembly. [Note] : Mount paying attention tothe mumber of spacers insert- ‘ed and their locations. Note2 : When tightening the screws, be careful at to bend the ‘TG opper flange @ with a screwriver bit. Noted Note shes she part of the guide rail bane 3 enemy fe easly broken. (Fig. Orn loses wow ot Gute Ra Base 1 Assay a @ crore: 3) ‘Guide Ra Base Assay sores (2.42.5) {9 162 Unoer Fangs (Note: 2) Guide Rat Base 1 Assembly a. ot 3-19. GUIDE RAIL BASE 2 ASSEMBLY (Fig. 40) 1. Removal 1) Referring to 1, remove the cassette compartment holier assembly. 2) Referring tothe Service Manual, open the board in the back of the mechanical chasis. 12) Rees the fr aeomre ar then rama nue in 1 direction ofthe arrow, 4) Unskate the LS chassis litde 5) Remove the two screws @, and then, guide rail base 2 asoem- Diy @ mn 2 axrecuon of tne arrowG. (Note : Be careful not to bit the drum with 2 screwésiver bit because the screws are located closed to a drum lead. Mounting ‘Apply half a drip of molyton grease each to 4 places on the back of the guide rail base 2 assembly. (Fig. A) 2) Av shown in Fig. B, aply the sriking parts ofthe gue ral ‘ae 2 assembly @ to the lower drum, and aide in an arrow iret tn 3) Pushing the part of the ude rail base 2 assembly @ lightly fm a direction of@ (Fig. B), tighten the two screws ® with torque of (egrem. owe: Note that the par fis easly broken. 4) Mount the frame B assembly with the four screws @. 5) Mount the opened board to the back of mechanical chasis. en Fen © sews u1.4x2) 2 eer eo = tn, Guide Rel Base © Soros (M14x4.5) 2 Asmaenty oe come JO \ ee . @ ‘striking Par - i) er || om rg. 40 —32— 3-20 GUIDE RAIL BASE 3 ASSEMBLY (Fig. 41) 1. Removal 1) Referring to 1, remove the cassette compartment holder assembly, 2) Remove the flexible rotatry shaft @. 3) Remove the two screws@. Remove the guide rail base 3 smemly in an arrows direction. swing tai that de ne hatch on the capecan housing. Note : Handle the marked part carefully because it ia easly 2 Mounting ‘Apply half a dcip of molyton grease each to 2 places on the ‘back ofthe guide ral base 3 astembly @. (Fig. A) Mount the guide ral base 3 assembly @, seeing to it that it oes not hitch on the capstan housing. ‘Tighten the re arom with 2 ner af Akgsom ‘Mount the flexible rotary shaft @, Refering to 1-1, mount the caswette compartment holder assembly. lack view of Gude Rai Base 3 Aasarbey Fea Serves (1.425) Guide Ra Base 3 Assoty cba Rotary Shaft Fig. 41 eS 3:21 CAPSTAN MOTOR ASSEMBLY (Fig. 42) 1. Removal 1) Refering to 1-1, remove the camsette compartment holder amembly. 2) Referring to 220, remove the guide rail base 3 assembly. 3) Remove the connector @ of the capstan motor amembly @, 12) Remae the sere @. Disneaing the gar af the conversion gear assembly @, remove the capstan motor assembly @ in an arror direction (obliquely) 2 Mounting 2 a ‘As shown in Fig. A, incline the capstan motor assembly @ to fegage the gear of the capstan motor assembly @ with that of the conversion gear assembly @, and tighten the screw 3 with 2 torque of tegen. When thins done. be careful not to damage the onar of the conversion gear assembly @. ‘Mount the comector 2 to the capstan motor assembly @. Refering to 320, mous the guide rail base 3 amembly. ‘Reterrng 1 13, mow tne casseae comparment poloer amembiy Fig. 42 =a Sov (14x25) (© Cannan Motor Assam Conecter 3:22 DRUM BASE ASSEMBLY (Fig. 42) L » a 9 ” 9 Removal Referring to 1, remove the camerte compartment holder sembly Remove the motor flexible board @ from the board. Referring to 319, remove the guide rail base 2 assembly. Ramer the tre saree @ Draw out the head flexible board @ carefully from the hole of the mechanical chassis not to damage it and remove the drum ase assembly. 2 Mounting 1) Pat the head flexible board @ in the hole of the mechanical chasis and put the positioning pins @ of the drum base inthe holes ofthe mechanical chassis 2) Tighten the two screws @ witha torque of OSkg‘cm. 9) Refeiay Wy 39, mount ee guide Fal Uae 2 ame. ©) Mount the motor fexible board @ to the board. 5) Referring to J-l, mount the cassette compartment holder smembiy, Note: After mounting, make tape path adjustment in Section 4 seme 0x25) - Fig. 42 —35— 3:23 DRUM ASSEMBLY (Fig. 43) 1. Removal 1) Referring to 1, remove the cassette compartment holder 7 2) Remove the motor flexible board @ from the board. 3) Referring to 3:1 remove the guide rll base 2 assembly. 1D Ramos the thas were frm the hac af the machanien chassis. 5) Draw out the bead flexible board @ carefully from the hole of ‘the mechanical chassis not to damage it. and remove the drum, sembly 8, 2. Mounting 1) Pur the head flexible board @ in the hole ofthe mechanical ‘chassis and mount it so thatthe pins @and@ will be put i the holes® and @ shown in Fig. A. 2) Tighten the three screws @ with # torque of Skgrem. 2) Rakesing to 310, mount the guide ral bane 2 aeemby 4) Mount the moto flesible board @ tothe board. 5) Refering to 14, mount the easete compartment holder assembly Note: After mounting, make tape path adjustment in Section 4 sr ne Be © sees (ui 2x48) Fig. 43 —36— 3:24 Replacement of Rotary Upper Drum Assembly ‘There are two rotary upper drum assembly types, depending on 2 color mark. (Fig. A in Fig. 48) NTSC: ‘A-TOIS-190-A | Rotary upper drum assembly DGR-32-R-i) | "ACTOAS-189-A | Rotary upper drum assembly OGR-32-R-2) PAL: “R049 157 A | Retery upper dram aesornbly DGR-T7-RAA) | Manufacturing upper dram RANK 3D | __MARK A | sess a REE 7 ¢ eae |o = F ie = Le 6 oactiet oa Blue, Brown 1. Removal 1) Referring to 323, remove the drum assembly. 2) Memove the ovo Screws w. (Pig +4) 13) Hold the outlet (base) of the guide protector @, lift it up obliquely. In that seat. old the outer figure ofthe back yoke @ snd remove it Fie.) Note: Note thatthe flexible board and guide protector @ easily come off postion because they are aly pasted. 4) Asshown ia Fig. A se the rotor earth pring @ around spring 5) Using drum screwdriver (RefNo. 12, emove the two Ihexagon socket bolts @, and then tary upper drum assem- iy @. ig. 8) 6) Using the drum screwdriver (Ref. No. J), remove the 40 hexagon socket bolts @, and then, rotor @. (Fig. A in Fig. 4) ‘A-7049-198-A | Rotary upper drum assembly DGR-27-R-2) Repairing upper drum surmx | 40 | Remarks | oRUM UPPER nay | Hestth_| sen Bown | were | me) hear | my | setth_T Ra tow | BGR aac i seu | sue | Sharma 2 Mounting 1) Clean the ange surtace@and she surface of the rotary upper rum assemory @ wich comes into contact Wit, and MaKe sure that there is no dust o scratch, (Fig (5) 2) Adjust a direction of the upper rum so thatthe head contact ‘mold pi wil be ot in te reference hole ofthe rotary upoer ram assembly @, and push it in ligt. (Fg 4S) Note: Check visually that the clearance between the upper and lower drums is about 0.5m 3) Uatng ie dst suewuiver Oe Ho. J2D, glues te one hexagon socket bolts @ (0grcm) and rotate it with finger to make sare that there is no aboormality. (Fig 4) ©) Pur the pin © ofthe rotor @ inthe hole ofthe rotary upper frum assembly, Using the drum serewériver (RefNo. tighten the nexagon socket bolts @.(8grcm) (Fig. A in Fi 8 tweezers, etc. hook it onto the groove of the stator bosd@. (Fg. Bin Fig ©) ‘Note: See toi tha he rotor earth spring @ isnot oeatd inthe fap between the ange and stator. 1) Hold the cuter figure ofthe back yoke @, put it on the inner step ofthe upper dram and insert the other side slow. Fig Bin Fie.) 7) Tighten the two serews @. (gem) (Fig. 4) 9) Rotate the upper drum with finger to check that i rans smooth. 9) Referring t0 323, mount the drum assembly, Note: After mounting, be sure to make tape path adhment in Section 4. -37—

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