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Pandemic Pedagogy

Refugee Learners
(Alternative education models)


Closure of learning centres inside the refugee camps increases potential risks day after day. As
CODEC committed to ensuring that children who are forced to flee their homes and communities are
not deprived of their right to education. All of us understand the complexities of providing learning
initiatives to forcibly displaced children in side the camp. The project has been conducting caregiver
led education modality inside the camp, but the modality has also been stopped by the govt. Now,
continuing education is being a challenge on the day and day after tomorrow. The purpose of the
concept note is to prescribe alternative education model based on the constrains and resources
available in the respective community.

Priority Areas:

Learning, Teaching and Teacher Professional Learners’ Protection

Assessment Development and

 No face-to-face group meetings allowed

 Banning Education Services
 Bengali teacher cannot go inside the camp
 Low level of literacy with caregivers and learners
 Electricity is absent
 Phone and Internet is not allowed
 Low level of device ownership
 Prohibition of refugee gathering

Resources already exists

 Trained Rohingya teachers in the camps

 Community initiatives that are doing group tutoring
 Literate adolescents
 LCs are still present in the community and can be a space for use
 Community members who can organize activities
 Madrassas and Moktabs are operating
 COVID awareness messaging campaigns by community volunteers
 Having proactive CMC, CBECCDM committees.

Potential Education Service Models

A. Non-Tech Model Modality Description

Parents-Facilitator Association  Refugee facilitators will make a block-wise PFA association
(PFA) with literally strong parents.
 Refugee facilitators will arrange group discussion on every
day lessons followed by target plan.
 Bangladeshi facilitator will support them over phone and
another online platform.
 PFA members will support the learners to the targeted
 An Open Book Assessment will be conducted bi-weekly by
 Special approval for providing allowance for PFA members.

Block based Education Model  The service will be given block basis.
(BEM)  The facilitators will carry all relevant teaching materials
(level-wise) with them while providing service.
 The facilitator will sit for a day-long session in a certain place
of a block.
 Learner will come to the facilitator. individually with
predetermined schedule and get support.
 The facilitator will visit a certain block two days in a week.
 An Open Book Assessment will be conducted bi-weekly by
the facilitator.
Learner led Education (LLE)  A potential learner will be selected to lead the study circle
for five learners.
 Refugee facilitators will prepare the lead learners on his
daily activities.
 Bangladeshi teachers will arrange the required action/
activities as per their level and discuss with Refugee teacher
through mobile phone.
 Lead learner will visit the four sheds within his/her circle and
sit 15 minutes for discussion on the topic.
 Refugee facilitators will follow up the led learners’ activities
and support other learners as per their need.
 Bangladeshi teacher will conduct random follow-up the
learners over phone.
 An open book assessment will be conducted through led
learners’ monthly basis.

B. Low-Tech Model Modality Description

Cellular Education Model  At present, 75% caregivers are heaving cell phone of their
(CEM) own.
 The model will be primarily designed to pilot for three
 The model will be based on their cell phone and instruction
provided by the BLI/facilitators.
 A weekly schedule will be provided to ensure availability of
the cell phone to the caregivers for receiving daily
instructions from BLIs.
 The learner will get 15 minutes cell phone instructions 6
days in a week as per their learning schedule.
 The facilitators will be paid phone package for monthly
 The BLI will collect learning evidence biweekly and send to
area office.
 Camp based management will be done by host community
teachers and supervisors.
Audio Instruction Based  The model needs two flash drives (two colours) and a digital
Education (AIE) USB audio player per learner.

(Based on USB drive and USB Digital Player)
The lessons will be recorded as Interactive Audio Instruction
(IAI) with Rohingya language by technical persons as per
monthly target plan.
 The lessons will be transferred to the flash drive and provide
to the learner in every day morning. Another flash dive will
be provided in the next day morning with another lessons.
The two-flash drives will be giving and receiving every
morning with new lessons.
 The learner will progress their study following the audio
 The facilitator will conduct onboard assessment and check
their daily activities while exchange the lessons flash drive.
 An Open Book Assessment will be conducted weekly by the
C. High-Tech Model Modality Description
Audio-Visual Aid Education  The model needs Tablets/E-book reader per learners
(AVAE) and Facilitators.
(Based on customized TABLET without SIM, Camera
and Internet Or E-Book Reader)
 The project will develop audio-visual contents for the
learners and facilitators.
 The facilitator will provide 1-week lessons for the
 Th facilitator will be flashing their memory after 1 week
and recording new lessons for the learners.
 An Open Book Assessment will be conducted monthly
basis by the facilitator.

Radio Based Education (RE)  The technology needs Community Radio Centre for the
(Based on Community Radio station)
refugee community.
 Need a radio per family.
 The tech airing education and awareness programs for
the targeted community.
 The project will responsible to follow up, monitor and
conduct assessment for progress.


 Edu-tech training need to provide to the facilitator along with staff.

 Purchase zoom Lenience for capacity building and communication.
 Arrange financial allowance for the parents.
 Recruit technical staff as needed.

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