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Name: Kanwal Leo

Code: 6400
Semester: 1st B.ed
Paper: General Methods of Teaching
Subject: General Methods of Teaching
Date: 11-6-2021
Roll num: CB653808

Q1: Define teaching and elaborate the concept of teaching in the light of
theoretical Perspectives.
Ans: What is teaching
Teaching is defined as one of the instruments of education that is a special function
to impart understanding and skill. The most important function of teaching is to
make the learning system more effective. The learning process will be completed as
a result of teaching. Thus, teaching and learning have a very close relation with each
other. Teaching in the light of theoretical perspectives. Teaching in the light of
Theoretical perspectives is well developed theoretical positions of some aspects of
a social or educational phenomenon which can act as starting points for making sense
of some research topics.
Teaching theory gives explanation, do prediction and work for the control of how
teacher’s behavior affects the learning between the students.
Three types of theory of teaching

• The formal theory of teaching

• Descriptive theory of teaching
• Normative theory of teaching

Five perspectives of teaching

• Transmission:
It explains the effective teaching which requires a substantial commitment to
the content and the subject matter. Effective teaching that has command to
their subject.

• Apprenticeship:
It explains the effective teaching that is a process of socializing the students
to a new norm in professional ways of working. The teachers are highly
skillful practitioners of what they have to teach.

• Developmental: It explains the effective teaching that must be planned and is

conducted “from the learner’s point of view”. From this, the effective teachers
understand that how their students think and make reason about the content to
be learned

• Nurturing: It explains effective teaching that assumes the long-term, hard and
persistent effort for acheiving that comes from the heart as much as it does
from his head.

• Social Reform: It explains the effective teaching that seeks for change in the
society in different ways. Teachers are here concerned for changing the social
norms of society or a profession.

Q2: How is 5E’s model of lesson planning different from the others models?
Also highlight the Hunter’s seven steps of lesson planning.

Ans: The widely used model of 5E teaching sequence that includes the progression
stages each time: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. All E’s are
helpful for providing the information and deliver the lessons.

The model is quite different from the other models as it provides a detailed and
progression in the lesson planning. Here is an example if how if differs from the
other models and is helpful and used.

When the instructor starts the class, instructors open his/her lesson with a starter
activity or question that engage students, catch their interest, and it offer the
opportunity for the students to brainstorm on the relevant topics that what they
already know on the subject. In this phase students make connections between their
pre-existing knowledge and their new ideas that will come to them during the lesson.
For this many teachers use KWL charts, which asks the students to list what they
already know about the topic and what they want to learn during the class. At the
end of the topic the students go back to their KWL sheet to list what they learned.
Once they got engaged then comes to explore, in which the students are involved in
hands-on hands activities. With the help of their experiments or other interactions
with the material, they deepen their understanding of the content.

After the exploration phase the students tries to explain what they have learned and
experienced by help from the teacher who then explains the important concepts and
terms encountered during exploration.

The students then elaborate on their understanding, apply them to the new situations
for deepen their skills. In the last phase, the students evaluate, means they reflect on
what they have learned and providee evidence of their new understanding from the

At first instance, the 5 E’s models seem like a good model for hands-on-hands,
student-centred lessons.

Q3: Explain advantages and disadvantages of classroom discussion. Make a

comparis between “Line-ups” and “Value Lines” techniques of discussion
method and also critically evaluate the discussion method techniques
highlighted by “Green”.

Ans: Advantages of classroom discussion

Many teachers support the classroom discussion as it provides greater interaction

between the teachers and the students. It a platform that provides a flexibility inside
the classroom. In this method the instructors give up the format of discussion in the
lecture, instead of controling what is being taught by steering the discussion.

Here are some positive points of classroom discussion

1. The students find this method appealing for their learning style.
2. Teachers can easily check on what students have understood through
questions posed to them.
3. classroom discussion is very comfortable for many instructors because it is a
modified form of the lecture.
4. The students have a tendency that makes them stay focused on their lesson.
5. Students feel more comfortable in classroom discussion while asking
Disadvantages of classroom discussion

Classroom discussion can be unsettling according to some the teachers, as it requires

settling and setting of ground rules for the students. If these rules are not set before
and are not instructed properly then there is a possibility that the discussion could
quickly go off the topic. This method requires strong classroom management. This
method seems to be very challenging for inexperienced teachers.

A few other drawbacks of classroom discussion are:

• Students who are usually weak in taking notes suffer a lot, they sometime miss
out important information. have trouble understanding what they should
remember from group discussions.
• Some students sometimes may not feel comfortable to share their personal
experiences in classroom discussion.

Comparison between Line-ups and value lines.

Line-Ups Value Lines

Students are here lined up to some No lines are formed in this method.
standard, i.e.: height, weight, or Technique requires the longest for
sometimes alphabetical order carrying it out.
The line is folded in a way that the The students stand on one side or the
member at the ends move together to other of an imaginary line when
form two lines facing each other when teacher poses a question.
the teacher poses any question.
The students discuss with the other Students on the either side of the line
student that is in front of him/her. turn to each other and discuss on the
question that why they agree or
disagree with the statement.
Volunteers share their work with the Each pair turns to other pair across the
entire class or students can be line and discusses their agreement and
randomly called for discussion. disagreement of the topic.
This method encourages great This method allows students to move
discussions through allowing students out of their seats and explore a variety
to leave their seats and talk with a of different opinions
number of other students.
Monitoring of students is a challenging Monitoring of students is sometimes
task for teacher. becomes challenging task for teacher.

The Discussion methods defined as the variety of forums for conducting open-ended,
exchange of ideas among a teacher and students or between the students for the
purpose of students thinking collaboratively, literary appreciation, learning and
problem solving and understanding etc. Participants present in the discussion gives
multiple points of view and respond to the ideas of others as well. They also reflect
on their own ideas in effort for building their knowledge, their understanding and
interpretation of the issue.

The defining feature of discussion is that the students have the sufficient for the
construction of knowledge along with their understanding and interpretation. In
other words, they have considerable “interpretive authority” for evaluating the
plausibility or validity of participants responses.

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