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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Institute of Engineering & Management

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Paper Name with code: Multimedia Technology (CS-605C)

Name of the Teachers: Koushik Deb, Sumanta

Name of the Student:

Year: Section:
Class Roll No.:
University Roll No.:

1|Page Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

MAKAUT Syllabus

Paper name: Multimedia Technology

Code: CS-605C
Contacts: 3L
Credits: 3

Introduction [2L]
Multimedia today, Impact of Multimedia, Multimedia Systems, Components and Its
Text and Audio [6L]
Text: Types of Text, Ways to Present Text, Aspects of Text Design, Character, Character Set,
Codes, Unicode,
Audio: Basic Sound Concepts, Types of Sound, Digitizing Sound, Computer Representation
of Sound (Sampling Rate,
Sampling Size, Quantization), Audio Formats, Audio tools, MIDI
Image and Video (8L)
Image: Formats, Image Color Scheme, Image Enhancement; Video: Analogue and Digital
Video, Recording Formats
and Standards (JPEG, MPEG, H.261) Transmission of Video Signals, Video Capture, and
Computer based Animation.
Synchronization [4L]
Temporal relationships, synchronization accuracy specification factors, quality of service
Storage models and Access Techniques [(4L]
Magnetic media, optical media, file systems (traditional, multimedia)
Multimedia devices – Output devices, CD-ROM, DVD, Scanner, CCD
Image and Video Database [8L]
Image representation, segmentation, similarity based retrieval, image retrieval by color, shape
and texture; indexing- kd trees, R-trees, quad trees; Case studies- QBIC, Virage. Video
Content, querying, video segmentation, indexing
Document Architecture and Content Management [9L]

2|Page Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Content Design and Development, General Design Principles Hypertext: Concept, Open
Document Architecture (ODA), Multimedia and Hypermedia Coding Expert Group
(MHEG), Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), Document Type Definition
(DTD), Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML) in Web Publishing. Case study of Applications
Multimedia Applications [4L]
Interactive television, Video-on-demand, Video Conferencing, Educational Applications,
Industrial Applications,
Multimedia archives and digital libraries, media editors.

Recommended books:

1. Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt , Multimedia: Computing, Communications &
Applications , Pearson Ed.
2. Nalin K. Sharda , Multimedia Information System , PHI.
3. Fred Halsall , Multimedia Communications , Pearson Ed.
4. Koegel Buford , Multimedia Systems , Pearson Ed.
5. Fred Hoffstetter , Multimedia Literacy , McGraw Hill.
6. Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt , Multimedia Fundamentals: Vol. 1- Media Coding and
Content Processing ,
7. J. Jeffcoate , Multimedia in Practice: Technology and Application , PHI.
8. Prabhat K. Andleigh & Kiran Thakrar , Multimedia Systems Design , PHI.

Course Outcomes:

1. Develop a broad understanding of the field of multimedia

2. Develop a sense of the capabilities and limitations of current multimedia technologies.

3. Evaluate multimedia technology components

3|Page Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

4. Familiarize with techniques to process audio, video & image.

5. Able to explain different conversion of multimedia.

Day wise Lesson Plan with book reference:

Da Mod Topic Video Links (Optional)

y ule Recommend
e-d books
for the topic
1 I Introductio Ralf
n u_l3sAJE Steinmetz
and Klara
Nahrstedt ,
tions &
s , Pearson
2 Multimedia Nalin K.
Systems, gTbCRdDKM Sharda ,
Component Multimedia
s and Its Information
Application System ,
s PHI.
3 II Image: Fred Halsall
Formats, cvE8jAf6I ,
Image Multimedia
Color Communica
Scheme, tions ,
Image Pearson Ed

4|Page Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

4 Transmissi Ralf
on of Video UguoMkaEc Steinmetz
Signals, and Klara
Video Nahrstedt ,
Capture, Multimedia:
and Computing,
Computer Communica
based tions &
Animation Application
s , Pearson
5 III Magnetic Koegel
media, YOb05k02E Buford ,
optical Multimedia
media, file Systems ,
systems Pearson Ed.
6 Mutimedia Nalin K.
devices, a-SL4RvfM Sharda ,
CD-ROM, Multimedia
DVD, Information
Scanner, System ,
7 IV Hypertext: Fred Halsall
Concept, TfisSMPFE ,
Open Multimedia
Document Communica
Architectur tions ,
e (ODA), Pearson Ed

5|Page Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

a Coding

8 Standard Ralf

Generalized GsjOin0KA Steinmetz
Markup and Klara
Language Nahrstedt ,
(SGML), Multimedia:
Document Computing,
Type Communica
Definition tions &
(DTD), Application
Hypertext s , Pearson
Markup Ed

9 V Text: Types Nalin K.

of Text, QeoXNdk7A Sharda ,
Ways to Multimedia
Present Information
Text, System ,
Aspects of PHI.
Text Design
10 Audio Koegel
Formats, Zkznqs-f8 Buford ,
Audio tools, Multimedia
MIDI Systems ,
Pearson Ed.
11 VI Temporal J. Jeffcoate ,
relationship YhTOHhzbc Multimedia

6|Page Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

s in Practice:
, PHI.
12 Synchroniz Prabhat K.
ation 16fhvXZOo Andleigh &
accuracy Kiran
specificatio Thakrar ,
n factors, Multimedia
Design ,
13 VII Image Nalin K.
representati S6rS8ZpkU Sharda ,
on, Multimedia
segmentatio Information
n, similarity System ,
based PHI.
14 Case Fred Halsall
studies- U-vI4HuSA ,
QBIC, Multimedia
Virage. Communica
Video tions ,
Content, Pearson Ed
n, indexing
15 VIII Interactive Koegel
television, Buford ,
Video-on- Multimedia

7|Page Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

demand, Systems ,
Video Pearson Ed.
16 Multimedia Fred Halsall
archives LSw_JXTec ,
and digital Multimedia
libraries, Communica
media tions ,
editors Pearson Ed

Course Information



COURSECODE: CS-605C COURSE TYPE: Theory (Optional)



Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Introduction to Multimedia

Lecture 1 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
 Introduction to Multimedia

8|Page Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C


Basic idea about multimedia devices; text, audio, video file formats

Students can understand the utility of Multimedia in various applications.


A. Components of multimedia:

• Video teleconferencing

• Distributed lectures for higher education

• Telemedicine

B. Multimedia research topics and projects:

• Multimedia processing and coding.

• Multimedia system support and networking.

• Multimedia tools, end systems, and applications.

Let’s learn by doing:

9|Page Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Identify three novel applications of the Internet or multimedia applications.


Briefly explain, in your own words, "Memex" and its role regarding hypertext.


Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Introduction to multimedia

Lecture 2 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
 Multimedia Systems
 Components and Its Applications


10 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Hypermedia and Multimedia: Ted Nelson invented the term "HyperText" around 1965.
Hypermedia is not constrained to be text-based. It can include other media, such as graphics,
images, and especially the continuous media - sound and video. Hypermedia can be
considered one particular multimedia application.

Examples of typical multimedia applications include: digital video editing and production
systems; electronic newspapers and magazines; the World Wide Web; online reference
works, such as encyclopedias; games; groupware; home shopping; interactive TV;
multimedia courseware; video conferencing; video-an-demand; and interactive movies.

Figure: Hypertext is non-linear

Let’s learn by doing:

11 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

What is hypermedia?


How HTML and DHTML web pages or sites are generally viewed?


Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:
Image and Video
Lecture 3 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
 Image: Formats, Image Color Scheme, Image Enhancement


Basic idea about multimedia devices; text, audio, video file formats


12 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Students will learn about image formats, image color schemes, analog and digital videos,
recording formats, transmission video signals


A. Image Formats:

1. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format): The GIF standard is limited to 8-bit (256) color
images only.

2. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group): The most important current standard for image
compression is JPEG. This standard was created by a working group of the Intemational
Organization for Standardization (ISO) that was infonnally called the Joint Photographic
Experts Group and is therefore so named. T

3. PNG (Portable Network Graphics): This standard is meant to supersede the GIF standard
and extends it in important ways.

4. GIF (Graphics Animation Files): A few dominant fonnats are aimed at storing graphics
animations (i.e., sedes of drawings or graphic illustrations) as opposed to video (i.e., series of

5. PS (PostScript) and PDF (Portable Document Format): PostScript is an important language

for typesetting, and many high-end printers have a PostScript interpreter built into them.
PostScript is a vector-based, rather than pixel-based,

B. Color models:

1. RGB Color Model for CRT Displays: We expect to be able to use 8 bits per color channel
for color that is accurate enough.

2. Subtractive Color - CMY Color Model: Instead of red, green, and blue primaries, we need
primaries that amount to red, green, and blue; we need to subtract R, G, or B. In the
subtractive CMY system, black arises from ,subtracting all the light by laying down inks with
C = M = Y = 1.

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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

3. Undercolor Removal - CMYK System: C, M, and Yare supposed to mix to black.

Let’s learn by doing:

Briefly explain why we need to be able to have less than 24-bit color and why this
makes for a problem.


Suppose we have a 5-bit grayscale image. What size of ordered dither matrix do we
need to display the image on a I-bit printer?


Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Image and Video

Lecture 4 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:

14 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

 Recording Formats and Standards (JPEG, MPEG)

 Transmission of Video Signals, Video Capture


Transmission of Video Signals:

1. Component Video: Higher-end video systems, such as for studios, make use of three
separate video signals for the red, green, and blue image planes. This is referred to as
component video.

2. Composite Video: In composite video, color ("chrominance") and intensity ("luminance")

signals are mixed into a single carrier wave. Chrominance is a composite of two color
components (I and Q, or U and V).

3. S-Video: As a compromise, S-video (separated video, or super-video, e.g., in S-VHS) uses

two wires: one for luminance and another for a composite chrominance signal.

Let’s learn by doing:

Which do you think has less detectable flicker, PAL in Europe or NTSC in North
America? Justify your conclusion.


15 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

What is the advantage of interlaced video? What are some of its problems?


Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:
Storage models and Access Techniques

Lecture 5 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
 Magnetic media, optical media, file systems

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge about multimedia devices

Objectives: Students will learn about history and description about mulimedia devices


A. Magnetic Disk Storage: In this type of storage, data are represented as magnetic spots;
Magnetized spot = 1; Absence of a magnetized spot = 0.

B. Optical disks: Optical disks record data that can be read by optical beams. Optical disks
can record data at very high recording density. Compact disks (CD) and digital versatile disks
(DVD) are commonly used optical disks. The DVD disks are sometimes called digital video

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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

disks. Optical disks can be classified as read-only disk, write-once disk, rewriteable disk, and
read-write disk according to the modification ability of the recording material.

Let’s learn by doing:

What is PDA?


Which are not typically part of a multimedia specification?


Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:
Storage models and Access Techniques

Lecture 6 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:

17 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

 Multimedia devices – Output devices, CD-ROM, DVD


Optical tapes: Optical tapes are designed to maximize the storage capacity of a media unit.
Optical tapes record data on tapes using laser beams to maximize the recording density. Most
of the recording surface is wound and hidden using a tape form. Unlike magnetic tapes,
optical tapes record data in the transverse format. The tape moves horizontally and the optical
read/write head moves at the perpendicular direction to the tape moving direction.

Let’s learn by doing:

Which purpose Genealogy software is used for?


Which is not a technology likely to prevail as a delivery means for interactive
multimedia files?


Course: Multimedia Technology

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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Document Architecture and Content Management

Lecture 7 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
 Content Design and Development, General Design Principles

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge about webpage, web browser

Objectives: Students will learn about HTML, XML, SGML, ODA


HyperText Markup Language (HTML): HTML is a language for publishing hypermedia on

the World Wide Web. It is defined using SGML and derives elements that describe generic
document structure and formatting. HTML divides the document into a HEAD and a BODY
part as follows:







The HEAD describes document definitions, which are parsed before any document rendering
is done. These include page title, resource links, and meta-information the author decides to
specify. The BODY part describes the document structure and content. Common structure
elements are paragraphs, tables, forms, links, item lists, and buttons.

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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Let’s learn by doing:

Define a document and a multimedia document. What is meant by document


What is markup? Distinguish between procedural markup and descriptive markup.


Explain the meaning of the following in a DTD: <! ELEMENT X – O (Y+, Z+)>.


Course: Multimedia Technology

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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Document Architecture and Content Management

Lecture 8 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
 Multimedia and Hypermedia Coding Expert Group (MHEG), Standard Generalized
Markup Language (SGML), Document Type Definition (DTD), Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML)


Extensible Markup Language (XML): There is a need for a markup language for the WWW
that has modularity of data, structure, and view.

In addition to XML specifications, the following XML-related specifications are


• XML Protocol: Used to exchange XML information between processes.

• XML Schema: A more structured and powerful language for defining XML data types
(tags). Unlike a DTD, XML Schema uses XML tags for type definitions.

• XSL: This is basically CSS for XML. On the other hand, XSL is much more complex,
having three parts: XSL Transformations (XSLT), XML Path Language (XPath), andXSL
Formatting Objects.

• SMIL: Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, pronounced "smile". This is a

particular application of XML (globally predefined DTD).

Let’s learn by doing:

21 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

In relation to SGML, explain the role and utility of a DTD.


Explain the following in relation to MHEG: object hierarchy, non-editability, macro-


Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Text: Types of Text, Ways to Present Text, Aspects of Text Design

Course Outcomes:

Lecture 1 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:

22 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Text: Types of Text, Ways to Present Text, Aspects of Text Design, Character, Character Set,
Audio: Basic Sound Concepts, Types of Sound, Digitizing Sound, Computer Representation
of Sound( Sampling Rate, Sampling Size, Quantization), Audio Formats, Audio tools, MIDI

Students can understand the Text Representation, Audio Format.


Quantization is a matter of representing the amplitude of individual samples as integers

expressed in binary. The fact that integers are used forces the samples to be measured in a
finite number of discrete levels. The range of the integers possible is determined by the bit
depth, the number of bits used per sample. A sample’s amplitude must be rounded to the
nearest of the allowable discrete levels, which introduces error in the digitization process.

Let’s learn by doing:

Explain the issues and problems in sound quantization.


23 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Describe different types of text representation.


DAY 10
Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Audio: Basic Sound Concepts, Types of Sound, Digitizing Sound, Computer Representation
of Sound (Sampling Rate,Sampling Size, Quantization), Audio Formats, Audio tools, MIDI
Course Outcomes:

Students will be able understand Digital Audio Representation

Lecture 10 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
 Basic Sound Concepts
 Computer Representation of Sound

Basic understanding of quantization

Student can understand how sound can be represented in digital medium.

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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C


Sound is a sequence of waves of pressure that propagates through compressible

media such as air or water. (Sound can propagate through solids as well, but there
are additional modes of propagation). Sound that is perceptible by humans has
frequencies from about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. In air at standard temperature and
pressure, the corresponding wavelengths of sound waves range from 17 m to 17
mm. During propagation, waves can be reflected, refracted, or attenuated by the

Let’s learn by doing:

1 How finely is the data to be quantized, and is the quantization uniform?


2 1. How is audio data formatted (i.e., what is the file format)?


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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

DAY 11
Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Temporal relationships, synchronization accuracy specification factors

Course Outcomes:

Develop a sense of accuracy specification factors

Lecture 11 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
 Temporal relationships
 Synchronization accuracy specification factors

Basic concept of synchronization

Students are able to understand different synchronization techniques.


A time-dependent media object is presented as a media stream where temporal

relations between consecutive units of the media stream exist.If the presentation
durations of all units of time-dependent media object are equal, it is called a
continuous media objects, e.g., NTSC video, audio. A time-independent media
object is any kind of traditional media like text/graphic. Multimedia system: A
system or application that supports the integrated processing of several media
types with at least one time-dependent medium. Synchronization in multimedia
system refers to the temporal relations between media objects in a multimedia

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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Let’s learn by doing:

1 Describe the utility of temporal synchronization.


2 Explain different accuracy specification factors.


DAY 12
Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:
Quality of service

Course Outcomes:

Develop a sense for measuring quality of service.

Lecture 4 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
 Quality of service

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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C


Basic knowledge of Synchronization accuracy specification factors

Students are able to understand different types of temporal synchronization.


In our architectural model multimedia data comes from live sources or from storage Digital
audio and video data have default content specications associated with them that specify the
sample size and rate for normal playback A timebased media editor may be used to create
complex presentations from simple content A player is used to browse and playback content
specied by the editor A user may control a players view parameters such as window size
and playback rate as well as quality parameters such as spatial and temporal resolution The
combination of content view and quality specications constitute a QOS specication When a
user chooses to begin a presentation the player needs to verify that a presentation plan
consisting of realtime tasks will satisfy the QOS specication A presentation plan is feasible
if guarantees can be obtained from a Resource Manager for the realtime presentation tasks
that transport and transform the multimedia data from storage or other data sources to the
system outputs

Let’s learn by doing:

1 How quality of service measured in digitized audio signal.?


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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

DAY 13
Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Image representation, segmentation, and similarity based retrieval, image retrieval by color,
shape and texture

Course Outcomes:

Develop a sense of the capabilities and limitations of current image processing technology.
Lecture 5 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
 Image Segmentation, Similarity Based Retrieval


Basic Knowledge of Image Representation

Students are able to know about various images processing technique.


Image segmentation is useful in many applications. It can identify the regions of interest in
a scene or annotate the data. We categorize the existing segmentation algorithm into region-
based segmentation, data clustering, and edge-base segmentation. Region-based
segmentation includes the seeded and unseeded region growing algorithms, the JSEG, and
the fast scanning algorithm. All of them expand each region pixel by pixel based on their
pixel value or quantized value so that each cluster has high positional relation. For data
clustering, the concept of them is based on the whole image and considers the distance
between each data. The characteristic of data clustering is that each pixel of a cluster does
not certainly connective.

29 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

The basis method of data clustering can be divided into hierarchical and partitioned
clustering. Furthermore, we show the extension of data clustering called mean shift
algorithm, although this algorithm much belonging to density estimation. The last
classification of segmentation is edge-based segmentation.
We show the segmentation result of Lena image by using SRG. The sub-images are sorted
according to the size of cluster from large to small. The display order is from left to right and
from up to down. We only show the first 16 large clusters in
The segmentation result of Lena image using SRG.

Let’s learn by doing:

1 How segmentation helps to distinguish between background and foreground?


30 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

2 How similarity based retrieval works in segment merging?


DAY 14
Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Case studies- QBIC, Virage. Video Content, querying, video segmentation, indexing

Course Outcomes:

Develop a broad understanding of the field of video processing

Lecture 6 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
Video Content, querying, video segmentation, indexing

Basic concept image representation

Students are able to understand the different .video processing technique.


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Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Higher-end video systems, such as for studios, make use of three separate video signals
for the red, green, and blue image planes. This is referred to as componellt video. This
kind of system has three wires (and connectors) connecting the camera or other devices
to a TV or monitor.
Color signals are not restricted to always being RGB separations. Instead, as we saw in
·Chapter4 on color models for images and video, we can form three signals via a
luminance chrominance transformation of the RGB signals - for example, YIQ or
YUV. In contrast, most computer systems use component video, with separate signals
for R, G, and B signals.For any color separation scheme, component video gives the
best color reproduction,since there is no "crosstalk" between the three different
channels, unlike composite video or S-video. Component video, however, requires
more bandwidth and good synchronization of the three components.

Let’s learn by doing:

1 How video segmentation works in the area of VIRAGE.


32 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

2 How QBIC helps in Information Retrieval?

DAY 15
Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Interactive television, Video-on-demand, Video Conferencing

Course Outcomes:

Develop a sense on Application of Video

Lecture 7 (60 minutes)

33 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Topics Covered:
Interactive television, Video-on-demand, Video Conferencing


Video Representation
Students are able to understand application of video.


Video on Demand (VoD) is an interactive multimedia system that works like cable
Television, the difference being that the customer can select a movie from a large
video database. Individual customers in an area are able to watch different
programmes when they wish to, making the system a realisation of the video rental
shop brought into the home.
As the underlying technologies are relatively new, Video on Demand still lacks a
universal standardisation. Nevertheless, many research institutes and commercial
organisations have established de-facto standards and consequently, there are many
operational VoD-related services available today. Some of the key areas of today's
VoD-related applications are,

Providing Video Films on Demand

Local News and Weather Forecasting
Games, Music and Leisure
Let’s learn and
Education by Remote
doing: Learning Facilities
Home Shopping and Other Consumer Services
1 Banking Describe application of video in different filed of technology.

34 | P a g e Study Material, IEM, CSE Department

Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

DAY 16
Course: Multimedia Technology
Relevant MAKAUT syllabus portion:

Multimedia archives and digital libraries, media editors

Course Outcomes:

Develop a sense Multimedia Database and Digital Libraries.

Lecture 8 (60 minutes)

Topics Covered:
Multimedia archives and digital libraries, media editors


Basic concept of Multimedia

Students are able to understand the utility and structure of Digital Library

In the fast emerging and^evergrowing mist of information explosion, it is very difficult
to retrieve particular information without wasting the time.The computers and
telecommunication technologies have paved the way to the development of Information
Technology which involves use of computers and information systems for storing,
managing and accessing useful information in an optimized and organized way. So, to
cope up with the information needs of the 21st century end users, the traditional libraries
should be changed to Digital/Electronic libraries by providing Digitized Information
Services. Digital Information services can be provided only by collecting and
maintaining the digital resources of information like Computer Networks, CD ROMs,
Internet, Multimedia, Email, Electronic Texts and Journals.
Multimedia information technology and applications have advanced rapidly in recent
35 | years.
P a g e Till today the information storage and retrieval process was through
Study Material, IEM, CSEaDepartment
media. But now in the era of information it is possible to integrate all. the media in a
single medium called as multimedia.Multimedia has the potential of new coming one of
the most powerful forms of searching for information, communicating ideas and
experiencing new concepts of any of communication or networking.
Paper Name: Natural Language Processing Paper Code: CS-801C

Let’s learn by doing:

1 Describe the process of building digital library?


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