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‫تصميم البالطات المعصبة بواسطة‬

‫الكود البريطاني‬


‫‪British Standard‬‬
‫‪Bs 8110‬‬
‫إعداد المهندس االستشاري‪ :‬قائد الحبيشي‬
Design of reinforced concrete slabs ‫ قائد الحبيشي‬:‫إعداد المهندس االستشاري‬

Ribbed Slabs
Design considerations
Ribbed slabs are more economical than solid slabs for long spans with relatively light
loads, and as discussed in section 1-2 they’ve advantages and disadvantages…
They may be constructed in a variety of ways as discussed in BS8110: Part 1,
section 3.6.

Two principal methods of construction are:

1. ribbed slabs without permanent blocks. fig.4.a.
2. ribbed slabs with permanent hollow or solid blocks which is used in our project.

Design procedures of one-way hollow concrete block ribbed slabs:

1) spacing & sizing of ribs and topping :
code requirements:
1) Thickness of topping should not be less than (40mm for ribs with permanent
blocks,& 50mm for ribs without permanent blocks)or 1/10 of the clear distance
between ribs ,whichever is greater. The clear distance in our project is controlled
by the block size (i.e.400mm) .
2) the rib width is determined by the consideration of cover, bar spacing,& fire
3) the rib depth without topping should not be greater than four times the average
width .

Design of reinforced concrete slabs ‫ قائد الحبيشي‬:‫إعداد المهندس االستشاري‬

according to the above requirements and taking the height of trapezoidal

hollow concrete block as 200mm the trail section is as shown in fig. below

computation of loads for each meter-run of rib:

a- Dead load due to :
1- self-weight of rib = 0.175 x 0.2 x 24 = 0.84 kN/m run
2- topping = 0.07 x 0.55 x 24 = 0.92 kN/m run
3- hollow concrete blocks = 5 no. x 0.15 = 0.75 kN/m run
4- finishings:
- 75 mm sand layer : 0.075 x 0.55 x 17.5 = 0.72 kN/m run
- 30 mm cement mortar : 0.030 x 0.55 x 16.5 = 0.27 kN/m run
- 20 mm marble tiles : 0.020 x 0.55 x 27.5 = 0.30 kN/m run
- 15 mm underside plastering : 0.015 x 0.55 x 16.5 = 0.14 kN/m run
- Total dead load = 3.94 kN/m run
b- Characteristic live load on rib = 4 x 0.55 = 2.2 kN/m run

Design load n =1.4 Gk + 1.6 Qk

= ( 1.4x 3.94) + ( 1.6 x2.2 ) = 9.04 kN/m run

Design of reinforced concrete slabs ‫ قائد الحبيشي‬:‫إعداد المهندس االستشاري‬

Design moments:

the slabs are designed as a series of simply-supported spans, providing sufficient

reinforcement should over the support to control cracking, and such reinforcement have
an area of not less than 25 % of that in the middle of the adjoining spans and extend at
least 15 % of the spans into the adjoining spans.

and corresponding to this the mid span moment will be.

now maximum design moments of 6.4 m span rib is

At mid-span = = 37.05 kN.m &
At supports = = 9.263 kN.m
design of steel reinforcements:

1- mid-span
design moment = 37.05 kN.m
The mid-span section is designed as a T-beam with flange width equal to the distance
between ribs. The support section is designed as a rectangular beam. The slab may be
made solid near the support to increase shear resistance.

Design of reinforced concrete slabs ‫ قائد الحبيشي‬:‫إعداد المهندس االستشاري‬

∵ the section is at mid-span  T-section

∴ width of flange is the lesser of
0.7le 0.7×6400
1- b w + =175+ =623mm
10 10
2- actualwidthofflange=550mm
∴ consider bf = 550mm
 14
d = h - cover -link - =270-20-8- =235mm
2 2
M 37.05×10 6
∵ k = = =0.049 < 0.156 ∴singly reinforced section
fcu bfd 2 25×550×235 2
  k    0.049  
Z = d 0.5+  0.25-   = 235 0.5+  0.25-   = 221.5 mm
  0.9     0.9  
  
< 0.95d = 0.95×235 = 223.25mm
M 30.05×106
Astreq.= = = 704.3 mm 2
0.95fy×Z 0.95×250×221.5
b w 175
∵ = = 0.314 < 0.4
bf 550
0.32bh 0.32×175×270
100 100
∴ Provide 4 No. 16mm diameter bars with an area of 804 mm 2
Check for deflection
477 - fs
M.F.T = 0.55 + m )
bd 2
M 37.05 x 106
= = 1.23
550 x 235 2
Astreq. 704.3
fs = 2 fy ⇒ fs = 23 ×250× = 145.99 N/mm 2
3 Astprov. 804

477 - 145.99
M.F.T = 0.55 + = 1.84
b w 175
∵ = = 0.314 > 0.3
bf 550
b 
2  w -0.1 
Basic ratio =  bf  ×26 = 2  0.314-0.1  ×26=22.42
7 7
∴ d min.= = 155.12 mm < 235mm
∴ the rib is satisfactory w. r. to deflection

Design of reinforced concrete slabs ‫ قائد الحبيشي‬:‫إعداد المهندس االستشاري‬

2- At supports:
∵ the section is at mid-span  Rectangular section
∴ b = 175 mm
d = 235mm
∵ k = =0.038 < 0.156 ∴singly reinforced section
25×175×235 2
  0.038  
Z = 235 0.5+  0.25-   = 224.62 mm
  0.9  

> 0.95d = 0.95×235 = 223.25mm
 take z as 223.25
M 9.236×106
Astreq.= = = 174.2 mm 2
0.95fy×Z 0.95×250×223.25
b w 175
∵ = = 0.314 < 0.4
bf 550
0.32bh 0.48×175×270
∴ NOMINAL REINFORCEMENT = = = 226.8 mm 2
100 100
∴ Provide 2 No. 14mm  bars with an area of 308 mm 2

Design of reinforced concrete slabs ‫ قائد الحبيشي‬:‫إعداد المهندس االستشاري‬

Shear resistance
Max. shear at centre of support =0.55 w L=0.55 x 9.045 x 6.4 = 31.84 kN
Shear at d from the face of 200mm support Vd = 28.82 kN
∴ vd = = 0.701 N/mm 2
1 1 1
 100×462  3  400  4  25  3 2
∵ vc = 0.79   ×  ×   /1.25 = 0.75 N/mm > v d
 175×235   235   25 
since the shear stress exceeds v c /2 and more than two bars are placed in the rib
Nominal links must be provided although shear reinforcement is not required
Proviede 8mm diameter links in grade 250 steel ; Asv = 101mm 2
sv = = 342.7 > 0.75d = 176.25mm
∴ space the links at 150mm alonge the span.

.Reinforcement at topping :
Reinforcement in topping:
The area required /m width =o.12bh/100
= = 84 mm 2
∵ spacing ≤ c/c i.e. 550/2 = 275 mm
∴ provide 8 mm diameter mesh with 250mm c/c

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