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SMART COMMUNITY Technology financial information

Initial capital
2.5 dollar is initial capital and $1 per share

Projections for gross revenue in year 5 are 1.26 billion but you indicated just 129 million

Yearly financial information for Proforma and Financial Ratios

Year 1 we had 1 million members at $4.95 per month

Year 2 we had 5 million members at $4.95 per month and 1 million members at $9.95 per month

Year 3 we had 10 million members at $4.95 per month and 2 million members at $9.95 per month and 1
million members at $19.95 per month

Year 4 we had 25 million members at $4.95 per month with 5 million members at $9.95 per month and
2 million at $19.95 per month

Year 5 we had 50 million members at $4.95 per month with 10 million members at $9.95 per month and
4 million members at $19.95 per month

Addition financial events and Propositions:

Axie Infinity has a "play-to-earn" model — and it can be legitimately profitable for some users. Rare
Axies can sell for as much as 30 ETH, USD $60,000 today, and desirable real estate in the fictional world
of Lunacia can go for nearly 270 ETH. USD $550,000 today. The game also rewards hardcore players with
as many as 200 SLP a day — often worth over $50 at recent weeks’ prices. Smart Community
Technologies current build is far greater than this game which is now generating millions per day in
revenue. We mix technologies in such a way that the outcome is far greater, the ease of use much
simpler, the rewards more beneficial, and the value easier to accumulate. The UI/UX of our build is also
far superior since we addressing things which other technology builds have never included. They don’t
know how, we are protected through innovation not patents so we can go open source and be a rock
star to the world while out foxing major tech companies like Facebook and Google due to value we
provide which has never existed nor could exist through the existing internet protocols. Just to give you
a brief concept of what I mean, our builds benefit communities, support autism and special needs,
strengthen small businesses owners, protect consumers’ rights and data, open up free online blockchain
education with immutable records and degrees which can’t be hacked, stolen or changed. We change
the physical business of real estate while inventing the digital business of real estate in a way that no
other company is doing. We appeal to the emotional and spiritual needs of 95% of the U.S., and there is
no other company who even understands what IRRESISTIBLE theology combined with IRRESISTIBLE
technology means. But, these two together are so important that the very existence of nation states is in
the balance. Much or our concepts have national security ramifications that very few understand. None
of what we do can be copied or duplicated in the way we create them since I am the author. I have been
given the gift to innovate on the fly which is the exact new skill set needed in an open source and
permission less environment where we flourish. Sample list of ingredients in build #1 NFT’s, Digital Real
Estate, Virtual Trading Cards ( which I invented 4 years ago with Marco Andretti called Geo Punch Cards
samples available), Surprise and Delight, Automated Customer Loyalty, Dwell time rewards in multiple
currencies, Geo Social Scavenger Hunts (another technology I invented with a Geo Fencing dashboard
with sample videos on my website) Tweet Receipt (another tech I invented where I feature a sample
video on my website which was presented to Twitter). FAAST or Fundraising as a Services Technologies
(another space I created and goes with DeCoy, a new space I have created which was attempted by
Kleiner Perkins one of the largest Silicon Valley VC’s to purchase but I said no). There are so many
proprietary ingredients combined with ingredients that are readily available that the process becomes
impossible to duplicate. Of course there is more, technology is expanding at an exponential rate, a rate
so fast that many authors have illustrated that this very power is so strong that it will inevitably change
everything about the life we lead anywhere in the world. When we get investment into Smart
Community Technologies, it’s not just an investment for monetary gain. It’s an investment to change the
world in an amazing way and give hope to billions of people.

Income from other sources:

The game I have designed and am currently in process of securing funds to complete is far superior to the
game below for many reasons.  I will not list all of these reasons here, but the type of blockchain
membership app I am creating with a completely new space I have called DeCoy for Decentralized
Customer Loyalty, will generate billions of dollars in free flow cash flow from fairly small numbers
compared to other membership apps which don’t accomplish anything like the design in my business
I presented my initial concept without blockchain capabilities and NFT’s in person at Ford headquarters
in Detroit on two different occasions to their entire c-suite. 
I was then sent down to West Palm Beach, Florida to present the concept to Al Young of Wayne Akers
Ford who is the President of the Southern Florida Ford Dealers Association or the SFFDA. 
The plan I presented there was so well received, the meeting ended abruptly when their CTO confirmed
that what I was describing was something nobody had ever done and was so far ahead of other games
such as Pokémon Go, there was no comparison.  I then was invited back on multiple occasions to meet
with people at the dealership during large parties where executives of companies, Dan Marino and the
Miami Dolphins, representatives from the PGA, and many others were present so I could explain what I
was doing with autism, fundraising, the app, future builds, how I was transforming the dealership
experience for communities, and how Ford was rolling out the test market to confirm adoption and then
mandate the solution to every Ford dealer in the U.S. as long as Ford Direct received 50% of the revenue.
I agreed to this arrangement.
We ran test numbers in Southern Florida alone with partnerships I secured from Orlando, Florida along
with others mentioned in the business plan. 
From just the current database of Ford dealerships in Southern Florida, the most conservative number we
projected was 1 million members within 1 year. We used $9.95 per month which generated USD
$10,000,000 per month in gross revenue.  50% or $5,000,000 per month was taken off the top where Mr.
Young would deliver 5 different $1,000,000 donations per month at the dealership which was covered by
all the media.  The sponsors would be present with Mr. Young and their business names would be printed
on 5 large checks for TV presentation to the 5 charities each month that Mr. Young selected but Autism
Speaks was always one of the entities with 4 others chosen by Mr. Young with all the sponsors present at
a large media party and gathering at the dealership
50% of the remaining $5,000,000 per month was then allocated to the SFFDA.
My company retained the other 50%
In addition, each Ford dealership was required to pay $2500.00 per year for a license to cover training and
implementation.  This generated 10 million dollars per year on top of memberships of which Ford Direct
corporate in Detroit would receive 50% for rolling it out and collecting from the dealerships as part of
being a Ford franchise.
Once launched we projected a conservative number of 50,000,000 members paying $9.95 per month with
each community Ford dealership controlling the 50% revenue from their community to special needs and
non-profits within that community. 
I will fill you in on the complete story, but the current build is 10X the build I am describing in the
business plan and the game below. 

NFT pets game Axie Infinity booms while the

broader crypto market struggles
In the last week, Axie Infinity — a crypto-meets-Pokémon game in which players raise, battle,
and trade cute NFT pets called Axies — generated roughly $40 million in revenue, more than all
of Ethereum's gas fees in the same period. As the broader crypto market struggles, Axie and its
two native cryptocurrencies have been booming. So what's driving the popularity? 
 Vietnamese developer Sky Mavis launched the game in 2018, and it got a boost
from investors including Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and Reddit cofounder
Alexis Ohanian in May. It runs on the Ethereum blockchain, with most in-game
transactions supported on a speedy, bespoke sidechain called Ronin, which Sky Mavis
designed to have lower fees. 
 To start playing, you need to buy at least three Axies from the game’s marketplace.
Sky Mavis takes a 4.25% cut of all the Axies, virtual real-estate, and other items users
sell each other. 
 Players can also “breed” new Axies, which costs some of the game’s two native
cryptocurrencies: Axie Infinity Shards (AXS, which is also a governance token that
gives holders a say in the future of the game) and Small Love Potion (SLP, awarded to
players for spending time in the game). 
 Axie Infinity has a "play-to-earn" model — and it can be legitimately profitable for
some users. Rare Axies can sell for as much as 30 ETH, and desirable real estate in the
fictional world of Lunacia can go for nearly 270 ETH. The game also rewards hardcore
players with as many as 200 SLP a day — often worth over $50 at recent weeks’ prices. 
 Axie Infinity has more than half a million daily players, according to Coindesk, with
around 60% hailing from the Philippines. Why? In part, because chronic
underemployment has long sent millions of the nation's citizens to work overseas. Now
some younger Filipinos are wondering if it might be better to stay home and grind in a
virtual universe. 
 Both AXS and SLP can be traded on many exchanges — and as the game’s
popularity has spiked, prices have taken a wild ride. On Monday, AXS lost nearly
half of the 971% surge it had been gaining for the previous three weeks. Still, prices
remain up for the year. And game revenue tops virtually all other crypto protocols,
dwarfing popular DeFi apps like Aave, Sushiswap, and Compound combined. 

Why it matters… Some critics have noted that Axie Infinity's marketplace fees are many times
higher than those charged by most crypto apps — a compelling business model that’s already
giving rise to competitors. But because the bulk of revenue does go to players, “play to earn”
might be more than just a slogan. It might even be the start of a new crypto-powered relationship
between work and play.

 SWOT Analysis: There are many competitors, instead Smart Community Technologies have
advantage of launching new mobile app for fundraising as well as for increasing clients. Smart
Community Technologies have following Strengths and Opportunities along weaknesses. Smart
Community Technologies is ready all the time to face the treats by competitors.

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