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Batch Management

In normal business process especially in the pharma business all the material may be processed
batch wise. The material movement from production to invoice can be processed through
batch wise. SAP follows condition technique to determine the batch number.

Configuration settings:

[] Check approved batch record required

[] Check batch management

Save and Exit

Specify batch level and activate status management



Logistics general

Batch management

Specify batch level and activate status management

Click on batch level to determine batch level [OMCE]

As processing can be done plant level, material level, and client level

If it is client level the batch number with specifications are same in all areas and organizational

If it is at plant level the batch number and specifications should be changed or different from
plat to plant.
If it is at material level the batch has its own individuality. That means the specifications and batch

never changed.

© Check batch unique at material level

Save and go back

Click on batch status management [OMCS]

© Activate Batch status management active

Save and Come back

Click on plants with batch status management [OMCU]

Choose our plant from position button

[] Activate batch status management

Save and go back

Click on initial status of new batch [OMAB]

Choose the material type FERT from position button

[] Check initial status

Save and Exit

Activate document management for batches: Transaction code: ODOC



Logistics general

Batch management

Batch master

Activate document management for batches

© Activate document management for batches active

Save and Exit

Activate internal batch number assignment: Transaction code: OMCZ



Logistics general

Batch management

Batch number assignment

Activate internal batch number assignment

Internal batch number assignment for assigned goods receipts

Choose our plant from position button

[] Check batch number automatic for goods receipt with account assignment

Save and Exit

Maintain internal batch number assignment range: Transaction code: SNUM



Logistics general

Batch management

Batch number assignment

Maintain internal batch number assignment range

Click on number ranges

Click on insert intervals

Define number range

Save and Exit

Define batch search procedure allocation and check activation



Logistics general

Batch management

Batch determination and batch check

Batch search procedure allocation and check activation

Allocate SD search procedure/activate check

Go to new entries

Specify our sales area, document type [OR],

Assign search procedure [SD0001]

SD0001 = Standard SD search procedure

Save and Exit

Activate automatic batch determination in SD



Logistics general

Batch management

Batch determination and batch check

Activate automatic batch determination in SD

Click on automatic batch determination for sales order items

Choose item category TAN from position button

[] Check automatic batch determination

Save and Exit

Activate automatic batch determination for delivery item categories



Logistics general

Batch management

Batch determination and batch check

Activate automatic batch determination for delivery item categories

Choose item category TAN, DLN from position button

[] Check automatic batch determination

Save and Exit

Define batch determination: Transaction code: VCH1



Central functions

Batch management

Batch determination

Batch search strategy

For sales and distribution

VCH1 – Create

Specify strategy type SD01 = Customer/Material

Click on key combination and © Select Customer/Material

Specify validity periods and materials

Save and Exit

Go to MMBE to check the stock overview

Go to VA01 and raise the sales order

Specify batch material number and check the status on the status bar
Save and Exit

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