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URI URI Parameters Message Body Input Description Requires

GET /v1/articles/{articleId} articleId (required): The unique ID of the article None Get an article by ID No
you want to receive information about.
POST /v1/articles None articleTitle (required): the title of the article Creates a new article for the Yes
articleSubtitle (optional): the subtitle of the authenticated user
articleAuthor (required): the author of the article
articleContent (required): the content you want in
your article
PUT /v1/articles/{articleId} articleId (required): The unique ID of the article articleTitle (required): the title of the article Edit an article for the Yes
you want to receive information about. articleSubtitle (optional): the subtitle of the authenticated user
articleAuthor (required): the author of the article
articleContent (required): the content you want in
your article
DELETE /v1/articles/{articleId} articleId (required): The unique ID of the article None Delete an article for the Yes
you want to receive information about. authenticated user
GET /v1/articles?tag={tag} tag (required): The name of the tag that you want to None Get all the articles tagged with
see articles with. a specific value Yes
GET /v1/articles/{section} section (required): The section that you want to see None Get all the articles in a section
articles in. Options are: humor, politics, news, of your choice. Sections include
finance, sports. humor, politics, news, finance,
and sports. Yes
GET /v1/articles/{articleId}/comments articleId (required): The unique ID of the article None Get all the comments for an
you are trying to receive information about. article Yes
GET /v1/articles/{articleId}/comments/ articleId (required): The unique ID of the article None Get a specific comment in an
{commentId} you want to receive information about. article
commentId(required): The unique ID of the comment
you want to receive information about. Yes
POST /v1/articles/{articleId}/comments articleId (required): The unique ID of the article commentContent (required): The content of the Create a new comment for a
you want to receive information about. comment you want to make on the article. specific article Yes
GET /v1/articles/{section}?sort={sortMethod} section (required): The section that you want to see None Get all the articles in a section
articles in. and sort them by most recently
sortMethod(optional): The method you want to sort created or alphabetically
your results in. Options are recently_created and
alphabetical . Yes

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