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 Introduction about the procedure

 Goals and objectives
 Family orientation
o Waiting room
o SO’s participation
o Patient’s belongings
 Surgical Checklist
o Identity
o Is the site marked and shaved
o Did the patient know the procedure
o Consent and signatures
o Gowned
o Known allergies
o Airway/aspiration risk
o Is the patient risk for blood loss
o Confirmed the team about the site, patient and procedure
o Laboratories are complete
o Medications
 Health Teaching
o Deep Breathing Exercise
o Leg and Arm Exercise
o Importance of Turning Patient
 Endorsement to the OR (from day 1 to operation day)
o Name and situation of the patient
o Background: History of the patient, allergies, medications, contraptions, diet,
special considerations, blood transfusion
o Assessment: Latest vital signs, laboratories
o Recommendation: nursing concerns, (surgical checklist is done and patient is
ready for surgery)

1. How to carry out order? (Dr's order, color of med card, time)
2. What if the patient didn't want to undergo blood transfusion what will you do?
3. There is no packed red blood cell available is it okay to use a fresh whole blood as
a. ff question:
i. why is it okay to use?
ii. where to bring the blood for checking if it can be used?
iii. what is needed to do to make it compatible for the patient?
4. Why do we need different type of vicryl?
5. What type of IV is needed while the patient is under blood transfusion?
6. What are included in surgical checklist in surgery ward?
7. Surgical checklist in OR
8. What is needed to do to the patient before proceeding to OR
9. Endorsement
10. Health teaching (deep breathing, leg and arm exercise)
11. How many hours it will take for the patient to wake up after the surgery? Is it okay to
do exercises immediately?

1. Always ask the patient his/her name for verification
2. Color of cannula and IVs
3. Layers of the skin have corresponding vicryl
4. There is a surgical checklist in the ward and in the OR
5. Whole blood can be put in the laboratory to separate the packed rbc for blood transfusion
6. Consider the culture of the client regarding blood transfusion, give client respect
7. Always be sure of what you are going to say to the client.
8. Do not let the client think that you know nothing.
9. If not sure, recheck the doctors order or talk to the head nurse

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