Estimation of Chemical Exergy of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Fuels Used in Thermal Power Plants

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J Therm Anal Calorim

DOI 10.1007/s10973-013-3323-9

Estimation of chemical exergy of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels

used in thermal power plants
S. C. Kaushik • Omendra Kumar Singh

Received: 6 March 2013 / Accepted: 1 July 2013

Ó Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2013

Abstract This paper presents the methods for the calcu- List of symbols
lation of chemical exergies of coal, heavy fuel oil and
natural gas that are used as fuel in conventional thermal
G0 Standard Gibbs function (kJ)
power plants. Calculations have shown that the chemical
H0 Standard enthalpy (kJ)
composition of the fuel greatly influences the value of its
h0d Standard molar specific enthalpy of devaluation
chemical exergy. In case of coal in which carbon and
(kJ kmol-1)
hydrogen are not combined together, an increase in both
m Percent mass of a component
carbon and hydrogen contents increases its chemical ex-
M Molecular mass of a component
ergy value. In case of heavy fuel oils, hydrogen–carbon
n kmol of a component
ratio is the most influencing parameter in the chemical
(NCV)0 Net calorific value of fuel (kJ kg-1)
exergy value. An increase in hydrogen–carbon ratio in the
P0 Actual environmental pressure (Pa)
fuel tends to increase its chemical exergy. In case of natural
P00 Partial pressure of a component in actual
gases, a decrease in lighter hydrocarbon gas contents and
environment (Pa)
an increase in heavier hydrocarbon gas contents tend to
S0 Standard entropy (kJ K-1)
increase the chemical exergy value of the fuel. High
T0 Actual environmental temperature (K)
moisture and/or ash contents also tend to lower the value of
T0 Standard temperature (K)
the chemical exergy.
Greek letters
Keywords Standard chemical exergy  Coal  w0Ch Standard specific chemical exergy (kJ kg-1)
Heavy fuel oil  Natural gas  Thermal power plant u Ratio of standard specific chemical exergy to the net
calorific value
D Used for a change in any parameter
f Fuel
p Product
R Reactant

S. C. Kaushik
Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology,
New Delhi 110016, India Introduction

O. K. Singh (&) Energy is the major requirement of the people in a modern

Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Indira
society. With industrial development, the energy con-
Gandhi Institute of Technology, GGS Indraprastha University,
New Delhi 110006, India sumption has been rising very rapidly and due to this,
e-mail: energy resources especially the fossil fuels are being

S. C. Kaushik, O. K. Singh

consumed at a very high rate. This is also causing serious Calculation of exergy values of a compound requires
environmental problems due to pollution. In order that the reference exergies of the elements. Sussman [23],
these resources may last longer and the pollution may be Kameyama et al. [24], Morris and Szargut [25], Szargut [26]
reduced, they should be used judiciously and efficiently. and Rivero and Garfias [27] calculated the standard chemical
Optimum utilisation of energy resources thus becomes a exergy of some elements and compounds. Bilgen and Kaygusuz
compulsion for survival and to maintain the quality of life. [28] explained the method for the calculation of the chemical
This requires modifications and improvements in the exergies of coal-based fuels using the higher heating values.
existing power generation systems. Before any effort to The current study aims to provide comprehensive
modify a power generation system is undertaken, a thor- methodology for the estimation of chemical exergies of
ough thermodynamic analysis of the system is necessary. power plant fuels such as coal, heavy fuel oils and natural
An analysis conducted on the energy flow can reveal the gas. Hopefully, this methodology and the calculated exergy
quantity and the location of energy loss. One can then take data will be useful in the fossil fuel-fired power plants and
measures to avoid or reduce this energy loss. A traditional coal mining industries and refineries.
method of energy flow analysis is the energy balance cal-
culation based on the first law of thermodynamics. This Estimation of standard chemical exergy of coal
traditional method of analysis fails to consider changes in
energy quality during a process which makes it unsatis- Ultimate analysis
factory. It is now a well established fact that the thermo-
dynamic analysis based on the second law of Let the ultimate analysis of the coal be as follows:
thermodynamics is quite useful in this regard. A thermo-
dynamic function which Keenan [1] originally called Carbon, mC;f %; Hydrogen, mH2 ;f %; Sulphur, mS;f %;
availability was revived and a new name exergy was coined. Nitrogen, mN2 ;f %; Oxygen, mO2 ;f %; Moisture, mH2 O;f %
Going by the history of exergy analysis [2], the develop- and Ash, mAsh;f %
ments in this direction began around the 1930s. Since then,
a number of researchers have made contributions to the Molar composition per 100 kg of fuel
theory and practice of exergy analysis, e.g. [3–10]. Several
papers have been published on exergy analysis of thermal Carbon ðCÞ nC;f ¼ kmol=100 kg of fuel ð1Þ
systems such as steam power plants [11–13], gas-turbine
cycles [14–16], Kalina cycle [17–20], absorption power/ mH2
Hydrogen ðH2 Þ nH2 ;f ¼ kmol=100 kg of fuel ð2Þ
cooling combined cycles [21] and cogeneration [22]. MH2
As defined by Kotas [5], exergy of a steady stream of mN2
Nitrogen ðN2 Þ nN2 ;f ¼ kmol=100 kg of fuel ð3Þ
matter is equal to the maximum amount of work obtain- MN2
able when the stream is brought from its initial state to the mS
dead state by processes during which the stream may Sulphur ðSÞ nS;f ¼ kmol=100 kg of fuel ð4Þ
interact only with the environment. Exergy has two mO2
components—physical exergy and chemical exergy. Oxygen ðO2 Þ nO2 ;f ¼ kmol=100 kg of fuel ð5Þ
Physical exergy is equal to the maximum amount of work
obtainable when the stream of substance is brought from mH2 O
Water ðH2 OÞ nH2 O;f ¼ kmol=100 kg of fuel ð6Þ
its initial state to the environmental state defined by p0 MH2 O
and T0 by physical processes involving only thermal Composition of air
interaction with the environment. Whereas, chemical ex-
ergy is equal to the maximum amount of work obtainable Air contains 21.0 % oxygen and 79 % nitrogen by volume.
when the stream of substance under consideration is
Therefore, for each kmol of oxygen 79
21 ¼ 3:7619 kmol of
brought from the environmental state (p0, T0) to the dead
nitrogen are involved.
state (p00, T0) by processes involving heat transfer and
exchange of substances only with the environment.
Combustion equations for the combustible elements
Alternatively, it can also be defined as the minimum
amount of work necessary to synthesise and to deliver in nC;f C þ nC;f O2 ! nC;f CO2 ð7Þ
the environmental state, the substance under consideration
from the environmental substances by means of processes nH2 ;f H2 þ nH2 ;f O2 ! nH2 ;f H2 O ð8Þ
involving heat transfer and exchange of substances only
with the environment. nS;f S þ nS;f O2 ! nS;f SO2 ð9Þ

Estimation of chemical exergy

Molar composition of the products for complete Table 1 Standard molar specific enthalpy of devaluation (h0d ) for
combustion of fuel various substances (source—Ref. [5])

CO2 nCO2 ;P ¼ CO2 formed during the combustion of carbon

Substance State h0d /kJ kmol-1

¼ nC;f kmol=100 kg of fuel Argon (Ar) Gas 0

H2 O nH2 O;P ¼ H2 O formed during the combustion Carbon (C) Solid 393,780
Carbon dioxide (CO2) Gas 0
of hydrogen þ H2 O present in the fuel
  Methane (CH4) Gas 802,320
¼ nH2 ;f þ nH2 O;f kmol=100 kg of fuel Ethane (C2H6) Gas 1,428,780
SO2 nSO2 ;P ¼ SO2 formed during the combustion of sulphur Propane (C3H8) Gas 2,045,380
¼ nS;f kmol=100 kg of fuel Butane (C4H10) Gas 2,658,830
Hydrogen (H2) Gas 242,000
N2 N2 does not take part in the combustion process
Nitrogen (N2) Gas 0
Therefore; N2 in the products of combustion Oxygen (O2) Gas 0
¼ N2 present in the fuel þ N2 present in the Sulphur (S) Solid 724,580
air supplied Sulphur dioxide (SO2) Gas 427,480
Water (H2O) Liquid -44,030
¼ N2 present in the fuel þ 3:7619  O2
Water (H2O) Gas 0
supplied by air
¼ N2 present in the fuel þ 3:7619
 ðO2 required for combustion
Chemical exergy of fuel
O2 present in fuelÞ
1 The ratio of standard specific chemical exergy to the net
nN2 ;P ¼ nN2 ;f þ 3:7619 nC;f þ nH2 ;f þ nS;f  nO2 ;f
2 calorific value for solid fossil fuels without moisture con-
ð10Þ tent is given by [5]
mH2 ;f mO ;f
udry ¼ 1:0437 þ 0:1882 þ 0:0610 2
Net calorific value of fuel mC;f mC;f
mN2 ;f
þ 0:0404 ð12Þ
The net calorific value of fuel is the lower heating value of
the fuel which assumes the latent heat of vapourization of For moist solid industrial fossil fuels containing sulphur,
water in the reaction products is not recovered. It can be the standard chemical exergy is given by [5]
calculated by   h i m 
w0Ch kJ kg1 ¼ ðNCVÞ0 þ2442w udry þ 9417 
ðNCVÞ0 ¼ Enthalpy of combustion
" # ð13Þ
¼ 0
nP  hd;P  0
nR  hd;R
h Estimation of standard chemical exergy of fuel oils
¼ nCO2 ;P  h0d;CO2 þ nH2 O;P  h0d;H2 O þ nN2 ;P  h0d;N2
 Ultimate analysis
þnO2 ;P  h0d;O2 þ nSO2 ;P  h0d;SO2

 nC;f  h0 þ nH2 ;f  h0
d;C d;H2
Let the ultimate analysis of the fuel oil be as follows:
  Carbon, mC;f %; Hydrogen, mH2 ;f %; Sulphur, mS;f %;
þ nN2 ;f þ nN2 ;Air  h0d;N2 þ nS;f  h0d;S
  i Nitrogen, mN2 ;f %; Oxygen, mO2 ;f % and Ash, mAsh;f %
þ nO2 ;f þ nO2 ;Air  h0d;O2 þ nH2 O;f  h0d;H2 O
Molar composition per 100 kg of fuel, combustion
equations for the combustible elements, molar composition
Values of standard molar specific enthalpy of of the products for complete combustion of fuel and net
devaluation (h0d ) for various substances are given in calorific value of fuel may be found using Eqs. (1) to (11) and
Table 1. These values have been obtained from [5]. the procedure given in Sect. 2 above.

S. C. Kaushik, O. K. Singh

Chemical exergy of fuel oil DG0 ¼ Change in Standard Gibbs function; kJ

¼ DH 0  T 0 DS0
The ratio of standard specific chemical exergy to the net
calorific value for liquid fuels without moisture content is X X
given by [5] ¼ nP  h0f;P  nR  h0f;R
mH ;f mO ;f !
u ¼ 1:0401 þ 0:1728 2 þ 0:0432 2 X X
 C;f mC;f
 T 0
nP  s0p  nR  s0R ð20Þ
mS;f mH2 ;f P R
þ 0:2169 1  2:0628 ð14Þ
mC;f mC;f
The number of kmols of the components of the reactants
w0Ch;f and the products can be taken from the combustion Eq.
Now; ¼u ð15Þ
ðNCVÞ0 (17) and used in the above equations. The values of the
standard molar specific enthalpy of devaluation (h0d ) and
)w0Ch;f ¼ u  ðNCVÞ0 ð16Þ the standard molar specific chemical exergy of the
components of the reactants and the products can be
Estimation of standard chemical exergy of natural gas taken from [5].

Volumetric analysis
Results and discussion
Assuming the following volumetric analysis of the natural
gas The chemical exergy of some solid, liquid and gaseous
fuels of standard composition can be obtained from the
CH4 ¼ a %; C2 H6 ¼ b %; C3 H8 ¼ c %;
tables of standard chemical exergy. However, many such
C4 H10 ¼ d % and N2 ¼ e % fuels have different composition and are multicomponent
Combustion equation for the fuel mixtures of very complicated compounds. Therefore, a
proper methodology for the calculation of the exact
The combustion equation for complete combustion of chemical exergy of such fuels is to be followed.
1 kmol of natural gas of above composition can be written In this study, some fossil fuels such as coal, heavy fuel
as oil and natural gas were considered for the calculation of
 a     c  chemical exergy. Tables 2, 3 and 4 show the ultimate
b analysis of the samples of some such fuels used in this
CH4 þ C2 H6 þ C3 H 8
100 100 100 study. Data of the standard enthalpy of devaluation, abso-
d lute entropy and the standard molar chemical exergy for
þ C4 H10 þ N2
100 100 various substances have been used in the calculations.
  These values have been taken from [5]. The calculated
ða þ 2b þ 3c þ 4dÞ þ 2aþ3bþ4cþ5d
þ ðO2 þ 3:7619N2 Þ values of the standard chemical exergies of the considered
    fuels have also been presented in Tables 2, 3 and 4.
a þ 2b þ 3c þ 4d 2a þ 3b þ 4c þ 5d The results of the calculations indicate that the chemical
! CO2 þ H2 O
100 100 composition of the fuel greatly influences the value of its
ða þ 2b þ 3c þ 4dÞ þ 2aþ3bþ4cþ5d
2 e
þ 3:7619 þ N2
100 100
Table 2 Ultimate analysis of various samples of bituminous coal and
ð17Þ calculated values of their chemical exergy
Standard molar specific chemical exergy of fuel Coal C/ H2/ O2/ N2/ S/ H2O/ Ash/ w0Ch,f/kJ kg-1
sample % % % % % % %
The general expression for standard molar specific chem- 1 48.6 3.5 12 0.7 0.5 28.9 5.8 2.1699 9 104
ical exergy of a gaseous fuel is 2 61 4 3 2 1 4.5 24.5 2.6490 9 104
nfuel  w 0 0  0 ; 3.1715 9 104
Ch;fuel ¼ DG þ np  w nR  w
Ch;P Ch;R
3 71.6 4.8 6.3 1.3 3.4 3.5 9.1
p R 4 73.4 5 6 1.5 3 3.5 7.6 3.2518 9 104
ð18Þ 5 75 5.2 7 2 1 1 8.8 3.2982 9 104
6 78.2 5.5 10 1.5 0.6 1 3.2 3.4468 9 104
where R stands for co-reactants and P stands for products.

Estimation of chemical exergy

Table 3 Ultimate analysis of various samples of fuel oils, hydrogen–carbon ratio and calculated values of their chemical exergy
Oil sample C/% H2/% O2/% N2/% S/% Ash/% Hydrogen–carbon ratio w0Ch,f/kJ kg-1

Crude oil 90 3.3 3 0.8 0.9 2 0.0367 3.5224 9 104

Heavy fuel oil 1 84 10 1.6 1.2 3.15 0.05 0.1190 4.2529 9 104
Heavy fuel oil 2 83.9 10.15 1.2 1.15 3.56 0.04 0.1210 4.2763 9 104
Heavy fuel oil 3 83.7 12.7 1.2 1.7 0.7 0 0.1517 4.5666 9 104
Heavy fuel oil 4 86.1 13.2 0 0 0.6 0.1 0.1588 4.6130 9 104

Table 4 Volumetric composition of various samples of natural gas 40000

and calculated values of their chemical exergy 38000

Standard specific chemical

Natural CH4/ C2H6/ C3H8/ C4H10/ N2/ w0Ch;f /kJ kmol-1

exergy/kJ kg –1
gas sample % % % % %
1 93.9 3.6 1.2 1.3 0 9.0207 9 105 30000
6 28000
2 77.4 11.7 8.5 1.3 1.1 1.0436 9 10
6 26000
3 67.4 16.8 15.8 0 0 1.1578 9 10
4 60.1 14.8 13.4 4.2 7.5 1.1331 9 106 22000
5 54.3 16.3 16.2 7.4 5.8 1.2579 9 106 20000
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6

40000 Fig. 2 Variation of standard specific chemical exergy of coal with its
hydrogen content
Standard specific chemical

exergy/kJ kg –1

Standard specific chemical

exergy/kJ kg –1

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Fig. 1 Variation of standard specific chemical exergy of coal with its 30000
0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.17
carbon content
Hydrogen-carbon ratio

chemical exergy. The exergy values are closely related to Fig. 3 Variation of standard specific chemical exergy of fuel oil with
the carbon and hydrogen contents of these fuels. The var- its hydrogen–carbon ratio
iation of chemical exergy of coal with the variation in
chemical composition has been presented in Table 2 and most influencing parameter in the chemical exergy. The
Figs. 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows the variation of chemical variation of chemical exergy with hydrogen–carbon ratio is
exergy with carbon content of coal while Fig. 2 shows the shown in Fig. 3. This variation is almost linear. It is clear
variation of chemical exergy with hydrogen content. It is that an increase in hydrogen–carbon ratio in the fuel
clear from these results that in case of coal in which carbon increases its chemical exergy. As indicated in Table 4 that
and hydrogen are not combined together, an increase in in case of natural gases which are essentially a mixture of
both carbon and hydrogen contents increases its chemical hydrocarbon gases such as methane, ethane, propane and
exergy value. As indicated in Table 3, in case of heavy fuel butane and incombustible gases such as nitrogen, a
oils, a decrease in carbon content and an increase in decrease in lighter hydrocarbon gas contents and an
hydrogen content of the fuel increase its chemical exergy. increase in heavier hydrocarbon gas contents tend to
This is because in fuel oils which are essentially hydro- increase the chemical exergy value of the mixture. High
carbons, hydrogen and carbon are combined together as a moisture and/or ash contents also tend to lower the value of
compound. So, in these fuels, hydrogen–carbon ratio is the the chemical exergy.

S. C. Kaushik, O. K. Singh

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