Geographical Influence On Tsunami Predictions in Pandeglang Regency, West Java, Indonesia - Lestari - Forum Geografi

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7/27/2021 Geographical influence on Tsunami Predictions in Pandeglang Regency, West Java, Indonesia | Lestari | Forum Geografi

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About The Authors  Geographical influence on Tsunami Predictions in Pandeglang

User  Regency, West Java, Indonesia
Journal Content  Della Ayu Lestari, Novi Sofia Fitriasari, Taufiq Ejaz Ahmad, Amien Rais, Dhea Rahma Azhari

Notifications 
Information  Pandeglang Regency is an area that has a large potential level of Tsunamis. This is based on the fact that Geographically
Pandeglang Regency located near the Krakatau Anak Volcano and plate subduction path of Indo-Australia in the Sunda
Keywords  Strait cause Pandeglang Regency to become one of the regions that has a tsunami potential. Therefore, it is necessary to
mitigate from an early age in order to overcome and prevent large losses. One of the steps that can be taken is to identif
Article Tools  the potential coverage area of the inundation. The results of the calculations from these data are then entered into the
Tsunami scenario modeling. Which in this case is divided into 3 scenarios, for Pandeglang Regency, the first scenario wit
a 100-year period the maximum tsunami height from the coastline is 7.5 meters. For the second scenario with a 2000-
Related Items  year period with a predicted maximum height of 15 meters and the last scenario with a period of 2500 years with a
predicted height of 20 meters. The results show that in the Tsunami wave modeling 7.5 m of the widest inundation occu
Visitors  in Panimbang District this is due to land cover consisting of ponds, rice fields, irrigation, plantations and gentle slopes. T
conditions that occur in the well-sphere cause this area to become a flooded area with the highest area at the tsunami
wave modeling of 15 m. Sumur Sub-district is also the area with the largest inundation at the 20 m tsunami wave

Tsunami; Surface Roughness Index; Subduction; Indo-Australia; inundations


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