GLM Theory Slides

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GLM Theory


GRM Product
Course outline
 GLM theory
 Data preparation
 Emblem hands on
 Evaluation techniques

GRM Product
Agenda – GLM theory
 Linear modeling
 Model parameterization
 GLM extensions to ordinary linear models
 Modeling diagnostics
 GLMs in Emblem

GRM Product
Agenda – GLM theory
 Linear modeling
 Model parameterization
 GLM extensions to ordinary linear models
 Modeling diagnostics

GRM Product
Linear modeling terminology
Y = 2 + 0.7 X + N(0, 0.2)

Response (Y)



1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Predictor Variable (X)

GRM Product
Classical linear regression
Yi = β0 + β1Xi + εi

 Yi is the response of the ith observation


 Xi is the value of the variable in the ith



ei  The relationship between Y and X is linear


 β0 (intercept, base) and β1 (slope) are

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
parameters to be estimated

E[Y] = b0 + b1X
GRM Product
Classical linear regression – least squares
Yi = β0 + β1Xi + εi

 Yi is the response of the ith observation


 Xi is the value of the variable in the ith



 The relationship between Y and X is linear


 β0 (intercept) and β1 (slope) are

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
parameters to be estimated

 Model fit by minimizing sum of εi2

GRM Product
Classical linear regression – max. likelihood
Yi = β0 + β1Xi + εi

 Yi is the response of the ith observation


 Xi is the value of the variable in the ith


 The relationship between Y and X is linear

 β0 (intercept) and β1 (slope) are

parameters to be estimated\
 Model fit by minimizing product of f(εi)

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Assumption: εi follows normal distribution with mean zero and constant variance
GRM Product
Multiple linear regression
Yi = β0 + β1Xi1 + β2Xi2 + β3Xi3 + … + βnXin + εi

This model can now be written in vector notation as:

= ∙ +
 is a vector of our observed values (response)
 is our “Design Matrix”
 is the vector of indicated parameters
GRM Product
Agenda – GLM theory
 Linear modeling
 Model parameterization
 GLM extensions to ordinary linear models
 Modeling d

GRM Product

 Continuous/Numeric variables
− If a variable is continuous, we can instead define a variate which can reduce the
parameterization of the model, with each order of the variate being represented by one term
in the formula

GRM Product 11
Weight Av Severity This categorical variable requires a two-
parameter model.
M 2105 $ 2,093
F 2832 $ 1,733

GRM Product
Weight Av Severity This categorical variable requires a two-
parameter model.
M 2105 $ 2,093
F 2832 $ 1,733

E[Y ]  b 0  b1 X 1 Parameter Estimates

β0 = 1733
β1 = 360

GRM Product
Weight Av Severity This categorical variable requires a two-
parameter model.
M 2105 $ 2,093
F 2832 $ 1,733
Binary Variable: Parameter Estimates
Predicted Severity 1 for male, 0 for female
β0 = 1733
β1 = 360
E[Y ]  b 0  b1 X 1
Base (female) Severity Additional Severity for being male

GRM Product
Gender Area
Weight Av Severity Weight Av Severity
M 2105 $ 2,093 A 1181 $ 1,754
F 2832 $ 1,733 B 1021 $ 1,758
C 1493 $ 1,919
D 524 $ 1,739
E 413 $ 2,104
F 305 $ 2,629

GRM Product
Gender Area
Weight Av Severity Weight Av Severity
M 2105 $ 2,093 A 1181 $ 1,754
F 2832 $ 1,733 B 1021 $ 1,758
C 1493 $ 1,919
D 524 $ 1,739
E 413 $ 2,104
F 305 $ 2,629

E[Y ]  b 0  b1 X 1  b 2 X 2  b 3 X 3  b 4 X 4  b 5 X 5  b 6 X 6
β0: Base severity (Female from Area C)
X1: Binary variable (Male = 1, Female = 0) β1: Add’l severity from Male
X2: Binary variable (Area A = 1, else = 0) β2: Add’l severity from Area A
X3: Binary variable (Area B = 1, else = 0) β3: Add’l severity from Area B
X4: Binary variable (Area D = 1, else = 0) β4: Add’l severity from Area D
X5: Binary variable (Area E = 1, else = 0) β5: Add’l severity from Area E
X6: Binary variable (Area F = 1, else = 0) β6: Add’l severity from Area F

GRM Product
Gender Area
Weight Av Severity Weight Av Severity
M 2105 $ 2,093 A 1181 $ 1,754
F 2832 $ 1,733 B 1021 $ 1,758
C 1493 $ 1,919
D 524 $ 1,739
E 413 $ 2,104
F 305 $ 2,629

E[Y ]  b 0  b1 X 1  b 2 X 2  b 3 X 3  b 4 X 4  b 5 X 5  b 6 X 6
β0: Base severity (Female from Area C)
X1: Binary variable (Male = 1, Female = 0) β1: Add’l severity from Male
X2: Binary variable (Area A = 1, else = 0) β2: Add’l severity from Area A
X3: Binary variable (Area B = 1, else = 0) β3: Add’l severity from Area B
X4: Binary variable (Area D = 1, else = 0) β4: Add’l severity from Area D
X5: Binary variable (Area E = 1, else = 0) β5: Add’l severity from Area E
X6: Binary variable (Area F = 1, else = 0) β6: Add’l severity from Area F

Example: Female from Area F E[Y ]  b 0  b 6

GRM Product
Categorical variables - custom factor
Weight Av Severity X1: Binary variable (Male = 1, Female = 0)
M 2105 $ 2,093
F 2832 $ 1,733 X2: Binary variable (Area A = 1, else = 0)
X3: Binary variable (Area B = 1, else = 0)
Area X4: Binary variable (Area D = 1, else = 0)
Weight Av Severity X5: Binary variable (Area E = 1, Area F = 1, else = 0)
A 1181 $ 1,754
B 1021 $ 1,758
C 1493 $ 1,919
D 524 $ 1,739
E 413 $ 2,104
F 305 $ 2,629 Group E and F together

E[Y] = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + β5X5

GRM Product
[GLM fit: Identity Link Function, Normal Error Structure]

Parameter Number Name Value Standard Error Standard Error (%) Weight Weight (%)
1 Mean 1,769.64 99.14477 5.6 4,937 100
- gender (F) 2,832 57.4
2 gender (M) 361.864 100.18706 27.7 2,105 42.6
3 area (A) -174.419 135.53147 77.7 1,181 23.9
4 area (B) -170.408 141.33498 82.9 1,021 20.7
- area (C) 1,493 30.2
5 area (D) -174.622 176.69103 101.2 524 10.6
6 area (E) 173.704 193.48309 111.4 413 8.4
7 area (F) 707.8558 218.65201 30.9 305 6.2

GRM Product

GRM Product 20
Agenda – GLM theory
 Linear modeling
 Model parameterization
 GLM extensions to ordinary linear models
 Modeling diagnostics

GRM Product
Normal • Not restricted to be positive.
• Often inappropriate for insurance

error observations, how often do we have negative

claim counts or loss amounts?

Constant • In most real world data, the variance is some

variance function of the mean.

Additive • Only applies to certain situations and is not as

intuitive for insurance problems. Think about

structure how intuitive a multiplicative rating structure

seems compared to additive.

GRM Product 22

GRM Product

Link Function, Equation with g( ) Inverse Link Equation with h( )
g( ) Function, h( )
identity, z = z Y = Xβ + 𝜀 identity, z = z Y = Xβ + 𝜀
log, ln(z) ln(Y) = Xβ + 𝜀 Exponential, 𝑒 Y = eXβ + 𝜀
logit, ln( ) ln( ) = Xβ + 𝜀 Inverse logit, Y = eXβ / (1 + eXβ ) + 𝜀

GRM Product

GRM Product
Model output: normal error / log link
[GLM fit: Log Link Function, Normal Error Structure]

Parameter Number Name Value Standard Error Standard Error (%) Weight Weight (%) Exp(Value)
1 Mean 7.47 0.0539 0.7 4,937 100 1,749.90

- gender (F) 2,832 57.4

2 gender (M) 0.2051 0.05196 25.3 2,105 42.6 1.2277

3 area (A) -0.0959 0.07417 77.3 1,181 23.9 0.9085

4 area (B) -0.0918 0.0774 84.3 1,021 20.7 0.9123
- area (C) 1,493 30.2
5 area (D) -0.1069 0.09972 93.3 524 10.6 0.8986
6 area (E) 0.098 0.09284 94.7 413 8.4 1.103
7 area (F) 0.3303 0.08776 26.6 305 6.2 1.3914

E[Y] = exp(b1) · exp(b2X2) · exp(b3X3) · . . . · exp(b7X7)

GRM Product
Model output: normal error / log link
[GLM fit: Log Link Function, Normal Error Structure]

Parameter Number Name Value Standard Error Standard Error (%) Weight Weight (%) Exp(Value)
1 Mean 7.47 0.0539 0.7 4,937 100 1,749.90

- gender (F) 2,832 57.4

2 gender (M) 0.2051 0.05196 25.3 2,105 42.6 1.2277

3 area (A) -0.0959 0.07417 77.3 1,181 23.9 0.9085

4 area (B) -0.0918 0.0774 84.3 1,021 20.7 0.9123
- area (C) 1,493 30.2
5 area (D) -0.1069 0.09972 93.3 524 10.6 0.8986
6 area (E) 0.098 0.09284 94.7 413 8.4 1.103
7 area (F) 0.3303 0.08776 26.6 305 6.2 1.3914

For Gender=F, Area=C

E[Y] = exp(b1) · exp(b2 · 0) · exp(b3 · 0) · . . . · exp(b7 · 0)

= exp(7.47) = 1,749.90
GRM Product
Model output: normal error / log link
[GLM fit: Log Link Function, Normal Error Structure]

Parameter Number Name Value Standard Error Standard Error (%) Weight Weight (%) Exp(Value)
1 Mean 7.47 0.0539 0.7 4,937 100 1,749.90

- gender (F) 2,832 57.4

2 gender (M) 0.2051 0.05196 25.3 2,105 42.6 1.2277

3 area (A) -0.0959 0.07417 77.3 1,181 23.9 0.9085

4 area (B) -0.0918 0.0774 84.3 1,021 20.7 0.9123
- area (C) 1,493 30.2
5 area (D) -0.1069 0.09972 93.3 524 10.6 0.8986
6 area (E) 0.098 0.09284 94.7 413 8.4 1.103
7 area (F) 0.3303 0.08776 26.6 305 6.2 1.3914

For Gender=M, Area=A

E[Y] = exp(b1) · exp(b2 · 1) · exp(b3 · 1) ·. . . · exp(b7 · 0)

= exp(7.47) · exp(0.2051) · exp(-0.0959)

GRM Product
= 1,749.90 · 1.2277 · .9085 = 1,951.78
Normal • Not restricted to be positive.
• Often inappropriate for insurance

error observations, how often do we have negative

claim counts or loss amounts?

Constant • In most real world data, the variance is some

variance function of the mean.

Additive • Only applies to certain situations and is not as

intuitive for insurance problems. Think about

structure how intuitive a multiplicative rating structure

seems compared to additive.

GRM Product 29
Generalizing the distribution of Y (error)
 We may assume that Y is distributed according to any member of
the Exponential family of distributions

 Two key features of the Exponential Family:

− The distribution is completely specified in terms of its mean and variance
− The variance of Yi is a function of the mean

 When we select a distribution for our model, we are making an

implicit assumption of how the mean and variance of Y are related

GRM Product
Classical linear regression – max. likelihood

Errors are normally




1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

GRM Product
Generalizing the distribution of Y (error)
 We may assume that Y is distributed according to any member of
the Exponential family of distributions

 Two key features of the Exponential Family:

− The distribution is completely specified in terms of its mean and variance
− The variance of Yi is a function of the mean

 When we select a distribution for our model, we are making an

implicit assumption of how the mean and variance of Y are related

GRM Product
Variance function
 Variance of an exponential family distribution is given by:

 Where:
Distribution V(x)
Normal 1
Poisson x
Gamma x2
Binomial x(1-x)
Inverse Gaussian x3

GRM Product
Effect of variance function


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

GRM Product X
Effect of variance function


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

GRM Product X
Effect of variance function
Line of best fit
with assumed

Line of best fit

with assumed


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

GRM Product
Target Link Function Error
Claim Frequency Log Poisson,
Claim Severity Log Gamma, Inverse
Loss Costs Log Tweedie
Combined Loss Costs Log Gamma
Large Claim Propensity Logit Binomial
Policy Renewal Probability Logit Binomial
Quote Conversion Probability Logit Binomial

GRM Product 37

GRM Product

GRM Product
Assumption Linear Regression Generalized Linear
Model Model

Relationship between Y is a linear, additive Y is a function of a linear

X and Y combination of X combination of X

Any distribution from the

Distribution of Y Normal Exponential family of

Variance of Y Constant Need not be constant

GRM Product
GLM assumptions
 Random Component (Distribution of Y, error function)
− Related to what you are trying to model
− What kind of distribution do you expect the process to follow? Poisson? Gamma?

 Systematic Component: The covariates are combined to give a linear predictor η:

− E[η] = Xβ

 Link Function
− What kind of relationship do you expect to exist between X and Y?
− Additive (Identity)? Multiplicative (Log)?

 Weight
− Claim frequency model: weight is earned exposure
− Claim Severity model: weight is claim count

 Finally, once the model is specified, we solve using Maximum Likelihood Estimation

GRM Product
Agenda – GLM theory
 Linear modeling
 Model parameterization
 GLM extensions to ordinary linear models
 Modeling diagnostics

GRM Product
Model diagnostics
 Variable level
− Does this variable or level make the model more predictive?

 Model level
− Do we have the right link and error function?

GRM Product
Standard Error(%) = ( Standard Error / Value ) x 100%

The Smaller Standard Error % is, the more significant this parameter will be
GRM Product 44

GRM Product

GRM Product 46

GRM Product 47

GRM Product 48
Deviance in
GLM, for

Number of
in GLM
GRM Product 49
Agenda – GLM theory
 Linear modeling
 Model parameterization
 GLM extensions to ordinary linear models
 Modeling diagnostics
 GLMs in Emblem

GRM Product

GRM Product 51

· · ·...·

GRM Product 52

· · ·...·

GRM Product 53

· · ·...·

GRM Product 54
GRM Product 55
Creating Emblem Files

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 56

%PrepFile(Dataset = final_table,
SAS factors = (
There are SAS macros that
create the emblem files.
AY One must have columns of
. explanatory variables and a
. column with the weight and
/*Varialbe in emblem file*/ one with the response.
), FmtValue = all,
Store = GLMLIB.EmblemStore);

Dataset = final_table,
Dirname = . . ./Intl/LI/Asia/India/Models,
Weight = claim_count,
Title = model_v9,
response = Total_losses);

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 57

Open Emblem

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 58


GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 59

Modeling Competition

Build Models

There will be a
Scored on holdout
data (random)

Lowest Deviance

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 60

Organizing Variables

Edit categories Right Click: Add new Drop downs to select and change color

Enable categories

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 61

Define Sample Sets

Select Define and

create your
sample sets

Rule of thumb

Out of time

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 62

Modeling Adapting

Modeling -> Miscellaneous -> Model Adapt

Navigate to the model you’d like to adapt



GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 63

Now We Are Ready
to MODEL!!!

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 64

Hands on exercises
1. Open model
2. Organize
3. Make Sample Sets
4. Model adapt
5. Store reference model
6. Fit variable
7. Review fit
8. Reference model
9. Fit second variable
10. Review prior variable
11. Reference model
12. Modeling contest
13. Customer factors

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 65

Select a thematic group of variables


Make Model Vehicle Age


New/Renewal Channel Discounts

GRM Product
Review the Beta Page

Are you standard errors

Do you have any
Are your betas

Rule of thumb: Green

means good.

GRM Product
Compare metrics to the reference model

Log this to excel.

Remember to indicated
what was already in the
model. The order of
variables matters!

Does the deviance/AIC

suggest the variable was

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 68

Polished Fit

At this point we should feel

comfortable with how this
variable is fit.

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 69

Hands on exercises
1. Open model
2. Organize
3. Make Sample Sets
4. Model adapt
5. Store reference model
6. Fit variable
7. Review fit
8. Reference model
9. Fit second variable
10. Review prior variable
11. Reference model
12. Modeling contest
13. Customer factors

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 70

Compare to the reference model

Now it’s important to see if the

other variables in the model have

Did anything shift wildly? Is it

intuitive or expected?

Which variable is more valuable?

Do we need both of them?

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 71

Check for consistency

Switch to the validation NOTE YOUR

data set. FINDINGS!
Is the patter consistent on
random data sets? What
about with time?

GRM Product Confidential & Proprietary – Not for Distribution 72

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