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Keto Accelerator Masterclass

By Clauda J. Caldwell


Video - “What is the ketogenic diet?" and "What is ketosis?"
Hey, it’s Claudia Caldwell here and I am very glad to see you again in our next video of the Keto
Accelerator Masterclass. Before we continue I would like you to picture what a ketogenic diet is and
what “ketosis” really means. Currently, the biggest trend in the world of nutrition is the ketogenic
diet. A ketogenic diet is so popular because it allows a relatively fast and effective weight loss and the
second reason is that during this diet you’ll never feel hungry.

Why is that? Well, this diet is based on entering 75% fats, 20% of proteins and just 5% of carbs. Yes,
you've heard it correctly. When it comes to ketogenic nutrition the most important source of calories
needs to come from fats and the focus is based on entering healthy fats. We will talk about fats a lot
more in one of the future videos, but for now, it is enough if you know that everything is based on
healthy fats. I’m not sure if you know that bodybuilders were among the first ones who started
using this kind of dieting, most often, just before their competitions, all in order to make their
muscles more visible. After them, many actors used this diet, when they needed to lose weight in a
short period of time, because the role they played required it. As many of them are celebrities, it’s no
wonder how this diet got so popular so quickly.

So, when you properly follow the rules of the keto diet, then your body gets into a state of ketosis. In
ketosis, even our fatty tissue has an energy function.

Any excess of fat will be used as a substitute - for production of more ketone bodies, and as a result,
our own fatty tissue becomes a new source of energy that our body uses as long as we are in a state
of ketosis. That’s the main reason why we're losing weight so fast. The best part of ketosis is that our
body will literally transform its shape very soon, and take a much better form, as the extra fat around
our hips and belly will melt away. I really hope that now I have your attention and that you will join
me very soon, in my next video, where we will discuss some other health benefits that the keto diet

Thanks for watching and see you in the next video!

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