2001 Hoenig - Sample - Prep - Preparation Steps in Environmental Trace Element Analysis Talanta - 2001

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Talanta 54 (2001) 1021– 1038



Preparation steps in environmental trace element analysis

— facts and traps
Michel Hoenig *
Centre for Veterinary and Agrochemical Research (CERVA), Leu6ensesteenweg 17, B-3080 Ter6uren, Belgium

Received 8 November 2000; received in revised form 17 January 2001; accepted 17 January 2001


The laboratory of CERVA is for several decades involved in the Belgian environmental research. The activity was
associated to national monitoring programs dealing with trace metal pollution of all compartments of the environ-
ment (sea and river waters, sediments and organisms but also soils, plants, animal and food samples). Such a
monitoring dealing with the total analyte contents in samples needed a comprehensive development of the whole
methodology associated to the analyses using atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy techniques. This includes
measurement but also preparation steps. The latter is the subject of this work. Long-term experience has shown that
precisely sample preparation is the most critical part of the analysis because it is responsible for the largest and often
hidden sources of errors. Errors due to contaminations may be usually overcome if necessary precautions are taken
concerning reagents, tools and the manner of working. The problem is different for analyte losses: in this case, the
responsible factor is an inappropriate methodology. This is particularly true for preparation of solid samples that
have to be brought in a solution in order to satisfy needs of introduction systems of most spectroscopic techniques
utilized in routine laboratories. For some types of samples (e.g. animal tissues), the dissolution is not a problem: it
may be readily achieved by several procedures. This is not the case for samples that contain silicates in their matrix
(e.g. soils, sediments, plants) because their complete dissolution cannot be ensured by a simple procedure. This review
describes the present knowledge regarding possibilities and errors that concern preparation steps. In addition, possible
effects of the preparation procedure on the quality of measurement are also systematically discussed. © 2001 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sample preparation; Trace element analysis; Atomic spectroscopic methods

1. Introduction

The present paper has to be considered as a

* Tel.: +32-2-7692234; Fax: + 32-2-762305. tutorial: it does not necessarily present all last
E-mail address: m.hoenig@terv.var.fgov.be (M. Hoenig). novelties concerning the discussed topics but it is

0039-9140/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 9 - 9 1 4 0 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 3 2 9 - 0
1022 M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038

rather useful to help all ‘new’ analysts confronted “ Waters (drinking, surface, ground, rain,
with the trace element analysis using atomic spec- waste...).
troscopy methods. Environmental aspects associ- “ Soils, sediments, suspended particulate matter
ated to the pollution problematic may be collected in natural waters, dusts.
modelized thanks to reliable data obtained by a “ Plant samples (variable content of insoluble
monitoring of several chemical and physical silicate compounds).
parameters. It is evident that phenomena in play “ Seawater (ultra-trace concentrations), biologi-
are principally of chemical nature and that ways cal fluids (very complex matrix: blood, milk, or
leading to their identification and their possible highly variable matrix: urine).
control are precisely associated to this discipline. “ Wastes (urban or industrial): great difficulty to
Therefore, chemical analysis plays a dominant ensure a representative sample to analyze [1].
role and only adequately interpreted data ob- This review is dedicated to the determination of
tained under appropriate conditions can guaran- the total analyte content in samples. Problems
tee the success of further investigations. In the associated to the speciation of elements are an-
past, we witnessed situations where links between other aspect of the analysis: it will not be dis-
different aspects of the environmental protection cussed here.
under-estimated the analytical control. At present, In most inorganic analytical laboratories, trace
we can still not state that the utilization of chem- element analysis is usually performed using
ical analysis attains always the needed quality atomic spectroscopy techniques. The market of
level in this field. In this respect, it is first neces- this type of apparatus offers principally instru-
mentation initially dedicated to the analysis of
sary to adopt an analytical strategy, represented
liquid samples. Only few manufacturers propose
by following points:
equipments for direct analysis of solid samples:
“ Rigorous definition of the problem to
X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRFS) and arc/
spark atomic emission spectrometry (AES). These
“ Selection and collection of samples related to
two techniques were intensively utilized between
this problem (sampling).
the fifties and seventies. At present they cover,
“ Appropriate sample preparation.
with difficulty, needs usually required in environ-
“ Accurate determination of elements associated
mental applications necessitating determinations
to the initial problem. of elements at trace or ultra-trace concentrations.
“ Validation and evaluation of analytical results.
These remain, however, utilized in some industrial
“ Interpretation of results as a function of the
domains because of the practical aspects of their
investigated problem. application, i.e., analyses can often be performed
“ Relevant conclusions. directly on solid samples overcoming then prob-
Regarding the initial situation, conclusions are lems associated to dissolution procedures.
based on a set of analyses, which are character- In environmental and health diagnostics, deter-
ized by a large number of elements determined in mination of trace elements has been since the
various samples with an unknown and/or variable seventies tackled using atomic absorption and
matrix composition. It must be remembered here atomic emission techniques. Flame atomic ab-
that precisely the matrix will be responsible for sorption spectrometry (FAAS) offers a detection
the degree of difficulties encountered during power ranging between mg/l and mg/l depending
analyses because it will impose constraints not on the element to be considered, electrothermal
only in the analyte determination but also during atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) is able
preparation steps. Due to these facts, samples to determine fractions in the mg/l average. How-
collected for environmental monitoring fall into ever, AAS techniques are limited to determination
different categories as a function of the analytical of metallic elements only. During the same period
difficulty associated to the complexity of the ma- appeared inductively coupled plasma atomic emis-
trix and/or concentration levels to determine: sion spectrometry (ICP-AES) exhibiting a detec-
M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038 1023

tion power situated between FAAS and ETAAS. ents to resolve usual cases are present here or in
More recently during the eighties, equipments re- the references given. It remains for the analyst to
sulting from a coupling of an ICP excitation choose the appropriate preparation methodology
source with a mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) were in function of sample types, of the available
first commercialized. The detection power of ICP- equipment and of imperatives of the analysis and
MS is very high, of the order of ng/l or lower. of the whole study.
Multielement analytical techniques, ICP-AES and
ICP-MS allow the determination of metals and
non-metals. Moreover, in comparison with AAS, 2. Definitions
particularly electrothermal, the analytical
throughput using plasma-based techniques is con- Samples to analyze in environmental and health
siderably improved. studies occur as liquids or solids. They may be
Nowadays we assist to a general substantial divided into those that are already in an aqueous
improvement of the utilizable performance of the solution (various water samples, beverages, milk,
instrumentation. However, in such situation blood, serum, urine...) or in other liquid form
where a dramatic lowering of detection limits is (oils...). For routine analysis by atomic spec-
observed, the risk of suddenly appearing errors troscopy techniques, which are all dedicated to
due to sample handling is increasing. Before the work with aqueous samples, the analysis of other
commercial introduction of modern instrumenta- liquid samples must be adapted (subject not dis-
tion, these ‘new’ errors were practically impercep- cussed here). Solid samples can mainly be of
tible in the determination of high concentrations organic (plants and animal tissues...) or mainly
analyzed with less sensitive techniques. Dangers inorganic (soils, sediments...) nature. Prior to the
of contaminations are now increasingly present: analysis, solid samples are generally solubilized by
the good choice of the sample preparation proce- an appropriate dissolution method. However,
dure, the quality of its application and the ade- each case necessitates a different analytical ap-
quate laboratory environment become therefore proach that has to be selected depending on the
the most critical points for a successful trace sample composition. For this choice, the possible
element analysis. behaviour of both main matrix and trace elements
We will enumerate here some basic notions that has to be considered.
will allow a better understanding of the general In order to simplify the problem associated to
philosophy regarding existing trace element analy- the analysis of solid samples, we can consider at
sis principles. Firstly, it is necessary to ascertain the outset that the organic part of the sample will
that chemical analysis is a set of closely bound be decomposed and eliminated during preparation
steps: for example, the choice of the sample steps. The analyzed residue will then be consti-
preparation procedure will depend on the mea- tuted by mineral compounds only, but their con-
surement technique used and/or conversely. It is tent may be very variable: expressed in dry
then not sufficient to intuitively apply a non-vali- matter, main elements (usually forming the ma-
dated procedure (mineralization, dissolution, mea- trix) are present at concentrations superior to
surement technique...) to a sample with an 0.1% (in environmental samples usually Ca, K,
unknown composition. The set of analytical crite- Mg, Na and P), minor elements (B 0.1%, e.g. Fe,
ria has to be chosen after a global consideration Al...), trace elements are in mg/g and ultra-trace
of the final objective — reliable results in terms of elements below ng/g or lower. These definitions
accuracy and precision. The topic is very vast: for are arbitrary but they reflect the sample reality
this reason we will discuss broad outlines and and difficulties encountered during an analysis.
general trends concerning sample preparation Indeed, if errors of one percent are unacceptable
steps, their principles, advantages and drawbacks. for results concerning main matrix elements, val-
Consequently, the reader will not find in this work ues with errors of ten percent or more are gener-
many ‘recipes’ but we hope that necessary ingredi- ally admissible in trace or ultra-trace element
1024 M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038

analysis. This fact is furthermore clearly perceiv- start with the sampling, continue with preparation
able in results of any intercomparison exercise. procedure and end by the determination itself.
In view of elevated concentrations of main ele- Following the sample nature and other factors,
ments, the sample matrix is the factor responsible errors can occur at various steps of the analysis.
for interference observed during measurements of They result either in analyte loss (incomplete re-
other elements present at lower concentrations. coveries) or in its contamination (excessive
The matrix represents also the most important recoveries).
factor to consider for a successful dissolution of Analyte losses may be provoked by volatiliza-
the sample. Depending on the sample type, the tion, absorption, adsorption, transformation, pre-
dissolution procedure generally includes several cipitation or coprecipitation resulting from
steps. Here, the terminology is precise: the term treatments utilized during sample preparation
‘mineralization’ concerns samples with a totally or steps. Nevertheless, there are cases where losses
partly organic matrix only (animal and plant tis- are apparent only. In other words, even in cases
sues, food samples, soils...). Prior to the analysis, without any losses due to preparation steps, possi-
the organic compounds present have to be decom- ble interferences that occur during measurements
posed and/or eliminated precisely by a mineraliza- are often responsible for analyte signal suppres-
tion procedure. Using various reagents, the sion. This is attributed to matrix effects resulting
organic matter is decomposed into carbon diox- from differences between compositions of calibra-
ide, nitrogen oxides and water, thus liberating tion standards and samples. In this case, the
into solution elements initially associated with it. measurement technique is responsible for the er-
After a mineralization procedure, the resulting ror observed: in practice, it is of paramount im-
sample residue should be essentially inorganic: it portance to distinguish this type of error from
will be subject to a final dissolution step in the errors assignable to sample preparation
same way as a sample with an initially total procedure.
inorganic composition (rocks, metals...). For more Contaminations, frequently observed, are due
complex samples (organic+inorganic composi- to systematic or random introduction of non-neg-
tion: soils, sludge, plant samples...), chemical ligible amounts of the analyte during different
reagents and physical means used ensure most steps of the analysis. They result from reagents
often these two roles (mineralization and dissolu- and materials utilized or from ambient air; they
tion) simultaneously. become the more troublesome as concentrations
In a usual chemical analysis, the objective of to determine are lowered. Arising from reagents,
sample preparation stage is to bring all available the contamination values are generally repro-
means into play in order to determine as readily ducible from one sample to another (systematic
as possible the elements to be investigated. These error). Other contamination sources, more easily
means are: avoidable, are random and variable. It is neces-
“ Conversion of the sample to a form compatible sary to evaluate the possible global contamination
with the measurement technique utilized (gen- by several representative blanks and to consider
erally a dissolution). them in the calculation of results. On the other
“ Destruction and simplification of the matrix hand, it is also necessary to clearly distinguish
(mineralization: wet digestion, dry ashing). contaminations due to sampling and sample stor-
“ Analyte separation or preconcentration (topics age from those associated to preparation and
not treated here). measurement stages.

3.1. Sampling
3. Principal sources of errors
Sampling, the first and one of the most impor-
Accuracy of results is often difficult to ensure tant steps, has the role to ensure the representativ-
because of great number of analytical steps that ity of the sample in the context studied. For this
M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038 1025

reason also, it represents the most potential means such as strong acidification followed by
source of errors. The sampling, however, cannot vigorous shaking.
be considered as a real part of the analytical Another mean to avoid adsorption losses is
protocol and we will present briefly its essential immediate freezing of the sample collected and its
aspects. If the sampling is not based on the thawing just before measurements. This is the best
present knowledge and on the use of appropriate method for storage of natural waters because an
tools with particular cautions, both systematic acidification may mobilize into solution some
and random errors may occur, attaining in some trace elements associated with particulate matter
cases (e.g. trace elements) several orders of magni- present in the sample. If the total content of trace
tude. The reader interested by all problems associ- elements in the water sample is needed, dissolu-
ated with the sampling may find necessary details tion of the suspended matter is desirable, but it
in works [2– 9] dedicated to this very important may become problematic if the analyte concentra-
procedure. More detailed information concerning tion in the aqueous phase only has to be deter-
the whole sample preparation may be found in mined. In this case and if means for freezing are
references [10– 19]. not available after sample collection, an aliquot
should be filtered (generally using a membrane
3.2. Collection and storage filter of 0.45 mm porosity) and subsequently aci-
dified. A global analysis of such water sample
Depending on the samples to analyze and ele- may then be performed: aqueous phase and solid
ments to be determined, the sampling tools, filtra- residue remaining on the filter (after an appropri-
tion devices and storage vessels have to be ate dissolution) are analyzed separately and a
calculation of their contribution in the initial sam-
carefully chosen and cleaned to minimize risks of
ple may be done.
a possible contamination. All vessels to be used
should thus be washed, rinsed and then soaked
3.3. Preparation
overnight in 1– 10% (v/v) analytical grade nitric
acid. Finally, before use all vessels should be
In most cases, sample preparation includes sev-
rinsed in high purity deionized water. During
eral stages (solid samples): drying (air, laboratory
sample collection and storage, risks of contamina- oven...), homogenization (mixing, crushing...),
tion are important and become often critical when grinding (mills, mortars...), followed by a sub-
they concern sampling of media presenting very sampling, mineralization and dissolution of a sub-
low concentration levels of analytes investigated. sample. The obtained solution is finally filled-up
This is for example the case of natural waters. to a fixed volume. Some of these steps performed
Also analyte losses may occur with such samples: in the laboratory may be sources of contamina-
some cautions must then be taken into account tions, essentially due to the type of vessels and
during their collection and storage. purity of reagents, to water used but also to
In order to minimize analyte losses by adsorp- ambient air. Additionally, grinding generally ap-
tion of metal ions on the vessel or on the sus- plied to solid samples prior to the dissolution
pended particles, the samples collected can be procedure, may contaminate the sample by abra-
stored for a short time in a refrigerator, and for sion of the mortar or milling parts with certain
longer periods in a freezer. For the same purpose, hardness. Agate, for example, often used as mate-
aqueous solutions are generally acidified immedi- rial for machining of laboratory mortars, presents
ately after sampling (generally at pHB1.5 with hardness similar to quartz, always present in soil
nitric acid). This treatment is generally sufficient and sediment samples. In this case, it is more
to prevent the adsorption of trace elements on to appropriate to grind such samples in mortars of
walls of the vessel for relatively long term. It must superior hardness, e.g. boron carbide or corun-
be specified here that in practice it is very difficult dum. It must be noted that the use of the corun-
to remobilize back into solution previously ad- dum may affect the analysis by contamination of
sorbed trace elements, even using relatively drastic the sample by Al, Mg, Ba, Cu and Zn.
1026 M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038

Sample preparation steps necessitate the use of “ Simplify handling, avoid filtrations and trans-
reagents and vessels made in porcelain, glass, fers of solutions if they are not absolutely
quartz, PTFE, platinum or various plastics. Impu- necessary.
rities present in reagents are important (and often “ Perform several blank procedures with the
systematic) sources of contaminations, in particu- same reagents, vessels and operating conditions
lar if they are added in great amounts. For this to evaluate possible contaminations and cor-
reason, in addition to usual analytical grade rect the results.
chemicals, the market offers relatively expensive “ Check recoveries for the whole procedure using
reagents of high purity (Suprapur, Ultrapur, reference materials of similar composition to
Specpure...). Their use allows avoiding to a large those of samples analyzed. If recoveries are
extent this type of contamination problems. It is incomplete, find the reason distinguishing
also possible to purify reagents (acids) in the own preparation steps (responsible factor: proce-
laboratory: however, it must be remarked that dure) and measurement step (responsible fac-
these procedures necessitate an appropriate ap- tor: interference).
paratus realized in expensive materials (quartz,
PTFE), they are delicate to master and require a 3.4. Measurements
good skill of the operator.
Errors resulting in analyte losses and incom- Aqueous samples and dissolved solid samples
plete recoveries associated with mineralization are generally introduced for analysis directly and
and dissolution procedures will be treated sepa- without any prior treatment. The only main prob-
rately in Section 4.
lem with solutions is the collection and storage of
It is evident that sample preparation steps are
natural waters, already discussed in Section 3.2.
of paramount importance to ensure a good qual-
Concerning atomic spectroscopic analysis, no par-
ity of the whole analysis. Contamination risks
ticular precautions have to be taken. If measured
increase with temperature, pressure, long-term
concentrations satisfy the principal criteria of the
contact of solutions with the vessels and with
spectroscopic method used (sensitivity, detection
decreasing analyte concentration. To minimize
limits, dynamic range) and if possible interfer-
them, a number of principles must be fulfilled:
“ Consult established procedures specified in the
ences are under control, the analysis of solutions
literature and take into account the real objec- may be performed automatically with all modern
tive of the analysis. The most complex proce- spectroscopic systems. Of course, it is of great
dure is not always the best. help in the analysis if the operator knows the
“ Ensure a clean environment in the laboratory approximate concentrations of the analyte and
(hoods, ovens, muffle furnaces, microwave the main matrix components in the sample in
devices...). order to decide whether or not some dilution is
“ For grinding, milling and homogenization, use desirable. Some types of aqueous liquid samples
devices made of appropriate material to avoid necessitate particular cautions during the intro-
sample pollution. duction, e.g. blood coagulates in contact with
“ Limit the mass of the sample to be analyzed some chemical compounds like palladium chloride
and volume of vessels used (to minimize the or nitrate, often used as chemical modifiers in
contact area with the solution). ETAAS analysis. With modern apparatus, the
“ Use only water and reagents of high purity and separate introduction of the modifier and sample
reduce the amounts used. into the furnace is possible and their direct con-
“ Clean carefully all vessels (soaking in acids tact is thus avoided.
followed by an abundant rinsing with deion- Measurement apparatus may also be a source
ized water). of contaminations. The most known example is
“ Do not use old vessels to avoid adsorption associated to the ETAAS determination of a trace
phenomena of trace elements on any worn-out element after a long period of its use as chemical
surfaces. modifier. Nickel, for example, often used as effi-
M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038 1027

cient modifier in the As and Se determinations, Zeeman) as a non-specific signal. The resulting
will progressively contaminate the whole atom- atomic signal of the analyte is consequently re-
izer. If it should be determined at trace levels after duced. If the use of hydrochloric acid is unavoid-
such utilization of the furnace, an intensive decon- able in a particular preparation procedure,
tamination of the ETAAS system is imperative. addition of nitric acid allows avoiding above de-
Similarly, the material and condition of tubings scribed problem (e.g. digestions with aqua regia).
that ensure the transport of solution to nebuliza- For some applications, hydrochloric acid is also
tion system and of aerosol to the torch in ICP- undesirable in the ICP-MS analysis. It is, for
AES and particularly ICP-MS analyses may be a example, responsible for an isobaric interference
source of adsorption/desorption phenomena lead- on the unique arsenic mass (m/z 75). In this case,
ing to erroneous results. chloride in the sample combines with the argon
Errors due to interferences are associated to the present in the plasma, forming thus 40Ar35Cl+ of
measurement technique itself. They are defined, in identical mass to those of As. Both masses are
principle, as errors resulting from sample compo- detected simultaneously, leading to apparently
sition only. This kind of effects falls in another higher concentrations for arsenic.
field of interest than preparation steps and it is Because of its high viscosity, utilization of sul-
not treated here. A documentation concerning phuric acid is often avoided in spite of its great
origins of interferences in spectrochemical meth- efficiency in decomposition procedures of organic
ods and means of their correction may be found samples. Its presence in solutions is particularly
in appropriate works [18– 25]. Nevertheless, we undesirable in analytical techniques where the
will present some examples of problems resulting sample introduction is ensured by a nebulization
from the use of particular reagents during prepa- system (FAAS, ICP-AES, ICP-MS). Physical in-
ration steps, because by this way they become an terferences observed are attributed to changes in
inherent part of the sample analyzed. the formation and/or transport of the aerosol if
The type of acid used in preparation procedures there are physical differences between standard
can have important consequences during measure- and sample solutions. Especially for the case of
ment steps. It is commonly known that in all sulphuric acid, its concentration has to be identi-
techniques of atomic spectroscopy nitric acid is cal in all solutions analyzed. This is often unreal-
the most desirable reagent. In spite of sometimes izable because the part of acid really used to
observed signal suppressions in its presence (e.g. achieve the mineralization remains unknown,
in ICP-AES), no severe analytical problems with same as its residual concentration in resulting
nitric acid at concentrations up to 10%, some- solutions. Despite of its good efficiency in diges-
times higher, are practically observed in all tech- tion mixtures, the use of sulphuric acid is for these
niques of atomic spectroscopy as far as their reasons often avoided.
concentrations are similar in standards and sam- In dry mineralization procedures, various ash-
ples. Also hydrogen peroxide added into most ing aids are sometimes added to the sample in
mineralization procedures is rarely responsible for order to reduce the volatility of analytes (As, Se,
analytical problems. Te) but also to improve decomposition of the
The presence of hydrochloric acid is not trou- organic matrix. This is generally achieved by addi-
blesome in the ICP-AES analysis; on the other tion of large amounts of magnesium nitrate and/
hand, its single use is prohibited in ETAAS analy- or oxide before ashing at high temperatures [10].
sis because of the possible formation of analyte Except a possible high background absorption
chlorides and of spectral and/or vapour-phase during ETAAS determination of elements with
interference that it can generate [20,21]. During wavelengths near the principal atomic absorption
the atomization step a part of the analyte is line of Mg, the high Mg-content in the final
volatilized as undissociated chloride molecules, solutions is generally not troublesome in analysis
resulting in a molecular absorption compensated of other elements. Unfortunately, it prevents the
by the background correction device (deuterium, often-required determination of the initial Mg-
1028 M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038

concentration in the analyzed sample and the melting reagents. They are generally set apart for
increased content of total dissolved salts will im- applications in which the objective is the determi-
pede the analysis by ICP-MS. nation of main matrix elements in samples which
are insoluble in acids. Nevertheless, alkaline fu-
sions are often used for geological and industrial
4. Dissolution of solid samples: principles purposes because they allow a subsequent efficient
dissolution of both matrix and trace elements.
Collected solid samples are generally too het- Common methods of fusion generally require four
erogeneous to satisfy needs of the analysis. This to eight times as much reagent as sample. The
implies preliminary treatments in order to obtain amounts of fluxing reagents added are thus very
a more representative sub-sample with a finer important and are consequently a potential source
particle size. Prior to the following steps, samples of contamination in trace element analysis. For
are dried at ambient temperature or in a labora- this reason they must be of very high purity.
tory oven (usually 75°C for mercury, 105°C for Concerning the analysis itself, the possible drastic
other elements). For some types of samples, change of the initial matrix implies particular
lyophilisation procedures (drying by freezing) are caution because the ‘new’ matrix elements intro-
increasingly often utilized: they allow preserving duced via fluxing reagents can also become a new
the initial sample texture and/or facilitating a source of interference.
subsequent grinding.
For dry solid samples of certain hardness (soils,
sediments), several types of grindings (dry or wet) 5. Mineralization: decomposition of organic
may be applied manually (mortars) or mechani- matter
cally (ball, hammer, roll and disk mills or
grinders) machined in various materials of appro- Samples of organic or mixed nature are subject
priate hardness (steel, agate, boron or tungsten to two distinct steps, which take often, place
carbides, corundum...). Homogenization of other simultaneously: mineralization and dissolution.
types of solid samples (plant and animal tissues, Samples of purely inorganic composition are sim-
food samples...) is generally ensured using various ply dissolved.
mixers. To facilitate the homogenization of fresh The composition of environmental samples
organic samples, they may be ground after freez- varies from purely inorganic (e.g. fly ash) to
ing in liquid nitrogen. purely organic (e.g. fats), but generally, they are
In the following sections, we will mainly discuss an intermediate combination of these extremes.
cases associated to the total analyte content in the This means that total dissolution of samples usu-
sample. This means that generally a quantitative ally analyzed cannot be achieved in one step using
dissolution of solid samples is required. To ensure a single reagent. In practice, the necessary number
this point for some types of samples (soils, sedi- of steps and reagents is dictated by the matrix
ments, plant material), the known procedures are composition. Purely organic or mixed samples are
systematically too labour- or time-consuming to usually brought into solution by some types of
be applied to routine analyses. For environmental oxidation process followed by an acid digestion of
monitoring purposes for example, they are often the resulting residue, as well as of the initial
replaced by simpler and easily applicable proce- inorganic part of the matrix. In dry ashing proce-
dures. However, these substitutive methodologies dures, the organic matter is decomposed by calci-
rarely lead to accurate determination of total nation at high temperature and the obtained ash
analyte contents but they are generally sufficient is dissolved in a strong acid. In most modern wet
to satisfy objectives of the study. This point will procedures, various combinations and propor-
be discussed later with more details. tions of strong acids with hydrogen peroxide en-
We mention here also fusion procedures using sure the mineralization and dissolution of the
alkali metal hydroxides, carbonates or borates as sample.
M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038 1029

5.1. Dry ashing (clear, colourless and odourless). This is rarely

the case of solutions obtained using wet diges-
Mineralization of the organic matter is done by tion methods.
ashing at atmospheric pressure in a pro- “ Reagent volumes and the handling are reduced.
grammable furnace. The commonly admitted tem-
perature for this step is 450°C. In addition to
traditionally heated muffle furnaces generally em- 5.1.1. Procedures and de6ices usually employed
ployed for dry ashing purposes, the market pro- Dry ashing methods can be applied to mineral-
poses now also microwave furnaces especially ization of organic materials, biological tissues,
adapted to attain elevated temperatures. Also a plant and food samples, sludge, etc. Well mas-
low temperature ashing procedure (LTA) in a tered, they ensure a total destruction of the or-
radiofrequency oxygen plasma exists: unfortu- ganic matter; the associated elements are generally
nately, the necessary instrumentation is very ex- transformed to carbonate or oxide forms.
pensive and not easily available on the present Concerning the choice of ashing temperature, it
market. In addition, the low temperature ashing is is therefore mandatory to ensure the quantitative
a particularly time-consuming procedure. decomposition of the organic matter without a
The fresh or dried (usually 103– 105°C) sample partial or total loss of analytes by volatilization or
is weighed into a suitable crucible (generally plat- their incorporation into a residue insoluble in
inum) and placed in the furnace. Temperature is usual reagents. The latter may result from forma-
progressively elevated following a heating pro- tion of refractory oxides, from combinations with
gram to attain 450°C and maintained several other sample constituents present but also from
hours. The resulting inorganic residue (ash) is reactions with walls of the crucible. The most
dissolved by an appropriate acid. The obtained appropriate vessel material for dry ashing is plat-
solution is transferred into a volumetric flask, inum, which resists virtually to all acids except
filled up and analyzed. Depending on the initial aqua regia, but a factor to consider remains the
sample condition, results will be expressed on elevated cost of crucibles made in this material.
fresh or dry weight. The application of dry ashing Dry ashing temperatures commonly admitted
methods is simple and large sample series may be for trace element analysis range between 450 and
treated at the same time. This is not their unique 500°C. They are generally high enough to ensure
advantage: compared with wet digestions, the dry a complete oxidation of the organic materials
ashing presents several other useful character- avoiding dangers of volatilization losses for most
istics: analytes (except Hg, As, Se). The losses are still
“ The biggest advantage of dry ashing proce- minimized if the ashing temperature is attained in
dures is the possibility of treating large sample a slow gradient (9 4 h from ambient temperature)
amounts and dissolving the resulting ash in a that prevents any local hot spots or self-ignition
small volume of acid (generally nitric or hydro- of the sample with consequent loss of analyte.
chloric). This procedure permits the preconcen- Losses can also result from overshooting of the
tration of trace elements in the final solution, maximum temperature set.
which is useful when very low analyte concen- The ashing temperature is maintained several
trations are to be determined. hours. If the ashing is performed under optimal
“ The resulting ash is completely free of organic conditions, it leads to ashes of white or light grey
matter, which is a prerequisite for some analyt- colour. After cooling, they are generally dissolved
ical techniques (e.g. data in ICP-MS or ICP- by nitric or hydrochloric acid. Sometimes the
AES with ultrasonic nebulization which may oxidation of organic matter is not complete: the
be affected by the presence of some undissoci- ashes present darker spots (dark grey to black)
ated organic molecules). attributable to insufficiently oxidized carbon. Be-
“ The sample matrix is largely simplified and cause this contributes to a difficult subsequent
resulting solutions are of very acceptable aspect dissolution, such a residue must be moistened by
1030 M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038

1 ml nitric acid and recalcinated for 1 h at the that high temperatures applied will unavoidably
usual aching temperature. After this treatment, provoke more or less pronounced volatilization
ashes are generally clear and easily soluble. losses of some elements. In analyses associated to
environmental studies, this danger concerns mer- Operating modes. Animal tissues (and all cury, arsenic and selenium [31,32]. Other rela-
samples of organic nature without presence of tively volatile elements like cadmium, lead or
silicates) [19] thallium tolerate, without losses, temperatures
“ Weigh in platinum crucible 1– 5 g dried sample usually applied for dry ashing.
(105°C) or up to 20 g fresh sample. The analysis of mercury, a particularly volatile
“ Place the crucible into a cold muffle furnace element, necessitates mandatory a sample prepa-
and elevate progressively the temperature to ration procedure based on wet digestion methods.
attain 450°C in 4 h (6 h for fresh samples). On the other hand, As and Se analysis can, in
“ Maintain this temperature for 16 h. some cases and under particular conditions, also
“ After cooling, add 2 ml concentrated nitric benefit of advantages offered by a dry ashing
acid, heat the sample to boiling on a hot plate. procedure. The addition of ashing aids-generally
“ After cooling, transfer quantitatively the solu- MgO and/or Mg(NO3)2-can sometimes allow to
tion into a 50 or 100 ml calibrated flask and form during the ashing procedure less volatile As
fill-up to volume. or Se compounds. The success of ashing aids
Plant samples - Method of the Comité Inter-In- efficiency is of course strongly dependent on the
stituts d’Etude des Techniques Analytiques (CII) initial analyte form. For example, after a dry
with removal of Si [26– 28]. This procedure can be ashing procedure of terrestrial plants, As and Se
possibly used for dissolution of soils and recoveries are very consistent but this is not the
sediments case for plants of aquatic origin [32]. On the other
“ Weigh in a platinum crucible 1– 3 g dried sam- hand, the utilization of ashing aids is particularly
ple (105°C). delicate because some successful examples cannot
“ Place the crucible into a cold muffle furnace be generalized: for a routine use, the procedure
and elevate progressively the temperature to necessitates a serious and time-consuming valida-
attain 450°C in 4 hours. tion for each type of samples analyzed. In addi-
“ Maintain this temperature for 16 hours. tion, the utilization of ashing aids increases
“ After cooling, moisten the residue with 2 ml significantly the total content of dissolved solids
deionized water, add 3 ml concentrated nitric in solutions, limiting then the application of this
acid and 2 ml concentrated hydrofluoric acid. approach for ICP-MS analysis. For all above-
“ Evaporate slowly to dryness on a sand bath or mentioned reasons, the mineralization of samples
on a hot plate. for arsenic and selenium analyses must be done,
“ Repeat two times this step with addition of 2 as for mercury, using a good wet digestion
ml nitric acid and 1 ml hydrofluoric acid. method (ensuring the quantitative decomposition
“ Dissolve the residue with 2 ml nitric acid, wait of organic matter in the case of ICP-MS analysis).
15 minutes, add 20 ml demineralized water and These three elements, furthermore, can benefit of
heat up to a gentle boiling. a common mineralization procedure.
“ After cooling, transfer quantitatively the solu- Even for samples of organic nature, the dissolu-
tion into a 50 or 100 ml calibrated flask and tion mode of ashes described (i, in Section
fill-up to volume. can sometimes lead to severe inadequacies. This
procedure does not ensure the dissolution of sili-
5.1.2. Problems cate compounds and consequently of all elements
Nevertheless, dry ashing methods present some associated with them [31]. This problem is en-
limitations: even if it has been largely proved that countered mainly in plant analysis, often consid-
they satisfy indisputably the analysis of most ana- ered as easy to analyze as e.g. animal tissues.
lytes currently studied [18,26– 31], it is evident Unfortunately, plant media contain variable con-
M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038 1031

centrations of silica that can attain several per- only. Nevertheless, in some cases, the interest may
cent. After a procedure without elimination of be oriented to the analyte form in the sample or
silicon (= incomplete dissolution), poor recover- to its distribution in sample fractions (mineralogi-
ies for some other elements can be observed, cal, chemical, granulometrical...). The wet proce-
particularly traces. The best indication of this dures are only able to distinguish these very
phenomenon is the determination of aluminium, different approaches because they may lead to
partly associated with silicates and relatively total dissolution as well as to a selective mobiliza-
abundant in plant media [31,33]. If a poor recov- tion of the analyte into solution. The success of
ery is observed for this element (e.g. using a the analysis will depend among other factors on
reference material of similar composition), the the choice of reagents and of their combination
mineralization procedure ii, in Section has and concentrations. In environmental sciences, it
to be applied. In this case, the insoluble residue is is then possible, using specific schemes of partial
dissolved by hydrofluoric acid: silicates are de- and/or selective dissolutions, to better define the
composed, silicon volatilized under SiF6- form analyte distribution in various constituents of the
and the associated elements brought into the solu- sample. These possibilities concern mainly soils
tion. This problem is not specific for dry ashing and sediments. In practice, the below mentioned
procedures only: it is present to the same extent in wet digestion procedures will be chosen, adapted
wet digestions of plant samples. Here also the and utilized following well-defined criteria [34]:
hydrofluoric acid step must be performed, necessi- “ Total decomposition procedures are usually per-
tating the use of PTFE vessels. formed in the presence of hydrofluoric acid
combined with other acids. They generally per-
5.2. Oxidati6e acid digestions (wet methods) mit the dissolution of all elements present in
the sample (except silicon which is volatilized
Compared to dry ashing methods, mineraliza- during the evaporation to dryness; some other
tion procedures using acid digestions present a elements may be also partially lost, e.g. boron).
wide range of varieties that concern the choice of For the validation of a total attack, the use of
reagents and their mixtures as well as devices used reference materials with recommended values is
for the procedure application. The large number of paramount importance.
of procedures that may be found in the literature “ Strong attacks are generally performed using a
(e.g. see the recent comprehensive revue of Lam- mixture of strong acids, except hydrofluoric
ble and Hill [33] illustrates the fact that a lack of acid. Better adapted to routine analysis, they
a consensus exists, even inside a same sample are easy to use but less complete in some cases
family. Therefore, any precise operating modes (soils, sediments...) than the total attack be-
cannot be presented here. However, basic princi- cause of the presence of insoluble silicates.
ples exist: they must be applied after a serious These differences being generally without par-
consideration that concerns the sample nature and ticular significance for geochemical purposes,
its composition as well as composition of the strong attack are satisfactory in several cases,
reactive mixture and objectives of the analysis. e.g. to evaluate the pollution level in environ-
This is not always an easy task: consequently, for mental monitoring: the dissolution of soils, sed-
routine analyses we often prefer the use of well iments and sludge is usually performed with
defined and easily mastered dry ashing aqua regia (1 ml concentrated nitric acid+3
procedures. ml hydrochloric acid for a 1 g dry sample). On
the other hand, compared to a total attack, its
5.2.1. Objecti6es of the analysis validation is more arguable concerning recov-
Actually, the objective of an environmental eries of some elements, which also depends
monitoring is most often concerned with the de- among other things on the composition of the
termination of total content of analytes in samples sample matrix. As far as we know, for valida-
studied. In this work, we deal with this aspect tions of such partial procedures only few refer-
1032 M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038

ence materials are certified for many elements of a considerable importance in the destruction
and various types of attacks. Among them, of environmental materials [10]. Concentrated
IRMM proposes BCR-141R to BCR-146R ref- nitric acid boils at about 120°C, a factor which
erence soils and sludge (aqua regia soluble facilitates its removal after oxidation, but
fractions) and 320-river sediment (informative which correspondingly limits its efficiency. Ni-
values for aqua regia soluble fractions). Simi- tric acid is commonly used in the presence of
larly, NIST offers SRM-2709 to SRM-2711 sulphuric acid (which partly degrades the more
and SRM-2781 (soils and sludge). From a less resistant material by elevating of the mixture
known supplier there are also available four boiling point), with perchloric acid (which con-
reference soils [35] certified for total, aqua re- tinues the oxidation after the nitric acid has
gia, hot nitric acid, cold nitric acid and CaCl2 been removed), or with hydrogen peroxide for
contents. its efficient oxidation properties.
“ Moderate attacks should, in principle, be used “ Sulphuric acid is the main component of a very
to simulate transfers of elements in the envi- efficient and often used mixture in wet diges-
ronment (e.g. assimilation of trace elements tions procedures: nitric acid+ sulphuric acid+
from the soil by plants). At present, no interna- hydrogen peroxide. The interaction of
tional normalization consensus exists for such sulphuric acid with organic compounds is very
approaches because each country prefers to complex; under suitable conditions, it can
keep his own methodology. cause oxidation, sulphonation, esterification,
“ Particular cases are represented by selective hydrolysis of esters, dehydratation or polymer-
leachings in order to determine possible associ- ization [10]. From the viewpoint of wet diges-
ations of the analyte with the main constituents tion, the most important reactions are
of the sample (e.g. with organic matter, iron probably oxidation and dehydratation. In addi-
oxides, carbonates... in soils and sediments). tion to its function in partly degrading organic
Here again no consensus exists but sequential materials by its own action, the presence of
extraction procedures developed in the eighties sulphuric acid in mixtures containing other ox-
appear increasingly in the field of speciation idizing agents also serves to raise the boiling
analyses. point (b.p. H2SO4 = 330°C) and so it enhances
the action of other oxidants. The main disad-
5.2.2. Reagents vantages associated with the use of sulphuric
In the sample dissolution for the determination acid are its tendency to form insoluble com-
of total contents of elements, the majority of wet pounds and, paradoxally, its high boiling
digestion procedures necessitate the use of six point. The insolubility of the alkaline earth
reagents. Among them, four contribute princi- sulphates can cause difficulties when dealing
pally to the destruction of organic matter (nitric, with samples rich in these elements, such as
sulphuric and perchloric acids and hydrogen per- bone or milk. Some trace elements form also
oxide). Hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids insoluble sulphates: the best known is the case
rather ensure the dissolution of inorganic com- of lead. The high boiling point of sulphuric
pounds. Before discussion of their utilizable mix- acid makes it difficult to remove the excess acid
tures, it is useful to consider reagents separately after completion of the oxidation. Another
and to know their action in dissolution proced- drawback of sulphuric acid, as already men-
ures. tioned, is the viscosity that may provoke trans-
“ Nitric acid is the most widely used primary port interferences in determinations performed
oxidant for the decomposition of organic mat- with analytical techniques where sample intro-
ter. It reacts readily with both aromatic and duction is ensured by a nebulization system.
aliphatic organic materials, giving rise to oxi- Finally, in the presence of sulphates in samples,
dation, esterification and nitration reactions also chemical interferences are sometimes ob-
and leading to simple carboxylic acids, a factor served in ETAAS. For all the reasons specified
M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038 1033

here, it is advisable to avoid the addition of the reactive mixture. The best-known example
sulphuric acid to digestion mixtures. is the coprecipitation of lead with calcium sul-
“ Perchloric acid: handled with knowledge and phate in the case of high sample calcium con-
care, this reagent is extremely efficient in the tent and if the mineralization mixture contains
destruction of organic material and from a sulphuric acid [10]. A precipitate represents a
technical viewpoint, the mixture of nitric and danger for the reliability of the analysis; it
perchloric acids probably has less disadvan- should always be avoided even at the price of
tages than any other oxidation mixture. Be- changing the whole operational procedure.
cause of the occurrence of occasional explosion “ Presence of chlorine in the sample or in the
with perchloric acid, it is reasonable to avoid digestion mixture. A digestion of the sample in
its use. In exceptional circumstances necessitat- the presence of nitric acid ensures generally the
ing the use of perchloric acid, organic samples volatilization of chlorine ions as nitrosyl chlo-
have to be previously oxidized by nitric acid. ride. This occurs at lower temperatures than
This preliminary treatment allows generally the volatilization temperature of other ele-
eliminating the source of danger: an excess of ments. If nitric acid is not present in the reac-
nitric acid has thus a protective role in diges- tive mixture (e.g. in a sulphuric acid+ hydro-
tions with perchloric acid. General recommen- gen peroxide mixture), volatilization losses may
dations concerning the use of perchloric acid in be observed for several elements as germanium
digestion mixtures may be found in the litera- and arsenic [10].
ture [36]. “ Incomplete dissolution (see also Section 5.1.2).
“ Hydrogen peroxide: mixtures of acids with hy- Following the order of importance, it is due to
drogen peroxide are particularly efficient in inadequate choice or amounts of reagents, to
oxidation of organic matter. The reinforced inappropriate heating program (temperature,
oxidizing power of hydrogen peroxide in the time) or to limited possibilities of the device
presence of sulphuric acid is based on ‘in situ’ utilized. In other words, if the reactive mixture
production of permono sulfuric acid H2SO5 is from a chemical viewpoint unable to decom-
that introduces oxygenated groups into many pose the sample, no device, however sophisti-
kinds of organic molecules [10]. Combined with cated, will achieve its dissolution in satisfactory
the dehydrating action of sulfuric acid, this manner. This might occur in often-overrated
type of reaction will rapidly degrade organic some modern heating devices, such as for ex-
materials to small species that readily volatilize ample microwaves.
from the system.
5.2.4. Procedures and de6ices
5.2.3. Problems The choice of a procedure and a device has to
As in dry ashing procedures, drawbacks may be oriented as a function of type and nature of the
appear in wet digestion methods. They are matrix. A comprehensive revue concerning wet
assignable to adsorption, volatilization or decomposition methods and their applications us-
(co)precipitation phenomena. However, these ing microwave devices has recently been published
points have here different relative significations. by Lamble and Hill [33]. This revue may also be
Firstly, temperatures attained are much lower useful for selecting the choice of a conventional
than those applied in dry ashing. Secondly, reten- wet digestion procedure since chemical processes
tion losses of elements on the walls of the mineral- are similar in both cases.
ization vessel are also less frequent. Reactions of
trace elements with other sample constituents are Purely organic samples. The mineraliza-
also limited. Nevertheless, three mechanisms tion and dissolution of these samples is generally
should be noticed: not problematic. Most wet digestion procedures
“ Coprecipitation of the analyte with a precipi- utilize a single acid (usually nitric) or a mixture of
tate formed by a main matrix element within acids and other oxidants (usually nitric acid+ hy-
1034 M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038

drogen peroxide). To reinforce action of these possible. The limiting factor of pressure bombs is
reagents for more resistant samples, numerous the small amount of organic matter that can be
procedures add sulphuric or perchloric acids. The treated (0.1–0.2 g). In pressure bombs, nitric acid
mineralization is performed in open or close only (sometimes with a minimal addition of sul-
systems. phuric acid) is generally used as the digestion
Classically, open systems (digestions at atmo- medium. In these procedures, the addition of
spheric pressure) employ any vessel, usually in perchloric acid (and to a less extent also hydrogen
glass or PTFE (beaker, conical flask...), with or peroxide) is not recommended for evident risks of
without a refluxing condenser, and heated using a explosion in the presence of organic matter.
conventional source (Bunsen, heating plate, sand Following their conception, the bombs may be
bath...). A previously dried or fresh sample is heated in laboratory ovens (usually at tempera-
weighed in the mineralization vessel and reagents tures ranged between 120 and 200°C), or increas-
are added. The mixture is heated to boiling, which ingly often, in dedicated microwave ovens.
is maintained the time necessary for the sample However, advantages seem to be for the first
decomposition and dissolution to occur. After alternative, not only because of the significantly
cooling, the resulting solution is quantitatively lower price, but principally because of the possi-
transferred into a calibrated flask and completed bility of using PTFE bombs lined with a stainless
to volume. If an insoluble residue remains after steel body that better resist to elevated pressures
this procedure, it may be, following needs of the generally to9 150 bars; in some cases up to 350
analysis, separated by filtration or centrifugation. bars (Parr high pressure digestion bombs, mod.
If there are doubts concerning its composition, 4746). For bombs used in microwave oven appli-
the residue can be dissolved using another proce- cations, the body can only be made in plastic
dure and analyzed separately. materials: consequently, they must be operated at
During last years, open systems have pro- lower pressures.
gressed: usual mineralization ramps are composed
of several vessels equipped by reflux condensers to
limit possible volatilization losses of some ana- Samples of mixed composition. The uti-
lytes but also to avoid the evaporation of reactive lized procedures and reagents are very similar to
mixture. Such assembling is entirely satisfactory those used for the digestion of purely organic
for ensuring of current mineralizations of large samples. Only the mineral part of the sample
series of samples. In a parallel direction, open imposes a more complete dissolution, usually per-
systems heated by the microwave energy appeared formed by a combination of several acids. Nitric
also on the market and are available in manually acid, for example, often used alone (but some-
operated or totally automated versions. times with hydrogen peroxide) for decomposition
Closed systems (pressurized acid digestion) are of a sample of organic nature, can be replaced
mainly represented by various models of PTFE- here by aqua regia that will ensure more easily the
lined acid digestion bombs with or without a dissolution of the mineral part of the sample.
robust stainless steel body (in order to resist to However, it is unavoidable to recall the already
elevated pressures) or by high-pressure quartz ves- discussed problem of silicates. Their dissolution is
sels. For several cases, the closed pressurized sys- not ensured by aqua regia and supplementary
tems only can practically ensure the total steps, e.g. by using hydrofluoric acid, become
decomposition of organic matter present (e.g. mandatory if the analyst is interested by the total
fats). Digestions performed in such devices benefit concentration of analytes. From a practical point
of synergic effects of temperature and pressure. of view, this problem is more complicated in wet
These techniques are generally much more effi- procedures than in dry ashing methods described
cient than conventional wet digestions in open previously. Several factors depending on the
systems: the loss of volatile elements is avoided device utilized make the hydrofluoric acid step
and the decomposition of more difficult samples is more difficult to realize in wet digestions:
M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038 1035

“ In classical wet digestion procedures, the reac- ness. Nevertheless, due to imprecision of dis-
tion vessel is often in glass; this material itself tributed reagent volumes, to the impossibility
is decomposed by hydrofluoric acid. Dissolu- of sample visualization during treatment and
tion procedures using such a step must then to a non reproducible positioning of the va-
be performed in PTFE vessels, not always pour aspiration head on the mineralization
available in sizes needed. Dry ashing proce- vessel, tentative of unattended evaporation
dures are generally made in platinum steps often results in serious damages of
crucibles, which resist well to this treatment. PTFE vessels [31]. On the other hand, open
“ The attack by hydrofluoric acid is usually digestion devices allow handling larger sample
completed by evaporation to dryness with the volumes (open systems: up to 2 g organic
objective to decompose silica compounds and matter, close systems: up to 0.2 g organic
volatilize silicon in order to mobilize associ- matter).
ated elements. While this is easily realizable in
dry ashing methods, problems may be en- 5.2.5. Choice of a procedure: an open problem
countered in wet digestions. Most certainly, In spite of the lack of a consensus concerning
the PTFE vessels used are not destroyed by wet digestion procedures, there is an ample
hydrofluoric acid, but during evaporation to choice of references in the literature dealing with
dryness (or to ‘near dryness’) there is a dan- sample preparation steps [10,11,13–17,33,37,38].
ger of a sample overheating that can result in Consequently, the analyst must evaluate their
efficiency to possibly modify some parameters
a more or less pronounced deterioration of
and validate its own procedure. The validation
the PTFE inner surface [31]. The opacity of
has to be performed as thorough as possible
PTFE does not facilitate a possible visualiza-
using reference materials. Presently the instru-
tion or control of this problem. Such hy-
mentation market offers many devices making
drofluoric acid procedures are practically
the wet digestion more efficient and easier to
applicable using small and large PTFE vessels
manage by means of possible automation. This
only (e.g. beakers), prohibiting then the use
concerns principally microwave systems. In these
of any condenser equipment.
devices, the energy transfer from reactive mix-
“ Complications may be more severe in wet di- ture to the sample is claimed to be better than
gestion procedures employing a microwave in the case of conventional means of heating. As
heating system. In pressurized bombs, the already quoted, this advantage is not signifi-
evaporation to dryness cannot practically be cantly perceivable in digestions of usually ana-
achieved. Some devices were recently commer- lyzed environmental samples. Nevertheless, in
cialized to overcome this drawback: they al- some other cases, the microwave heating exhibits
low evaporation to dryness even in a ‘closed’ a particularly high efficiency: the best-known ex-
system (possibility of escaping and aspirating ample concerns the mineralization of some plas-
vapours from each bomb to a common col- tic materials where long carbonaceous chains
lector).The open systems should be, in princi- must be destroyed. It must also be admitted that
ple, better suitable for such applications the use of microwave assisted mineralization
because a dedicated device can efficiently en- procedures is actually predominant. However,
sure the removal of vapours. In this case, a this might be due to the absence on the market
hydrofluoric acid step can be achieved. Un- of other modern systems or because of a dimin-
fortunately, this is true only if this operation ished interest for ‘old’ and apparently less ele-
is performed manually with a systematic gant methods such as e.g. dry ashing?
checking of residual volumes to avoid possi- Nevertheless, the lack of a generalized methodol-
ble overheating. The automated open mi- ogy for wet digestions with or without mi-
crowave systems allow, in principle, to crowaves shows clearly that a consensus is not
perform an unattended evaporation to dry- yet always reached in this domain.
1036 M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038

6. Direct analysis of solid samples ried samples must be stirred periodically (mag-
netic stirring or ultrasonic mixing) just prior to
In the atomic spectroscopic instrumentation, sampling by an autosampler capillary to avoid
introduction of liquid samples is generally ensured sedimentation of the particles. In the absence of
by means of various nebulization systems that stirring, the settling of the solid in the water-sus-
exhibit a poor efficiency and this is consequently pended samples may be also overcome by the
one main limiting factor concerning the actual preparation of a more stable slurry by using a
detection power of the instrument. Several ap- viscous medium or thickening agents [41,52].
proaches were nevertheless proposed to avoid the To ensure a good repeatability of the measure-
mineralization of solid samples by introduction of ments, a representative number of particles must
their slurried form into e.g. ICP-AES. Some ex- be analyzed. For a usual analysis, this depends on
perimental factors, such as particle size discrimi- the particle density in the slurry as well as on the
nation during nebulization and aerosol transport size of the particles. In the most common environ-
and also incomplete dissociation of these particles mental analysis 1–50 mg of the solid sample is
due to their low residence time in the plasma, slurried in 1 ml. For analytes with high concentra-
pose nevertheless practically insurmountable tions in the sample, the use of less sensitive alter-
drawbacks in a routine analysis. In other words, native lines or maintenance of the internal purge
there are too many differences in transport and gas flow during the atomization step is recom-
dissociation phenomena between the solid slurried mended.
samples and solutions used for the calibration It has repeatedly been shown that only very fine
[39]. granulometry of the slurry may ensure correct
On the other hand, solid sampling procedures results [45–51]. Concerning the representativeness
are particularly convenient for ETAAS analysis. of the sampling, it is evident that the presence of
However, problems may arise because of danger large particles in the sample was found to be the
of unrepresentative sub sampling due to low sam- most critical factor in the analysis. The impor-
ple mass analyzed. Direct analysis of solids by tance of an intensive grinding of the sample prior
ETAAS is initially handicapped by several restric- the analysis is thus obvious. The only exceptions
tive factors: for this reason these applications are sediment samples where trace elements are
were practically abandoned already in the seven- systematically associated with fine granulometric
ties and replaced by a much more useful alterna- fractions (organic matter, clay minerals). The pos-
tive called slurry sampling ETAAS. This method sible analytical errors due to the presence of some
seems to be the best approach to overcome some large particles (generally quartz and other sili-
of the difficulties associated with the direct sam- cates) in the analyzed aliquot are thus not prob-
pling of solids [12,40– 52]. lematic because they contain negligible amounts
The recent evolution of ETAAS using plat- of trace elements generally determined in environ-
forms and adequate signal processing contributes mental samples. For slurry analysis of sediments
largely to routine applications of this solid sam- the grinding efficiency is consequently less impor-
pling alternative. Studies have also been extended tant than for other types of samples where the
to the use of chemical modifiers to minimize the analyte is distributed more homogeneously
effects of the matrix components. Slurry ETAAS [43,44].
analysis is as fast as analysis of solutions and may At present, slurry sampling ETAAS may be
be performed using autosampler facilities. The usefully applied to various analyses of environ-
powdered sample is generally suspended directly mental samples (soils, sediments, atmospheric par-
in autosampler microvials, in demineralized water ticles, ground plant sample, lyophilized animal
or in a diluted nitric acid solution (which ensures tissues, suspended solids collected in the natural
a partial solubilization of the sample, thereby waters). On the other hand, it is probably not the
improving its homogenity). Calibration is per- most reasonable approach for all cases: routine
formed using simple aqueous standards. The slur- analysis of large numbers of samples is difficult
M. Hoenig / Talanta 54 (2001) 1021–1038 1037

and necessitates, in principle, a robotized ultra- automated: only weightings (for solids) or pipet-
sonic homogenization of the slurry (which is at tings (for liquids) precede the analysis.
present distributed by one of the ETAAS manu-
facturers only). The mineralization of the sample
is often an easier way and the work with solutions 7. Conclusions
may take advantage of a complete apparatus au-
tomation. Usual large samples such as soils, sedi- We have seen that a large number of factors
ments or plant material would thus be mineralized associated to sample preparation steps may
before analyses rather than resorting to slurry strongly influence the reliability of the whole anal-
analysis. This is particularly true for cases in ysis. This concerns not only the efficiency and
which multi-element analysis is needed. practical usefulness of available preparation pro-
As compensation, slurry analysis may be ad- cedures but also their compatibility with the needs
vantageously applied to analysis of micro-samples imposed by measurement techniques. We can now
(atmospheric dust, suspended particulate matter consider that appropriate tools for sample prepa-
in natural water...) or of very insoluble samples in ration are in the hands of analytical chemists but
acids (some minerals, e.g., titanium oxides...). their diffusion to practical users needs to be im-
Practically, slurry analysis allows one to avoid all proved. This is particularly perceivable for trace
gross sources of errors such as contaminations elements, for which the diffusion of information is
(thanks to minimum sample handling) and losses a very important step to generally ensure the main
(no heating, no volatilization; no dissolution, no objective of the analysis: the obtaining of reliable
insoluble residues). Consequently, this method results.
may be very useful as an alternative method for
checking other sample preparation techniques.
A similar methodology may also be applied to References
ICP-AES or ICP-MS analysis where introduction
[1] M. Hoenig, TrAC 17 (1998) 272 – 276.
of the sample into plasma is also ensured after its [2] M. Stoeppler, Sampling and Sample Preparation,
vaporization using a graphite furnace (electrother- Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997.
mal vaporization, ETV). Unfortunately, the com- [3] Ph. Quevauviller, Quality Assurance in Environmental
mercial distribution of dedicated ETV devices is Monitoring: Sampling and Sample Pretreatment, VCH,
still limited. Weinheim, 1995.
[4] P. Gy-Hétérogénéité, Echantillonnage, Homogénéisation.
The determination of mercury is a particular Ensemble cohérent de théorie., Sciences de l’ingénieur,
case. Due to its high volatility, sample prepara- Collection Mesures Physiques, E. Masson, Paris, 1988 (in
tion steps are much more delicate than for all French).
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